My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 168 The Sorrow of the Demon Hunter

The copying speed of Demonic Alchemy is much faster than Xia Zuo expected.

The common language in the alchemy world is alchemy language. He has been an alchemist for more than ten years and has already understood the essence of this language.

The knowledge system of monster alchemy is divided into three parts - cultivating monsters, refining essence and preserving essence.

The experimental links in these two parts, refining and preserving the essence, are written in alchemical language and have a relatively fixed format.

After transcribing dozens of recipes, Xia Zuo summarized 6 common formats.

He used 6 pieces of white paper alone and compared these 6 common formats to create 6 templates.

When copying recipes in the future, you only need to copy the nouns, quantifiers and numerals such as the product name, quantity, and operating time of the refining steps of the monster materials. Bring these phrases into a specific template to get a complete recipe. Magic formula.

Xia Zuo did not copy all the contents of cultivating monsters.

Considering that the Hematin servants would not leave the territory of Stillwater Town in a short period of time, he only copied the information on monsters near Stillwater Town.

When I finished all this, it was exactly 4 o'clock in the morning...

I almost stayed up all night again.

You can't do this tomorrow night, otherwise it will delay your work the next day.

Xia Zuo made up his mind not to get deeply involved in the affairs of the Mishima Group and the Izhu Group.

Tomorrow night, I will control the hemogen servant at most, copy the unknown language in the magic alchemy book, try to figure out the logic of this language, and never let the hemogen servant spy on unimportant people and things.

December 29th.

It's 10 o'clock in the morning.

Xia Zuo used wind movement to reach the manor near the suburbs.

The weather is sunny today, and the cold wind seems a bit milder under the dazzling sunshine.

In the backyard of the manor, the bald man was holding a wine bottle and lazily basking in the sun.

Seeing Xia Zuo coming, Rexor stood up from the recliner and asked, "I heard that you went to Yingrui Academy to buy a course in bioalchemy."

"Uh, yes, Master." Xia Zuo nodded, not understanding why the other party suddenly mentioned this.

Rexor touched his shiny head, "I introduced you to my elemental body before. Did this content inspire you? You want to explore it, the wizards of the Fourth Age? , how do you use monster scales to arm the elemental body, right?"

Xia Zuo nodded again, "Yes. There are no textbooks for this part, and I have never heard anyone mention it. So I am very curious."

He said while thinking:

"I haven't studied what split-limb weapons are... and I don't know the principles of flesh-flesh alchemy... but I have a strange feeling... using monster scales to arm the elemental body is similar to using alchemy equipment to arm the body, and using magic to arm the body Arming the elemental body with the products of physical alchemy is very similar to using mechanical prosthetics.”

Xia Zuo paused for a few seconds and then said:

“Judging from the experience before the Winter Veil Festival, I feel that alchemical clothing and mechanical prostheses will act on our bodies and they will replace a certain part of our existence.

"But the elemental body is different. When installing alchemy products on the elemental body, there is no need to make any changes to our body.

"This is probably the most obvious difference between the split-limb weapon and the elemental body."

"Other than that, I have a conjecture." Xia Zuo raised his head and looked at Rexor, "I have derived a conclusion based on the existing knowledge and experience..."

Before coming to this conclusion, Xia Zuo felt it necessary to carefully consider his tone and search for all possible errors.

In the eyes of everyone in the Mage Temple represented by Rexor, Xia Zuo has not been deeply involved in bioalchemy. He is still at the stage where he can recognize the types and growth stages of monsters, and there is absolutely no way he can come into contact with [ Monster Essence] related knowledge.

These four words are words that only appear in magic alchemy, so they must not come out of his mouth.

Xia Zuo thought for a few seconds and then said:

"My guess is that split-limb weapons have nothing to do with [elements]. Whether you are making split-limb weapons or using split-limb weapons, there is no need to use unruly elements or clever elements. Split-limb weapons are a science that is completely separate from orthodox alchemy. The alchemical system.”

When Rexor heard this, he was silent for a moment, "I can't imagine how big your head is? With just a few words of mine and the knowledge from the textbook, I have grasped the key to the split-limb weapon... If you were born in the Fourth Era, you could become a big shot even if you were not a pure-blood mage, and it would not be impossible to even build a temple with those old guys..."

