My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 132 The Winter Veil Festival is coming

Monday morning.

After one night of meditating with light elements, my spirit, which I had not seen increased for a long time, actually improved by 0.01 points!

Even with this training speed, no one would betray the Mage Temple.

"Get up soon~" An Ruer patted her lover who was in a daze on the bed.

Xia Zuo grinned at her and turned over to get up.

As usual, he sent Anruer to the Energy Research Institute first, and then came to the Demon Hunter's manor.

Yesterday, three blood addicts were killed, and the "Poseidon Evening News" spread it as a case to remind citizens that the other blood addicts lurking in the city are not stupid, and must have found out the pattern of the patrol caravan.

I have to find a different way to patrol today.

The troops were supposed to be divided into two groups. Seritus, Dunk, and Lisa pretended to be a convoy in the city to attract attention. Xia Zuo, Leonard, and Lanlot followed Rexor and used blood-red crystals to collect blood patterns. .

But before departure, an emergency order came from the command center of the Category 3 Disaster Emergency Response Department. The 17th Operation Team was rushing to the southern town to gather with the large forces, and Serrits was also going.

Therefore, the patrol tasks in the next few days will fall on Xia Zuo and Rexor.

Xia Zuo said goodbye to the members of the 17th Action Team in the manor, walked into the house to make some preparations, and walked to the nearby streets with Rexor in disguise.

Both were wearing trench coats.

Inside Xia Zuo is a vest and shirt.

Rexor wrapped himself tightly so as not to reveal the leather armor on his body, and covered his face with a low-hanging hat brim and a large fake beard.

Xia Zuo accepted the loyalty ceremony and mastered all the blood pattern languages, greatly simplifying the search work.

His hands were in the pockets of his windbreaker, and his left hand held the blood-red crystal - the one placed in the typewriter's ink cartridge.

This crystal can help the holder sense living creatures with strong blood lines.

As long as Xia Zuo holds it, he can easily search all areas by walking around every corner of the city.

In order to ensure that the search does not go wrong, Rexor will also put a blood-red crystal in his pocket to participate in the search.

On the streets of Poseidon City's Nancheng District.

Tall evergreen trees line both sides of the street, and pedestrians stroll under their shade.

Horse-drawn carriages honked as they drove through the streets, and mobile vendors pushing carts shouted loudly.

In the display cases on the street, alchemy lamps illuminate brand-new products, and promotional messages are hung on the glass windows.

Xia Zuo stopped in front of a large department store.

The billboard at the door reads:

【Winter Veil Festival is coming, now we offer 10% discount on all items.

[From 12.1 to 12.7, daily necessities such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, towels, etc. are discounted, and you can enjoy an additional 15% discount.

[From 12.8 to 12.15, you can enjoy an additional 15% discount on holiday gifts such as plush toys, wrapping paper, evergreen tree ornaments, etc.

【12.16, a grand promotion for the Winter Veil Festival, with a 30% discount on all items on that day! !

【A big discount event once a year, don’t miss it! 】

The Winter Veil Festival is an important festival in the Silver Moon Federation, heralding the coming of cold winter and ice and snow.

When the weather gets cold, no one will think about going out except for work, and there will be a lot of food, drink and fun at home.

Here in the Federation, there is also a custom of making large purchases during the Winter Veil Festival.

On the day of the Winter Curtain Festival, there will be a grand singing and dancing parade, surrounding the central city and passing through the four urban areas of southeast, northwest and northwest.

By then, there will be at least 100,000 people walking on the streets to join in the fun.

When Rexor introduced these things in the soundproof barrier, his tone was a little low, and his words were filled with worry.

"There are still 15 days until the Winter Veil Festival, Xia Zuo. This festival can be postponed, but it cannot be omitted, otherwise it will arouse public anger. Hidden Category 3 disasters will always wait for an opportunity to break out. In the past, this festival was the busiest for the action team every year time. Especially this year.”

Xia Zuo looked away from the billboard and continued walking forward, "We have to find out the uncertain factors in the city in advance, right? Master."

"Yes." Rexor raised his collar to cover the smooth back of his head.

Xia Zuo asked as he walked:

"Why not just use the universal antidote to forcefully destroy the bodies of the nine blood demons, so that the Strange Demon Church can give up the idea of ​​saving the blood demons?"

"Well Xia Zuo, let me tell you the answer. The universal antidote has never been taught in the school's textbooks, right?"

"Yes, Master."

"The potion used to break the blood demon's body is a pure-level universal antidote. The potion sold in the pharmacy is highly diluted."

Rexall put his left hand in the pocket of his windbreaker and waved his right hand in front of him.

"In fact, it is not a product of alchemy, not made by your alchemy school, nor by our demon hunting school.

