Xia Zuo stood in the open corridor outside the alchemy room and thought for a long time. A gust of warm wind blew by, bringing him back to his senses.

It was early January when I walked into the promotion assessment alchemy room.

When it came out, it was the end of January.

The weather is getting warmer and there is plenty of sunshine. Green buds are sprouting from the branches outside the building. The visible spring feeling is spreading in the school. Seeing the outdoor scene again after nearly a month, it feels like an illusion from another world.

Hmm... I feel a little hot and dry, and my warm winter clothes are out of season.

Xia Zuo touched the bearded Raza's chin and activated the [Blood Sensing] while walking towards the temporary dormitory on the 17th floor.

Janice is taking classes at Yingrui Academy.

Anjou is meditating at her home in St. York Community.

Xia Zuo took out his pocket watch and looked at today's date and time.

Saturday, January 25, 1914, 10 a.m.

Today is the weekend and there is no need to go to work. No wonder Anruer is meditating in the bedroom.

Janice, a hard-working student party member, has to wait until school is over at noon before she can officially start the weekend.

However, due to the heavy workload and the example Xia Zuo set for her, Janice now doesn't even leave school on weekends and keeps doing experiments in the alchemy area.

Occasionally, when Anru'er comes to look for her, she will reluctantly walk out of the school gate and go shopping with him on the street for a while.

Xia Zuo thought for a while and left a secret blood message to Anruer, saying that his exam was over and he was waiting for the notification. Maybe he could leave home today.

He walked into the bathroom and took a hot bath comfortably.

When he was changing into a clean spring windbreaker, the sound of mailbox delivery happened to be heard at the door.

As expected, the promotion assessment passed.

The moment Xia Zuo finished reading the notice, Goldfinger's message came to his mind:

"It was detected that the host successfully passed three rounds of promotion tests. Due to the Poison Alchemist's [Identity Bonus 2], a total of 2120 experience points were gained."




"It is detected that the host has been successfully promoted to a master poison alchemist, [Identity 2] has changed, and the character template has been updated."

【Identity 2】Poison Alchemist

[[Status level] Expert level → Master level

[[Promotion conditions] Unknown

[[Identity bonus 1]

Successfully drinking homemade poison can increase the corresponding elemental resistance according to the type of poison, and gain a small amount of willpower.

[[Identity Bonus 2]

Successfully develop complex toxins, poisons, antidotes, refined powders, and toxic effect stripping formulas that have not been learned before, and you can get a lot of experience rewards.

[[Identity bonus 3]

After completing the poison refining order, you can get experience rewards according to the order content.

The poison alchemist's status bonus is 1, which has not been effective for a long time.

One reason is that there aren't that many poisons to test with.

There are a large number of toxin bottles available on the third underground floor of the Posin Building, but these are the assets of the Category 3 Emergency Response Department, and private use of public property will be punished.

Although there are redeemable toxin bottles in Yingrui Academy, those toxins cannot be taken out of the academy. Renting a poison alchemy room to test poisons is too luxurious...

This directly resulted in Xia Zuo's four-series resistance not improving for a long time.

This problem will improve after becoming a Master Poison Alchemist.

The elemental toxins originally used were only skilled level.

After Xia Zuo made its refined powder, he never used expert elemental toxins to contain the elements.

Because if you want to use expert-level elemental toxins, you must learn the advanced [Toxic Crystal] meditation method.

One of the redemption conditions for this meditation method is to become a master poison alchemist, or have 20 years of experience as an expert poison alchemist.

Now, Xia Zuo can replace the master-level emblem with the emblem of an expert poison alchemist in Boying Academy.

After returning to Poseidon City, if you have accumulated enough redemption points, go to the Yingrui Academy and exchange the emblem of the master poison alchemist for the advanced [poison crystal] meditation method, or rent an alchemy room to refine the expert level Elemental toxins to contain unruly elements.

Elemental poisons at the skilled level can only increase the four-series resistance to 12%, while at the expert level it can be increased to 20%.

In addition, Xia Zuo will be able to enjoy many social benefits of a master poison alchemist in the future.

It is mainly reflected in the citizenship level - from the current A20 to A30, that is, you will receive 9,000 citizenship points a year and have one month of paid vacation every year.

