My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 105 [Blood Sacrifice Spellcasting]

The two of them took a while to arrive at the explosion site in a carriage.

The ground here was bare and plowed, with a hollow in the center and scattered around it the black debris of still burning fire.

Dim took out several glass bottles from the medicine belt, sprinkled the medicine evenly around the carriage, and then walked towards the depression.

As soon as Xia Zuo got off the carriage, he condensed a fireball and threw it to the side and front.

A gray piece of flesh crawling like a caterpillar was blown to pieces by the fireball, and the hot flames burned away the pieces.

Xia Zuo frowned, glanced at the message from Golden Finger in his mind, then condensed another fireball and threw it at the piece of meat a little further away.

"Bang." The fireball exploded, and the gray flesh burned in the flames, turning to ashes along with the sin.

"What are these things? It's disgusting..."

Xia Zuo frowned and threw fireballs one after another, seemingly disgusted, but actually secretly happy.

"Successful use of fireball to destroy unknown things will result in a spell power of 2 points, a reward of 15 experience points, and several four-system resistance, spirit, perception, and will values."

The fireball spell with only 2 points of power can destroy the gray flesh and will give 15 points of experience!

If you don’t gain experience now, wait until when!

Xia Zuo released pocket-sized fireballs one after another, trying his best to destroy the gray flesh within his field of vision.

Dim was not idle either.

He walked to the sunken area and saw a twisted and struggling pile of rotten flesh in front of him.

He stretched out his right hand toward the pile of rotten flesh below, and surging crimson flames spurted out from his palm.

A crackling sound like cracking dry firewood came from the ground, mixed with a faint wailing sound.

"Di~~mu~~I was wrong~~~spare~~me~~I~~come back to school~~~ with you~~"

"Fritz! You accepted the transformation ritual, there is no chance at all!!" Dim increased the power of the flames, and the fire light changed from red to yellow-white.

A shrill wail emerged from the depression, as sad as a sad wind blowing through a canyon.

Xia Zuo took a look at the situation at Dim's side and didn't stop what he was doing. "15, 16, 17~ There are so many pieces of meat that need to be eliminated. 18, 19..."

"Hey!" Dim stopped spraying flames and shouted towards the figure who was struggling to remove the meat. "Come on, come here quickly! Kill him. The last step is left to you."

When Xia Zuo heard that the other party had left him the honor of "the last blow", a smile broke out on his face and he walked over quickly.

He glanced into the depression and knitted his brows tightly together, "What kind of weird thing is this? This is too disgusting..."

There were black threads swimming on the pile of rotten meat, and wisps of black smoke floated out, and no elemental light could be seen. The rotten meat itself is as disgusting as dense gray maggots...

Xia Zuo endured the discomfort in his heart, spent all his energy, condensed a fireball with 24 points of power, and flicked his right hand down.


The fireball collided with the pile of rotten flesh, and a ball of flame shot up into the sky.

The strong stench and black smoke wafted out, diluted by the surrounding air, and there was always a faint lingering smell lingering on the tip of the nose.

There was no more meat in the depression, only blackened ashes.

A large piece of information came to mind.

It took a long time to read more than a dozen lines of information. Xia Zuo temporarily put them aside and said to Dim who was cleaning the meat a few meters away:

"Dim, is that enough? Do you want me to add a few more fireballs?"

Dim turned his back to Xia Zuo and waved his hand behind him.

Xia Zuo realized something, stopped talking, turned and walked aside, and continued to destroy the rest of the meat.

After the pile of rotten meat in the depression was burned, the squirming pieces of meat seemed to have lost most of their activity. The frequency and movements of the squirming pieces were much reduced, and they became slow, but they were still crawling out.

Xia Zuo looked up the previous information while destroying the pieces of meat.

"Successfully using fireball to destroy unknown things, the spell power is 24 points, and the reward is 140 experience points, as well as several four-system resistance, mental, perception, and will attribute values.

"Due to contact with unknown things, a forced attribute determination is being carried out. If the determination fails, unknown negative effects will be obtained...

"[Strength] judgment failed

"[Agility] judgment failed

"[Endurance] judgment failed

"[Will] judgment failed

"[Perception] judgment failed

"[Spirit] judgment failed

“[Vitality] judgment passed!

"Acquiring blood magic knowledge related to [Vitality] is undergoing digital transformation... Obtaining a new specialty [Blood Sacrifice Casting·Incomplete]."

[Feature Name] Blood Sacrifice Casting·Incomplete

【Feature Description】

This feat is incomplete, and you can only use your own life force as a consumable for casting spells.

