My Black Magic Is Too Good, It Can Be Automatically Whitened

99. The truth of life experience (please subscribe!)

Dunn's hand was not completely out of the way, even Scamander felt incredible.

It also solved the last doubt in his mind, how Dunn came to Hogsmeade Village without their sight.

"Dunn, you're really—"

"Professor, this is not the point I want to say, the point is that there is a secret passage leading to Hogwarts Castle in the cellar of Mr. Aberforth's candy store! 35

Scamander was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Aberforth, who was suddenly discolored beside him.

The expression on his face gradually became solemn.

"Aberforth, that's not true, is it?

Aberforth sneered, with a grim look on his face.

"Do you believe me or this kid? Don't forget, he's from the notorious dark wizard family Corleone!"

In the face of the accusation, which has escalated into a personal attack, Dunn has remained calm.

This was in stark contrast to Aberforth, who was sitting across from him.

"Since you know that I have used that secret passage, how do you explain that the castle exit of the secret passage is behind the statue of the one-eyed hunchback old woman in the corridor on the fourth floor?

Aberforth stared coldly at Dunn.

"What's wrong with that?"

"Of course there is a problem!"

The 910 who spoke was Scamander.

He stared fiercely at Aberforth, his fists clenched, and words were squeezed out from between his teeth.

"The first victim, Professor Byrne, was killed within ten meters of the statue!

Aberforth laughed, this was a different person from the usual him.

"So because of this, you suspect that I am the one who broke into the castle?"

Dunn's voice sounded again.

"You may have forgotten that you found me in the cellar and we had a conversation when I told you that Professor Dumbledore and Professor Scamander were both in Hogsmeade, secretly protecting students.

"and then?"

"No way, the main reason is that the murderer's timing was too coincidental. It happened that Professor Dumbledore and Professor Scamander were not in the castle, and I confirmed with Professor Scamander, so anyone who knows about this matter can be suspected. Excluded, now only you are left!"

Scamander said immediately:

"That's right, Aberforth, how do you prove that you didn't leave the candy store during the castle attack?

"The clerk I hired can attest that we stayed together until the candy store closed.

"Yeah, someone who is good at Imperius can indeed get his clerk to help forge an alibi, just like the unlucky guy who was caught twice attacking Hogwarts students before. 99

Aberforth did not speak.

Or even bother to explain.

Scamander had good reason to suspect that there was something wrong with Aberforth in front of him.

"Aberforth, I really would rather believe that none of this is true, if you allow me to use Legilimency on you, I will apologize to you immediately as long as you can prove your innocence!

Of course Scamander didn't really want to use Legilimency on Aberforth, he was just doing it to make sure of one thing.

"Why don't you use Legilimency on the kid next to you first to see if he's lying?"

Aberforth's answer made Scamander completely desperate.

His eyes were red, and he stared at Aberforth, who looked innocent.


"Why are you doing this!

"He's your brother!

Before Aberforth could respond, Dunn's voice rang first.

"Professor, calm down, do you think the real Aberforth might avenge his brother by killing two innocent people?

Scamander turned sharply, looking at Dunn in disbelief.

Dunn glanced across at Aberforth (cgdb) who didn't seem at all worried about being exposed.

"Would it be difficult to impersonate Professor Dumbledore's brother since the murderer could use the Potion Compound to impersonate Professor Dumbledore? In fact, I was first suspicious because I smelled droolweed in the cellar of the candy store. smell.

"If I remember correctly, it was one of the ingredients for making the compound decoction.

"Am I right? Mr. Credence-Bilburn!"

Aberforth's expression changed, but he was smiling.

Evil sneer.

"Little devil, you are fine! Really good!"

"I have carefully planned the plan for so many years, but you have seen through it!"

Scamander, who took out his wand for the first time, was surprised to see that black gas began to emerge from Aberforth.

What's even more incredible is that Aberforth's body began to deform in the black air.

A face no longer young but familiar appeared before Scamander.

Nagini, standing behind the bar with a wand in hand, screamed.

"Credence, it's really you! 39

"That's right!

In wild laughter, Credence opened his arms.

More black air came out of his body, and the formed hurricane blew everything in the room upside down.

The wind was blowing, and Scamander, who was standing opposite, showed an unbelievable expression in his eyes.

He had already recognized what the black gas in Credence was.

"This is impossible! Newt told me that the silence in your body has been eliminated by the wizards of the North American Magic Council, why do you still have this power in your body!

Credence looked at Scamander like a lion looking at a lamb.

He jokingly said:

"Why don't you ask the kid next to you, doesn't he know everything? I'll let you know right away, what's the end of being smart!

The strong wind bubbling up in Credence's body made everyone around him unable to open their eyes.

Dunn, with his hands but his eyes, watched Credence from between his fingers, who was constantly emitting black gas.

That's what it means to be silent!

Scamander stepped forward, turned back and shouted: "Nagini, take Dunn and go first, go back to Hogwarts Castle immediately, and inform the Headmaster and other professors!"

"Go? 35

Credence raised his head and laughed wildly.

"You're all buried here today, especially this Damn it kid!

Dunn's sarcastic voice came over immediately.

"A trash dares to say such things in front of me, come on, let me see the true form of silence! 35

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