On the back of the promotion examination admission ticket, there is a simple examination schedule.

Xia Zuo will undergo the first session of the test tomorrow.

The test in this session is divided into two sessions, morning and afternoon.

The day starts at 8 am and ends at 6 pm.

Lunch will be eaten in the examination room, which will be brought by elemental servants, and internal emergencies will be taken care of in the independent bathroom attached to the classroom.

Before 6 p.m., Xia Zuo must give answers to all test questions within the specified time.

Before entering the examination room, he had to leave all the alchemy props he had in his dormitory, including an alchemy bag, an alchemy stone, and two enchanted brooches.

He can only wear ordinary clothes to participate in the test, and must wear a magic alarm device on his wrist.

The examination room has been transformed by alchemy and enchantment. There are no windows and there are many faint spell patterns on the four walls.

These magic circles arranged on the wall can block all spells that have the function of "transmitting messages across the air" or "memory recall" and other exam cheating functions.

When Xia Zuo sat down in the examination room, he was surrounded by more than a dozen transparent glass balls, and each glass ball contained a surveillance guard from the poison refining master.

In this situation of being closely watched and prevented from casting spells...

Xia Zuo boldly tried to adjust the perspective of the hemogen servant...

The spell-casting alarm device on the wrist did not alarm, the shielding spell array on the classroom wall did not respond, and even the surveillance guards who were close at hand did not notice anything unusual...

Sitting in the exam classroom, Xia Zuo found that he could still control the hemogen servant smoothly without disturbing the alchemy tools, enchanting materials and invigilating professors around him.

Pure blood magic... was far more magical than he expected.

How did he connect with his blood servants?

This question popped into Xia Zuo's mind.

But he knew now was not a good time to explore the issue.

Under the gaze of more than a dozen eyes, Xia Zuo took a sip from the water glass on the table, put aside his thoughts that had nothing to do with the exam, and waited for the exam to start with peace of mind.

The way the questions are asked in this exam is slightly different from previous written exams.

The invigilating professors will set the questions on the spot. They are both the invigilators and the question makers.

Due to this particularity, Xia Zuo cannot skip test questions and must answer them before proceeding to the next question.

Test papers are no longer the carrier of test questions.

It will be replaced by the silver sand that Xia Zuo is very familiar with, and the professors will use it to set questions.

The silver sand accumulated on the podium floated.

The first glass ball in front of Xia Zuo shot out a beam of light, and the light fell on the silver sand, controlling the sand to change into a "poisonous weed" composed of dozens of characters and a silver sand.

The professor, whose name and identity was unknown, asked Xia Zuo to first identify the basic toxins that this "poisonous weed" might contain.

This seems to be a relatively simple poison knowledge question.

Xia Zuo read the text composed of silver sand, looked at the "poisonous weed" again, quietly released the detection technique, and his narrowed eyes showed a thoughtful look.

I still remember that when I was taking the general course exam at Starry Night Academy, in order to reduce the difficulty of some of the exams, the professor from the school deliberately placed samples of the herbs and minerals mentioned in the exam questions in the suitcase containing the exam papers.

At that time, if Xia Zuo couldn't remember the answer all of a sudden, he could still get the idea by using the detection technique on the sample.


If you use the detection technique on "poisonous weeds", you will only get the detection result of silver sand - the silver sand cannot get the specific information of "poisonous weeds".

Xia Zuo had to search for the corresponding knowledge points in the [Knowledge Reserve] according to the pattern of the "poisonous weed" before he could answer.

This way of setting questions virtually made this round of exams more difficult.

Xia Zuo put aside his distracting thoughts, calmed down and carefully looked at the details of the poisonous weed, and gradually discovered the difficulty in this question.

In the field of poison alchemy, there is only one explanation for "poisonous weed". It specifically refers to poisonous plants that naturally grow on grass and have a negative impact on human health.

There are three factors in this sentence, all of which are indispensable.

They are [Natural Growth], [Human Health] and [Negative Effects].

If a plant has a negative impact on human health, but it does not exist in nature and is produced through alchemy, then it cannot be called a poisonous weed, but should be called an alchemical product, or as in this question That way, call it "poisonous weed" in double quotes.

in short.

The "poisonous weeds" transformed from silver sand do not grow naturally.

