Here's the thing.

In the process of Xia Zuo learning poison alchemy.

Although there are no particularly detailed explanations of units of measurement in school textbooks or extracurricular poison books, it is not difficult to draw a conclusion after reviewing what has been learned:

So far, when Xia Zuo is researching or refining poisons, the measurement units used still stay in the range of centimeters to millimeters.

Take [Poison Sensing], which can only be learned by expert poison alchemists, as an example.

When the toxin sensor is not activated, Xia Zuo observes the toxins with his naked eyes.

At this time, the higher his [Spirit] attribute value is, the clearer the poisonous light he sees.

With a mental attribute value of at least 20 points, he can easily distinguish toxin groups with a diameter of more than 3 mm.

After activating [Toxin Sensing], Xia Zuo can observe more subtle groups of toxins at close range.

The prerequisite is that the diameter of the elemental light emitted by these toxin groups within the field of vision must exceed 1 mm.

If the diameter of a toxin group's light is less than 1 mm, it will be difficult to accurately observe its characteristics through the combination of naked eyes and [Toxin Sensing].

In the master level of poison alchemy, the scale is defined as follows:

On a macro scale, the corresponding toxin light has a diameter of more than 1 mm.

On the mesoscopic scale, the corresponding diameter of toxin light is between 0.01 mm and 1 mm.

On a macro scale, toxins are just toxins.

But at the mesoscopic scale, because the spatial length of a single toxin is too small, it basically has no toxic effect, so it is called bait.

Mesoscopic scale baits, although not toxic, still retain the diversity of toxins.

60 basic toxins can be combined to create thousands of complex toxins.

After being refined, these complex toxins can be derived into many complex toxins that have been refined one to several times.

According to statistics from the Alchemy School, the number of compound toxins discovered has reached 170,000.

Correspondingly, there are more than 170,000 kinds of detoxifiers.

On the mesoscopic scale, the compound toxins are called left baits, and their detoxifiers are called right baits. There is a one-to-one correspondence between the left and right baits, and one left bait only matches one right bait.

Master Adanawados once said something before giving the secret medicine to Xia Zuo:

"[As long as the secrets of the brain are not revealed, the soul will remain a mystery.]

He also mentioned that when studying the brain, vivisection was not advisable, and the Alchemical School found a way that did not violate moral principles and the laws of the Temple.

This method is:

【Alchemy Brain】.

Don’t get me wrong, the school of alchemy is not about refining the human brain.

What the Alchemy School wants to refine is just an alchemical brain that can accept, process, and respond to external information, and then use it to study human consciousness and soul, unlike the Fourth Age. Don't do that, do experiments directly on living people.

In the human body, the system that is closely related to the brain and second only in complexity to the brain is the [nervous system].

The nervous system is the system that the body plays a leading role in regulating physiological functional activities.

In order to ensure that the alchemy brain can receive, process, and feedback external information, it must be equipped with an [Alchemy Nervous System].

In the alchemical nervous system, bait is used as a carrier for transmitting information.

Each pair of bait elements is the beginning and end of a command.

For example, Alchemy Brain wants to lift a finger.

A certain alchemy nerve connected to the alchemy brain will use the left bait as a carrier to issue movement instructions to that finger. After a short interval, it will launch a right bait that matches the direction of the left bait, left and right. Neutralization occurs as soon as the bait comes into contact, and the command to move the finger ends, and the finger stops. At this point, this command forms a closed loop.

The 170,000 kinds of baits that have been discovered can be combined into about 85,000 pairs of baits, which means that the alchemical nervous system can issue 85,000 different instructions.

This number seems like a lot...

But it’s not nearly enough.

This is because the Alchemy Brain receives far more than 170,000 kinds of information from the outside world. The 170,000 kinds of baits that have been discovered are not enough for the Alchemy Brain to respond to all the information it receives.

The degree of completion of the alchemical brain and alchemical nervous system is less than one-tenth of that of the human brain and nervous system.

This is destined to be an extremely long journey of exploration.

Not only must we continue to develop new baits, we must also conduct continuous experiments on the existing 170,000 types of baits.

The diameter of bait is too small, its stability is extremely poor, and it can only exist briefly in the air.