After Xia Zuo figured out the mechanism of free attribute points, he also wanted to go into an environment similar to the Fourth Age.

Because there must be a lot of warcraft and monsters waiting to be slaughtered there.

Fighting with World of Warcraft day and night, quickly gaining a lot of experience, and adding points through golden fingers, you can become an all-rounder with extremely high eight-dimensional attributes, and you can travel freely between heaven and earth...

Now... the Mage Temple strictly restricts the flow of people between regions and the spread of knowledge between different regions.

Everyone living in a certain area may not be able to go to other places in their lifetime. Unless they become a high-level mage and have the qualifications to serve as a consultant, they will have the opportunity to work in other places.

In this situation.

Cross-regional tourism cannot become a reality.

It's even more unreasonable to open your arms and use blood magic to spawn monsters.

Xia Zuo, who had a lot of expertise in blood magic, was imprisoned in a safe and comfortable environment like a bird in a cage.

Fortunately, the hemogen servants were deep in the interior, giving him a glimmer of hope to gain experience by killing monsters.

Rexor took out a secret message ring and dialed a secret message with his finger. After receiving a reply, he said:

"Xia Zuo, let me tell you something."

Rexall sat back on the recliner, patted the wooden bench next to him, and motioned for Xia Zuo to sit down.

"I once mentioned to you that the power of blood appeared in the second era. The Mage Temple collected all the historical documents related to blood in the world and sealed them in the temple's library. This made the temple territory The vast majority of people have never known the existence of the power of blood. For them, after acquiring an acquired affinity, learning alchemy and being lucky enough to become a mage is the only way to cross the class."

"But to tell you the truth." Rexall pointed to himself with his thumb, "We demon hunters are the product of the power of blood. In the 10th century of the Fourth Era, we were called [mutants]."

Rexall took out the No. 5 adaptation potion from the potion belt and waved the golden potion bottle in front of him.

"You have been drinking this potion for a few days, and you must have felt its benefits. It can strengthen your body without pain or side effects. All you have to do is to wield the hammer and shield and conduct actual combat training with me. That’s all.”

Xia Zuo looked at the bald head with all his attention and nodded his chin.

"But you have to know that in the fourth era, when the adaptation medicine was not improved to what it is now, it took away the lives of most of the people who took the medicine. They died in a helpless struggle, with the coldness and contempt of the world. , fell into the basement of the Demon Hunter’s camp. Only we mutants know how painful and unwilling they are.”

There was a flash of pain in Rexor's eyes, as if the past experience had seriously hurt him, and it could still affect his thoughts even after a thousand years.

"Let's get back to the topic." Rexor took out two metal boxes from his alchemy pocket, opened the lids on the recliner, and revealed the 20 potions inside.

“Adaptation potions No. 1 to 10 are improved from the trial potion called [Green Grass Decoction].

"In the Fourth Age, the main ingredients for grass decoctions were the spinal fluid of the dragon tail dragon, the venom glands of the flying lion monster, the tongue of the albino vampire banshee, yam, plantain, datura root, and optional materials Albino giant centipede protein. Its base is a mixture of mother's tears, wild rye juice and thatch juice."

Rexall pointed to the metal box containing adaptation potions No. 11 to No. 20.

"The demon-hunting apprentices of those days would drink four different decoctions after drinking the grass decoction, and then throw them into a swamp full of monsters for a whole night. This trial was called the Dream Trial. .

"It can stimulate the effects of werewolf's wrath, giving demon-hunting apprentices dark vision, causing their [bone marrow] and hormones to mutate, greatly improving their physical advantages. However, it will also cause them to lose their fertility."

"Marrow..." Xia Zuo repeated the word.

There is a classic book in bone sac alchemy called "The Making and Storage of Bone Sacs".

Xia Zuo only saw the title of the book for the time being and did not read the details on the page.

But considering the position of bone marrow in bones, it is not difficult to speculate that the core of the bone capsule is probably related to bone marrow.

Rexall also mentioned bone marrow.

According to what he meant, the school of demon hunting uses medicine to transform people's bone marrow and improve physical quality.

