My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 107 Citizenship Granting Instrument

A few days later.

Anru'er still hasn't come out of the dormitory

After all the calculations, the total time it took her to make the elemental bottle for the first time was more than three months, which was close to the longest time limit for practicing meditation for the first time - she failed to tame the unruly elements seven times in a row, which took about 105 days.

In the evening of that day, when Xia Zuo packed up the big alchemy room and was going to have dinner, Beatrice's letter fell into his hands.

He scanned the contents of the letter, ran quickly to the castle hall, and then took the confused Anruer into his arms.

"Well" Anruer rested her head on her boyfriend's shoulder, her slender eyebrows knitted together, her skin was a little loose and cracked, and several wrinkles were faintly visible on her forehead.

She looked around the hall with confused eyes and said in a weak voice:

"I can't see any light... I feel like I'm blind."

Xia Zuo touched her shoulders and back. She had lost a lot of weight. Even her bones were protruding. Her eye sockets were sunken, and the flesh of her cheeks was also obviously sunken.

He was very distressed and comforted him warmly:

"I was like this before. I couldn't see the light of elemental servants and elements. It's okay. It doesn't affect alchemy and daily life."

Xia Zuo rubbed the other person's head affectionately and found that her hair had become less and not as smooth as before, "Let's go have dinner first, have a good meal, and then you can go find your mentor."

"Yeah, yeah." Anru'er nodded repeatedly, her soles became weak, and she hugged her boyfriend's arm tightly and walked to the restaurant, "How have you been during the time I've been in the dormitory?"

"Not bad." Xia Zuo said with a smile, "I gained a lot from my trip. I guess I won't leave Starry Night City until you practice meditation for the first time."

"Hehe~ That's good." Anru'er smiled sweetly.

Xia Zuo sat down with her in the corner of the restaurant. After ordering lunch, he released his detection technique.

[Character name] An Ruer

【HP】? ? ? (moderate weakness)



(The rest of the data is omitted)

There are only 0.2 points left in the mental attribute value! ! It’s almost 0 o’clock!

There is also the attribute of will, what's going on? Why did you add 2 points all of a sudden? !

Oh my God, what happened in the dormitory? ? ..Xia Zuo put his hands on the back of his head, his expression trembling.

He has never studied elemental representation, so he doesn't know what it will cost to squeeze the spiritual ocean to this extent, and he doesn't know how effective it will be...

But having lost so much weight all of a sudden, the process of making the element bottle must have been difficult.

Anru'er, who was sitting aside, put her arms on the table and raised her chin, curiously looking at the bowls, spoons and dishes flying in the kitchen, and then stared at the dinner plate floating in the air for a while, using her thin She pushed her butt against her boyfriend and said feebly:

"This is what you saw in the dining room and kitchen when you first entered school. No wonder you were always staring at the dishes and didn't attend the dinner to welcome new students. You couldn't see the light of the elements. It was really boring."

Xia Zuo came back to his senses, put the food brought by the elemental servant in front of her, then patted her thigh, "I'm going to get a drink, you eat first. Be sure to take small bites, otherwise you will get a stomachache."

"Hmm~" Anruer smiled, picked up the knife with her left hand, and cut the steak several times without cutting it open.

Xia Zuo came back with milk, helped her cut the steak into diced meat, and then tore the white bread slices into strips and soaked them in mushroom soup until soft, and then enjoyed her meal.

After dinner, Xia Zuo sent Anruer into the oil alchemy area. The way Anruer walked slowly while holding on to the wall once again made him feel pity for her.

That night, Xia Zuo came to his mentor as a routine to report on the progress of today's poison refining.

After reading the student's alchemy diary, Beatrice said:

"Xia Zuo, Anru'er made a perfect quality element bottle, which is of great significance. Just like you made a perfect quality refining powder on the first day you became an entry-level poison alchemist. This means that she will make perfect quality in the future. The elemental bottles that come out are almost all of perfect quality.”

Beatrice took a deep breath, raised her shoulders and slowly lowered them, and said:

"Only with firm belief and great courage can one squeeze the spiritual ocean to the level of Anruer. In the process, one will suffer the severe pain of soul tearing."

Xia Zuo lowered his head deeply.

When he was practicing the [Toxic Crystal] meditation method, he had experienced the pain and tearing of his soul... It was hard to imagine how Anruer could face this kind of pain alone.

At this moment, he thought of An Ru'er's thin appearance and protruding cheekbones when he met him in the afternoon, and complicated thoughts emerged in his heart - An Ru'er really tried his best to catch up with his progress. With all my strength.