To upgrade the citizenship level, you need to go to the Citizen Center in Poseidon City, because his permanent residence is there.

Secondly, Xia Zuo has the right to change his permanent residence within the federal territory.

To put it simply, he can move across cities and states. This is a very rare right in the Alchemy School country where population movement is strictly controlled.

The last benefit is to enter the Mage Temple for further training.

Every alchemist who is promoted to the master level will have an opportunity to study the corresponding alchemy, and the training duration is 1 month.

If Xia Zuo was an ordinary poison alchemist, he could only study poison alchemy now.

But when he was at Starry Night Academy, he got an opportunity for further study.

Now it adds up to two times.

He can choose another alchemy to study, or he can double the time to study poison alchemy to 2 months.

An ordinary master-level poison alchemist will definitely devote himself to poison alchemy. Because they don't understand other alchemical knowledge, let alone remember...

But Xia Zuo has golden fingers to assist him.

He can forcefully memorize other alchemy knowledge and enter it into the [Knowledge Reserve], and then slowly figure it out later when he has time.

Therefore, how to arrange these two further training opportunities can only be decided after discussing with others.

Xia Zuo returned to the dormitory, locked the door, activated the blood magic specialty [hematonic servant], and made a hematin servant with a mental attribute value of 5 points - Servant No. 7.

Considering that there were many mages and tools for detecting the spiritual ocean within the school, he placed the hematin servant near the wall of the school. When needed, he would control the servant to fly out of the wall.

After settling in Hemonic Servant No. 7, Xia Zuo first went to the Mage Guild of Boying Academy to get the crest of the master poison alchemist. Then he walked to the Civic Center next door and bought an airship ticket.

This flight departed in the morning and arrived in Poseidon in the evening.

Xia Zuo sent a kinship message to An Ru'er, who was still in a meditative state, telling the other party that he was going to take the airship back immediately.

Take a carriage to the airport, go through inspection, and line up to board the airship.

Xia Zuo sat down on the comfortable and spacious first-class seat, leaning his back on the soft plush backrest, watching the airport gradually become smaller outside the window...

Only then did I realize that I seemed to have left in a bit of a hurry and did not buy some specialties here in Silver Moon City.

Oh..No, no.

There is actually not much difference between cities in the Silver Moon Federation. Whether it is dressing style, eating habits, or entertainment and leisure methods and toys, every place is similar. There are almost no regional characteristics such as local accents. There is no such thing as a specialty product.

Xia Zuo thought about it and thought it would be better to bring something back. This is a habit developed in the previous life and it is difficult to break...

After he waited for the airship to fly smoothly at high altitude, he went to the restaurant located in the middle of the pod, ordered two small cakes, and picked them up when he left the airship.

One is a yogurt mousse cake decorated with strawberries, and the other is a silky chocolate mousse cake.

As for how to distribute it, leave it to Anruer and Janice.

Xia Zuo sat back on the chair, looked out the window at the scenery, and quietly admired the leisurely floating white clouds...

As noon approaches, the sun rises above our heads. Outside the porthole window, we can see the white clouds floating in the sky, and below are the lush forests and small towns.

After the airship flew east for two hours, the forest gradually turned into a desert, and the terrain gradually changed from mountains to plains.

There is movement on [Blood Sensing].

Anruer woke up from deep meditation and received Xia Zuo's bloodline message.

She immediately jumped up from the bed and shouted in her heart:

"You finally finished the exam! How did you do? I meditate, meditate, meditate every day, and I'm almost bored to death. I can only go and play with Janice on the weekends. If you don't come back, I'm going to take leave at home. , I have been meditating for half a month at a time.”

"I'm already on the airship."

Xia Zuo felt a little better when he heard Anru'er's voice, "We'll be home in the evening. I've got the emblem of the master poison alchemist. I'll go there when I get back to Poseidon City. At the Civic Center, just complete the remaining procedures."

Anruer walked into the bathroom, adjusted the warm water, and prepared to take a shower. First she was happy that Xia Zuo passed the promotion test, and then she frowned and asked:

"Then when will you go to the temple to further your studies? How long will it take this time?"

"Well, I now have two opportunities for further training. They can be used together or separately."

Xia Zuo paused and took out Rexor's secret message ring.

After passing the examination, he sent a secret message to Bald Hair, asking for the exact date of training.

