My Black Magic Is Too Good, It Can Be Automatically Whitened

72. The entrance of the secret road (2 more for customization, flowers!)

Dumbledore, who ran out to watch the excitement, saw the giant panda on the sign, and the reaction was the same as Aberforth, who was stunned.

Neither brother had ever seen the creature.

Putting down his wand, Dunn took the initiative to introduce: "This is a species unique to the ancient East, called the giant panda."

Dumbledore asked uncertainly.

"Is this a magical creature?

"It used to be."


‘In very ancient times, giant pandas were called iron-eating beasts, and they used minerals such as copper and iron as food, but later the characteristics of their magical creatures gradually degenerated, and now they are just ordinary animals.

"So now you're eating bamboo instead?"

"They also eat meat and are omnivores."

This concludes the discussion of bar signs.

Aberforth turned and entered the bar. Dunn thought he was going to get a suitcase, but unexpectedly, he took a painting off the wall and held it tightly in his arms like a rare treasure.

After a while, Aberforth opened the box at his feet and put the 26 paintings in it.

During this period, Dunn caught a glimpse of the front of the painting. It was a girl in a light blue dress with a shy smile. Although she could move, she was not as active as the characters in the magical portraits Dunn had seen before.

"There should have been a secret passage here, leading to a utility room in Hogwarts Castle, but for some reason, the entrance has been blocked recently, and it has become what you see now."

"If one day the secret passage is restored, my suggestion is that you'd better block it with a picture."

After saying this, Aberforth seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.

"Okay, now this bar belongs to you completely, maybe I will come back to sit in the future, of course as a guest, good luck!

After a wizard salute, Aberforth picked up two boxes and left.

Dumbledore suddenly became a little sad.

Dunn guessed it might have something to do with the painting Aberforth took with him.

But none of this has anything to do with him.

Dunn paid Nagini to replace all the bedding in all the rooms on the second floor with new ones, to clean the bar, and to throw away all the unwanted items.

After doing all this, he found that Dumbledore hadn't left.

The purpose of the other party's stay, Dunn is very clear.

"Professor, do you want to go see that secret passage together? 35

"Of course, I'm also very curious about where this secret passage that can't even be marked on a Marauder's map will lead.

Dunn lifted the blockade of the secret passage through founder authority, and pressed his hand lightly on the wall.

The stone walls automatically retreat to both sides, forming a downward step passage.

"Fluorescent flashes!"

Dunn raised his shiny wand and walked down first.

Dumbledore followed immediately.

As soon as the two entered, the wall automatically recovered.

The passage was very long, and after walking for more than half an hour, the two came to a wall with two standing lion statues.

"Make wizards great again!

Dunn said the command, and the two lion statues backed away to reveal an arch.

Across the arch is the House of Requirement.

Nagini no longer needed to stay here, and Dunn restored it to its original shape, which looked like a room full of clutter.

Dumbledore did know that the Room of Requirement existed, but he hadn't been in it for more than ten years, and although nothing had changed, he took a gleeful tour.

"It's a nice place to pack up, what are you going to do with it?

"I'm going to set up a student club called Lionheart, and this will be the meeting place in the future.

Dumbledore was not surprised by this, smiled and winked at Dunn and said:

"I think you're still missing an advisor.

"Before the school banned the student association, you were the best person in my mind, professor, and you still are.

Dumbledore laughed.

"Can I take this as an invitation?"


"Okay, I agree, although I'll never admit it out of this room.

"But when the society needs you, you can't refuse.

"Of course, but may I make a request?"


"Can Panda Bar sell hot mead in the future? I've always regretted not being able to drink my favorite drink at Pig's Head Bar, I think you'll be able to satisfy my little request, right?

Dunn happily agreed to Dumbledore's request.

In return, Dumbledore told Dunn an interesting thing.

"In this room, I once saw a mirror. If you look carefully, you should be able to find it."

"This mirror is so old that no one knows who created it or how it got to Hogwarts.

"Hogwarts teachers often bring back some interesting things from their travels, and I think this mirror should have come to the castle by accident. 35

"The magic of this mirror is that it can reflect what your heart desires most, and I once saw in the mirror that I received a whole house of zizi honey candies. 35

"I think putting this mirror in the Panda Bar may have an unexpected effect in attracting guests, of course, this is just one of my suggestions.

"However, it's better than staying in this room full of dust. After all, it's been in this room for centuries before this, and it's time to go out and get some air." 880

Dumbledore's true intentions Dunn doesn't know, but this mirror Dunn does.

The Mirror of Erised, later modified by Dumbledore, was used as the final level to protect the Philosopher's Stone.

This Dunn provides a good idea.

As Dumbledore said, putting the Mirror of Erised in the Panda Bar would be great for attracting guests, but beyond that, Dunn thinks the mirror could be a great "door key"


Under Dumbledore's guidance, Dunn easily found the Mirror of Erised covered by a grey cloth.

This is a very stylish mirror with a golden frame and 2 claw-shaped foot supports underneath.

On the top of the mirror, a long name starting with Eris is engraved, which is probably the origin of the name of the mirror.

The word Eris, the letters are reversed for "desire"


Dunn didn't know much about the magic structure of the mirror, and rash action could destroy the mirror.

But Dumbledore certainly could.

Dumbledore was surprised when Dunn told Dumbledore about his idea for the mirror.

I just mentioned to Dunn the magic of the Mirror of Erised, and Dunn immediately thought of using the principle of the Mirror of Erised as the opening mechanism for the entrance to the secret passage of the Panda Bar.

It's a genius idea!

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