The circus spends every day in a harmonious atmosphere.

Happy years always pass quickly.

In the five months since leaving Piek Fortress, the circus has traveled around the northern area of ​​Rosac.

As long as they encounter a stronghold, they will stay for 2 to 6 days.

Whether it is a small village with a population of less than a hundred households, or a town with hundreds or thousands of households, the circus will perform.

The income per performance is less, but the total number of performances is much more than before.

Xia Zuo also specifically suggested to Audrey to increase the number of spectators for the fire-breathing performance to increase the efficiency of gaining experience.

The overall harvest is pretty good.

[Identity Level]

Apprentice level→entry level→skilled level fire-breathing performer

Breathing flames, small flames (0.5 meters), and medium flames (1 meter) can gain 50% to 80% experience. Breathing strong flames (2 meters) and large fireballs (3 meters) can gain 100% and 120% experience respectively.

[Promotion conditions]

In the presence of at least 40 strangers, if you continue to spit out strong flames for more than 10 seconds, and obtain an average audience satisfaction of more than 85% three times in a row, you can be promoted to an expert fire-breathing performer.

[Identity Bonus] Level 3 fire resistance, fire resistance increased by 1.5%.



[Perception] 3→4 (improvement brought by driving a carriage)

Upgrading from level 5 to level 6 only gives you 1 free attribute point.

But upgrading from level 6 to level 8 gives two free attribute points each.

Now you have 5 free attribute points in your hand.

I barely managed to level up by 3 levels in 5 months. On average, you gain about 200 experience points per month.

The next upgrade is in 4 months. The speed of experience acquisition can no longer keep up with the requirements for upgrading.

Xia Zuo urgently needs to increase the intensity of his fire-breathing performance.

He intends to completely replace all other fire-breathing types with Strong Fire.

During the 5 minutes of performing on stage, maintain a strong flame from beginning to end, and occasionally use a stronger fireball to push the show to a climax.

This can not only increase the number of experiences per second, but also increase audience satisfaction and achieve a small leap in experience efficiency.

Achieving this goal is not difficult.

Just make a good balance between the blood deduction speed and the blood recovery speed, and control your blood line. If necessary, you can add another 1 point to your vitality.

The key to all this lies in the ingredients of the fire-breathing agent.

All common supplies can be purchased in towns and villages. Only the powerful fire-breathing agent can only be sold in Rosak City.

At Xia Zuo's suggestion, the circus arrived in the long-awaited city of Rosak today.

It just brings an end to the reincarnation performance that lasted for nearly half a year.

Rosak City is still prosperous.

Xia Zuo walked into the Starry Night Pharmacy with a thoughtful look on his face. His eyes swept across the various potent flammable potions with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

He stayed for a long time in front of the counter of potent potions and protective potions, silently calculating the mixing ratio between the two.

"Little one, are you a member of Audrey's Circus? I remember you coming here."

The pharmacy owner leaned on the counter and stared at the thinking boy with a smile.

"Ah, yes, yes. I am a fire-breathing performer now." Xia Zuo came back to his senses and replied with a sideways head.

The pharmacy owner said with a slight tone of appreciation:

"It's really not easy. How's your fire-breathing level? I see you've been standing here for a while. Are you trying to figure out a new fire-breathing agent?"

"To tell you the truth, it is indeed the case."

Xia Zuo was interrupted from his thoughts, but he was not annoyed.

He wanted to gather inspiration from more professional people, and the middle-aged man running the pharmacy in front of him happened to be such a person.

Xia Zuo looked at the pharmacy owner, his eyes suddenly froze.

Why does it feel a little different from the previous image?

The other party is wearing a Starry Night Academy standard robe, with a silver-black base like the night sky, embellished with tiny sequins, and a starry silver-white string tied around the waist, with several fragrant robes attached to it. Small leather bag.

He looks very ordinary, with a simple face with soft outlines under his gray-white hair.

At first glance, people don't feel anything strange at all, they just think of him as an ordinary pharmacy owner.

Xia Zuo looked at each other unconsciously, attracted by the deep eyes as silent as an ancient well.

"Let me formally meet you. I am Thales Meso. The owner of this Starry Night Pharmacy. You can call me Thales."

"My name is Xia Zuo."

Xia Zuo stretched out his hand and shook it lightly, then threw out the Detection Technique.

【Character Name】Tales Meso

[Identity] The owner of Starry Night Pharmacy in Rosak City,? ? ?

【HP】? ? ? (healthy)

【Resistance】? ? ?


[Agility] 6






[Charm] 8-7 (affected by unknown effects)

[Character Specialty]? ? ?

[Character skills]

【? ? ? ? 】The perception of surrounding targets is reduced by 7 points, and the own charm is reduced by 7 points. The effect lasts until the initiative ends.

Xia Zuo's pupils suddenly shrank.

Blackjack spirit!

Could it be another resident mage?

This Thales Mesoco is much more low-key than the fat mage from Piek Fortress, and his overall attributes are also much higher.