Beatrice rubbed her brows, a surprised smile appeared on her face, and said:

"I didn't expect that your alchemy potential was so good. No wonder we got together not long after we met.

"I have discussed with Professor Zhuo Lang and Professor Bethel. After she becomes a mage apprentice, she will stay in the school to handle orders like you. At least until she becomes an official mage and has enough ability to protect herself, I will not let her leave. Academy.”

"Thank you, Professor."

"No, don't get me wrong. I didn't keep her because of you."

Beatrice shook her head, looked at the slightly surprised and embarrassed students with a smile, and said:

"I handed over the alchemy bag that Dim brought back to the Mage Temple. A few days ago, the Temple sent an official document pre-approving the expansion of the Starry Night Kingdom's territory. Material preparation is on the agenda. I plan to invest in a group of elemental servants, To do the most dangerous physical labor. It requires a lot of elemental bottles."

"So that's it." Xia Zuo touched the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Go and rest. Come to me tomorrow to get a new poison order. You caught up with the good time, and the new order will pay you more generously than before." Beatrice controlled the pen and continued to handle official duties.

Xia Zuo cleared the table, said goodbye to his mentor and left.

Early the next morning, Xia Zuo thoughtfully helped Anruer prepare breakfast.

An Ru'er learned from her tutor that she would stay in the school, and she was smiling all day long. Xia Zuo became even more energetic when faced with the massive orders for poisons.

In the days that followed, Xia Zuo spent all day refining poisons to deliver orders, and studied alchemy textbooks by himself before going to bed at night.

With all of Hemster's associates and bandits being guillotined, Sbrier Province ushered in long-lost peace.

The four provinces are at peace and civilian life is flourishing.

The kingdom's plan to expand its territory is officially put on the agenda. Once everything is ready, it will be officially approved by the Mage Temple.

Expanding the territory to the west is not feasible because the Grand Canyon and Storm Mountains block the way.

The only feasible option is to advance south, bypass the mountains from the south, and reach the prairie on the west side of the mountains.

Since the academy recruited students with acquired affinity, knowledge related to the elements has spread among civilians, and everyone has a superficial understanding of elemental servants.

Thanks to this, Beatrice's proposal to use elemental servants to replace part of the labor force was passed unconditionally by the parliaments at all levels in the kingdom.

The rewards for Xia Zuo's poison orders are also becoming more and more generous, and the number of points earned every month has reached more than 500 points.

At the same time, another group of freshmen arrived at Starry Night Academy to start the new school year.

Anru'er's body became thin after making the element bottle for the first time. With the school food and the care of her boyfriend, she became plump again, and her mental attribute value returned to more than 10 points.

The subsequent production of element bottles only takes 7 to 15 days.

Anruer makes 2 to 4 bottles at a time and stays in the dormitory for exactly one month. Xia Zuo took this opportunity to accommodate the elements.

More than half a year later.

Anruer successfully completed the study of Elemental Representation, and then studied Poison Alchemy with Professor Kulov.

The day she became an entry-level poison alchemist, she refined 6 bottles of perfect quality refined powder and received a new life potion from Kulov.

Another year and a half has passed.

Anruer has finished learning the alchemy of poisons and is about to meditate for the first time.

Xia Zuo has saved enough points to exchange for most things, and the learning process of two alchemy subjects is coming to an end. The medicine and supplement science rewards the perception attribute value and also unlocks the health bar of ordinary people. Oil alchemy rewards wind resistance, but Xia Zuo's elemental resistance is very high now, so learning this alchemy only gets experience rewards.

This evening, in Beatrice's study.

Xia Zuo and Anru'er sat on the same side of the desk. There was a piece of paper in front of Beatrice, which contained 16 elemental qualities of Anru'er's own conception.

The three of them are discussing which type of master-level element bottle they should exchange for.

Beatrice used a pencil to draw several circles on a piece of paper, including the fire element trait [Light], the wind element trait [Erosion], the water element trait [Dissolution], and the earth element trait [Block].

The tip of the pencil clicked on the paper a few times. Beatrice gently twitched her chin and said while thinking:

"[Erosion] and [Dissolution] are rare traits.

“Their corresponding elements are suitable for expanding the spiritual ocean, rather than casting spells.

"They have their own exclusive spells, but unfortunately, these spells have a very single purpose, and after being improved by tower scholars, these spells have become popular. There is a ready inventory of master-level element bottles in the academy.

"Among the regular traits, there are many traits that have exclusive spells and are readily available in schools. But I recommend that you exchange element bottles for the [Light] or [Block] traits. The exclusive spells of these two traits are very special, and Tower Scholars are temporarily unable to do so. Improve them."

