The silver sand floating in front stopped at the door of reading area No. 6. After Xia Zuo followed, he took him to sit on an empty seat.

Silver Sand floated to the bookshelf, dragged a thin classic and put it in front of Xia Zuo, and then it changed into a few lines of words:

"This is the "Introduction to Soul Vision" compiled by the Master of the Tower. After confirming that you have memorized the meditation steps in the book, enter the quiet room No. 608 and operate the incense burner in the quiet room according to the instructions in the book.

“Generally speaking, the success rate is highest when you first try to meditate, and then it gradually decreases. If you try three times in a row and cannot enter meditation, it means that you cannot learn soul clairvoyance.

Xia Zuo nodded to Yinsha, indicating that he understood.

Silver Sand changes again:

"After you come out of the quiet room, don't move around casually. Return to this seat. I will bring you an introductory book on spiritual sharpening."

Xia Zuo thought for a while, picked up the pen on the table, and wrote a note:

“How do I pay for it?”

The silver sand formed into a ball, and after a second of pause, it changed into new words:

"Whether you can learn soul clairvoyance and mind sharpening can only be known after trying it according to the introduction. Pay the learning fee after you are sure that you can learn it."

It turns out that you try it first and pay later.

Xia Zuo's citizen card has sufficient balance, so he doesn't have to worry about insufficient points.

He nodded to Yinsha in thanks, waited for the other party to float out of the reading area, and opened "Introduction to Soul Perspective" to read.

The Shaman Society has two heritages: totem and spirit body schools.

Its history can be traced back to the Second Era. Another important historical event in the same era was the emergence of the power of blood.

It is said that the founder of the totem and spirit schools was a person with the power of blood.

His ability is very special. It is said that he can separate his soul from his body, walk freely in nature, and observe things from the perspective of his soul.

This statement is like a fantasy in this day and age, but both the Tower Scholars and the other three schools of thought firmly believe it.

Because, in the era of exploring the use of elements, it was the founder of the totem and spirit schools who discovered the peculiarities of the spiritual ocean, developed methods to tame and accommodate the elements, and proposed the method of entering the deep that is still used today. Meditation method - concentration method.

The long course of history has proved that this person's theory of elements and meditation were very effective.

Unfortunately, in the Second Era, the power of his bloodline was not enough to protect himself.

The ability of the soul to walk in nature is rare, but the soul can never exist outside the body for a long time.

Without a soul, the body will slowly rot and turn into bones and carrion.

Without a body, the soul will disappear instantly, leaving no news or traces.

During World War I, this man's body was destroyed by the enemy. According to the surviving historical books, his students saw with their own eyes the teacher's soul disappearing into nature.

Since then, totems and spiritual magic books have become the targets of people's competition, and the shamanic way has been eliminated and reduced to the dust of history, silent throughout the third era until the establishment of the Mage Temple at the beginning of the fourth era. Only then did he have a foothold.

One of the prices for the Shaman Society to gain the protection of the temple is to contribute the essence of magic of the totem and spirit schools, and share the principles of these two schools with the tower scholars, who will compile a common language version and teach it to others. Three schools of thought.

If Xia Zuo had chosen the spiritual school as the primary school of magic, Beatrice would have arranged for him to try soul clairvoyance first to see if he was spiritual enough to learn the more primitive spiritual skills of the spiritual school. Body magic - soul clairvoyance is one of them.

It’s not too late to test your spirituality.

It took Xia Zuo less than an hour to collect the contents of "Introduction to Soul Perspective" into the "Knowledge Reserve".

The reading experience is a bit interesting.

Everything has to start from the [spiritual body].

The so-called spirit body refers to the body of the soul, just like our body is the body of the brain.

In "Introduction to Meditation", the tower scholar who wrote the book defined the path of elements entering the spiritual ocean this way:

Nature - body - soul - spiritual ocean.

Judging from ten years of cultivation experience, this path is correct, otherwise many spells and meditation methods based on this theory would not be able to function normally or be learned by people.

The spiritual school forms a system of its own.

It has different insights into the path of elements into the spiritual ocean:

Nature - [spiritual body] - soul - spiritual ocean.

The spirit body school believes that when we tame the unruly elements, we use our thoughts to outline the patterns of the elemental characteristics around the target. In fact, we are using our own spirit body to lay a container called [Spirit Cage] in the unruly elements.

The reason why we cannot see the characteristic lines of elements that we have sketched out is because we are observing the world with our naked eyes. When we look at the space around the unruly elements from the perspective of the spiritual body, we can discover the characteristic lines of elements that we have sketched out with our thoughts.

This point has been affirmed by many tower mages who have successfully learned [Soul Vision].

At the same time, they also advocated changing the elemental path within the temple to "nature - [spiritual body] - soul - spiritual ocean."

