In the ocean observation room, white curtains are used to divide areas.

The fabric of the curtain has been enchanted to convert the sunlight dyed blue by the sea water into a normal color, making the light environment in the surrounding area similar to that on land.

At the same time, the curtain can also isolate the transmission of sound, smell and vibration. The area behind the curtain will form a relatively closed space to prevent the marine plants and animals in the culture tank from being affected by external influences.

Mars quietly lifted a few curtains and took a look, "They should be conducting experiments in the alchemy room. Let me see where Master Hillenberg is."

He picked up the schedule from a desk, "Master Hillenberg is working in the experimental field...I'll call him up."

Mars walked towards a speaker made of white coral stone and said:

"Master Hillenberg, Xia Zuo is here."

Half a minute later, an ethereal voice came from the speaker, mixed with a slight gurgling sound of bubbles, as if someone was blowing bubbles and talking at the same time:

"Okay, thank you Mars, I'll be up right away."

Mars looked at the bottomless ocean below the floor

Several metal chains covered with faintly bright alchemy lamps extend from the ocean observation room to the bottom of the sea.

As the two watched, a much smaller glass room rose at a constant speed from below, and finally docked on the side of the ocean observation room.

"This glass room is our common diving room." Mars introduced at the side.

The diving chamber is raised to a level with the ocean observation chamber.

Its glass walls and the glass walls of the Ocean Observation Room melted like liquid wax and merged into one, connecting the two rooms. Then the walls became like some kind of mucous membrane, which was peeled off by the figures in the glass room with their hands, waiting for someone. When it came out, the walls were glued back together.

High-level wizards and above can use spells to move between 20 and 100 meters underwater.

But there is no need to expend energy and effort diving.

There are ready-made alchemy diving equipment available within the Alchemy School, which can completely use the magic energy in better places.

It’s just that the alchemical diving equipment looks a bit ugly.

Master Hillenberg was wearing an exaggerated diving suit.

Its surface is coated with luminous oil, which emits a bright white light. This color is particularly conspicuous in the dark sea water.

The head of the diving suit is a bulging diving helmet with a mask twice the size of a normal human face, providing a very clear frontal view.

The joints and important stress-bearing parts of the diving suit are equipped with additional metal components to strengthen the support, which makes the entire diving suit look extremely bloated...

Hillenburg hummed through the visor of his diving helmet, "Wait a minute, you two. I've got to take this thing off first."

Mars stepped forward, "Let me help you, Master Hillenburg."

After he waited for Hillenberg to step onto a circular metal platform, he used the control panel to control the two robotic arms, helping him take off his diving suit part by part, and soaked them into a nearby disinfection pool for disinfection.

The Alchemical Wetsuit has light healing properties.

An alchemical light fixture above the sterilization tank provided ample light to repair the wetsuit.

Xia Zuo stayed by the side obediently, using his detection skills on novel things, and recorded the templates of Hillenberg and the diving suit for later study.

Hillenburg took out a comb from his jacket pocket and combed his messy hair, revealing the face of a middle-aged man who looked very stable.

"Master, this is Xia Zuo." Mars introduced Xia Zuo from the side, "This is Master Watson Hillenberg, the leader of the marine ecological observation team."

"Good day, Master Hillenberg." Xia Zuo bowed to the other party in a salute that was neither humble nor overbearing.

"Hello, Xia Zuo. I have heard about your deeds from Mars." Hillenberg cast a look at Mars. The other party understood the meaning, quietly opened the curtain and left here.

"Come, sit down. Let's have a brief chat." Hillenburg pointed to the opposite side of the desk, and controlled the hand of wind to bring two cups of tea that smelled a little salty.

There was a small piece of something like algae mud deposited in the tea cup, and the faint salty smell came from the algae mud.

Xia Zuo held the tea cup, looked at the algae mud for a while, and took a sip of the unique tea. Unexpectedly, he found that there was a salty cheese flavor. It felt like drinking some kind of drink brewed with cheese, and he couldn't help but feel something on his face. A novel look.

