A ray of light appeared on Kristo's body, the mage's robe turned into a strapless dress, and there were jewelry decorations on the white shoulder blades. It seemed that this was her usual attire.

"Sit down and talk. I know you have many questions, and we have enough time to chat slowly." Kristo walked to a single sofa, smoothed the hem of her skirt behind her hips and sat down.

Xia Zuo used the detection technique on her, checked the feedback information after leaving here, and then sat on the sofa opposite her.

The back of this sofa is relatively far back. It would be more comfortable to sit on the back of the chair. Straightening your back and sitting upright would make it uncomfortable. Xia Zuo simply leaned back in a relaxed manner and rested his hands naturally on the armrests. superior.

Kristo looked at his calm look and smiled sweetly, "You adapted quite quickly. Then let's get to the point. Do you still remember the words you heard when you got the scarlet coat of arms? ?"

"Remember." Xia Zuo looked directly at the other person's face calmly and nodded, "After I have enough blood pattern quality, I will know how to use the scarlet emblem. At that time, I can come to the temple to learn blood pattern. It’s magic.”

"Then do you know the meaning of blood pattern quality? This is clearly defined in the blood pattern language that was instilled in you." Cristo asked, bending her right arm and resting it on the armrest, holding her chin.

On the character template provided by Goldfinger, the blood pattern quality is explained as "the sum of the three lowest attribute values ​​among the character's eight-dimensional attributes."

This is a data-based statement, and it is obviously impossible for Xia Zuo to take it as an answer.

He opened the [Knowledge Reserve] in his mind and found the entry in the blood pattern language about the quality of the blood pattern. After thinking for a few seconds, he said:

"The quality of bloodstains is related to a creature's shortcomings and flaws, not their strengths and advantages."

"Your wording is word for word, exactly the same as the knowledge we instilled in you." Kristo raised the minibus slightly and said with a smile:

"Your mentor should have mentioned to you the Shaman Society's [Profound Principle of Balance]. Then have you discovered that there are many similarities between the quality of blood patterns and the Profound Principle of Balance?"

"Huh?" Xia Zuo was stunned for a moment, blinked and fell into thought.

Adanawados did not explain the Equilibrium Upanishad, but it is not difficult to understand the meaning of these four words literally.

Equilibrium means equality and balance.

Equality is a numerical concept that means numerical equality.

Balance is a category concept, which means that all categories should be present.

If a person has three elemental resistances with equal values, he cannot be said to have achieved balance, because there are four elemental resistances, and he is missing one of them and has not achieved balance.

Blood pattern quality is a word related to eight-dimensional attributes.

If balance is applied to blood pattern quality, it means having 8 attributes with equal attribute values.

Xia Zuo probably guessed what the other party wanted to say...

"Your Excellency, the most effective way to improve the quality of blood patterns is to make up for one's own shortcomings, which is consistent with the secret of balance.

"We should try our best to achieve balanced growth in all aspects of ourselves, so that we can improve the quality of blood patterns as soon as possible. Is this what you mean?"

Xia Zuo's words actually put the free attribute point mechanism of Goldfinger in popular language.

Cristo smiled, snapped her fingers, and said:

"That's good. It seems that it was not by chance that you applied to Rexor for body training. You have long understood the true meaning of the quality of blood patterns, which saves me a lot of persuasion. Most pure-blood mages are Because of the excessive pursuit of improving one's physical activity, he eventually ended up with a tragic end."

"Excessive pursuit of physical activity..." Xia Zuo muttered to himself...

If he had not chosen to become a pure-blood mage that night, he would not have received the free attribute point information from Goldfinger. In this case, Xia Zuo was almost certain that he would have been adding free attribute points to his vitality.

Because before that, he discovered many wonderful uses of [Vitality].

First of all, 1 point of vitality is equal to 1 year of life. Adding vitality means extending your life.

Secondly, he can increase the spell power through [Blood Sacrifice Spellcasting]. More blood volume and faster blood recovery speed indirectly equals higher spell power.

When all the favorable conditions are put together, there is no reason not to add vitality.

He will even take the initiative to look for props, potions, and spells that increase vitality attributes to increase vitality faster.

Isn't this the "pure-blood mage who excessively pursues physical activity" as described by Cristo?

For Xia Zuo, too much emphasis on [Vitality] will result in very few free attribute points gained from upgrading.