Xia Zuo checked the [Knowledge Reserve] in his mind for a minute and found no poisonous weed that matched 100% of the "Poisonous Weed". However, there were 5 types of poisonous weeds that were somewhat similar to the "Poisonous Weed".

It seems that the professor who wrote the question combined the characteristics of these five real poisonous weeds and fabricated a non-existent "poisonous weed" to test Xia Zuo.

It's like testing Xia Zuo's mastery of five kinds of poisonous weeds at once

The basic toxins contained in the five poisonous weeds must be accurately stated in order to be regarded as a correct answer.

The difficulty of the first question is so high... Xia Zuo twitched the corner of his mouth, considered his tone, and spoke his answer in a smooth tone.

The first question is over.

The professor who asked the question manipulated the silver sand to transform into a strange-shaped "ore" and gave the second question.

This "ore" is spherical, with several protrusions on the surface, some of which are cubes and some of which are cones.

Xia Zuo wants to identify the basic toxins that may be contained in the "ore".

Based on the experience of the previous question, Xia Zuo searched in his mind for ores with similar shapes to the "ore", and as expected, found 3 ores that matched the characteristics of the "ore".

But Xia Zuo didn't answer immediately.

He discovered a possible trap.

As we all know, silver sand is silver.

The props transformed by it are also silver and cannot express other colors. This is an unavoidable flaw when using silver sand to create questions.

The color of poisonous weeds is definitely green. This is common sense and has a certain alchemical basis.

But ore is different.

It comes in various colors, black, white, dark brown, silver and so on.

If the color of the ore is also taken into consideration, there are many answers to this question, because there are many ores with a silver appearance...

Xia Zuo took a deep breath and felt confused about his thoughts. He didn't know if he had complicated the question himself or if the person who asked the question did it intentionally...

He rubbed his chin and carefully engraved every detail of "Ore" in his mind, then closed his eyes and meditated for a minute, and suddenly understood the key points of this question.

There are two types of protrusions on the surface of "ore".

One is a cube and the other is a cone.

The latter is part of the former.

If only one corner of a cube sticks out, the exposed part looks like a cone.

If the protrusions on the surface of the "ore" are regarded as cubes, and the color of the "ore" is silver, then there is only one answer to this question.

In line with the principle of "answers should be as comprehensive as possible and let the marking teacher find points for themselves", Xia Zuo said all the answers that came to his mind, trying to be watertight.

In the morning examination room, more than a dozen invigilators took turns to ask questions, each with 10 questions. It was already noon after the first round.

After Xia Zuo ate the lunch delivered by the elemental servant, he took a short break and then devoted himself to answering the questions again.

The afternoon exam became more difficult!

Xia Zuoguang could no longer give an answer immediately based on his memory and Golden Finger's [knowledge reserve].

Because the content of the test questions is not only related to the knowledge of toxins, but also involves the use of the meditation alchemy table.

Take the simplest of them as an example.

The professor gave 36 different basic toxins and asked Xia Zuo to use the meditation alchemy table to deduce how many types of compound toxins with specified toxic effects can be produced from these 3 basic toxins within 10 minutes.

The first test point of this question is that the compound toxin derived from the meditation alchemy platform must have a specified poisonous effect.

Secondly, the number of compound toxins that meet the conditions must be accurately counted.

What needs special attention is that, whether it is a morning exam or an afternoon exam, there is no paper or pen on the desk in front of Xia Zuo.

To calculate the amount of complex toxins, only mental arithmetic is allowed.

Elemental servants will provide diluted concentration potions for candidates to enter deep meditation and use the meditation alchemy table to deduce the answers to the questions.

The meditation time for each question is only 10 minutes.

When the time is up, Xia Zuo will quit meditation due to the exhaustion of the medicine's effect, and must answer immediately, otherwise the question will be treated as 0 points.

Obviously, the exam in the afternoon focused on testing the proficiency in using the Meditation Alchemy Table.

Xia Zuo thought for a while and determined the solution:

First, deduce which basic toxin is related to the specified poisonous effect in the question, and then use mental arithmetic to calculate the number of compound toxins that meet the conditions.

It's said to be mental arithmetic, but it's actually a matter of manipulating the hematin servants living deep in the hinterland to calculate with pen...

In the last two days of December, Xia Zuo found a good place to stay near Jingshui Town through Servant No. 1.

To the northwest of the town, there is a Yellow Mountain on the road to the reservoir. On the back of the mountain is a bear cave. After being abandoned by the original owner, it has now become the territory of the hematin servants.

