The two people next to the door are equally tall and majestic, but there are some differences.

Dim's lower body is wider, and his legs are thick and powerful, firmly rooted on the floor, as if no matter how much impact he receives, he will not take a step back.

Rexor's body shape is more well-proportioned, his legs are straight, and his perfect muscle lines contain amazing explosive power.

"We meet again, Xia Zuo. I didn't expect it to be in this way." Rexor said, staring at the figure on the bed. He nodded to Dim and then walked towards the edge of the bed.

Rexor raised his right arm and traced complex patterns in the air with his fingers, bright yellow lines emerging wherever his fingertips passed.

His left hand took out a handful of fine sand from under the leather armor and sprinkled it on the bed. Then he took out a bottle of transparent potion and sprinkled it on the bed as well.

The fine sand and potion were suspended in mid-air and did not fall to the bed along with the inertia.

The pattern drawn by Rexor's right hand gradually became brighter, and when he drew the last stroke, the pattern projected a sun-like light.

The light shines on Xia Zuo's body, and the fine sand and potion are still suspended in the air without any change.

Dim stood aside and let out a long sigh of relief when he saw this scene.

Rexor nodded slightly, waved his arms, the light pattern dissipated, and the fine sand and potion flew back under the leather armor.

"It's very good. You can observe the depravity ceremony up close without being contaminated by filth."

The corners of Rexor's mouth turned up, and he touched his bald head, "His performance is no worse than that of ordinary demon hunting apprentices, not to mention that this is still the Western Continent, and the knowledge of dealing with monsters and those people has not been widely spread. It's really true. rare."

Rexor's eyes flickered, he stared at the sleeping figure for a while, then withdrew his gaze and said:

"Let's go see that fallen guy, Dim. I finally got back here from the depths of the interior, and I have to prepare a big gift for our guest."

Dim walked to the bed, adjusted Xia Zuo's sleeping position, took away the remaining half of a carrot in the other person's hand, and covered Xia Zuo with a quilt while he was sleeping soundly.

He and Rexor looked at each other, and the two of them turned transparent and left the guest room.

"Squeak~" The door opened and then closed gently.

Xia Zuo was completely unaware of what had just happened.

The next morning.

Xia Zuo, whose day and night routine was almost reversed, woke up leisurely on the bed.

After replacing sleep with meditation, this was the first time that I regained my energy through sleep. It was a very comfortable sleep, and I didn't have any dreams.

He rubbed his groggy eyes and walked into the bathroom to take a shower.

After Dim took over Hemster's affairs, I finally had some free time to look at the cheat messages I had received in the past few days.

While Xia Zuo was taking a shower, he flipped through hundreds of lines of information in his mind.


"Uh uh uh?"

Amidst the sound of rushing water, there were waves of doubtful cries.

Xia Zuo read the latest lines of information over and over:

"Affected by an unknown spell, the forced [Will] and [Perception] attribute judgments are being carried out... The judgment failed, and the unknown spell took effect."

"The unknown spell ended without any damage or other effects."

When did you receive an unknown spell? Is it while sleeping?

Xia Zuo thought blankly for a while in the warm water.

Forget it, let it be. Maybe Dim cast a healing spell, or a spell to soothe the mind and enhance the effect of sleep.

When Xia Zuo thought that Dim was watching Hemst's body, he quickly took a bath, put on clean clothes, and flipped the dial of the secret message ring to send out a string of secret messages.

About 10 minutes later.

Xia Zuo raised his hand and glanced at the secret message ring, then opened the door to the side and waited for Dim's figure to appear before closing the door.

"Did you sleep well? Xia Zuo. I see your complexion has recovered well." Dim smiled and took out two carrots and handed them over.

Xia Zuo chewed the sweet radish, sat at the table and said:

"I had a good sleep. You haven't finished yet, Dim, who are those people? Why are their spells evil?"

Xia Zuo didn't wait for the other party to speak, and stopped chewing the carrot, "Also, why did you come here? What to do with Hemst's body?"

"Someone will be watching. We have help." Dim walked to the table and sat down.

Xia Zuo thought it was the resident mage or Yani, so he stopped asking.

