"where am I"

Xia Zuo opened his eyes, his vision was blurry, his eyes were swollen and swollen, and there were circles of light swirling in front of his eyes. It was much more uncomfortable than staying up all night.

The whole body is sore and weak, the arms and legs cannot be used, and the air in the chest cannot be filled again until all the air is expelled.

He lay on the ground and gathered some strength, groped for the base of the wall with his right hand, sat up close to the wall, his eyes gradually straightened, and he looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

It looked like a prison cell, with thick iron bars blocking the way.

On the narrow walkway outside were scattered slices of black bread, next to a bucket of water with impurities floating on the surface.

The air here is damp and cold.

Xia Zuo shivered, hugged his arms and rubbed them to keep warm, then his movements froze, and he slowly lowered his head...

The body turned out to be a shabby cloth, sewn with various patches, and exuded a rancid smell.

"what happened?"

His mouth opened and closed, his voice was hoarse and dry, and there was an inexplicable pain in his throat.

In the darkness, there was a subtle sound.

Xia Zuo listened quietly.

The voice became clearer and clearer, as if the same words were being repeated over and over in my ears.

"Detecting whether the host is awake..."

"Detecting whether the host is awake..."

"Detected that the host has awakened and started scanning the body data...Scanning completed. Started digital transformation...The transformation was successful and a personal template was generated."

"Personal template??" Xia Zuo whispered in surprise, his words turning into a light cough in his throat.

A strange piece of information came into my mind.

【Personal Template】

【Name】Xia Zuo

【Sex: Male

【Age】14 years and 8 months

[Identity] Civilian (You are a descendant of civilians and have no special skills or knowledge.)



[HP] 15/18 (slight poisoning, hunger)

[Strength] 2 points. Strength determines the power of most physical attacks, reduces the action speed penalty caused by wearing heavy armor and carrying heavy objects, and improves the damage reduction effect of blocking and parrying.

[Agility] 2 points. Agility determines the character's attack and counterattack speed, and increases the success rate of dodge. The higher the agility, the easier it is to perform difficult body movements.

[Endurance] 3 points. Endurance determines your ability to run and fight for a long time, and has an impact on the speed of physical recovery.

[Vitality] 3 points. Vitality is your inner source of life, which determines your upper limit of blood volume and blood recovery speed.

[Perception] 3 points. Perception is a collection of five senses and intuition. The higher your perception, the faster and more carefully you can view your surroundings, and the better you can have a premonition of upcoming dangers.

[Will] 3 points. Will determines your resistance to abnormal effects. Whether these abnormal effects are on the mental level or the body, will can help.

[Spirit] 1 point. Spirituality affects your receptivity to elements and energies. When you control elements and energy, the higher the spirit, the less consumption and the lower the difficulty.

[Charm] 3 points. Charm is an intuitive reflection of your appearance, body shape, eloquence and other abilities. The higher the charm, the better the initial impression other creatures will have of you, and the easier it is to gain favorability.

[Character Specialties]

[Immortal Body] Before the blood volume drops to 0, you will not die even if you are hit in a vital point, and any injuries will be repaired by themselves as the blood volume increases.

"Am I... traveling through time? [Immortal Body]... Is this the benefit of being digitally transformed by the system..." Xia Zuo stared blankly at the iron fence.

The information in your mind changes.

"The host is detected and the golden finger is successfully activated. 1 free attribute point is awarded, which can increase the attribute value. Activate the first skill: Detection."

The mind quieted down and no new information appeared, just like it was all an illusion before.

After Xia Zuo was stunned for a few minutes, he rubbed his face with his hands, covered his eyes, and finally accepted the fact of time travel.

He tried to ask in his mind: "What is scrying?"

The self-proclaimed golden finger system responded simply:

"Science: You can use this skill to view basic information about the target. When you have sufficient knowledge reserves and perception, you can view more information."

Xia Zuo stared at the black bread on the aisle and muttered "discovery" silently.

A concise line of information emerged: "Brown bread, ordinary food, can satisfy hunger, and a small amount will speed up blood recovery. After eating, you can gain a small amount of experience."

Food can provide experience, but so can water?

He threw scrying at the bucket of water. The answer I got was similar to before. I have experience in drinking water, but very, very little.

"What are the channels for gaining experience?" Xia Zuomo asked.

"Everything the host does can gain experience." Goldfinger's questions and answers were presented directly with information, without any emotional ups and downs.

Xia Zuo picked up the black bread, soaked it in water for a few times, and put it in his mouth.

Sour, hard, hard to bite or swallow, like a stone covered in a crust of bread.

He used saliva with body temperature to wrap a small piece of bread grain and slowly melt it.


The first bite of bread fell into my belly.

"Gain 0.01 experience points, current upgrade progress is 0.01/10"

The stomach wriggles quickly after being stimulated by food, and the hunger feeling after being empty for a long time becomes stronger.

Xia Zuo broke off a piece of black bread and soaked it in a bucket until soft. He resisted the urge in his stomach, took a small bite of bread with a small amount of water, chewed it carefully and then swallowed it.

After a few mouthfuls of bread soothed his stomach, his dizzy state of hunger gradually faded away, the Venus swirling in his field of vision disappeared, and his vision gradually became brighter.

At the end of the corridor, there was a very weak candlelight, barely illuminating the corridor and the edge of the cell.

Xia Zuo didn't shout loudly.

Since he was locked in a cell, the fire in the corridor must have come from the guards. Pretending to cause riots will only cause unnecessary trouble.

