Audrey's tone was extremely cold, her white teeth were clenched, her eyes were cold, and her body was trembling slightly, as if she had great disgust for Vers.

Xia Zuo rarely saw someone hate someone so much, so he quietly asked:

"Sister, what's wrong with Fars?"

Audrey lifted her hair from her forehead and showed a helpless smile:

"Little guy, who do you think is better compared to the fire-breathing potion I made or the one from Vers?"

this problem

Xia Zuo didn't need to recall the information fed back by the detection technique. He could distinguish the good from the bad just by relying on his qualities as a fire breather:

"Of course it's the elder sister's! The two fire-breathing potions have almost the same effect, but the potion you prepared is much less toxic!"

Audrey raised a smile, her face changed from gloomy to clear, and she returned to her friendly look. She seemed to be satisfied with the boy's answer:

"Then guess again, why mine is better than Fares's?"

"Because of the fire retardant oil!"

Xia Zuo replied without thinking.

An inspiration comes to mind!

He suddenly realized, "I seem to understand. Sister, when you recruited Fels, you used fire retardant oil and a new fire-breathing agent formula as conditions, right?"

Audrey's smile froze, and then her smile grew brighter. It was obvious that the boy was right.

"Fire retardant oil should be very expensive... Sister, it's really costing you money."

Xia Zuo saw Audrey's expression and knew that his inference was correct.

"My love for you is not in vain. How did your brain grow? Why are you so smart? No wonder you can remember your accounts so clearly."

Audrey held the boy's face, kissed him on the forehead, and said confidingly:

"That guy from Viles... Humph. I gave him the formula and promised to cover half of the cost of the fire retardant oil. But he actually used the money to buy addictive painkillers. Snake and the others had already I know that Vers is addicted, but it’s just because of the flamethrower’s status in the circus that I tolerate being around addicted people.”

Audrey seemed to have thought of something.

She stared into the boy's eyes and said seriously:

"Xia Zuo, you have to promise me that you will never use painkillers unless absolutely necessary. You can't use it before spitting fire. Fares actually relies on painkillers to overcome the side effects of fire-breathing medicine. He will swallow it sooner or later. Use the fire-breathing agent and get yourself half dead."

Xia Zuo laughed, "Of course. I don't need that thing at all. Look at my recovery ability, the speed at which the painkillers take effect is not as fast as my recovery."

Audrey was amused by the boy's tone, "Giggle, you're right, you were born to be a fire breather."

She paused for a few seconds, tightened her red lips, and said firmly:

"I have decided. As soon as the performance at Piek Fortress is over, I will tell Vels to get out. You will take his place. The income of the circus will be reduced, but it is better than having an accident at any time. I don't want to deal with this bastard. funeral affairs."

After saying these words, Audrey's eyes were a little dazed.

She was silent for a moment, then whispered:

"I spent my points to exchange formulas and fire-proof potions for Fars, and I never deducted his reward... Xia Zuo, have I done my best?"

"Yes, eldest sister."

Xia Zuo nodded heavily, "I even think you are too indulgent to him. There is no need to pay so much for an addicted person. Fares is an adult and must be responsible for what he does."

He faced Audrey's increasingly clear eyes and said in a deep voice: "With me here, the circus will be fine soon."

Under the moonlight, the two discussed the arrangements for tomorrow's performance, and then returned to the performance venue to continue the rehearsal.

the next day.

Audrey's Circus officially opens.

The news that the fortress commander invited residents to watch the performance spread throughout the city's taverns last night.

By this morning, almost every household knew that they could watch the show for free.

Under the raging bandits, the residents in the city were panicked. It had been a long time since there had been such a free prostitution.

Before 8 o'clock in the morning, the Fountain Square was filled with huge crowds.

The fortress commander was generous, but apparently underestimated the people's enthusiasm for free things.

Before the show started at 9 o'clock in the morning, the guard responsible for delivering orders came from the fortress and handed a letter and a money bag to the circus's eldest sister.