Since Silvermoon City and Poseidon City are too far apart, no reply has been received yet.

Seeing that the code on the secret message ring had not changed, Xia Zuo said in his heart:

"I estimate that once you enter the temple, you may not be able to come back before the training is completed. I will discuss it with Master Rexor first, and I will talk to you after the itinerary is decided."

"Hmm~ Okay then." Anruer walked into the shower room, water drops sliding down her smooth skin, "Then I'll take a shower first, and then go find Janice. What do you want to eat tonight? I just happened to buy some ingredients. return."

Xia Zuo rubbed his chin and pondered, "Let's eat seafood soup, just like in the academy."

"Okay~" An Ru'er chuckled.

[Blood Induction] connected with [Blood Mark] can only transmit blood relationship information and positioning.

As a blood sect, Xia Zuo cannot see the surrounding environment of blood relatives, nor can he observe the surroundings from the perspective of blood relatives.

But it’s not hard to imagine the steamy shower room…

At around 7 o'clock that night, the sun sank below the horizon, and the endless sunset in the sky was replaced by the pitch-black night.

Xia Zuo used his wind power to set off from the airport and appeared in front of his home in the St. York community.

Neighbors knew that a neighbor with wind power lived here.

Under the form of gas cloud, it is generally impossible to detect the caster.

Therefore, many people are worried that Xia Zuo will use Fengxing Technique to do evil things.

Later, they learned through the community police that Xia Zuo had a very high citizen level, worked in the action team of the Category 3 Disaster Emergency Response Department, and was a trustworthy city guardian.

Xia Zuo performed the popular technique directly in the public environment of the community, so it did not cause any concern to the neighbors.

At this time, Xia Zuo appeared out of thin air at the door of his house. Except for attracting the attention of the shepherd dog in the dog shed not far away, no one paid much attention to Xia Zuo.

When I opened the door, the smell of seafood soup hit my face.

Xia Zuo hugged An Ruer who was making soup from behind, "I'm back."

"Hmm~ Let's take a rest first. We can have dinner later." Anru'er picked up the spatula with the hand of wind and turned the steak in the frying pan.

Xia Zuo walked to the second floor, took a shower to wash away the dust and fatigue, and while wiping his hair, there was movement in his alchemy pocket.

Rexall's secret message ring made a slight clicking sound.

Baldhead mentioned in the secret message that Xia Zuo and Sylvia needed to discuss the matter of entering the Mage Temple for further training.

It turned out that he had found the wrong person. The person in charge of further training was not Rexor.

As the messenger of Lady Starry Night, Xia Zuo met Sylvia twice.

One time was at Starry Night Academy, when she was being tested by an inspection team. Sylvia acted as the host and presided over the test.

The other time was after arriving from the Western Continent to the Eastern Continent, Sylvia accompanied Xia Zuo and Anruer to choose a place to stay.

Over the past year, Anruer and Sylvia had occasional contact.

Xia Zuo never communicated with her.

He fumbled in his alchemy pocket, took out the unused secret message ring, and dialed a secret message to Sylvia.

Two minutes later, Xia Zuo, who was wearing clean clothes, received a reply.

[Xia Zuo, congratulations on passing the promotion test for Master Poison Alchemist. Temple training requires filling out application documents first. We will meet and discuss the specific situation in detail. 】

Xia Zuo dialed several more secret messages and finally agreed with the other party to meet on the 8th floor of the Posin Building tomorrow morning.

During dinner, Xia Zuo and Anruer talked about tomorrow's arrangements.

Anruer raised her little hand and suggested:

"How about I go with you to find Sylvia and listen to the training.

"Before the Winter Veil Festival, I have consolidated my knowledge of elemental representation. I am just waiting for my spiritual ocean to be expanded enough to take the promotion exam. In about half a year, I will become a master-level elemental representation master."

Anruer's training expenses are all borne by the federal finance.

Her promotion assessment does not require spending points to redeem exam qualifications. As long as she is confident that she can pass the assessment, she can apply to start the assessment.

After hearing what she said, Xia Zuo thought it made sense, so he picked up Sylvia's secret message ring, asked for her opinion, and got a positive answer.

"It's done. Come with me to find Sylvia tomorrow."

Thanks to the gorgeous fireworks for the 1500 points.

Thank you all for your monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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