“It comes from a rainforest country in the far south of this continent and is a specialty there.

"The Mage Temple will allocate raw pulp to various regions. The Silver Moon Federation has a limited share. Poseidon City has consumed nearly one-tenth of the raw pulp inventory in Machina State in the past two weeks. This is not a small sum. Quantity. At least 80% of the remaining inventory must be reserved as war reserves."

War reserves... Xia Zuo narrowed his eyes, and a word flashed in his mind:

The strange demon monitor.

This aerial reconnaissance unit of the Strange Demon Church that has been mentioned repeatedly has never been seen in its true form, but if a war breaks out in the Silver Moon Federation...

Xia Zuo raised his head and looked at the sky. White clouds were floating leisurely in the blue sky.

If war really breaks out, there won't be just clouds in the sky

Xia Zuo looked worried, "Master, has the Silver Moon Federation been attacked on a large scale?"

"Every corner of the Eastern Continent has been invaded by the Church of Strange Demons. The Silver Moon Federation is no exception."

Rexall said:

“About six years ago, several cities in Tambus State, the easternmost part of the Federation, were attacked by the legions of the Strange Demon Church.

"Those strange demons have eroded the local defense system and polluted the souls and bodies of the city guards. If the strongholds of the resident mages and temple guards were not kept secret, there would be no defense force in Tambus State.

"When the federal troops arrived, Tambus State had become a paradise for strange monsters."

Rexor clenched his fist and waved it with an angry tone.

"The aliens have no bottom line! They use humans as livestock, just like we treat chickens, ducks and geese. The federal army must take care of civilians, but the aliens do not. They enjoy killing, creating Khorne and disaster, and spreading Plague and blood.”

Rexor paused, "We must not let the Strange Demon Church rescue those 9 blood demons, absolutely not! If we let them return to the Strange Demon Church, or lurk in the city, there will be endless trouble!"

"Do you have any ideas? I mean besides searching for blood addicts in the city." Xia Zuo said.

"The advent ceremony of the blood demon coming to the inheritor requires a lot of blood, and a bone pile altar must be arranged. The materials of the bone pile altar are durable goods and can be reused repeatedly. The mixed-blood blood mage can completely use space pockets to transport the altar. Material."

Rexall said, "Only blood must be fresh, the kind that has just been separated from the living body and flows with vitality."

Xia Zuo frowned.

Fresh blood.

Still "a lot" of blood.

Could it be that the Church of Strange Demons wants to start a massacre in Poseidon City?

Rexor continued:

"In the past, if you wanted to obtain blood, you could only obtain it locally. But now that the Strange Demon Church has more advanced blood recovery spells, it is not difficult to transport blood across regions."

"Is there no way to stop them?" Xia Zuo asked.

Rexor stopped and said:

"There are many ways, but that's not our job."

He took out the yellowed page from his pocket and stuffed it into the other person's hand.

"Last night, the pure-blood mage in the temple instilled the knowledge of blood pattern language into you. You should be able to understand the content here."

"Yes, Master." Xia Zuo nodded while holding the page.

"This information comes from the territory of the Church of Strange Demons. They will let the strange demons sneak into the territory of the Mage Temple, and we will deal with them in this way."

Rexall said:

"The Church of Strange Demons wants to rescue the blood demons in the underground laboratory. Not only do we prevent them from succeeding, but we also take the opportunity to punch them hard on the territory of the Church of Strange Demons."

The bald head lightly hammered the opponent's chest, "So you have to understand. We are taking the initiative at this time, rather than passively fighting. Eliminating the blood addicts in Poseidon will expand our advantages. We just have to do this well."

"By the way, remember to burn that piece of paper. You must light it yourself. Don't ask why, we'll talk about it later." Rexor warned.

Xia Zuo stopped the question on his lips and nodded, "Yes, Master."

After receiving the loyalty ceremony last night, Rexall's attitude also changed.

Xia Zuo clearly felt the change in him, which was a sense of trust. .

As he walked, he was thinking about two things in his mind.

One is the full name of the high-level blood demon.

Should I tell Rexor Quar'uchi's name?

If you say it, you have to explain the source, and you will talk about blood mark, blood induction, and further talk about innate spells, the awakening level of blood power, etc.

The more he talks, the more likely he is to expose the differences between himself and a normal pure-blood mage... Although he doesn't know what a normal pure-blood mage should be like...

So hold it down for now.

The second thing.

In the Machina State, apart from Poseidon City being threatened by strange demons, where else are there hidden dangers?

Xia Zuo thought it was Polis City.

Previously, three transformers escaped to the city of Polis under the arrangement of the unknown blood demon.

Xia Zuo could sense their location through the blood mark, which was in the direction of Polis City.

When the blood demon gave the order, he said "You go to Polis City" instead of "You come to Polis City".