【Specialty Effect】

While this perk is active, you expend health (yourself only) instead of energy when you cast a spell.

! ! !

You don't need to learn blood magic. You can gain knowledge of blood magic by killing people who are good at blood magic!

Xia Zuo suppressed the excitement in his heart and threw small fireballs towards the meat at his feet with slightly trembling fingers.

He then thought about it and his imagination was wide open!

If the person who is killed is not good at blood magic, but is good at spirits, totems, curses, halos and other magic schools, can he also obtain the corresponding specialties or skills?

This will have to wait until a suitable opportunity arises in the future to verify this.

Xia Zuo looked at Dim, quietly activated [Blood Sacrifice Casting·Incomplete], and instead used his life force to cast spells, while paying attention to the changes in blood volume on the character template.

When the small fireball with a power of 4 points appeared in his hand, Xia Zuo could no longer suppress the joy on his face.

[HP] 210/210 (slightly poisoned)

[Basic blood return speed]

45 points/hour

[Real-time blood return speed]

45-0.04-4→40.96 points/hour

When using elemental poison crystals to cast spells, the blood deduction speed of slightly poisoned No. 1 will increase a bit, and the blood deduction effect of 0.04 points/hour comes from this.

The blood deduction effect of 4 points/hour is caused by maintaining the small fireball in your hand.

In the past, maintaining the fireball would consume energy. Once the energy was low, you would feel dizzy and have a headache.

But it’s different now!

As long as the real-time blood regeneration rate is positive, it will be fine if the fireball floats around you all night.

Xia Zuo wanted to look up to the sky and smile, but his reason told him not to do so.

He threw the fireball in his hand at the piece of meat two meters away, stretched out his hand to smooth the corners of his upwardly curved mouth, and walked towards Dim with a calm expression.

"Dim, I cleaned 52 pieces of meat, what about you?"

Dim wiped two handfuls on his face, took out a carrot and ate it, turned around and said with red eyes:

"Ahem. I cleared 56."

He walked around the area, picked up the scraps on the ground with gloves, and stuffed them into a metal box. "Yes, that's right. Together, the two of us cleaned up a total of 108 pieces of meat. The enemy was completely eliminated." "

He came to the depression, leaned down and picked up the ashes, and put them into the metal box as well. After the box was closed, he put another larger metal box on it, and finally put the box into his alchemy bag.

"Get in the car with me. We're going to continue walking west." Dim waved his hand and walked towards the carriage.

Xia Zuo asked following him. "Where are we going and what are we doing? Are there other enemies?"

As soon as Dim sat in the driver's seat, the car shook a few times.

"Let's go meet Master Rexor. There are more than two of us involved this time. Master Rexor is blocking the cunning enemy in the Storm Mountains to the west. Unfortunately, the blood mage was not fooled and hid on the other side of the mountain. One side will not come out. The blood of the blood mage remains in Freeze's embers, and Master Rexor will track him down and teach him a lesson for us."

Dim shook the reins and directed Carrot to run west.

Xia Zuo asked Dim for a carrot, "Didn't Master Rexor follow the inspection team to the depths of the continent?"

"Uh-huh, yes." Dim patted his belly. "The expedition passed through the Great Rift Valley, crossed the Storm Mountains, and arrived at the plains on the west side of the mountains. There are many indigenous people who make a living by grazing on the plains. The blood of sin Sacrifice was spread among some indigenous tribes, and Master Rexor stayed there to pursue the source of the evil, and discovered the blood mage who traded with Hemst. Then came what we encountered this month."

Xia Zuo nodded and bit off a piece of carrot with a click.

"Oh, one more thing. Master Rexor will give you an examination later."

Dim reached out and pressed Xia Zuo's shoulder, "Destroying the transformers will have some negative effects. We have to make sure that you are not contaminated."

Dim raised a finger, "You have to remember one thing...things related to blood magic will affect you to a greater or lesser extent. Although you look normal now and talk to me smoothly, eating carrots It’s also delicious, but the potential impact of blood magic will explode at some point in the future. We need to eliminate this trouble in advance.”

When Xia Zuo heard this, he had a complicated expression on his face.

He found the message sent by Goldfinger before and read it carefully. He was not sure whether the newly acquired specialty [Blood Sacrifice Casting - Incompleteness] was the "filth" in Diem's ​​words.

Dim saw the other party's appearance from the side and said with relief:

"Don't be nervous, and don't worry too much. The Demon Hunting School has many ways to detect potential filth. If you are really stained with filth, just clean it off. What's more, Master Rexall personally takes action to ensure that it is removed. Clean and tidy."