As long as the environment they are in changes slightly, they will be destroyed and must be stored in special oil. Even so, the neutralization reaction of the left and right baits is not 100% likely to occur, about one in 10,000. Chance of reaction failure.

This requires improvements to the alchemy nervous system so that it can better accommodate and launch bait.

Refining and developing bait is the teaching content of master-level poison alchemy.

At this stage, poison alchemists will use alchemical instruments invented by Kit Kat Object Science to study bait on a scale of 0.5 mm to 1 mm.

Developing raw materials for alchemical bionic systems such as the alchemical nervous system and the alchemical brain is the teaching content of master-level biological material science.

The alchemical bionic system is closely related to bait. Just like firearms and bullets, there are bullets first and then guns. Only by knowing what kind of storage and launch environment bait requires can the corresponding raw materials for the alchemical bionic system be produced.

This requires biological material engineers to learn poison alchemy.

To learn poison alchemy, you must withstand the Black Eye Trial. This threshold makes many biological material masters feel sad.

Those who fail to pass the Black Eyes Trial are destined to be unable to withstand dealing with poisons for many years, let alone be promoted to a master poison alchemist and learn knowledge related to bait.

Xia Zuo is now a master poison alchemist, and learning biological materials is undoubtedly as easy as drinking water...

What Xia Zuo has to do now is to memorize the biological material knowledge carried on the spiritual medium as soon as possible so that he can study bait elements.

By the time he can make bait independently and stably, he will be not far away from becoming a master biological material expert. He only needs to register as a member of the Biological Alchemist Association and complete the necessary procedures to prepare for the promotion assessment.

In the dark dormitory, the moon in the sky cast a frost-white moonlight on the floor.

Xia Zuo finished reading the introduction content on the spiritual medium, woke up from deep meditation, sat on the edge of the bed, and maintained a thinking posture for nearly half an hour, and now there was finally movement.

It must be said that the knowledge of Bai Su opened another window in the field of poison alchemy, allowing him to see a broader world of alchemy.

Xia Zuo took a long breath, looked from the bed, and lit up the alchemy lamp in the room.

The clock on the wall showed 11:20 in the middle of the night.

You cannot leave the dormitory at this time. It is the bedtime prescribed by the teaching area.

Xia Zuo went to the bathroom to wash his face, then lay back on the bed, entered deep meditation, and began to memorize the knowledge on the spiritual medium.

In the spiritual ocean.

Xia Zuo's soul is floating in the air, and the surrounding mottled walls are located two meters away. The light element slides against the wall with a dozen cute elements like followers, and the small fire element contained in the poisonous crystal sinks quietly. bottom.

A large parchment roll takes up most of the room.

This parchment that appears in the spiritual ocean is the spiritual medium created by the secret medicine.

It was originally blank.

After Xia Zuo drank the second secret medicine, knowledge about poison alchemy and biological materials appeared on the front and back of the parchment, with words and graphics covering the entire scroll.

The knowledge on the paper is divided equally between poison alchemy and biological material science, covering the teaching contents of these two disciplines at the master level.

When the consciousness stays in the spiritual ocean, the attention will be unprecedentedly concentrated, and the efficiency of memorizing knowledge is extremely high.

Not long after Xia Zuogang entered deep meditation, he memorized a few lines of knowledge on bait elements.

A rough estimate shows that in about 50 nights, he could enter all the knowledge on the parchment into the [Knowledge Reserve].

Xia Zuo subconsciously released the detection technique on the spiritual medium full of knowledge, wanting to see if the result of his prediction was correct...

The feedback I received almost caused violent mood swings and forced me to quit deep meditation!

[Item name] Spiritual medium

(Unimportant items omitted)

[Item Status] Master-level knowledge of poison alchemy and biological material science has been recorded

【Transcription progress】0.001%

It is expected that after 400 hours, all the knowledge on the spiritual medium will be transcribed into the [Knowledge Reserve].

Transcription can be accelerated by spending experience points.

A new way to spend experience points has appeared!

what does that mean?

Xia Zuo can advance to the next level!

The so-called downgrading is to use special means to control the level so that it stays at the current level and does not continue to improve.

Before knowing the mechanism of free attribute points, Xia Zuo could only obtain more free attribute points by upgrading his level.

