My Black Magic Is Too Good, It Can Be Automatically Whitened

8. Make the wizard great again (for collections, flowers)

Inside the carriage, the atmosphere became strange and silent.

Dumbledore decided to change the subject.

"Dunn, what do you think of Muggles?"

"I think this word just reflects the arrogance, arrogance, and especially ignorance of the wizard!"

Dumbledore was taken aback.

Saying this from the heirs of a pure-blood wizard family is no different from calling yourself an idiot.

But at the thought of Dunn's last name, Dumbledore was relieved.

Of all the pure blood wizarding families, only the Corleones have such close ties to the Muggle world.

After all, in the eyes of many Muggles, gangs are synonymous with terror and evil, just like black magic.

The Corleone family not only accounts for both, but is also a leader in both fields.

Because of this, the Corleones also know the Muggles the best of all wizards.

"Professor, you know my father, I want to know how strong he is in your eyes?"

"Compared to the elite Aurors of the Ministry of Magic."

Out of respect for the dead, or out of caution, Dumbledore added.

"Of course this is limited to his apparent strength."

Wizards have their own trump cards, especially pure-blood family wizards.

That's why there is a popular saying in the wizarding world - never underestimate your opponent, because you never know what his cards are.

Dunn looked at Dumbledore calmly.

"But he died, at the hands of Muggles."

Dumbledore was quick to respond, and immediately understood what Dunn meant.

"Dunn, I'm sorry about your parents, but I have to say that it's almost impossible for a Muggle to kill a wizard as powerful as your father if you're prepared and careful enough."

"Professor, it is precisely your thoughts that are the most terrifying."

Dumbledore frowned.

Dunn can understand that he hates Muggles because of the death of his parents, but it makes no sense to be so wary of Muggles.

Dunn doesn't plan to give up "lobbying" on this point.

Don't let Dumbledore lame, Hogwarts has to face the meticulous "caring gaze" from each other all the time for seven years.

This kind of treatment is still reserved for the future savior.

"A hundred years back in time, it was impossible for a Muggle to kill a wizard like my father, and now?"

"I don't deny that wizards still have an overwhelming advantage over Muggles right now, but how long can this advantage last?"

"In fact, as long as you have a little understanding of Muggle history, you will find that the progress made by Muggles in the past 100 years has exceeded the sum of all the progress made by Muggles in the past two thousand years. "

"What's even more frightening is that this rate of progress is still accelerating, and it is very likely that there will be explosive growth in the next hundred years."

"Whether it's like teaching you, I advocate gentle and orderly improvement, so that the magical world and the Muggle world can be separated in an orderly manner without interfering with each other."

"It's still like teaching your former best friend, now the Dark Lord Greenwald, to try to use radical and destructive means to rule the Muggle world."

"The result is the same."

"When Muggle technology advances enough to fight magic, conflict will inevitably break out."

"This is not like the goblin rebellion more than a thousand years ago. There are now a thousand times as many muggles as wizards. The gap will be further widened in the future. What do you think wizards will use to win this war?"

Dumbledore listened intently, his expression slowly becoming solemn.

Before he knew it, he had started talking to Dunn in an even-handed tone.

"You mean that wizards should not be separated from the Muggle world, but should be actively integrated into it, as the Corleones once did?"

"Professor, before answering this question, I want to ask you a question."

"Do you think wizard's magic is the same as human technology?"

Dumbledore thought about it for a moment, and finally shook his head.

"As far as I know, these are two very different things."

"Then what do you think wizards can gain by integrating into the Muggle world? Using magic to imitate the technological achievements of Muggles?"

Dumbledore was questioned for the first time.

It was a question he had never thought about.

Immediately after, Dunn pointed out the crux of the problem.

"As wise as Professor, you have never thought about this issue. This is the biggest problem in the magic world right now."

"Whether it's you or the Dark Lord, you both realize that you need to change, but all you want to change is the relationship between wizards and Muggles, but you don't realize that it's the wizards themselves that should be changed!"

"There is a great sage in the Muggle world who mentioned a point in his great book that productive forces determine the relations of production."

"To understand it concretely, the comparison of the strength of magic and technology is the decisive factor in the relationship between wizards and Muggles."

"Muggle technology is advancing rapidly, while wizarding magic has been stagnant."

"Only by promoting magic to expand into the unknown, making wizards great again, and maintaining absolute dominance over Muggles, can it be meaningful to argue about how wizards and Muggles should get along with each other."

Looking at the horrified Dumbledore, Dunn felt regretful.

It's a pity that the audience this time is not Greenwald, otherwise the effect would be better.

After all, Greenwald is the one who has been "offensive".

After spending so much effort to promote the magical version of the "Star Wars Project", Dunn's purpose is of course not to make the wizard great again, but to make the "Cold War" between Dumbledore and Greenwald last longer.

Only when two of the world's top wizards are dedicated to engaging in magical competitions can a back wave like Dunn have time to develop and then overtake on a corner.

If you accidentally push the progress of magic, it is really purely accidental.

Dunn wasn't worried about the possibility that Muggle technology might one day threaten wizards.

He was able to fool Dumbledore, and he was even sure he could fool Greenwald, but he was actually taking advantage of the blind arrogance of the current wizards.

Whether it's Dumbledore or Greenwald, all wizards have a preconceived notion that magic is better than technology.

So it must be a bad thing for magic to lag behind technological development.

In fact, no matter how rapidly Muggle technology develops, the advantage of wizards over Muggles will always exist.

Because Muggles can't do magic.

And wizards can not only use magic, but also can use all the technology of Muggles without obstacles. *

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