This shows that the blood demon himself is not in Polis City, but he thinks that Polis City is safe enough.

There is an 80% chance that there is a hidden stronghold of the Strange Demon Church in Polis.

Do you want to talk to Rexor?

Xia Zuo rubbed his brow, feeling very embarrassed.

If you say so, you can remove the enemy's stronghold, reduce your own casualties, and minimize potential dangers.

If he didn't say anything, if a major disaster occurred, his own conscience would not be able to bear it.

Xia Zuo thought about it and thought of a way.

He planned to try it tonight and use [Blood Curse] on the three transformers again to stimulate the transformers and their owners to see if he could get more information.

If something goes wrong, contact Rexor immediately.

One lie needs another lie to cover it up, one after another, until the truth is finally revealed.

Therefore, if you want to disclose information, you need to think of a communication strategy with Rexor in advance to ensure that possible anomalies are not exposed.

Xia Zuo had an idea in his mind, no longer worried about it, and concentrated on searching for the blood addict.

Rexor, who was walking beside him, had already sensed Xia Zuo's worries.

Whenever Xia Zuo was thinking about something or was troubled in his heart, he would lower his head unconsciously, frown, and his eyes would wander between the ground and the building.

Rexall knew that the other party needed some time to adapt to his new relationship with the Mage Temple.

And as far as he knew, pure-blood mages all had this temperament, and the innate spells brought by bloodline awakening were the biggest secrets, so the temple never asked pure-blood mages to reveal what their innate spells were...

You have to find an opportunity to tell Xia Zuo that the Mage Temple does not pay attention to the natural spells of pure-blood mages...

Only care about loyalty.

The two walked on the street for three hours and found a restaurant to sit down at noon to eat and rest.

At the dinner table, Xia Zuo talked about his plan to exercise physical fitness.

When Rexor heard that he wanted to practice breathing techniques, he shook his head repeatedly, put down the beer glass in his hand and said:

"No need to bother, Xia Zuo. The breathing method is suitable for ordinary people. If you want to have a strong body, you can try the adaptation potion of the Demon Hunting School."

Xia Zuo became interested, wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin and asked, "Don't you need to join the Demon Hunting School?"

"No need. Adaptation potions No. 1 to 10 are open to every member of the temple. Although you have only accepted the loyalty ceremony and have not yet become a high-level mage, you can barely be considered a member of the temple."

Rexall said:

"But you have to pay federal points. Taking the adaptation potion is only the first step. You also need to learn cold weapons under my guidance. My suggestion is to learn swordsmanship.

“The long sword has blades on both sides and is more difficult to learn than knives and axes, but it is better because it has both speed and power.

"Well... you are a pure-blood mage and you don't have any use for cold weapons. Improving your physical fitness is just to learn better protective spells. So the specific cold weapons you want to learn depends on your own interests."

When Rexor mentioned "protective spells", Xia Zuo remembered something.

The shield and armor spells he currently masters are at the basic stage and have no requirements on the caster's strength, agility and endurance, and these three attributes cannot provide additional power bonuses.

But starting from the advanced stage, these three attributes will be closely related to protective spells.

Just found a suitable excuse to improve physical fitness.

Isn't this a coincidence? It saves you the trouble of explaining why you want to improve your physical fitness.

Xia Zuo thought for a while.

He is striving for improvement, agility, and endurance. He should pursue efficiency, not beauty and handsomeness.

In the previous life, there was a saying that an inch grows stronger and an inch grows stronger. If you want to learn it, you must learn a powerful cold weapon.


"Master, can you teach me how to grow weapons?" Xia Zuo asked.

Rexor's mouth twitched, fear appeared on his face, and his eyes narrowed, "Long weapon? What long weapon? Pitchfork? Or two-handed sickle? I have seen their power, but unfortunately, Seritus and I have not. Get the hang of it.”

"Oh, that's how it is.."

Xia Zuo rubbed the back of his head, not understanding where the other party's fear came from. Could it be that he had been defeated by a master who was good at using pitchforks and sickles?

Xia Zuo thought for a few seconds and asked:

"Master, what other weapons do you think are more powerful?"

"Awesome? Are you pursuing the efficiency of killing enemies and the power of breaking armor?" Rexor asked.

"No, no, no, I mainly want to improve my physical fitness faster. I only pursue this." Xia Zuo shook his hand and said.

Rexor Mosuo has a bald head.

"There is a kind of weapon. It is a bit heavy and requires good muscle strength to hold. You have to stay alert when using it. If you don't control it well, you will hurt yourself. Swinging it for a long time will consume a lot of physical energy, which is much worse than a long sword. It’s even more strenuous. In the future, you can also use it with a shield or dual-wield.”

Xia Zuo's eyes gradually widened. This was the weapon he wanted.