Audrey finished reading the letter, looked at the amount in the purse, turned to the members and laughed:

"The commander has given me another ticket fee! Everyone, open one-third of the curtains of the tipi tent. We are going to add seats today!"

Xia Zuo gave a thumbs up in his heart, great! Although there is no experience in ticket revenue, the number of spectators doubled today for the first time!

Audrey left the warm-up and program name announcements to Xia Zuo, which relieved the clown sister from a lot of burden.

Xia Zuo wanted to arouse the audience's emotions while other members were setting up the performance venue to prevent the waiting time from cooling down the atmosphere.

Although this was not a formal performance, he still put in 100% energy.

Xia Zuo knew that he was short, so he put on shoes with a height-increasing effect.

In order to make himself stand out in the eyes of the audience, he also put on a bright clown costume.

About ten minutes later, the five rows of auditoriums were filled with people. Adults and children were whispering to each other, and the scene was very noisy.

Xia Zuo's head emerged from behind the curtain.

The fluffy green wig and the smiling face painted with red paint immediately caught the children's attention.


Xia Zuo whistled and swayed into the field with an exaggerated walk.

"Dear viewers!"

Xia Zuo draws people's attention to himself.

The audience looked at the clown with his feet spread out in a straight line with smiles.

"Friends of Piek Fortress. Before the circus performance officially begins, let us praise the generous and benevolent fortress commander!"

Xia Zuo raised his arms high and his face painted with oil paint was serious.

"Praise Commander~"

The audience also raised their arms and shouted in unison.

"Thanks to him for inviting everyone to watch the show for free~"

There was a shout from the audience, and others laughed in good faith, "Haha, it's best to have more performances like this~"

In the sea of ​​laughter, Xia Zuo suddenly drooped the corners of his mouth, and drew two water marks under his eyes with a sad face.


There was a brief silence, and the audience seemed to be guessing why the clown said this.

"I was originally a ticket seller. I collected money with one hand and handed tickets to everyone with the other hand."

Xia Zuo smiled, raised the corners of his mouth again, and took out an overly bloated money bag from behind, filled with coin-like things.

He shook his body triumphantly, "My generous commander, just gave me all the money~ Oh~ It really makes me sad. I have finished all the work before I even sold the tickets~"


The audience unanimously expressed their "disgust" at the clown's arrogant appearance.

Xia Zuo threw the bloated money bag backstage and looked at the elder sister behind the curtain.

The opponent made a few gestures: Hercules and the others still need 30 seconds to prepare.

Xia Zuo blinked his left eye and replied with his eyes, "Copy that."

He took out a torch from behind and came to a position about 3 meters away from the auditorium:

"Hey~ Dear viewers. As you can see, I am a motivated ticket seller. I don't want to be left without work by generous patrons, so I have learned some small skills on my own. Come and see how well I learn."

Xia Zuo lit the torch with a match and took a mouthful of fire-breathing potion.


"Hoo~~" A small flame appeared in front of him, shining steadily.

Xia Zuo raised a finger and asked the audience to help him time.



"3" The children stared at the fire and helped the clown count in their childish voices.



"6" Several adults also joined in.



"Oh my God, he could hold up for so long."

Exclaims came from the audience, as if some kind of switch was turned on, and everyone joined in the timing:

"15, 16, 17, 18! 19! 20! 21!"

Xia Zuo closed his mouth, and the small flame disappeared.

He put his hands on his hips and leaned his upper body back, looking like he was waiting for praise, "Boy, how was my performance?"

"Bah bang bang!"

"Hoo~ Clown, you are really good at what you do!"

The children's shrill voices were particularly evident in the applause.

"Very good~ Let's have another one!"

"One more~"

"Thank you for your compliments."

Xia Zuo bent down to thank him, lowered his head to his knees, and took the opportunity to look at the curtain behind him.

Audrey was half-hidden in the curtain, her eyes filled with admiration, and her right hand made a "everything is ready" gesture.

Xia Zuo jumped up and cheered:

"Oh! The first performance next is, brought by Hercules Poppy and the Clown brother and sister... Explode ~ Big Color Ball!"

