My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 145 The Butler of Spirit and Flesh

December 12th, Friday at 8pm, 4 days until Winter Veil.

Home in the St. York Community.

Xia Zuo ate the fruit plate sent by Anruer and was alone in the study.

In the past few days, he maintained the [Blood Curse] at all times, used Ufakas to gain experience, and could clearly sense that the opponent's position had not changed.

The evil blood demon Ufaris has also been staying in the city of Hakanson.

During this period, neither Poseidon nor Polis experienced Category 3 disasters.

It was as if all the strange monsters lurking in the dark fell into a deep sleep at the same time.

But as soon as I arrived home tonight.

There are abnormalities in the bloodline marks of Ufakas, Iboike, whose body is about to be broken by the antidote, and the black-bellied blood demon Ufaris.

The three received instructions from the same voice at almost the same time.

Xia Zuo used [Blood Sensing] to accurately monitor the conversation.

An old man with a hoarse voice, like a dull knife cutting wood, said in his ear:

“Disciples dripping with blood, a distorted illusion of the flesh.

"I, Nuk'alofa, the deacon of spirit and flesh, was entrusted by the Blood Mystic Bishop to convey his will on my behalf.

"Iboike, Yifaluoke... As high-level believers, the nine of you should have listened to the Lord's words and followed the Lord's teachings, but you rashly sacrificed blood patterns and acted rashly, causing Qualuowuqi and Huo When Sang Mofa fell, he placed himself in the enemy's nest, deeply trapped in it, and unforgivable.

"Ufaris, Utholeus, Kakuchis, and Kasaris, the bishop appreciates your courage and discipline, and allows the four of you to absorb Ifalok and others after Iboyik is completely sealed by the Demon Palace. The blood patterns of 8 high-level cultists.

"The Blood Secret Bishop has determined the action plan, senior believers, please listen carefully.

"On December 14th, you will drive your respective quasi-believers and formal believers to hunt humans and continuously create chaos around the three cities of Poseidon, Polis and Hakanson. Hundreds of people in the Machina State All believers must participate in the war.

“On December 15, Iboike sacrificed his life and lured away the guards of the Demon Palace.

"December 16th.

"Utorius, Kakuchis, you lead the believers to attack the Demon Hunter stronghold of Poseidon, destroy the teleportation crystal, slaughter the marching humans, and collect blood.

"Ufaris, Kasaris, you presided over the advent ceremony in Hakanson City, absorbed the blood patterns of 8 high-level believers including Epiroc, summoned Utorius and Kakuchis, and spread the vicious blood plague.

"At 2 o'clock that night, the four of you, Ufaris, Utholeus, Kakuchis, and Kasaris, went to Polis City to kidnap the target.

"The Shadow Demon Lord will use the dark room to respond."

The old man repeated the plan twice, and then his voice disappeared.

Xia Zuo's ears suddenly exploded. Transformers and blood addicts from all walks of life were vying to send blood messages to Ufaris, and their words were full of flattering congratulations.

"Master~man~, I am your most humble servant. I am your sharp teeth that devour living people and your sharp claws that tear apart flesh and blood. I will create the bliss of blood for you..."

The speaking mixed-race mage paused for a few seconds, and then shouted happily, "Praise for your generosity, I will use the enemy's wailing as a gift~~"

Xia Zuo listened for a few minutes and couldn't stand the flattering tone and attitude of treating human life as trivial, so he had to turn off [Blood Sensing].

"Now we're in trouble... On the 14th, there was a riot in the town. On the 15th, the temple guards were going to escort the blood essence stone of Iboyk. On the 16th, Poseidon was massacred and some vicious blood plague was spread in the city of Hakanson. Attract the guard force of Machina State, and take the opportunity late at night to take away the elemental puppet disguised as me..."

Xia Zuo frowned and went over the plan of the Strange Demon Church with his arms folded.

The Church of Strange Demons did not realize that the target of Polis City was a fake, nor did it realize that the Temple had guessed that they had given up on rescuing the Blood Demon.

Xia Zuo rubbed his face twice and looked at the clock, 9:20 pm.

Meditate first tonight, and go directly to the Demon Hunter's manor tomorrow morning to discuss countermeasures with Rexor.

When Xia Zuo walked towards the door, he hesitated for a few seconds and lifted the [Blood Curse] imposed on Ufakas, so as not to make a big mistake out of small things. If Ufaris had the habit of checking his subordinates before battle, then it would be a big deal. It will cause trouble.