Xia Zuo finished the carrots in his hands in two bites, "Thank you for your concern, Dim. I also hope that the possible dirt can be removed as soon as possible."

He opened the door panel of the carriage and said, "I'm going to practice throwing and catching balls."

"Go ahead. I'll call you when we get there." Dim twisted a few times on the driver's seat, half-lying down and entering meditation.

The two walked west for two days, and a huge canyon running from north to south lay in front of them.

Most of the rocks in the canyon are blue. Standing on the edge of the canyon and looking down at the bottom, the height difference is hundreds of meters.

A wide river meanders through the canyon. The torrent hits the rocks, breaks the rocks, and carries away the sand. The sound of rumbling water and howling wind echo in the canyon.

At the end of the horizon on the west side, there is an endless huge mountain range. Dark clouds cover the top of the mountain. The entire mountain range turns into a dark silhouette instead of the sky, becoming the only scenery to the west. Looking far into the distance, I could vaguely see countless lightning bolts flying through the dark clouds.

Xia Zuo stood on the roof of the carriage and looked at the magnificent canyons and mountains.

Dim sat in the driver's seat and fiddled with the secret message ring on his left hand. The sound of flipping the pick paused, "Master Rexor is here."

As soon as he finished speaking, a figure on horseback appeared on the cliff opposite the canyon.

The bald Rexor reined in the reins at the edge of the cliff. Brown light emerged between the cliffs on both sides. Amidst the rolling light, a rock passage appeared out of thin air.

Rexall drove his horse up the rock passage, ignoring the rushing river hundreds of meters below him, and walked with the sound of clattering horse hooves.

Xia Zuo climbed down from the carriage and greeted the figure on the horse, "Good day, Master Rexor."

"Xia Zuo, we meet again." Rexor nodded in response after dismounting, and then cast a questioning look at Dim.

"All 108 pieces of meat were burned, and there was not a single one left. I confirmed this repeatedly."

Dim took out the metal box containing the ashes from his pocket and handed it to Rexor. He reached out and pressed Xia Zuo's shoulder and said:

"I gave Xiazo the chance to finish Fritz and he did a great job."

Rexor put away the metal box and asked Xia Zuo to stand up straight without moving. He took out a bottle of potion from under the leather armor and sketched a complicated pattern with his right hand.

Light shot out from the pattern and fell on Xia Zuo. He read the information in his mind and calmly accepted the spell. He probably guessed that Rexor had cast a similar spell while he was asleep.

"It's good. It's not stained with dirt."

Xia Zuo breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this. The new specialty he had just acquired had not left him.

Rexor waved his hand, and the potion floating in the air flew back into the leather armor.

He took out an alchemy bag and threw it to Dim and said:

"The expedition team discovered new changes deep in the interior. Give this pocket to Beatrice."

Dim directly stuffed the pocket into the lining of the leather armor without opening it to check, "Okay, Sir. I will personally deliver it to the head of the hospital."

Rexor stared at Xia Zuo for a few seconds and asked:

"I heard from Dim that you can hold less than 10 elements. Why are there so few? I remember that you were a mage apprentice three years ago, right?"

"Uh" Xia Zuo scratched his head and glanced at Dim. It seemed that the tall man had not revealed his companion's private life to Rexor.

"I want to save points to redeem a master-grade element bottle for my lover."

"Oh~ So that's it."

Rexor smiled meaningfully, "This is not a bad thing for you. It is better to spend a few more years to figure out the spell school that suits you, than to regret it after becoming an official mage."

"I'm leaving. I wish you a safe journey back." Rexor jumped on the horse, waved to the two of them, and left gracefully.

Dim pulled Xia Zuo onto the carriage, shook the reins and turned the carriage, "Let's go back to the school directly."

"What about Hemster's accomplices? They spread the ring-breathing insects made by the blood mage and created a plague..." Xia Zuo asked.

"Those guys can't run away, so they can just hand it over to the resident mage. The trouble they caused has aroused public anger, and everyone wants to catch them. Our first task is to hand over the alchemy bag brought by Master Rexor to the court. head."

Dim took out a few bottles of potion from the medicine belt and sprinkled it on the carrot, which elicited an excited cry from the other party, "Great boy, come on, run as fast as you can. When you get to Starry Night City, I'll give you a good wash." Take a bath.”

"Hiss yo~~"

The radish raised its head and roared, its four hooves leaping rapidly.

Thanks to Chi Zhongling for the 1666 points!

Thanks to abyss149, book friend 2019429084922757, love as warm as the setting sun, book friend 20200114175547339, ghost cardinal, Mr. Duck, and passerby Xiaozhan for their monthly votes!

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes!

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