"How about it, it's pretty good, haha." Hillenburg took a big sip of tea and said with a smile:

"There is no such cheese-flavored algae mud anywhere else. This is my private collection, a gift from the ocean."

Hillenburg put down the tea cup, bent his arms on the desk, and crossed his fingers in front of him, "Okay, let's get back to business. Xia Zuo, have you heard of me before?"

Xia Zuo scratched his head, feeling that this question was a bit difficult to answer...

Judging from Mars's introduction to Hillenberg, Hillenberg should be a well-known alchemist master within the alchemical school.

However, the unsociable Xia Zuo had never heard of him.

Out of courtesy, he'd better say something like "I've heard it before."

But Xia Zuo chose to confess, "To be honest, Your Excellency. I had never heard of your deeds before I came to Lumington City."

Hillenburg knocked on the table and made a deep sound, "Very good, my intuition tells me that you are not lying. You are not my admirer, which will save a lot of trouble. Although admirers will be strict They carry out my instructions and obey my words, but they lack the independence to provide useful, unbiased advice."

Hillenburg resumed crossing his fingers and said:

"Have you ever been underwater for a long time?

“Mind you, I’m not asking if you can swim.

"In fact, our alchemy diving suit has a power assist system and is also equipped with a propeller with 6 fan blades. It has a storage space inside for more than a dozen air tanks. There is no need to worry about breathing and being in the water. Move down.

"I need every researcher to have the ability to remain calm in a dark, depressing environment where the five senses are greatly diminished."

Hillenburg paused, "Also, I have to add one more thing. Since it is close to the plane connection point, any unauthorized spell casting action will be watched by the underwater sentries. Therefore, many times, we can only rely on alchemy. Wear a diving suit to move or operate alchemy instruments, and you cannot use trickle spells, water flow spells and other spells that can control sea water.

"Do you think you can adapt to this situation?"

Xia Zuo's hands placed under the table were clasped...

He wasn't quite sure he could do it.

In the previous life, there were almost no opportunities to go into the water, let alone diving and underwater operations. This kind of thing requires professional training and certification before being able to do it.

Now I have to dive right into the work...

"Master Hillenberg." Xia Zuo spread his hands and said, "Maybe I should give it a try to find out the answer. Can you give me this chance?"

Hillenburg's two thumbs twisted around each other, and after thinking for a few seconds, he said:

"I can let you try it. I happen to have a relatively easy job on my hands."

He pointed to the alchemy diving suit parked on the circular platform, "I will help you put on this universal diving suit first, and then you will follow my instructions step by step. If you can complete all the steps within the specified time, then it will be You passed the interview.”

"Okay, Master."

Xia Zuo had previously observed the process of taking off a diving suit and had a rough understanding of how to put on and take off this suit.

He stepped into the feet of a wetsuit spray-painted with a number.

"Click, click."

The left and right feet are each fixed by a lock.

"Yes, that's it." Hillenberg nodded invisibly, "Now straighten your upper body, put your arms into the sleeves of the arms of the diving suit, and let the locks inside lock naturally."

"Click, click." Xia Zuo did as he was told.

"Good, keep your arms straight."

Hillenberg controlled the robotic arm to install other parts of the diving suit on Xia Zuo, and then checked the air tank, propeller and emergency rescue device located on the back of the diving suit.

Hillenburg walked to the front of the diving suit, looked at Xia Zuo in the circular observation mask and asked, "You don't have an elemental body yet, right?"

Xia Zuo nodded and said hummingly, "Yes, Master."

"Then feel it. There is an obvious metal protrusion inside the gloves at the tiger's mouth of both hands. You pour non-attributed energy into them evenly."

Xia Zuo entered a shallow state of meditation and smoothly guided the energy to the metal protrusions.

"Buzz." A very slight startup sound sounded inside the diving suit.

Xia Zuo instantly felt that the diving suit on his body was much lighter, and the air became fresher, no longer making his heart feel stuffy.