The cost of doing this is that the experience required for upgrading increases rapidly, and the upgrade cycle has changed from one month to one level in the past to half a year now.

After knowing the relationship between free attribute points and blood pattern quality, Xia Zuoba had no choice but to wait for the blood pattern quality to reach the limit before upgrading.

This way you can get a lot of free attribute points at once without making the experience required for upgrading too much.

Xia Zuo turned his attention to the prop template of the spiritual medium, lightly clicked the button that consumes experience, and the message of Goldfinger came to his mind.

"Do you want to consume 1 point of experience in exchange for 0.01% transcription progress?"

Below this sentence, there is a slider that can be dragged.

The slider on the slider is located on the far left, which consumes 1 experience point. When you drag the slider to the far right, the cheat information changes:

"Should we consume 6421 experience points in exchange for 64.21% transcription progress?"

It takes 10,000 experience points to fill up the transcription progress all at once.

Xia Zuo thought for a few seconds and closed the redemption message.

That's what he thought about it.

Among the eight attributes on the character template, the attributes of strength, agility and endurance can be improved to about 12 points by receiving training from the bald man.

Will and perception attribute value rewards come from alchemical operations and the mage's identity bonus [spell training]. With diligent training, it is not a problem to increase it to 15 points.

Spirit and vitality are far ahead of other attributes, so there is no need to worry about them for the time being.

Only the charm attribute requires special attention.

It is the only attribute that restricts the efficiency of obtaining free attribute points.

Therefore, the best idea for upgrading is to upgrade when the other seven attributes except charm cannot be improved through training, so as to maximize the benefits of each upgrade.

Before that, he must consume experience points and leave at least 2,000 points of space on the progress bar for upgrading experience to prevent gaining a large amount of experience at once, leading to unexpected upgrades.

Hmm~ Not bad, not bad~

It would be great if we could find other knowledge that could be recorded on a mental medium, so that we could spend experience points at any time.

The only price is...the spiritual medium will occupy 40 spiritual slots for a long time.

However, Xia Zuo doesn't care about this, as long as the mental slot is enough.

He thought about it in his mind and decided to find an opportunity to find out if he could instill the knowledge of bait element into the spiritual medium.

170,000 kinds of bait... should be enough for an ordinary person to study for a lifetime. The experience required to speed up transcription must be calculated in units of millions at least.

The further training officially begins on the second day after arriving at the teaching area of ​​the temple.

Xia Zuo washed up a few minutes early and waited at the door of the dormitory for a while. The door next door opened and a familiar figure with light blond hair came out.

"Senior Mars, good morning." Xia Zuo greeted.

"Good morning, how are you? Is the process of instilling knowledge going smoothly?" Mars asked, closing the door.

"It's a great experience." Xia Zuo stepped forward, glanced at the students in the corridor who were coming out of their dormitories one after another, and lowered his voice to inquire about Mars:

"Senior Mars, I have a few questions to ask you."

"Oh?" Mars looked at the other party's mysterious look and lowered his voice.

"Do we need to write down the commonly used bait ingredients?" Xia Zuo asked.

"What?" Mars was stunned, trying to make sure he heard correctly, "Memory bait? Do you mean to remember their formula and characteristics in your mind?"

"Yes." Xia Zuo nodded, "Don't you think that writing down all the information about the baits would be more conducive to refining the raw materials for the baits and alchemy nervous system?"

Mars looked at the other person with strange eyes, as if he was looking at an alchemy genius with amazing talent.

His lips moved and he said:

"Okay, I finally understand why you have such high attainments in poison alchemy. Your obsession with poison knowledge is the strongest of anyone I have ever seen."

He took a breath, calmed down his inner feelings, and said:

"That's it, Xia Zuo... um... there is no need to memorize the information on bait element. There will be special shelves in the alchemy room to store books related to them. Those are reference books that can be consulted at any time. Normally, We just need to copy the bait ingredients we will use into our own notepads and refer to them during the experiment."

Mars paused, rubbed his chin in thought and said:

"But if you really want to memorize the information on bait, it's not impossible. However, you can only memorize them in the alchemy room. You cannot take the reference book out of the alchemy room, otherwise you will attract the temple guards."

Thanks to Public Enemy of the Fly for the 100 points.

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