"Master, that kind of weapon can be equipped with a shield?"

"Yes." Rexor nodded looking at Xia Zuo who was inexplicably excited.

Xia Zuo asked excitedly:

"Can you wear full metal armor? It's the kind of heavy armor that can withstand impacts, arrows, projectiles, and spell attacks."

"What?" Rexor suspected that he heard wrongly.

A pureblood mage wants to wear heavy armor?

The bald man was stunned for a few seconds, and then he said:

"It can wear heavy armor. In fact, to truly exert its power, you must wear heavy armor."

Xia Zuo clapped his hands and laughed:

"Haha! That's it! Master, can you teach me? What kind of weapon is it?"

The place where the two of them ate was in the corner, and Rexor had arranged multiple barriers so they didn't have to worry about attracting attention.

"This weapon is called a chain hammer." Bald Head said.

Oh~ It turns out to be this.

Xia Zuo suddenly realized.

It's a weapon with a chain attached to a metal rod and a metal hammer attached to the other end of the chain.

It has been seen before on the guards of Starry Night Kingdom.

A weapon similar to the mace is the flail - a long staff connected to a shorter staff by a chain.

Similar to the flail, the nunchaku is far from the flail and the chain hammer in terms of usage.

Rexor ate a piece of meat, swallowed it and said:

"Since you want to learn this, you have to work harder. Start with the light chain hammer, then the heavy chain hammer, and finally, if the Mage Temple allows it, you can also learn the Yuan energy chain hammer. This is a kind of Alchemical weapons, but you need to be quite skilled.”

Xia Zuo's eyes shone with hope, and he calmed down immediately, "How many points does it cost to learn this weapon?"

"Well" Rexor pondered for a moment, "Let's see if you have any talent in this area first, and then we can discuss the tuition."

"Start tonight?" Xia Zuo asked.

"Sure. Every night and weekends."

Xia Zuo touched the blood-red crystal in his pocket, "Then let's eat quickly. Finish today's patrol mission early."

He took a bite of the meatloaf into his mouth, chewed it thoroughly and swallowed it. A doubt arose in his mind.

"Master, if we patrol city by city, will any fish slip through the net? Why not arrange more teams to patrol at the same time?"

Rexor picked up the knife and fork and said:

"Actually, we are not the only ones who use blood-red crystals to patrol the city every day. The city's mage is also doing the same thing with the Orb of Vision. According to your alchemy school, this is a controlled experiment.

“We were watching the crowd up close.

“The resident mage uses the Orb of Far View to observe the crowd.

"If the results of the two control tests are consistent, then after we patrol the entire city, the rest of the patrol work will be handed over to the resident mage."

"I understand." Xia Zuo stuffed the remaining steak into his mouth, eating faster and leaving more time to train the hammer.

Yuan Neng Chain Hammer, Yuan Neng Heavy Armor, high attack and high defense, coupled with super blood recovery, tsk tsk tsk tsk


What if you encounter an enemy who is good at long-range attacks?

Being kited to death?

Xia Zuo suddenly thought of Dim and his energy cannon mounted on the elemental body.

Although the Yuan Neng artillery is powerful and has a good range, its firing speed is too slow.

Dim had no choice but to load the cannon because he didn't learn the curse spell.

Xia Zuo has the Curse of Slowness in his hand, so fast enemies are not really defenseless against him.

At 4 p.m. that day.

After Xia Zuo and Rexall returned to the manor after touring the southern city, drizzle fell from the sky, drizzling, and wet their windbreakers.

Xia Zuo walked into the low house, took off his coat and hat, and hung them by the fireplace to warm himself.

Rexor took two blood-red crystals and walked towards the stairwell, "Wait for me, Xia Zuo. I'll go and hand over to the temple guards. You can find something to eat first, and we will start training later."

"Okay, Master." Xia Zuo walked to the kitchen, grabbed a handful from the clay pot filled with dried fruits, poured himself a glass of milk, and cut a piece of bread.

Rexor wanted to give him a test to see if he had melee talent, and Xia Zuo also had the same intention.

To be honest, as an otaku who loves to play games, I have always yearned for the kind of battles with swords and swords and shields clashing. Today I finally have the opportunity to learn it systematically.

Xia Zuo couldn't help but think of Snake.

The snake dancer from Audrey Circus took him to check the knives in the mezzanine of the carriage floor, showing off the cold weapons of this world for the first time.

I wonder how Audrey and the others are doing now. They should have received my points gift...

Xia Zuo drank milk and had many thoughts in his mind.

Rexall came back, picked up a bottle of fruit wine and said, "Follow me, let's go to the backyard."

Thanks to Jingjing Luoxue for the 100 points reward.

Thanks to Imperial Pony for the 100 points reward.

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