"The operating buttons of the wetsuit are on your front."

Hillenburg gestured on his chest and said at the same time:

"The switch of the diving light, the air tank check button, the energy management test button, the pressure and depth detection button, the communication check button, and the emergency rescue button. You should try all of these buttons to make sure they are foolproof.

"If you have an elemental body, you don't have to worry about it. This alchemy diving suit can be mounted on the elemental body, and you can use energy signals to operate it."

Xia Zuo reached out and groped around his chest, turning on and off the buttons one by one.

After the diving light is turned on, a very bright beam of light will be emitted from his forehead, and his eyes will be completely white, and a clear outline of light will appear on his body.

The other buttons are also normal.

"Ready to go. Do you have any questions?" Hillenburg asked, crossing his arms.

Xia Zuo shook his hand, "No, Master, I'm ready."

Hillenberg guided Xia Zuo into the diving room, then returned to the operation panel in the observation room and said through the trumpet-shaped coral stone:

“Start your dive. Your goal is to reach the designated depth, follow the path on the platform, and search for the missing toolbox in a field of kelp.

"I have searched most of the areas and can now confirm that the toolbox is in the remaining fields."

He pressed the button to activate the diving room, looked at Xia Zuo who was slowly descending, and said:

"I will determine your location through the orb on the control panel and see the scene around you, so don't panic. If something goes wrong, I will rescue you as soon as possible."

"Okay, Master."

Xia Zuo's voice was very calm. This was the benefit of entering shallow meditation. As long as he could maintain this state, he could always be calm and complete the task like a ruthless machine.

To him, the darkness of the deep sea is just a profound picture.

This alone is worth several years of professional training. This is the advantage of a mage engaged in dangerous professions.

But be aware that in a shallow meditation state, energy will continue to be consumed, about 18 o'clock every hour.

Xia Zuo took this into consideration.

He controlled the primary life alchemy stone with his mind, took several mouthfuls of enhancement potion for himself, and obtained the [energetic] special effect.

The maximum energy value of 175 points is enough for him to stay in a shallow meditation state for more than 9 hours.

Xia Zuo was getting further and further away from the ocean observation room. The surrounding blue sunlight was rapidly decreasing, the light was becoming dim, and the bright sea above his head became as far away as a skylight.

Further down, the color of the sea water turns black, as if soaked in ink.

The surrounding sounds became monotonous, with the gurgling sound of the sea water and the gasping sounds making each other seem even more silent and depressing.

"How do you feel?" Hillenburg's voice came from the alchemy communication device built into the diving suit.

"Everything is normal, Master." Xia Zuo looked down at the endless ocean with a calm expression. In the dark water, there seemed to be a faint light that was gradually getting bigger.

"You should be able to see the No. A seaweed field platform located 25 meters directly below the diving room. We have arranged alchemy lamps there to drive away marine life, and there are multiple magic circles around it for protection. The probability of you being attacked is less than 1% , so focus on finding the missing toolbox."

"Copy that, Master."

"I'm going to start filling the diving room with water. You will feel your body being squeezed, your eyes will bulge out, you will have slight tinnitus, and you will have difficulty breathing. This is a process that you have to adapt to. You have to make sure that you are fully accustomed to the water pressure before you can leave. Diving room, got it?”


"It's started." Hillenberg pressed the button in front of him and stared closely at the orb on the operating table, always paying attention to Xia Zuo's situation.

Dozens of small holes appeared on the glass floor of the diving room, and seawater seeped into the room, submerging Xia Zuo's ankles, knees, and abdomen, and eventually swallowed him whole.

Xia Zuo waved his arms with difficulty in the water. He felt that the diving suit on his body had become much tighter. His body was as heavy as being tied up by several big men. Even just twisting his wrist would feel a little difficult.

