The third round of testing is the last round in the promotion assessment.

As long as you pass this round of tests, you can obtain the emblem of a master poison alchemist and go to the Mage Temple for further training.

Early morning hours.

Xia Zuo had a full meal and drink in the restaurant of the school, and walked on the way to the Alchemy Building. He used [Blood Sensation] to chat with An Ru'er who was riding a carriage to work for a while. He waited until the other party arrived at the Energy Research Institute, and then pushed away the alchemy room. door.

This alchemy room…

Why does it feel weird?

Xia Zuo stood at the door and looked inside, but did not step into the door frame immediately because there was a closed operating table in the center of the room with a thick ape-like arm on the table.

Beside the wall of the alchemy room, there are advanced alchemy tables and toxin bottle shelves needed for poison refining.

Deep in the room, behind the glass partition that blocks the spread of toxins, a dozen glass balls are suspended in the air, and the invigilators are waiting for the candidates to enter.

It seems that this round of testing is related to poison refining.

What are the ape arms on the enclosed operating table for?

Xia Zuo closed the door, walked into the shower room, put on the poison-refining leather robe, and picked up the exam manual on the desk.

the manual says.

On the closed operating table, there is an experimental sample made of an angry giant ape-type alchemy suit - that is, an ape arm that is covered with short, thick black hair and is several minutes thicker than an ordinary human arm.

First, Xia Zuo needs to identify the toxins on the experimental samples.

Then, he would refine the corresponding antidote based on his identification results, and blend all the antidote together to create the correct [compound antidote].

"You passed the exam question?" Xia Zuo looked at the exam manual, but couldn't help laughing.

Making a compound detoxifier is not as simple as mixing the detoxifiers together.

Because detoxifiers with different toxic effects will react when mixed together, new toxic effects may appear, or the detoxifier may directly become ineffective and become waste that can only cause physical damage.

It is conceivable that the more poisonous effects you want to eliminate at one time, the more detoxifiers are involved, and the difficulty of making a compound antidote will increase exponentially.

The entire promotion assessment lasts for 2 months. Xia Zuo took a total of 8 days in the first two rounds, and the third round of exams will last for 1 month and 22 days.

Before the time ends, either, Xia Zuo makes the correct compound antidote and passes this round of testing.

Or, voluntarily give up this round of testing and leave the alchemy room.

Before formally refining the compound detoxifier, Xia Zuo needed to spend a lot of time studying the relationship between different detoxifiers.

Looking back at the teaching content of skilled-level poison alchemy, there is a mainstream idea of ​​​​producing a compound antidote with stable ingredients, correct effects, and small side effects.

It is called [Tap Hingson-type compound antidote preparation method].

The core concept is:

Keep the detoxifiers isolated from each other. After the compound detoxifier enters the human body, each detoxifier will be triggered sequentially in a preset order to ensure that while the previous detoxifier is taking effect, the other detoxifiers will remain in isolation. within the area.

That may be a bit abstract.

Think of the compound antidote as a building.

There is a reception desk in the lobby on the first floor of the building.

The upstairs room is a separate home for each detoxifier.

Between detoxification and detoxification, you can't visit each other, you can only stay in your own room, leave the room after hearing the call from the front desk, and walk out of the building to react with the toxins outside the building.

If we reduce this building, which houses a large number of detoxifiers, to the size of a finger, we will get a pill with many independent small spaces inside, like a honeycomb.

So, how to trigger detoxification in sequence?

Suppose we make each detoxifier into a sphere with three layers inside and outside.

Sphere No. 1 contains antitoxin No. 1, and sphere No. N contains antitoxin No. N.

The outermost layer of sphere No. 1 is a substance that is miscible with water.

The middle layer of the sphere is detoxification No. 1.

The innermost layer of the sphere, that is, the substance wrapped in toxin No. 1, can react neutrally with the outermost substance of sphere No. 2 without interfering with the detoxification process.

The material in the outermost layer of Sphere No. 2 cannot react with water and can only be dissolved by the material in the innermost layer of Sphere No. 1.

And so on.

The outermost layer of the N-1 sphere can only be dissolved by the substance in the innermost layer of the N-2 sphere. In this case, the N-1 antitoxin in the middle layer of the N-1 sphere will react with the specific toxin.

When the detoxification agent No. N-1 is used up, the innermost material of the N-1 sphere will flow out and dissolve the outermost material of the N-sphere.

