"Sister, the tutorials and tools for breathing fire are expensive, right?"

Xia Zuo leaned into his arms and asked worriedly with a slight frown, not wanting Audrey to waste money.

"Don't worry, little guy. I have saved up points for many years and haven't used them yet. With the income from the circus, there is no place to spend the points at all. There is absolutely no use for them."

Audrey hugged the boy tightly and refused to let go, as if he was a priceless treasure.

"When the show here is over, I will go to the Fighters Guild stronghold in the city. Hmm~ Let me think about it... you can't avoid others when you learn to breathe fire. I have to go and tell Vails, Give him a mental preparation to pack up and leave after three years. A circus can only have one fire breather, this is the rule in the industry."

Audrey's tone was very relaxed in the first half of her sentence, but when she mentioned Viles, she changed the subject, with coldness and determination filling her teeth.

"Sister, there's no need to tell Farse in such a hurry. I may not be able to learn it yet."

Xia Zuo was worried about provoking a potential enemy in the same industry, the kind of enemy who liked to strike in secret.

The other party's experience, body shape, and attributes were all much better than mine, so I had to be more cautious.

Audrey thought that the boy was worried about Fares' future livelihood, so she comforted him gently, "Don't worry. With his ability to breathe fire now, it won't be a problem to make a living in a more prosperous city in the north."

"That's not what I meant. Sister, I actually woke up that day, but I just couldn't open my eyes." Xia Zuo told what he knew and was afraid of Fares.

At the end of his words, he solemnly said with an affirmative tone: "I promise that I have never told anyone about Vers stealing money."

The look on Audrey's face changed from initial surprise to appreciation, and gradually a full smile appeared, and her satisfaction and love for the boy reached a higher level:

"Little guy, you are more stable than I thought. I will arrange it. As long as you are in my sight at all times, Fars doesn't dare to do anything to you. Maybe, huh, he is planning to escape now Our circus, jump ship to somewhere better.”

The two of them talked next to the ticket car until night fell. After Audrey sent Xia Zuo back to the room, she went to talk to Vails.

Xia Zuo was afraid of Farse's dirty tricks, but the eldest sister was not afraid.

After working in the circus business for so long, I still have some skills.

Furthermore, for Audrey, Wells's theft itself was the best excuse.

The next morning, before the circus show begins.

All the members gathered around the eldest sister.

Audrey said with a smile: "Vars plans to wait for the new fire-breathing skills to be completely consolidated before going to the big cities in the north to develop. Is that so? Vailes."

Snake and the Clown siblings, as well as Big Poppy, were all surprised by the news. They were both happy for their companions and worried about the vacancy of the fire-breathing performance slot.

"Congratulations, Fars. Have you made contact with the new circus?" Snake stroked the green snake on his shoulder, with a complicated look on his dark face.

Who doesn’t want to perform in a big city?

Bigger audiences, bigger fame, more wealth, better venues and costumes.

Instead of following the carriage procession around, you can perform on the gorgeous stage of the theater. They can also have a fixed residence, marry a wife, start a family, and enjoy a more generous life than ordinary people.

In the entire circus, the only two people who are likely to change jobs are Audrey and Vers. Knife throwers and fire breathers are much rarer than Hercules and Jokers.

The former requires keen eyesight and superb force-generating skills, while the latter requires enduring the toxicity of fire-breathing agents and facing the threat of flames.

The bald Vers was surrounded by everyone, but his face remained expressionless. On the surface, he looks like a circus master.

He nodded slowly and made a series of gestures: The next home has been found. I still have to practice for a few more years before I can meet the other party's requirements.

Snake understood the other party's sign language, and most of his worry faded.

As long as Vers doesn't leave immediately, otherwise the booming circus business will suffer another setback.

The big guy and the clown brother and sister also had the same expression, showing a comfortable smile.

"Everyone, I have some good news."

Audrey's smile became brighter, "Our conductor, Xia Zuo, has the talent of breathing fire. I have decided to go to the Warriors Guild to redeem him for fire-breathing tutorials and tools after this performance. He will train in the future. When the time comes, I will personally guard him and teach him how to breathe fire step by step."

"Oh hoo~ Is this true?!"

Snake was stunned for a moment, then hugged the boy next to him, laughing and shaking the other person's arm.

Poppy grinned, stretched out his big hand, and wiped it back and forth on the boy's head, making a mess of his hair. The clown brother and sister let out weird screams and bounced excitedly around the boy.

Xia Zuoko was rescued by the members themselves, and his relationship with everyone is very close, far beyond what Vails can compare to.

Even if it is just a fire breather who can breathe fire, he is an indispensable part of the circus. It is better for someone to take over Vails's seat than for the performance seat to be vacant.

The most important thing is that Xia Zuo is still young and has just started to contact fire breathing.

He's going to be in the circus for a long, long time. The circus will therefore enter a long and stable stage of development.

The members were worried about the circus business being disrupted before, but the next moment they suddenly discovered that beautiful and comfortable days were just around the corner.

The joy is high and lasting, stimulated by the gap between the front and back.

"Yes, yes, my eldest sister gave me two tests last night. Stop shaking me, Snake, I'm a little dizzy. Sister Clown, your voice is too high-pitched, my ears hurt."