Early the next morning, today is December 13th, and tomorrow the Strange Demon Church will launch riots around three cities in Machina State.

Xia Zuo sent Anruer to Yingrui Academy for classes, and then took a public carriage to the manor.

He walked into the low room and looked at the bald and cold-faced man playing cards on the sofa.

"Master, I want to find an absolutely safe place to talk to you about something." Xia Zuo said solemnly.

Rexor and his companions looked at each other and said, "Serrit, you stay here. I will take him to the teleportation hall."

"Leave it to me, man." Cerites nodded.

Rexall pulled Xia Zuo to the room at the end of the second floor.

The two of them disappeared in the bright light and arrived at the teleportation hall in a blink of an eye.

Xia Zuo looked at the majestic statue above his head and the huge crystal in the hall, and suddenly felt a complete sense of security.

"It's absolutely safe here, Xia Zuo. It doesn't matter even if you directly say the Blood Demon's name."

Rexor stretched out his hand toward the wall, and the stone bricks that made up the wall transformed into a bench protruding from the wall.

Xia Zuo sat down on the stool and said directly in a positive tone:

"I know the plan of the Strange Demon Church..."

He spent a few minutes going through everything that would happen before the Winter Veil.

Rexall's face became more solemn as he listened.

He felt a little lucky in his heart.

Because the Mage Temple made a relatively accurate prediction of the actions of the Strange Demon Church.

But it was more confusion.

I can't figure out where so many mixed-blood mages appeared from, they have obviously been cleaned up before.

When he heard that the Strange Demon Church was planning to spread a vicious blood plague in the city of Hakanson, Rexall clenched his fists.

"Xia Zuo, you mean that someone is commanding these mixed-blood mages, right? Who is that person?" Rexor asked deeply.

Xia Zuo thought about it carefully, "It said that he was Nuk'alofa, a deacon of some sort, and that he came to convey the blood secret bishop's will."

Rexor clapped his hands in sudden realization and said:

"Nuk'alofa, the deacon of spirit and flesh, a powerful figure in the Church of Strange Demons. It turns out that he was also involved."

"He?" Xia Zuo blinked, why didn't he use "it" to refer to Nuk'alofa?

Rexor said while thinking:

"Nuk'alofa is not a hybrid mage, he is a flesh and blood alchemist, one of the inventors of the Split Limb Arms, and the deputy commander of the Split Limb Legion.

"It seems that the Strange Demon Church is treating the robbery of pure-blood mages this time as a stealth war.

"Nuk'alofa personally came to give the order, which shows that the strange demon church may have used the split-limb weapon, and then everything will be explained. Otherwise, so many mixed-race mages have poured into Machina State, and we would not be able to detect it. Not the slightest movement.”

"Uh, what's the limb-splitting weapon?" Xia Zuo was confused.

Rexor thought for a while and explained:

“You can simply think of it as putting people together like parts.

"For example, if you remove your left arm and replace it with a monster's thick arm, will you become more powerful?

"In the inland areas of this continent, this kind of split-limb weapon using monster limbs is also called alchemy equipment.

"If you choose to replace the left arm with a steel robotic arm, it is also feasible. This type of split-limb weapon is called a mechanical prosthesis.

"Whether it is alchemy equipment or mechanical prosthetics, each has its own complete system. This is a killer weapon created by flesh and blood alchemists in the last era."

Biopunk? ?

Xia Zuo's eyes widened, and it was hard to imagine how many strange things had appeared on this continent in the past 20,000 years.

"Then what should we do now? Master." Xia Zuo asked.

"Hmm... There are not many types of split-limb weapons that can be used to transport mixed-blood mages... Those that can be disguised as normal human limbs are even rarer, and all of them are very expensive."

What? A simulated elbow that can transport a hybrid mage?

"And the half-blood mage can stay in the split-limb weapon for at most 7 days. Otherwise, the half-blood mage will forcefully break out and tear apart the bearer of the split-limb weapon."

Rexor stood up, walked and thought:

"We want to search for all outsiders who arrive in the three cities within seven days. Be prepared for violent conflicts."

Rexor clapped his hands and said, "Wait here for a while while I go to the outer hall. You can look around, but don't go too far."

"Okay, Master."