These tower wizards have done many experiments. After taming the unruly elements and transforming them into well-behaved elements, they entered a state of soul perspective. At this time, they can see that the well-behaved elements are fused with the white spirit body, and Not fused with the body.

The misconception that mages have long formed - "nature - body" is due to the fact that the body and the spirit body are inseparable.

Before mastering the magic of soul walking, a normal person's body and spirit body had the same space and time parameters, and they fit together all the time. The spirit body could not leave the body, which led people to think that the body absorbed the clever element. .

The proposal to revise the teaching materials has been around for a long time, but has been shelved...

There are two main reasons.

First, the magic of soul walking has been lost, and the soul can no longer control the spirit body to leave the body and move independently in nature.

Second, after all, there are only a few mages who can learn soul clairvoyance.

Their experiences are difficult for mages who cannot learn soul clairvoyance to experience.

Not to mention writing such a complex concept as "Spirit Body" into the "Introduction to Meditation" and teaching it to the mage servants who are new to meditation. The mage servants will definitely be confused by such abstract knowledge.

Xia Zuo thought it was okay and it was not difficult to understand.

After glancing at the reward information of the memory book, he stood up and walked lightly, walked around the reading area, and found the quiet room marked 608, without disturbing the glass balls who were reading.

Quiet room numbered 608 is not an ordinary quiet room.

Its four walls, ceiling, and floor are attached with magic circles with transfiguration effects.

After Xia Zuo walked into this small room of about ten square meters, a faint light appeared on the wooden floor, and white smoke floated out from the gaps in the long floor and filled the room. A few seconds passed, and the surrounding scene changed from simple to simple. The simple interior layout turns into a green jungle filled with sunlight.

"Awesome~" Xia Zuo couldn't help but sigh. He took a deep breath and smelled the extremely clear natural scent.

He reached out to touch the moss-covered trees around him, and passed his right hand directly through the "trunk".

Well. Apart from the fact that it has no entity and will cause the mold to slip through, the transformation circle in this room is still very realistic. It not only simulates the smell of the jungle, but the sunlight above the head will also shift slightly with the movement of footsteps, achieving a dynamic effect. light source.

Xia Zuo walked to the open space between the "trees". There was an animal skin cushion, which was the only real furniture in the room.

There is an operation panel in front of the cushion that is incompatible with the surrounding areas. There are many labeled buttons on it. They can be used to adjust the magic circle, change the parameters of the environment, and the smell in the air.

Everything is to enable the people in the room to successfully enter a meditative state in the following time.

In the astral school, contemplation is used instead of meditation.

If you cannot enter meditation and achieve soul perspective, you cannot learn original spiritual spells. You can only learn spiritual spells transformed by tower wizards and use meditation to cast these spells. For example, action team member Lanlot summons spiritual spells. Pet Spells.

The raw material of a spirit pet is part of the owner's spirit.

Lantot needs to drink the secret medicine made by the Shaman Society and enter the deep meditation state closest to meditation before he can proceed to the next step.

At this time, Xia Zuo also needs to drink this medicine called the secret medicine of meditation, and enter the deep meditation state closest to meditation in the most comfortable environment.

If he is lucky, he can pierce the membrane between meditation and meditation and step into the realm of meditation.

The formula and production process of the secret meditation medicine are the secrets of the Shaman Society. They are in the hands of the Shaman Society itself and are not shared with the Mage Temple.

This is understandable...

Always leave something for the subordinate members that belongs only to themselves, otherwise the temple will be like a robber.

Xia Zuo referred to the content in "Introduction to Soul Perspective" and stretched out his hand to press a few times on the panel in front of him. The surrounding environment returned from the "jungle" to the original appearance of the room, and the fresh smell in the surrounding air also disappeared.

Xia Zuo felt that he would feel more comfortable when his senses were not deceived...

He pressed the only red button on the panel, and the long strip of floor beside him moved, and a bottle of purple-red secret medicine protruded from the gap.

Xia Zuo picked up the secret potion, aimed at the potion inside and released the detection technique.

[Item name] Meditation secret medicine

[Item type] Unknown alchemical product

[Item Level] Master Level

[Props Quality] Completeness 100%

[Props description]

It can only help users enter a meditative state that is closest to meditation, but not a true meditative state.

[Props Effect]


unpredictable? ?

Xia Zuo was stunned.

This was the first time he encountered a tool that Goldfinger could not predict the outcome of.

This shows that Xia Zuo has never been exposed to the production process and raw materials used in this secret medicine. Apart from the name of the secret medicine, he knows nothing about it.


Xia Zuo was a little curious.

He adjusted his sitting posture, crossed his legs and sat on the soft cushion. The next second he entered a shallow state of meditation, with a calm look on his face.

There is one more chapter to make up for what was missing before.

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