Amid the cheerful drumbeats played by Snake, the clown sister took the lead.

She captured the audience's attention with her high-pitched screams and sexy dance moves that accompanied the music.

Xia Zuo quickly walked behind the curtain.

"You did well, little one."

Audrey half-armed Xia Zuo's shoulders, gently squeezed the other person's shoulders, and said softly:

"Take a rest, I'll need you to warm up later."

Xia Zuo glanced at Vers, who was immersed in preparing fire-breathing potion. Next to his suitcase, there were two bottles of potion that he had just finished drinking.

This bald man who relies on painkillers to forcefully perform difficult fire-breathing shows has completely put himself in an endless loop.

Being addicted requires money, and the money comes from the remuneration for performances. When you get paid, you buy drugs. After taking the drugs, you become more addicted. You may even perform dangerous shows while taking the drugs. In the future, you will get more remuneration and buy more drugs...

If practicing breathing techniques hadn't greatly improved his physical fitness, this drug addict would have collapsed long ago.

Xia Zuo shook his head helplessly, sitting on his stool and looking through the information in his mind.

“Successful fire-breathing show.

"Fire-breathing intensity: Flame

"Fire-breathing duration: 21 seconds

"Number of spectators: 45 people

“Average audience satisfaction: 80%

"The total experience gained is 0.756 points."



A fire-breathing performance of just 21 seconds gave 0.756 experience points!

According to the number of games arranged by the eldest sister, I can appear about 10 times today, and I am sure to get at least 5 experience points.

Upgrading from level 5 to level 6 is just around the corner!

The information in my mind briefly shook and became clear again:

"A change in the host's [Identity] has been detected, the character template has been updated, and advanced entries related to [Identity] have been added. [Resistance] and related advanced entries have been added."

【Personal Template】

【Name】Xia Zuo

【Sex: Male

【Age】15 years and 2 months

[Identity] Civilian→Fire-breathing performer

[[Identity level] Trainee level.

Breathing fire can gain 100% experience. Breathing small flame (0.5 meters), medium flame (1 meter), strong flame (2 meters), and large fireball (3 meters) will gain 10% to 40% additional experience bonus respectively.

The experience gained from civilian activities such as cooking and selling tickets has dropped by 95%.

Experience gained from reading books and other attribute-related training remains unchanged.

[[Promotion conditions]

In the presence of at least 20 unfamiliar spectators, if you continue to spit out small flames for more than 15 seconds, and obtain an average audience satisfaction of more than 80% three times in a row, you can be promoted to an entry-level fire-breathing performer.

[[Identity bonus]

Level 1 fire resistance, fire resistance increases by 0.5%. (This bonus will be converted into character specialties when changing identities)



【HP】22/22 (healthy)

[blood return speed]

[[Basic blood recovery speed] 1.11 points/hour.

[[Real-time blood return speed] 1.11 points/hour.

[[Average blood recovery speed] 1.11 points/hour.


[[Fire resistance] 0.5% (fire damage and fire abnormal effects received are reduced by 0.5%)


[Agility] 2







[Free Attribute Points] 3

[Character Specialties]

【Immortal body】

Before the blood volume drops to 0, you will not die even if you are hit by a vital point, and any injuries will be repaired by themselves as the blood volume increases.

[Character Skills]: [Detection]

[Knowledge Reserve]: Some knowledge about books and fire-breathing agents.

Upgrading the identity level of the fire-breathing performer can increase flame resistance!

Goldfinger also specifically emphasized that changing the identity will not clear the fire-breathing identity bonus, but turn it into the character's specialty!

Doesn’t that mean that the bonuses brought by multiple identities can be superimposed!

If I take all the fire-breathing identity bonuses and find other identities related to fire, maybe I can superimpose the fire resistance to 30%? 50%?

Xia Zuo drank water to forcefully cover up the trembling caused by excitement.

Audrey thought the boy was pretending to be calm at the performance, but he was actually very nervous and didn't show it until now.

She chuckled and touched Xia Zuo's hair, "Drink slowly, little one."

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