Xia Zuo finally found the opportunity to speak in the enthusiastic celebration of everyone, and cast a look of help at Audrey.

"Okay, everyone. Go and prepare for the show. The audience is waiting."

Audrey made a sound by clapping her hands, calming down the restless mood of the members.

Everyone got to work.

Poppy and Brother Clown checked the seesaw and the safety rope, Snake adjusted his special flute, and Viles silently prepared the fire-breathing agent.

The clown sister gave Xia Zuo exquisite facial makeup and decorated the fluffy green wig with some star stickers.

Xia Zuo put on clown shoes with his toes turned up high and a brightly colored scarf, making him colorful and eye-catching.

He came to the ticket car and blew a funny trumpet to the spectators lining up.

"Beep~Audrey's Circus is opening!"

If the circus is good, then I am good. If you become a fire breather in the future, the copper coins and experience will not come rolling in.


In a blink of an eye, 5 days passed.

The circus' performance in this small city has come to an end.

The experience gained from selling tickets, plus the 10 points of experience gained from the bouncy ball holding and pressing training, allowed Xia Zuo to successfully advance to level 1, gain a new free attribute point, and have a total of 3 free attribute points in hand waiting to be squandered.



It only takes 20 experience points to upgrade from level 3 to level 4.

This time it takes 50 points…

Somehow, Xia Zuo felt that he was about to leave the novice welfare stage, and I was afraid that he would have to pay a lot more for future upgrade experience.

The last day of the circus's stay at the base is the time for the members to move freely and do their own things.

In the early morning, Xia Zuo couldn't wait to arrive at Audrey's door.

"You are more anxious than me."

Audrey pinched the boy's cheek and said, "Just wait in my room. I'll be back soon."

About half an hour later, Audrey walked into the house carrying a suitcase.

She took out a book, a small bottle of potion and a jar of oil from the box and placed them on the table.

Xia Zuo threw out the "Detection Technique".

""Essentials of Breathing Fire Training", you can gain 10 experience points by memorizing this book and improve your mental attributes by 0.08 points. After the memorization is completed, the contents of the entire book will be automatically scanned and recorded, and filled into the host's knowledge reserve."

"Weak fire-breathing potion, prepared by the Warriors Guild, will cause physical damage after drinking. It is estimated that 60 blood points will be deducted within 60 minutes. When held in the mouth, 20 blood points will be deducted every hour. If you successfully consume it or breathe fire, you can gain experience. "

"The edible fire-retardant oil can reduce the fire damage to the external body within 30 minutes after being applied to the surface of the body. After taking the oil, the fire damage to the internal body can be reduced within 30 minutes, and it is expected that Deduct 1 blood point within 60 minutes. If you take fire damage while the effect is in effect, you can gain experience."

Xia Zuo opened "Fire Breathing Training Essentials".

This book spends half of its length teaching people how to protect their bodies.

From daily routines to exercise methods, to dietary and medication guidelines, even the posture and frequency of drinking water are covered, just like a health book.

The rest of the book is an introduction to various fire-breathing agents, instructions for use and preparation methods.

The last few pages are illustrations, drawing common postures for breathing fire, schematic diagrams of the relationship between environmental wind direction, breath airflow and flames, as well as self-rescue methods in emergency situations.

Hmm~very detailed.

Xia Zuo nodded secretly and closed the page, watching the eldest sister playing with the alchemy instruments in the suitcase.

Audrey's skill in throwing throwing knives is first-class, her hands are very flexible, and she can control glass bottles easily. Her skills are experienced and her movements are fluent, which is better than that of Vails.

She used weak fire-breathing potion and fire-retardant oil, plus other protective potions, to prepare a new fire-breathing potion.

Xia Zuo casually threw out the detection technique.

"Audrey's weak-effect mixed fire-breathing agent has both fire-preventing and fire-breathing effects.

"After holding it in your mouth for 3 seconds, the fireproof oil in this agent will form a fireproof layer in your mouth.

"After holding it in your mouth for 5 seconds, the weak fire-breathing agent will be completely separated from the fire-retardant oil, and you can spray it at this time.

"After drinking it, it will cause physical damage. It is estimated that 30 blood points will be deducted within 60 minutes. When held in the mouth, 3 blood points will be deducted every hour. Successfully breathing fire will gain experience."

Wow~ Mixing a variety of potions together not only reduces the amount of blood loss caused by toxicity, but the fire-breathing effect is not weakened at all.

Xia Zuo raised the corner of his mouth, and suddenly felt that it seemed quite reliable to let the eldest sister work as a fire-breathing teacher.

The fire-breathing potion she concocted looks much better than Vails's.

"Little guy, let's start learning to breathe fire."

Audrey sat at the table, sitting the boy next to her so they could read "The Essentials of Fire Breathing Training" together.

After I found the fire-breathing tutorial, I followed it and wrote more than 10,000 words.

When I was revising it, I found that no matter how I adjusted it, some readers might try to breathe fire. After all, in reality this is indeed the profession

Therefore, I just skipped about two chapters of the fire-breathing learning process.

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