So for a pure-blooded mage born and raised in this world, what harm would there be in pursuing physical activity?

Xia Zuo was a little confused and asked:

"Your Excellency, with all due respect, I have understood the connotation of the quality of blood marks, but I don't know the tragic consequences of blindly pursuing physical activity. Can you tell me about it?"

Kristo wiped her left hand on the collar of her chest and pulled out a black glass bottle the size of a finger from somewhere. "You have learned the poison curse, so you must know that special curses can be used to suppress body activity. But their The effect is not as strong as this, give it a try, pour some powder from the glass bottle into your palm."

Xia Zuo took the floating glass bottle and used his detection technique on the dark powder inside.

The item name, item type, grade and quality are all "unknown".

As for prop effects, there is a line of predictions made by Golden Finger:

"It is predicted that after contact with this prop, there will be 5 layers of reduced recovery effects. Each layer can reduce the real-time blood return speed by 10%. The effect will last until the prop is out of contact."

Reduce the reply effect!

There is only this effect, so neat and precise, it is very restrained against the blood mage!

Xia Zuo activated [Toxin Sensing], and there was no toxin light in the glass bottle. This shows that the reduced recovery is not a poison effect.

He poured the powder into his palm and the information immediately refreshed on the character template, with a line of effect status added next to [HP]. At the same time, the skin on his palms gradually withered and wrinkled due to the powder, like a dead tree that had been damaged by time.

"Your Excellency...what is this powder..." Xia Zuo's face was a little gloomy, as would anyone who saw a tool to restrain himself.

"What you see now is [Darkroom Fire] that has been alchemically processed. It would originally burn like a black flame. After being processed into powder, it can exist for a long time outside the darkroom space and still has the ability to inhibit body activity. Effect."

Cristo shook her wrist lightly, and the powder in Xia Zuo's palm flew into the glass bottle. The bottle disappeared after getting into her collar.

"You must have felt its power. No pure-blood mage who only focuses on physical activity can escape the trap set by the dark room fire. They will be caught by the strange demon church and transformed into strange demons deep in the dark room, or become pregnant women. The placenta that raised the hybrid mage and the alchemy breeding equipment has since fallen into an abyss from which there is no escape."

Kristo folded her hands in front of her and said:

"The reality is very cruel. In the past, almost all pure-blood mages focused on physical activity. Only a few - for example, I changed my view on the quality of blood patterns after coming into contact with the Shaman Society, and embarked on the path of balanced improvement. On his own path, he was able to escape from ambushes again and again and survive until now.

“Since the establishment of the Mage Temple at the beginning of the fifth era, my companions and I have decided to completely abandon our previous understanding of the quality of blood patterns and only emphasize making up for shortcomings and shortcomings.

“We jointly wrote a new blood pattern language that is compatible with previous blood pattern words and phrases, but also adds new vocabulary and gives new meanings to old words.

"You can be said to be our first student. So far, it seems that you have performed very well, and the new blood pattern language has played a sufficient guiding role. Of course, it is mainly because of your good temperament and talent that you can understand our Giving new connotation to the blood pattern characteristics.”

...Xia Zuo felt a little embarrassed after being praised by the other party...

To be honest... when he was instilled with the blood pattern language, he didn't listen carefully... because it was directly included in the [Knowledge Reserve] by Golden Finger, and he didn't spend any experience to transcribe it.

Moreover, the definition of blood pattern quality was also summarized and presented to the host by Goldfinger based on the content of the blood pattern language. As a salty fish, Xia Zuo did not put any thought into understanding the connotation...he just used it.

"Ahem" Xia Zuo coughed lightly, intending to get over this embarrassing matter, "Sir, do you have any other instructions?"

"No, no more. I just heard that you have achieved the balanced state of the elemental aura, so I came to confirm your situation in person."

Kristo threw a ring to the other party, "If you have any questions in the future, you can use it to contact me. After all, Rexall is a member of the Demon Hunting School and is not suitable to intervene in matters between tower mages."

Xia Zuo caught the unique ring. It was made of a variety of materials. From the inside to the outside, it was a turquoise gem with leaf patterns, a flawless white gem, and the outermost layer was a silver-gray gem that looked like metal. .

The secret text on the ring is written in the language of Bloodweave, not Universal Language, and only pure-blood mages can use it.

Xia Zuo put the ring into his alchemy pocket and asked:

"You're saying that I'm now somehow a member of the Tower Wizards?"