Rexor walked towards the huge crystal, outlined a magic circle with his hands, and summoned a beam of light to pick him up.

Xia Zuo sat on the stool for a few minutes, his eyes attracted by the sky outside the pointed glass ceiling.

The last time he came here, the sun was shining brightly in the hall, and it was already 7 o'clock in the evening in Poseidon.

When the teleportation arrived just now, it was early morning in Poseidon, and the teleportation hall was still full of sunshine...

So...where is the Mage Temple?

Xia Zuo walked forward, wanting to see where the sun was so he could identify the approximate time and calculate the location of the temple based on time zone knowledge.

He came directly below the ceiling and looked up at the blue sky

! !

Nine suns!

Eight smaller suns hang in the sky around the central sun.

Xia Zuo felt an electric current rushing through his scalp, and the sight of the sky that went against common sense made him shiver as if he was electrocuted...

Xia Zuo rubbed his eyes that were filled with tears due to the sunlight, walked around the huge crystal, and looked around at the statues and reliefs on the surrounding walls.

As the footsteps move, the light and shadow alternately change, and the relief statue comes to life like a living picture scroll. The people and objects on it are changing all the time. One second, they are wearing shabby animal skin clothes for hunting, and the next second It turned into fighting monsters with a sword in hand.

The only thing that hasn't changed much is the figure sculptures protruding from the wall.

Xia Zuo paused in front of a sculpture for a moment, and then discovered that the relief below the sculpture was actually interpreting the life of the sculpture.

These characters who can be placed in the teleportation hall, without exception, walked out of the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood. All of them have made great achievements in the war against monsters and strange demons to have a place here and become respected beings. .

But what are they called?

Xia Zuo frowned, never seeing the name of the sculpture.

How strange…

The sound of the stone door shaking sounded in the hall.

Xia Zuo looked in that direction.

A man wearing a brown leather trench coat walked towards the giant crystal.

He had a scruffy beard and thick, round eyes perched on his nose.

Behind him is a backpack, with a big wrench sticking out of the side pocket. The backpack jingles and contains a lot of engineering props.

When he got closer, Xia Zuo noticed that the man had no sleeve on his left side.

The exposed left arm is a mechanical prosthetic leg.

Under the transparent glass shell is a silver-white metal frame.

The hydraulic rod provides the power to telescope and grasp, and the closely arranged metal wires accurately transmit the power, allowing the steel fingers to be as flexible as real hands.

What flows in the "veins" is not scarlet blood, but four unknown liquids of different colors.

Rexall just mentioned that mechanical prosthetics were invented by flesh and blood alchemists.

Why would someone appear here equipped with it?

Xia Zuo's eyes followed the other person's movement until the super huge crystal projected light and picked him up.

After about 10 minutes.

Xia Zuo walked around the hall around the huge crystal, and Rexor happened to be back.

"Xia Zuo." Rexor waved to the figure not far away, stepped forward and said:

"The information you provided has been confirmed. I won't tell you more about the specific situation."

"Master, I just saw someone with a mechanical prosthetic arm on his left arm...Who is he? I thought the Mage Temple did not allow split-limb weapons to appear in the territory." Xia Zuo asked.

Rexosol walked towards the stone door of the teleportation room, "That's...well...a certain split-limb armed organization that surrendered to the Mage Temple. They live deep in the interior. When you become a high-level mage, there will be Chance knows.”

"Oh, that's right." Xia Zuo walked beside the bald head and found that the direction the bald head was walking was to another teleportation room.

"Master, where are we going?"

Rexall kept walking, "Go directly to the safe house in the Posin Building. You will stay there until the riot subsides before you can come out. The Category 3 Disaster Emergency Response Department has activated the wartime safety plan, Posing Both Type 1 and Type 2 alchemists in Dun City will be protected."

"Well, what about Anruer?"

“She is a Type 2 alchemist and should have stayed with other Type 2 alchemists.

"But considering your identity...she will arrive at your safe house through the teleportation crystal of the Energy Research Institute.

"Your safe house will be more secretive and safer, and it will never be found by strange monsters. In this way, we can perform this drama perfectly without even a single flaw."

When Rexor said this, he had a sinister smile on his face, "Since the Church of Strange Demons wants a new pure-blood mage bloodline, we will make sure arrangements for it."

There was a cold look of resentment in his eyes.

"All the strange monsters that invaded Machina State... don't even think about going back alive!"

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