Since the school of demon hunting and bone capsule alchemy are both related to bone marrow, there must be something in common between the two, and maybe there is a very deep connection.

Xia Zuo immediately grasped the key point, took a deep breath, and asked, "Master, what are the decoctions for the dream trial?"

"Giant mantis eye drops, Dagon essence made from Dagon secretions, mutant crab demon core, and werewolf wrath made from high-level werewolf fur. These things have long since disappeared and were buried in the history of the Fourth Era, tell It’s okay with you.”

Rexall added, "However, you'd better not say anything outside."

"Okay, Master." Xia Zuo nodded.

Rexall stretched out his finger and gestured on the adaptation potions No. 1 to 20, "Look at these raw materials. You can tell from the names alone that none of them are non-toxic. Boil them into a decoction. If you let the trained demon-hunting apprentices drink it, wouldn't it be equivalent to killing them?"

Rexor held Xia Zuo's shoulders and said with some regret:

"The trial decoction is something we have made based on experience. Because of the extremely high disability rate, our decoction has not been taken seriously, and it has even attracted the contempt of alchemists.

“The school of demon hunting at that time did not have the help of alchemists.

"This led us to naively believe that the toxicity of the decoction caused the body's mutation.

"For a long time, we have always believed that the toxicity of decoctions will cause mutations in flesh, blood, tissues and organs when the body is destroyed.

“Like breaking and building again, the decoction destroys our body and reshapes it at the same time.

"As long as you are strong-willed, survive the severe pain, and see the sun tomorrow, you can complete the mutation. But if you relax your will and give up the desire to survive, you will faint immediately and lose your life in a short period of time."

Rexor paused, exhaled helplessly, and then said:

"In the 12th century of the Fourth Era, no demon-hunting apprentice passed the Trial of Green Grass and the Trial of Dreams for several decades. Monsters still raged in this land, the school of demon-hunting gradually withered, and the mages were also haunted by powerful strange demons. Living."

Rexor's eyes flashed with confusion.

"When the demon-hunting school was about to end its inheritance, a group of alchemists jumped out of nowhere, came to us, and spent a lot of money to buy the potion formula for the demon-hunting apprentice trial.

“They have developed alchemy that removes the toxicity of monster materials and retains the essence of monsters.

"Humans who take the essence of monsters can have monster-like physical qualities without experiencing pain, and their strength, physical fitness, and reaction speed are far superior to ordinary people.

"This kind of people are called second-generation mutants.

"At that time, the few remaining old demon hunters in our demon hunting school understood that it was the essence of the monster that caused the body mutation, not the toxicity of the monster material.

"Those alchemists equipped the second-generation mutants with monster limbs. They have amazing combat power, but because they have no elemental affinity, they cannot use elemental spells. They are always a little worse than our first-generation mutant demon hunters."

Rexor closed the metal box of the adaptation potion and stuffed it back into his alchemy pocket.

"Later, those alchemists were no longer satisfied with wielding monster limbs, but wanted to create a [perfect] body.

"They used monster limbs to build human bodies, and in the end they only got a bunch of non-human monsters. Some of them changed their research direction and used metal to build humanoid bodies... This gave birth to two branches of the Split Limb Arms - —Alchemy equipment using monster limbs, and mechanical prosthetics using steel products.”

Rexor pointed to his forehead, "These two branches without exception encountered a problem, and this problem is here, our brain. Those alchemists discovered that the only thing in the human body that can't be solved is the brain. Use monster materials or alchemical products instead."

"The brain is very fragile and will rot if stirred with a knife; it is also very delicate and must be inside our skull to survive. The most important thing is that those alchemists discovered that if a person's arms, thighs, or even internal organs are not This person can still survive, but if he loses his brain, he will definitely die. Even if he survives, he will just be a walking corpse."

Rexor looked directly at Xia Zuo.

"You should know what happens next.

"Those alchemists believe that the soul stored in the brain controls humans. They are eager to know where the soul is so that they can transfer it to monster materials or mechanical prostheses... They conducted a large number of in vivo experiments and created [The year of turmoil and bloodshed] when evil spread everywhere."

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