During the entire detoxification process, only one detoxification is active at the same time, and only after all the current detoxifications react with specific poisonous effects will the next detoxification be activated.

This idea of ​​​​making a compound antidote is simple, clear, and easy to understand. It is an idea that most poison alchemists will adopt under normal circumstances.

The difficulty in making [Tap Sing Sen-style compound antidote] lies in accurately calculating the [antidote dose].

The producer must determine the specific [strength of poisonous effect] and produce a corresponding dose of antitoxin to ensure that No. N antitoxin and No. N toxin [fully react with no residue].

Otherwise, two situations will occur:

1. Antidote No. N has been consumed, but toxin No. N still remains. At this time, antitoxin No. N+1 may react with antitoxin No. N.

2. Toxin No. N has been eliminated, but detoxification No. N still remains. At this time, detoxification number N+1 will not be triggered.

In fact, the possibility that No. N detoxification can just remove No. N toxin without any residue is very low and almost impossible to achieve.

The idea to solve this difficulty is actually relatively simple.

Assume that the observed toxic effect intensity of toxin No. N is a, and a portion of antitoxin No. N is required to eliminate it.

Then, when refining the compound antidote, you can put in a+1 copies of No. N antidote.

In this case, when the No. N toxin is removed, there will be approximately 1 copy of the No. N antidote toxin remaining.

During the refining process, the toxin master can add [clock seasoning] to lock the validity period of the N-number detoxification.

For example, set the validity period of antitoxin No. N to 10 minutes.

After the recipient takes the compound antidote, the No. N antidote reacts with the No. N toxin, leaving 1 copy of the No. N antidote that has not been consumed.

This residual N-number detoxification will be disintegrated into waste residue by the clock seasoning in 10 minutes, enter the human intestines, and be excreted with the excrement.

In this way, the N+1 antitoxin will successfully react with the N+1 toxin due to the disappearance of the N+1 antitoxin.

Clock condiments come from the discipline of functional pharmacy and are a common product of this discipline.

On the shelves in the alchemy room, there are many clock ingredients for candidates to use.

Xia Zuo can freely use the clock condiments in the examination room according to his own needs.

As long as he can accurately identify the intensity of the poisonous effect, put aside the concept of time, and fully immerse himself in refining the poison, he can completely refine the ideal product according to the pharmaceutical idea of ​​"Tap Sing Sen Compound Antidote" of.

Xia Zuo glanced at the potion box on the desk. There were more than a dozen free proficiency-level satiety potions in it.

He put down the exam manual, drank a few regular potions, and solved his eating and drinking problems. Then he walked around the desk a few times with his arms crossed, and decided to first see how many types of toxins were on the experimental props made with alchemy equipment. .

The ape arms on the closed operating table are part of the furious giant ape-type alchemy equipment.

But the manual doesn't say which model it is.

Type I?

Type IV?

Even a V shape?

Xia Zuo sat down next to the console, stretched his hands wearing poison refining gloves into the glass window, and put on a second layer of gloves.

He touched the short, thick black hair on the ape's arm, and a faint pinprick sensation passed through the double-layered gloves to his fingertips.

The short hair on this arm is very hard, and the skin and muscles are extremely tough.

When you poke it with tweezers, it feels like you are poking at a mass of colloid that is about to solidify into a hard mass.

This arm is a forearm, with smooth cross-sections at the wrist and elbow.

Xia Zuo turned the section at his elbow toward himself.

Thick arteries, fine veins, scarlet muscle tissue, and slightly yellow subcutaneous fat are clearly shown in the cross-section.

The muscle texture is clear, the blood vessels are red, and the blood stays in the blood vessels in the form of gel. This arm looks as fresh as if it was just picked from a living ape creature, and it has obviously been treated by unknown alchemy.

Xia Zuo activated [Toxin Sense] and looked at the cross section.

"Hiss" he raised his eyebrows and took a breath.

In the special field of view provided by the toxin sensor, many groups of green light points with different brightness and saturation appear. Each small green light point represents a compound toxin.

1, 2, 3, 4…

Xia Zuo carefully counted several times and confirmed that there were 36 different complex toxins in the cross-section alone.

Could there be complex toxins inside this ape arm that can only be discovered after dissection?

The muscle tissue of the forearm is generally in the shape of a long strip, extending from the elbow to the wrist.

Therefore, as long as the number of compound toxins on the two cross-sections is equal, it can basically be determined that there are no other compound toxins inside the arm.