Anruer put her hands on her thighs and grasped the hem of her robe.

She already knew the way to the Eastern Continent from Beatrice. For her, only by awakening a very rare exclusive spell can she follow her boyfriend to the Eastern Continent, otherwise she would have to face the situation of the two of them living in separate places.

In the past, she could rely on her own efforts to catch up with Xia Zuo, but this time she seemed to have to rely on luck.

Anruer stared at Beatrice and said in a positive tone:

"Professor, I choose the [Bright] trait."

Beatrice put down her pencil and twitched her chin, "It seems like you won't regret it, and you don't need any advice from me or Professor Zhuo Lang. Can you tell me why you chose the [Light] trait?"

Xia Zuo also had this question. Before he walked into the study, he gave the choice to Anruer and supported her decision unconditionally.

Anruer's eyes turned red, she raised her nose, lowered her head and rubbed her eyes gently.

"When I first met Xia Zuo, he was still the fire breather of Audrey Circus."

Xia Zuo thought of the three paintings given by the other party, which are still lying in the drawer of the desk in the dormitory, together with the letters sent by Audrey and the others.

"It was a sunny day, and he stood in the center of the stage, with bright sunlight shining through the skylight of the tipi tent. He walked between the light pillars and sprayed white flames toward the sky, then green, purple, and fiery red. , and finally returned to White. He and Flame are like old friends, working together and getting along well."

Anruer raised her head, her eyes dim with tears, as if she was recalling the scene that day.

"In the past few years, the only spell he has exchanged for points is the fireball spell."

Anruer took a breath and said slowly:

"I have a wonderful intuition. If I want to accompany him to the Eastern Continent, I can only choose a master-level element bottle related to the fire element trait. Therefore, I choose the [Light] trait."

Xia Zuo straightened his lips, holding back the emotion in his heart that turned into tears and showed on his face.

"Yeah, a reasonable explanation. Sometimes, intuition is more reliable than reason, especially in uncertain events."

Beatrice pondered for a few seconds, "Then it's settled. You follow Professor Zhuo Lang's guidance and use the basic meditation method to accommodate the element with the [Light] quality, and then try to use the [Elemental Body] meditation method to tame and accommodate an [Elemental Body]. Dissolve] The uninhibited element of the character.”

She looked at Xia Zuo, "You guys should go back to the dormitory first. Later, I will send the element bottle to Professor Zhuo Lang."

"Yes, Professor."

Xia Zuo and Anruer walked out of the room and took a walk by the lake in the castle. In the end, the two hugged each other silently until Professor Zhuo Lang's letter arrived.

Whether they can go to the Eastern Continent together will be revealed in 15 days, after Anruer contains the element with the [Light] trait.

But Xia Zuo didn't plan to wait for 15 days.

He exchanged the intermediate meditation method from Beatrice and started practicing quietly at the same time.

The intermediate basic meditation method uses secret medicine to learn. The exchange price is 8,000 points, which is definitely worth the money. Compared with the traditional meditation method, it saves more than 50% of the time.

After taking the secret medicine, just meditate continuously for 15 days. With the intermediate basic meditation method, the speed of taming and accommodating elements will be faster. On average, an unruly element can be collected into the spiritual ocean in about 15 days.

When Xia Zuo finished his internship and walked out of the dormitory, he happened to receive a letter from his instructor:

[Come to the study room quickly. ——Beatrice]

Xia Zuo's heart skipped a beat.

These four words are too short.

But, short says it all.

If Anruer hadn't awakened the rare gifted spell, Beatrice could just say so on the letterhead...

Xia Zuo ran quickly into the castle hall and spiral staircase, climbed up the tower, and panted through the corridors and terraces.

He stood in front of his tutor's door and took more than ten seconds to calm down before knocking on the door.

"Dong dong dong"

"come in."

Xia Zuo walked in and closed the door, "Professor, has Anruer awakened her innate spell?"

"I'll tell you the result directly." Beatrice spread her hands with a smile on her face, "She can go to the Eastern Continent with you."

"Wuhu~" Xia Zuo whispered in a low voice and waved his fist in front of him.

"Giggle~" Beatrice chuckled, "Listen to me."

"Yes, Professor, tell me." Xia Zuo took a deep breath and said, the corners of his mouth still raised high.

"Her situation is different from yours. After you pass the test of the inspection team, you will obtain citizenship of the Silver Moon Federation and can choose one of several given positions."

For the first time, Beatrice mentioned the arrangements after going to the Eastern Continent, and Xia Zuo calmed down and listened patiently.

"Anruer will also obtain citizenship, but her magic school and alchemy qualifications must meet the conditions set by the alchemy school."