"Yes." Kristo tapped her chin, "After you become a high-level mage, you will join the Tower Mage without hindrance."

Speaking of high-level mage... Xia Zuo thought of a question.

"Your Excellency, I have something to ask you." Xia Zuo thought about his words, "That's it. After I possess the light element, my efficiency in expanding my spiritual ocean has become very high, and my physical fitness has improved even more obviously. I may have enough spiritual ocean faster, that is to say, in less than ten years, I will meet all the conditions for promotion to Tower Mage."

Kristo seemed to be interested. She changed her sitting position, crossed her left leg over her right leg, and her long skirt outlined a wonderful arc, and asked:

"Are you sure it's caused by the light element?"

"Hmm... I'm not sure, Your Excellency. In fact, I only discovered this after I consciously accepted physical training to make up for my shortcomings in strength and other aspects." Xia Zuo said calmly.

"I probably know the reason." Kristo snapped her fingers.

"What?" Xia Zuo was stunned, maybe he had encountered another coincidence.

"The elemental quality of the light element you own is most likely [Balance]." Kristo said with a smile:

"As long as you can keep yourself in a balanced state, the effect of practicing basic meditation or physical exercise will be more prominent. The probability of this elemental trait appearing is extremely low. I have to say that you are lucky."

The light element has a characteristic called [Balance]?

Xia Zuo felt a little confused

Why does it have this characteristic?

He once thought that the characteristics of the light element would be related to the knight's virtues in the previous life, or to be precise, related to the Paladin.

(Note ①: In fact, "paladin" should be used, because people who believe in the Holy Light may not necessarily ride horses...)

In the game, the Paladin follows something called the "Holy Light", is inspired by some supreme faith, and becomes the incarnation of justice, fighting evil and dispelling darkness.

They must always abide by the well-known "Eight Virtues" in order to maintain their connection with the Holy Light and gain a steady stream of faith and courage.

The Eight Virtues are the product of a certain historical period and a specific era.

The Starry Night Kingdom in the Western Continent exudes the atmosphere of the Middle Ages. When the Alchemy School created this kingdom, it also set secular constraints that were consistent with its cultural background.

There are eight codes of conduct similar to the eight virtues in the Kingdom of Starry Night. Generally speaking, these codes only restrict the guards of the kingdom, and ordinary civilians do not need to abide by them.

When he first arrived at the teleportation hall of the outer temple, the super-huge light element used as a teleportation crystal bloomed with infinite light. For a time, Xia Zuo thought he had seen the materialized form of the holy light... and then put the light The characteristics of the elements and the eight virtues are combined to create associations...

Now, the veteran pure-blood mage Kristo said that balance is a characteristic of the light element, which broke Xia Zuo's fantasy.

After being stunned for a moment, he asked in a asking tone:

"Sir, can you tell me about the element of light? What price should I pay to learn the elemental pattern language related to it?"

"Hmm...let me think about it." Kristo gently twitched her chin and stared at Xia Zuo. The look on his face that was asking for knowledge made it difficult for her to refuse.


"Everything related to the light element is the secret in the temple, Xia Zuo." Kristo saw the slight loss in the other party's eyes and said:

"After becoming a high-level mage, you can learn the common characteristics of the light element. If you can be promoted to a master-level elemental embodiment master, you will also learn a characteristic of the light element.

"These are two common ways to learn the properties of the element of light."

Kristo rubbed his brows and suddenly realized that the person sitting in front of him was not only the first pure-blood mage to appear after a thousand years, but also a person with in-depth research on alchemy. According to his current study Path, you will definitely learn the [Eye of Kolas] meditation method in the future, and then you will naturally be able to see the elemental patterns on the existing light elements...

Whether it was out of support for juniors of the same kind or recognition of Xia Zuo's alchemy attainments, there seemed to be no need to deliberately conceal certain information.

Kristo raised her head and said with a smile:

"However, since you have obtained the light element of balanced qualities, I can tell you something about it."

Xia Zuo moved his butt forward, straightened his back, leaned forward slightly, and listened to the other person's Chinese.

"When you lived in Starry Night Kingdom, you must have heard of the code of fairness and selflessness, right?" Crystal asked.

Xia Zuo nodded, "Yes. This code requires guards to strictly abide by the law, act according to the rules, and not bring personal emotions and personal relationships into daily work."