Xia Zuo found a piece of white paper and recorded the characteristics of the complex toxins on the cross section of the elbow on the paper. Then he turned the experimental sample over, observed the cross section of the wrist, and recorded the characteristics of the complex toxins on it.

When the two record results were compared, Xia Zuo's brows jumped suddenly...

The characteristics of the complex toxins in the two cross-sections are not consistent.

The quantity is also wrong.

There are 27 green light point groups on the wrist and 36 on the elbow.

The experimental samples must be dissected.

Xia Zuo picked up a white marker and wanted to mark the anatomical parts. Suddenly, he found several tiny scratches on the experimental sample. The scratches were at the place where the knife was made.

With a thought in his mind, Xia Zuo inserted the sharp blade into the scratch, gently rubbed his fingers and broke it.

There was a sound of tearing glue from the ape's arm.

The experimental sample cracked from the scratch and was divided into several sections.

Oh~ It turns out that they have been dissected and are just held together by biological adhesive.

This saves a lot of effort.

It seems that the question maker intentionally focused the candidates' energy on things related to toxins and helped skip the dissection process.

The structure of this ape's arm is somewhat special.

Near the elbow, there are two deep muscle tissues, about the size of half a fist.

If the sample is not dissected according to standard methods, there is no way to detect these two pieces of muscle tissue.

Xia Zuo placed the experimental sample that was dissected into five sections on the table, and observed the green light spots on the anatomical surface one by one. At the same time, he took a pen and recorded on paper the toxins contained in each experimental sample.

After a while.

He put down the pen and paper, frowning and staring at his notepad.

Just judging from the detection results provided by [Toxin Sensor]:

[The experimental sample contains 38 types of complex toxins.

[Among them, the intensity of 30 poisonous effects is only 1 level.

[The intensity of the 6 poisonous effects is 2 levels.

[The remaining three poisonous effects have a strength of 3 levels. 】

As for the specific effects of these 38 poisonous effects... we can only know them after precise identification.

Hmm... Actually, you can also use scrying.

Xia Zuo now receives very detailed feedback after his operation to detect the release of unknown poisons, and the accuracy rate is 100%.

But in order to deal with the invigilator behind the glass partition, the required drug identification process cannot be omitted.

Xia Zuo spent two days identifying the complex toxin.

In line with the principle of putting on a show, he double-checked and confirmed that there were no errors in the two identification results. He copied the identification results into a separate notepad in neat and clear handwriting, intending to use the identification results as part of the experiment report. , submitted to the invigilating professors.

There are grades and qualities of complex toxins.

Quality affects the duration of the poison effect.

The duration of passing quality is the shortest, and the duration of perfect quality is the theoretical maximum.

Using refined powder improves the level of the poison, not its quality. The quality is already determined when it is first refined and cannot be further improved, but can only be reduced by mixing in impurities.

There are five levels of grades, namely apprentice level, entry level, skilled level, expert level and master level.

Among the 38 types of complex toxins in the experimental samples, more than 30 are skilled-level complex toxins.

The compound toxins at the trainee level to the proficient level have relatively single poisonous effects.

Statements describing poisonous effects are usually "deduct XX blood points every hour", or "enter a certain negative state for XX seconds." and other similar formats.

When you upgrade from the trainee level to the proficient level, the intensity of the poison effect will increase accordingly, which is specifically reflected in the accelerated blood deduction speed or the deepening of the negative effects.

Starting at Expert level, poison effects become more complex.

The most typical one is [corrosive poisonous effect]:

XX points of blood will be deducted every minute, and the amount of blood deducted will increase by A points every 1 minute, and the duration will be B minutes.

Its blood deduction speed will increase over time.

The poisonous effects of other expert-level compound toxins are similar to the corrosive poisonous effects. Some will cause new negative effects to appear over time, and some will deepen existing negative effects.

At the master level, the poisonous effects of compound toxins are no longer limited to causing damage and negative effects.

Xia Zuo has never had face-to-face contact with a master-level poisonous effect so far.

Today I was lucky enough to face the first master-level compound toxin in my life during the promotion test.

Xia Zuo doesn't know its name yet.

It can only be called "master-level compound toxin" for the time being.

Thanks to the crab in the creek for the 100 points.

Thanks to GJohn for the 1000 points.

Thanks to book friend 20211021070949200 for the 100 points.

Thanks to many book friends for their monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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