Beatrice reached out to the chair across the table and continued after the students sat down:

"The innate spell that Anruer awakened is called light energy induction, a high-level spell of the detection school."

"Huh? What?" A question mark popped up in Xia Zuo's mind, thinking that he heard wrongly.

Beatrice slowed down her speech and spelled out word by word, "Light energy...sense...response. The light element is the fifth element, the content of master-level elemental representation. When you become a high-level mage, you will also have the opportunity." To learn the element of light, the prerequisite is to learn the spell of light energy induction."

Xia Zuo's eyes widened with curiosity, and he asked, "Professor, is the light energy you are talking about the energy emitted by the light element? Or does it mean sunlight..."

"Well" Beatrice pondered for a moment, "I can only tell you that sunlight is one of the energies emitted by the light element."

She raised her finger to stop the student who was about to ask, "Stop, don't ask. I can't tell you too much. This violates the laws of the Magistrate's Temple. Since we have talked about going to the Eastern Continent, let's I'll finish it all in one go."

"Yes, Professor." Xia Zuo shut his mouth tightly.

"After Anruer becomes a mage apprentice, her mentor will be changed from Professor Zhuo Lang to me. Because I am the only one in the school who can teach magic related to light energy."

Beatrice took out two parchment rolls from the drawer and spread them flat on the table for the students to check.

The parchment on the left is Xia Zuo's Silver Moon Federation citizenship granting document.

He will obtain permanent residence in the Silver Moon Federation as a [Category 1 Alchemist Talent], and he will have citizenship after taking the oath.

There are three positions he can choose from:

[1. Federal Security Council, Category 3 Disaster Emergency Response Department, researcher at the Machina State Toxicology Institute, and concurrently serving as support staff of the 17th Action Team]

[2. Federal Safety Commission, Department of Hazardous Materials Management, researcher at the Machina State Comprehensive Laboratory, concurrently serving as inspector of the No. 141 Poison Warehouse]

[3. Federal Education Commission, Assistant Professor of Toxicology and Alchemy at Yingrui University in Machina State, and concurrently serving as a consultant to classmates. 】

Below this text, bold text records the special treatment that Xia Zuo can enjoy - an opportunity to enter the Mage Temple for further training.

At the end of the parchment, there are four places where signatures or seals are required.

The signature area of ​​the recipient of the identity document is blank, waiting for Xia Zuo to sign and fingerprint.

The Silver Moon Federal Immigration Review Board has stamped its official seal approving the acceptance.

The Kingdom of Starry Night recognizes the legal validity of the document and has stamped it with the official seal of the Kingdom.

The remaining blank space needs to be stamped by the Mage Temple as a witness to witness that this document takes effect.

"Silver Moon Federation is a country created by the Alchemy School, similar to Starry Night Kingdom. You will join Silver Moon Federation as an islander of Starry Night Island.

"Machina State is located in the western part of the federal territory, close to the east and west coastlines of the continent. You will work there. Ms. Starry Night is one of the federal councilors. These positions she provides you..."

Beatrice pointed to the parchment and explained the meanings of federation, committee, institute, action team and other terms one by one, so that students could more easily understand the meaning of this document.

"Professor, you wanted to explore my combat potential earlier because of my first position, right?" Xia Zuo asked, pointing to the words "support personnel."

"Yeah, yes. The first position is a bit dangerous, but for you, the risk is much reduced."

Beatrice didn't wait for the students to ask questions and took the initiative to add:

"You witnessed the corruption ritual of blood magic and killed a converter with your own hands, but you were not contaminated with filth. This is your advantage, which means that the greatest danger hidden in the first position no longer exists for you. .”

Xia Zuo thought for a while and asked: "Does this third category of disaster refer to blood magic?"

Beatrice shook her finger, "Not only blood magic, but also other things. I can't go into details with you. I can only tell you that the 17th Action Team is specifically responsible for disasters related to blood magic."

Xia Zuo had a decision in his mind, but he didn't show it immediately.

He looked at the other parchment.

This is also a federal citizenship granting document, but the name of the grantee is blank, and the granted status is [Category 2 Alchemist Talent].

There is only one optional position:

[Federal Energy Security Commission, Category 1 Energy Management Division, Research Fellow, Machina State Energy Institute. 】

It is worth noting that this document confers more special treatment than Xia Zuo, and has corresponding restrictions.

The person who signs this granting document must learn the evocation school of spells, and before becoming a high-level mage, he can only learn this one style, and always put the evocation school first.

At the same time, before becoming a high-level mage, one must become a master-level elemental embodiment alchemist.