Dim ate the carrots, considered his tone and said:

"You will go to the Eastern Continent in the future, so it doesn't hurt to tell you these things. In fact, the deeds of that group of people are widely known - they are notorious. Everyone born in the Silver Moon Federation will be repeatedly Emphasize the danger of that group of people.”

Dim scratched his beard and raised his index finger as thick as a carrot, "Before you apply to be promoted to an official mage, all the tricks you can learn belong to a school of magic called the Evocation School."

"When you plan to be promoted to an official mage in the future, the head of the academy will introduce you to other magic schools in detail."

Dim raised one finger and said at the same time:

"For example, there are 10 orthodox schools of magic such as curses, blessings, spirits, totems, etc., which is enough for everyone to learn for most of their lives."

Dim pointed at Xia Zuo, "If you want to become an official mage, you have to choose one of them. Of course, if you have excellent spell talent, there is no problem in practicing two, three, or even more at the same time."

"Then what genre did you choose?" Xia Zuo asked curiously.

"Protective style." Dim patted his chest and made a thumping sound. "But it's not exactly protective style. I also studied the plasticity style. Maybe you can see it in a few days."

Xia Zuo nodded thoughtfully and felt a magnificent and colorful spell scroll unfolding in front of his eyes. He played a lot of games in his last life, so he was fairly familiar with the spell schools Diem mentioned, and he was even more imaginative at this time.

"Back to the topic." Dim clapped his hands and said solemnly:

"There is a school of magic that everyone in the Eastern Continent knows about, but no one will search for anything about it because it will attract severe legal sanctions.

“This school of magic is called blood magic, and those who use blood magic are called blood mages.

"Blood magic is not just a school of magic, it has a complete system that involves meditation, alchemy, spells, etc.

"It was once extremely glorious, and at its peak, it became the first choice of almost every mage. After the [Year of Blood and Turmoil], this magic school withered with the sins of flesh and blood artists."

Dim took a breath and then said:

"But not all flesh and blood artists have been suppressed. The longest-lived and most cunning group of them are still wandering in the corners of the Eastern Continent, waiting for the opportunity to counterattack."

Dim pointed in the direction of the castle area outside the window, "Hemster hooked up with one of the guys' men and eventually became a member of evil."

"Now, what should we do?" Xia Zuo asked.

"Wait for Fritz to come and take away Hemst's body."

Dim shrugged his shoulders, "He will definitely come. Hemster is an expert biological alchemist and a good candidate for practicing blood magic. With such a delicious bait, the blood mage will send his minions even if he knows it is a trap. Come and give it a try. But having said that, the Mage Temple and the Alchemy School are really far-sighted. They have laid traps for so many years in order to catch a blood mage."

Xia Zuo rubbed his brow lightly, "Wait a minute, Dim. If I understand correctly, you are saying that Hemst's body is also useful to those people, right? I remember Hemst mentioned it But let the mysterious man at least take his brain back... Hey, I won't ask further. This blood magic is really evil, it can even be used on dead people."

Xia Zuo pondered for a moment and asked instead, "Who is Fritz? It sounds like you are very familiar with him."

Dim's face darkened, "A former student of Starry Night Academy. Don't tell anyone."

Xia Zuo held his forehead in surprise, unable to imagine that someone would betray the school.

"I won't mention his matter. Let bygones be bygones. If I want to take action against Fritz, I will never show mercy." Dim waved his hands sadly.

Dim patted his belly and stood up from the chair, "I have to go out. You can meditate in the hotel these days. Don't go anywhere. The guards have greeted the hotel owner, but no one will come. Excuse me. Once the situation changes, I will use the secret message ring to contact you, and then you can use wind movement to come and join me."


Xia Zuo stood up and sent Dim out, sat back at the table, and scratched the back of his head.

He was actually quite curious about blood magic, because this spell genre, just from the sound of it, was definitely related to vitality, and it just matched the current point-adding mode.

However, this is not a serious school of magic... It is unlikely that I will have the opportunity to understand it in the future.

Xia Zuo reached into his pocket, took out a diluted concentration potion, and lay down on the bed to enter deep meditation.

Thanks to Passerby Xiaozhan, Dimensional Boundary, Chi Zhongling, and Ghost Cardinal for their monthly votes!

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes~

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