Goldfinger’s message came to my mind:

“It was detected that the host was affected by the environment in the upper ocean (note ①). The alchemy diving suit offset some of the negative effects and obtained 3 layers of slowness effects and 3 layers of sluggishness effects. The movement and action speed were reduced by 45%, which lasted until the host was out of the environment. "

(Note ①: 0 to 200 meters below sea level is the upper ocean layer.)

The negative effect values ​​​​in this message are nominal values, and the will attribute value has not been calculated.

Xia Zuo called up his character template and looked at the data on the status bar.

[3 layers of slowness effect (upper layer of ocean), movement speed reduced by 37%]

[3 layers of hysteresis effect (upper layer of ocean), action speed reduced by 37%]

These two lines of data are the actual negative effects.

They were a little lower than Xia Zuo expected.

Calculated based on the existing will attribute value, the reduced value should be about 40%, which is 3% different from the actual value on the panel.

Why is this so?

Just when Xia Zuo was confused, Hillenberg's voice sounded again.

"Seaweed field platform A is almost here, are you feeling okay?"

Xia Zuo wanted to scratch his stuffy ears, but the gloves and helmet of the diving suit stopped him...

"There is nothing uncomfortable except that the surroundings are very quiet, Master."

Xia Zuo took a few steps toward the glass door of the diving room, swaying like a penguin in slow motion.

"That's good. Your physical fitness is even better than I thought."

Hillenberg's words awakened Xia Zuo!

The negative state he is currently in is caused by water pressure and sea water, not spell effects. They come from the interaction of forces.

Since it is a physical problem, it can be viewed from a physical perspective.

As long as your physical fitness is strong enough, you can further weaken the negative impact of the upper ocean environment.

In digital terms, when calculating the specific value of the slowness effect (upper ocean layer), Goldfinger includes the strength, agility and endurance attribute values ​​as weights by default.

Hillenberg's voice brought Xia Zuo back to his senses:

"Attention, I'm going to open the diving room door.

“As soon as you step out of the cabin door, you must put the safety lasso hanging on the aisle guardrail around your waist and fasten the lock.

“This prevents you from being swept away by unexplained undercurrents.

"An accident like this happened a few days ago. The multi-functional tool box was impacted by the undercurrent on the way back by the elemental puppet, and was swept into the experimental field by the turbulence. The positioning device in the box was probably broken. No positioning signal is sent back, so we can only search manually.

"Although the probability of two undercurrent attacks in less than ten days is very low, we cannot relax our vigilance."

"Copy that, Master."

A layer of white light appeared on the glass door in front of Xia Zuo. When the light dissipated, invisible sea water squeezed in from the outside. Xia Zuo knew that the hatch had been opened and immediately reached out to grab the noose disturbed by the current.

The seaweed field platform is huge.

Its base is a special alloy floor.

After being processed through enchantment, the alloy floor can not only resist seawater erosion, but also stay stably at the preset spatial coordinates.

The origin of the spatial coordinates is the Alchemy Castle on the sea. As long as the castle does not shift significantly, a series of underwater facilities such as the seaweed field platform below the sea level will not shift.

This is an enchantment called [Space Lock], which is often used on giant creations. Xia Zuo once studied at Starry Night Academy.

With the help of these alloy floors, marine organisms that can only grow under specific depth, pressure and light environments can be transplanted and cultivated near the Alchemy Castle.

"Master, I've fastened the noose." Xia Zuo pulled hard on the metal chain around his waist. It was very strong and made him feel more secure.

"Walk along the aisle of the seaweed field. I have searched the surrounding fields and found nothing. Then, the lost tool box should be in the three cultivation fields No. 18 to No. 20. Look carefully. .

"It looks similar to the metal boxes we usually use to transport important props. It is about half a meter high and very heavy."

"Copy that." Xia Zuo raised his legs, stepped on the non-slip concave floor, followed the number plate instructions on both sides of the road, and walked step by step towards the depths of the seaweed field. At the same time, he did not forget to release detection signals to the passing seaweeds. technique to collect their information.

Thanks to 100 points who only want to reward on the road.

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