Thales seemed to have anticipated the other party's reaction, and said with a faint smile on his face:

"Tell me about your troubles. Maybe I can help. This is considered a pre-sales consultation service, and there is no additional charge."

Xia Zuo shifted his gaze to the display cabinet in front of him, "I want to prepare a more powerful fire-breathing agent, one that has both fire-breathing power and low toxicity."

Thales crossed his arms, "Can you spit out a 1-meter-long flame now?"

"Of course. In fact, I can stably spit out 2-meter-long flames."

Xia Zuo shrugged, pointing to his mouth and throat, "Before my guys scream in pain, it's not a problem to spit out a 3-meter-long flame."

Thales showed a look of surprise, opened the counter barrier and waved:

"Can you show it in the backyard? There are ready-made tools there. This is the first time I have seen someone who has not practiced breathing techniques can spit 3 meters of fire, not to mention you seem to be underage."

Xia Zuo nodded and followed the other party to the backyard.

He skillfully prepared a bottle of mixed fire-breathing potion with 3 drops of fire solvent, and easily spit out a flame more than 3 meters long.

After several attempts, Thales finally believed what Xia Zuo said.

"Xia Zuo, do you know the principle of fire solvent increasing the power of fire?"

Thales walked slowly in the backyard and continued as if answering questions to himself:

"Fire solvent can make the potion more easily ignited. The most intuitive manifestation is that the starting point of the flame will be closer and closer to your mouth."

Xia Zuo was stunned for a moment. If the other party hadn't reminded him, he might never have paid attention to this detail.

He prepared a bottle of fire-breathing potion without adding fire solvent, and used these two different potions alternately to breath fire.

When adding the fire solvent, the starting point of the flame is about 10 centimeters in front of the mouth. The more you add, the closer you get.

When no fire solvent is added, the starting point of the flame is at least 20 cm away.

Thales waited for Xia Zuo to finish the experiment and made a circle on his face with his fingers:

"The closer the flame is, the more susceptible the face will be to peeling and cracking due to the high temperature. This is an inevitable side effect of breathing flames."

Thales walked closer to Xia Zuo and scanned his smooth face inch by inch:

"But your skin is very moist and smooth, and you can't see any traces left by the high temperature."

Xia Zuo thought that his extraordinary recovery ability had been discovered again, and his body shivered uncontrollably.

It seems that when you are with someone with high perception, it is really easy to be caught by the other party.

However, Thales' next words really made him fall into complete shock and surprise.

Thales walked in a circle around the slightly dull Xia Zuo, and finally stood in front of him and said in a calm tone:

“A few months ago, Starry Night Academy discovered that there was a major bias in the past methods of testing element affinities.

"Actually, elemental affinity is divided into two parts. One is the ability to discover and control elements, and the other is the ability to resist energy damage like you.

“The academy calls the first ability innate affinity and the second ability as acquired affinity.

“Previous tests only looked at innate affinity and never involved acquired affinity.

"This directly leads to a large number of people like you who already have some kind of acquired affinity being buried by the years until they practice the breathing method to the extreme and develop innate affinity."

Thales was afraid that Xia Zuo wouldn't understand the meaning of the nouns, so he explained them one by one.

Xia Zuo stared at the other party blankly, thoughts surging in his mind.

He first remembered Audrey's comforting words, and then focused on his character template.

[Fire Resistance] 1.5%

Isn't this what Thales said, the ability to resist energy damage?

Isn't this the acquired fire affinity?

"It turns out... I already have some kind of affinity, although it's just an acquired affinity acquired through hard training."

Xia Zuo's eyes flashed, staring at his hands and muttering to himself.

"Then can I go to Starry Night Academy?!"

Thales nodded slowly under the expectant gaze of the other party:

"The school is developing new testing equipment. It will take up to half a year before testing stations in various places will test all young people who have not practiced breathing techniques."

You can go to Starry Night Academy within half a year... much earlier than expected.

Xia Zuo's eyes swayed, and he took a few deep breaths to calm down the excitement in his heart.

"Thank you, Thales."

Thales raised his chin toward the south:

"You also have to thank the resident mage of Piek Castle. If he hadn't mentioned you to me, I probably wouldn't have taken the initiative to find you. But having said that, even if I didn't tell you this, you can still do it within half a year. Head to Starry Night Academy."

Well? Xia Zuo blinked. He didn't expect that wretched fat mage to have such a kind side, and his evaluation of him improved a bit.

"You must have guessed it. I am the resident mage of Rosak City. It's just that I'm old and can't stand the loneliness in the castle, so I opened a pharmacy on the bustling street."

Thales patted Xia Zuo's arm, "Keep it a secret for me and don't tell anyone."

"No problem, Lord Thales. I'm notoriously tight-lipped."

Xia Zuo unexpectedly gained information about elemental affinity. He was in a very good mood and had a good impression of Thales, who liked to keep a low profile.

"Come with me. Let's go to the store and find some potions suitable for you."

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