During the entire learning process, the required props, teaching materials, spell books, unruly elements, secret medicines, etc. will be borne by the federal finance.

To use the words of my previous life, I have recommended doctoral students from top universities all the way, and they will even get a job after completing their studies.

The innate magic of light energy induction is too popular...

Xia Zuo admitted that he suddenly felt a little envious of Anruer, but he was more happy.

"When Anru'er completes her first practice of meditation, I will call her to sign the granting document."

Beatrice glanced at the giggling students, rolled up the two parchment rolls, and put them back in the drawer.

"Let me tell you one more thing." Beatrice snapped her fingers lightly, "Professor Zhuolang didn't tell Anru'er about the innate spell. When she can accommodate the unruly element, you can tell her yourself."

"Okay, Professor. Thank you for leaving me this opportunity." Xia Zuo smiled.

Beatrice looked at the calendar on the table, "How are you learning the curse spell?"

"After drinking the secret potion of curse seal, I learned the curse of interference and the curse of slowness, but I still haven't learned the curse of weakness, sluggishness, and fragility." Xia Zuo replied.

Beatrice turned back a few pages of the calendar, "In about a year and a half, the inspection team will return to the Eastern Continent. Then you will follow the inspection team."

"One and a half years" Xia Zuo calculated the current point acquisition speed, which is enough to redeem the remaining items, and there is still a lot of balance.

He suddenly thought of something and stared at his mentor's face, "Can we still return to the Western Continent?"

"It depends on how you choose. Every ten years, the Federation will openly recruit a group of researchers in the name of overseas expeditions. If you want to come back, sign up. If you don't want to come back..."

Beatrice smiled and said, "Then you can continue to live in the Eastern Continent."

"That means we may say goodbye in a year and a half??" Xia Zuo was stunned, and several pictures flashed through his mind. Audrey, Bolton, the Clown brothers and sisters, Snake, Professor Kulov...these people who have interacted with Could it be that people who have been together for a long time can never meet again in the future?

"Yes. I won't go back to the Eastern Continent, and the same goes for several other professors. We have our own mission here in the Western Continent, and we must complete it before we consider going back."

Xia Zuo looked at his mentor's smiling face, his vision blurred for a moment.

"Hey, professor, can points be redeemed for jobs outside the school? I have some people I care about in Rosak Province, and I want to help them find a good job here in Starry Night Province."

Xia Zuo reached out and brushed his eyes, "I originally wanted to wait until I became an official mage before doing all this, but now it seems that time does not allow me to do this."

"Well" Beatrice twitched her chin lightly, "No need to go to such trouble. Points from the school can be exchanged for points from the Fighters Guild. You give me their names and I will transfer your remaining points to them after you leave. That’s fine, it’s up to them to decide how to use the points.”

"Okay, thank you, professor." Xia Zuoqian thanked him.

Beatrice waved her hand, "Go and refine the poison. I will notify you when Anru'er ends her cultivation in 30 days."

Xia Zuo thanked his mentor again and quietly left the study.

That night, Xia Zuo sat at the desk in his dormitory and wrote letters to be sent to Rossak Province...

The academy content is almost over, with about 1 and a half chapters left. When writing the outline, I carefully considered when to start writing.

One was to start in the circus, as it is now. The second is to start writing from joining Starry Night Academy. The third is to start writing directly from setting off for the Eastern Continent.

The first way of writing will be very slow, and it will take about 400,000 words to officially get to the main line of the male protagonist improving his strength. The advantage is that the structure can be written clearly.

The third writing method has a fast pace, but has high requirements for character portrayal. Otherwise, when presenting the structure setting, it will be very pale and messy.

In the end, I chose the first writing method and wrote everything I wanted to write to see how many words the book could contain. In this way, I would know how to write in the future. But it doesn’t mean that everything is written down in detail. Just like today’s chapter, omit what needs to be saved and speed up what needs to be speeded up.

The backend is now writing the federal plot, which is very smooth, with a stable 8,000 words per day, so when the plot is updated to the content of the Eastern Continent, more will be posted every day. There is an era gap between the east and west continents, and we will wait for the subsequent updates.

Thanks to book friend 20211021070949200 for the 500 points.

Thanks to passerby Xiaozhan for the 10,000 points! (If enough articles are saved, updates will be added automatically)

Thanks to Earthshattering Luo Sanpao, Resurrection Half Scythe, Passerby Xiaozhan, Huakai, Zeming, Zhong Zhiqing, User_Sailboat, Book Friends 140301202320795, Light Purple, Black Cat My Life, Xiaoliang, Wenjiu, Wonderland Shenhe, Monthly vote voted by book friend 161209073325914

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