The shooting device of the hemogen servant, the copied notes on monster alchemy, and a large box of white paper, pens, ink and other things were all well hidden deep in the cave.

The entrance to the cave is camouflaged with hard rock and carefully woven turf. Servants No. 5 and 6 guard the entrance, holding heavy objects to hold down the rocks to prevent the rocks sealing the entrance from being pushed open by small animals.

Servant No. 1 controls the pen in the cave, while Servant No. 4 lights the alchemy lamp and helps Servant No. 1 turn over the white paper.

Xia Zuo squinted his eyes, twirled his fingers, pretending to do mental arithmetic, and distractedly controlled the hematin servants to use pens and white paper to calculate the number of complex toxins.

After checking the calculation several times, he reported his answer to the invigilator professor who set the question.

The rest of the test questions are similar, all involving mental arithmetic and meditation alchemy platform.

As time goes by, the difficulty of the questions gradually increases, and the number of basic toxins involved increases from single digits to tens of digits.

Xia Zuo spent more and more time using the Meditation Alchemy Table to deduce complex toxins... Even with the help of the hematin servants on his left arm, he found it very difficult.

At 6 o'clock in the evening, as soon as the exam ended, the elemental servant guarding the door of the exam room opened the door.

The glass balls that had been floating all day floated into the podium.

Xia Zuo's face turned pale, he took a breath and walked towards the door.

Continuous and high-intensity answering questions consume energy and physical strength very quickly, and even if you enter deep meditation repeatedly, you cannot recover.

He took off the spell-casting alarm device on his wrist and put it on the shelf next to the door. While going to the cafeteria of the school, he used [Blood Induction] to chat with Anru'er who had just arrived home from get off work.

"Is the exam difficult?" Anruer asked in her heart.

"It's quite difficult. Especially the afternoon test questions, which require the use of a meditation alchemy table to deduce compound toxins. I entered deep meditation more times this afternoon than I did last month..." Xia Zuo did it in the corner of the restaurant and put it on the menu I ordered a classic steak set and picked up the rattle to summon the elemental servants.

"Oh~ when will today's test results be available?" Anru'er continued to ask.

Xia Zuo took out the admission ticket from his jacket pocket and looked at the schedule on the back. "You will know the scores in the evening. A letter will be dropped into the mailbox next to the dormitory door. I think I should be able to pass it... neither do I." It’s clear. The way the questions were asked this afternoon is something I’ve never encountered before.”

"That's it." An Ru'er noticed that Xia Zuo's mood was a little low and said with relief, "It's definitely no problem. At worst, I can prepare a little more when I get back, and then take the exam when I'm fully prepared."

Xia Zuo waited for the elemental servant to bring the food, and said in his heart, "Let's wait until we get the test results tonight. If I can pass it in one go, you can take advantage of this time to go to the women's jiu-jitsu gym to practice more. Change the pay-per-use membership card to a monthly or quarterly card, and then sign up for a training class. This way, you can pass the time after dinner and before going to bed."

"Well, it seems so." Anru'er paused, but she still felt that Xia Zuo could definitely pass the exam, "Then I'll go there now and have a look. I'll discuss the cost with you later."

"Okay. Wear more clothes before going out, don't freeze." Xia Zuo warned in his heart, cut open the steak brought by the elemental servant and put it in his mouth.

He was actually very uneasy.

In the morning exam, he was sure that he got full marks.

But it’s hard to tell for the afternoon exam.

For the first test question, the professor only specified one poisonous effect.

Later, the number of poisonous effects specified by the professor gradually increased, and finally reached 9.

What is this concept?

In the last question, the questioner asked Xia Zuo to combine 20 basic toxins into composite toxins with 9 specified poisonous effects, and count the number of these composite toxins.

The time to answer the questions is still only 10 minutes.

It took Xia Zuoguang nearly 10 minutes to use the meditation alchemy platform to lock the basic toxins related to these nine poisonous effects...

The remaining ten seconds are not enough to calculate the number of compound toxins.

He could only report an approximate number to the invigilator professor based on his past experience in making poison.

If you fail the exam in the afternoon, you will have to pack your things and go home early...

After Xia Zuo finished dinner, he took the elevator to the garden of Boying Academy, walked around a lake a few times to calm down his inner tension, and then walked to the dormitory.

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