He glanced around and his eyes fell on a bulging black shadow. In the cell opposite, someone seemed to be sleeping with their blankets rolled up.

"Hey" Xia Zuo lowered his voice and threw the black bread that acted as a stone at the black shadow.

The pieces of bread hit the straw quilt and then bounced to the ground, making a series of tiny beating sounds.

He picked up a slightly larger piece of bread and threw it towards where his head was.

This time there was movement.

"Xia Zuo, I thought you couldn't survive it..."

The shadow lifted up his bed, staggered to the iron fence, sat down, and chatted with Xia Zuo across the aisle.

"The medicine before was much harder to drink than before. You passed out after drinking it, but I was the one who carried you back."

Xia Zuo used the scrying technique on the unkempt figure, but there was no useful information except the other person's nickname.

"Little nose, what medicine are you talking about? My head hurts so much that I forget a lot of things." Xia Zuo stroked the top of his head and pressed the tingling area.

"What else could it be? That old alchemist only knows how to play with potions that are so disgusting that they bubble up."

The little nose broke the black bread into pieces, put it into his mouth, and muttered in an unclear voice:

"Every time it smells worse, and every time it tastes worse, I don't know how many times I have to drink it before I can become his apprentice."


Are you kidding me?

Xia Zuo held the cold iron fence, who would lock the apprentice in the cell.

"Is there anyone else here?"

The little nose flicked the snot to the wall and sucked back a tube of clear water from the tip of the nose:

"Counting you and me, there are four other people. Did you drink medicine and become stupid? You only remember me. The one on your left is a fat guy, and the one on your right is a skinny little guy. I am the only one left in this row. There was only one person left, and the others couldn’t wake up after drinking the medicine, so they were sent home by the old alchemist.”

When he was alive, he was locked in a cell and could only eat black bread and drink dirty water. When he couldn't wake up, could he go home?

This old alchemist who feeds children medicine does not sound like a serious person at first glance. He can be said to be an evil old man.

If he hadn't woken up just now, he might be buried in the ground now.

The character template says, I am in a state of poisoning. Then...the potion that Little Nose mentioned is becoming harder to drink, doesn't it mean that the toxicity is increasing?

Xia Zuo's heart trembled, "When will you take medicine next?"

"You really can't remember anything. What we eat now is black bread. When we eat white bread, we will have to drink medicine."

Little Nose seemed to have exhausted all his energy. He waved his hand towards the opposite side of the aisle, silently returned to the bed, and lay down in his original position.

Xia Zuo ate a few more bites of bread with deep thoughts and sat down on his straw mat.

There is now 1 free attribute available. You have to think carefully and don’t waste it.

Although I don't know what the adult template looks like, it obviously only has 2 points of strength and agility, which is of little use to a 14-year-old boy, not to mention that there are no weapons here. Free attribute points added to these two attributes are equal to free additions.

"Goldfinger, can the will attribute be used to resist poison?"

Xia Zuo thought silently and waited for a minute, but there was no reply.

Such a cold and ruthless golden finger, it seems that he has to rely on himself... He drooped his face, lowered his eyes, and exhaled helplessly.

The description function of spiritual attributes is very tempting, and it also shows that there is magic in this world. But in the current situation, it is of little use.

Will, vitality and charisma, these three attributes will have some effect.

The first two helped to resist the trial medicine and withstand rounds of torture.

As for the third attribute, add 1 point of charm to improve the relationship with the villain alchemist... After pretending to obey, wait for an opportunity to escape, this plan may be realized.

Just as he was thinking about it, the candle at the end of the corridor went out. The entire cell was plunged into darkness.

The deep sleepiness turned the stinging straw mat into a cradle.

Xia Zuo fell into a deep sleep.

The tooth-aching sound of the lock cylinder turning woke up the boy in the cell. Then there was the sound of the iron door being pushed open and the sound of footsteps.

Xia Zuo opened his eyes and saw a hunched figure walking back and forth in the aisle.

The old man wore a black cloth robe with stains from spilled potion.

Her hair was disheveled, with sparse and unmanaged gray hair sticking to her head.

The skin is wrinkled, the face is aged, and the body is stooped when walking, supported by a cane.

He looked like an old alchemist with evil intentions.

After the evil old man noticed Xia Zuo's gaze, he threw a few pieces of bread in front of the iron fence.

Before Xia Zuo could use the detection technique, the other party hurriedly left here.

Bang, the iron door at the end of the corridor closed.

Xia Zuo walked to the iron fence and picked up pieces of bread, his face turned pale.

Soft, sweet, and smells like milk, just like the ones I used to buy in bakeries.

This is white bread slices.

In the past, I could enjoy its deliciousness leisurely, but now I just feel it is a sign of death.

Xia Zuo looked at the ground nearby. Only he and Little Nose got white bread, while the other two got black bread.

"Little Nose, wake up. Why are you and I the only ones who need to drink medicine?"

“Am I white bread too?”

Little Nose jumped out of the bed, grabbed a piece of bread and put it in his mouth, "Did I not pretend well enough and let the old alchemist find out?"

Xia Zuo was stunned, and understood the next second.

The villain alchemist decides whether to let the boys try the medicine by observing their condition.

Just now I couldn't help but peek at the other person's appearance, and he was chosen to drink the medicine.

After thinking about it this way, the villain alchemist's perception is very high, so he should be more careful in the future.

If you rashly reveal your intention to attack, you may put yourself in danger.

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