The code of fairness and selflessness is almost the same as the virtue of justice of the Paladin.

Kristo raised her index finger in front of her, "The Kingdom of Starry Night is the creation of the Alchemy School, drawing on a real kingdom that existed in the Fourth Age. If we trace the origin, the code of fairness and selflessness has a long history. In the Fourth Age, In the ages, it was called the virtue of justice.”

Xia Zuo has not read any historical books about the Fourth Era.

At this time, when he heard the words "just virtue" from Kristo, he was somewhat surprised and couldn't help but ask:

"Your Excellency, there are eight codes of conduct spread throughout the Kingdom of Starry Night. Do they correspond to the eight virtues?"

"Yes, yes." Kristo's index finger drew a circle in front of her, and a bright red halo suspended vertically in the air appeared between the two of them.

The perfectly circular halo was divided into eight equal parts, and a set of words written in Common Language appeared on each part:

Humility, Honor, Sacrifice, Heroism, Mercy, Honesty, Justice, Spirituality.

"These are the eight virtues of the Fourth Age. Many ancient families follow and inherit these virtues. As long as their family members always abide by the virtues, they can normally use the ancestral armor and swords and practice the ancestral breathing method."

Kristo pointed to the word "justice" and said:

"A long time ago, the quality of the light element you possessed was called the quality of justice.

"However, the word justice is not precise enough and has a strong moral overtone. It is not suitable to be used in weaving and alchemy processes that require rationality. After many discussions between tower scholars and the alchemy school, we changed the character of justice to It’s become the balancing act now.”

So...it has come full circle...Xia Zuo's idea when he first saw the super giant light element was not wrong...it was just that there were some deviations in the name.

"Your Excellency..." Xia Zuo paused, wiped it on his face, and calmed down his dull expression, "You mean that the light element has eight qualities, corresponding to eight virtues, right? You and your Excellencies will change To refer to them by more alchemical terms rather than by their original names?”

"Hmm, that's right." Kristo said, "As for the pattern language of the balance trait, you will know it after you learn the [Eye of Kolas] meditation method. The names of other light element traits are It depends on your own destiny, if you are lucky enough to be able to accommodate them, it will be easy for you to master their elemental patterns."

"Your Excellency, what will happen if one person collects all eight light elements?" Xia Zuo asked curiously.

"No one can gather them all." Kristo shook her head, her long hair swaying, looking at the virtue of [Sacrifice], without saying anything else.

Xia Zuo glanced at the word [sacrifice], nodded with some understanding, and then asked:

“Are those families that passed down virtues still alive today?”

Kristo shook her head again, waved her hand, and dispersed the circular halo and Common Language phrases in the air. [Sacrifice] became the last word to disappear...

Xia Zuo instantly imagined the tragic scene of the death of a family that inherited virtue...

"Okay, we have to end today's topic." Kristo snapped her fingers, and a thin book floated from the bookshelf ten meters away from the two of them.

"There is no need to conduct your physical test, mental ocean test, and willpower test. I will just compile the data. The tower mage who wants to record your information got my permission to do it. Go and ask your guru to ask you about the process of entering meditation.”

Cristo controlled the pen to write many words on the thin book, then let the pen and paper float in front of Xia Zuo, "Sign your name."

Xia Zuo signed and stood up from the sofa. The surrounding space returned to its original state and the bloody light dissipated. The wall clock on the wall showed that only about 2 minutes of the conversation that felt like more than 20 minutes had actually passed.

The long skirt on Kristo's body changed back to the original mage robe, and she said:

"By the way, Xia Zuo. If you have enough spiritual ocean in advance and want to be promoted to a high-level mage, you can contact me directly using the secret message ring, and I will help you arrange matters before and after your promotion."

"Yes, Your Excellency." Xia Zuo thought of the bald man who took great care of him, "Do I need to explain it to Master Rexor?"

"No need." Kristo took off the scarlet emblem on his chest. "After helping you complete the necessary physical training, he will go to the territory of the crystal remnants and sweep away the monsters there. While you are training, Some time ago, his companions had already passed ahead."

"Take this and give it to your mentor, although it will have to be passed to the inner hall later and returned to my hands." Kristo placed the thin book in front of Xia Zuo.

"Okay, Your Excellency, I'll take my leave first." Xia Zuo bowed and saluted, then walked out with the book in hand.

Thanks to book friend 150204231220724 for the 1500 points.

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