"Click, click, click..." Xia Zuo's secret message ring rang. When he lowered his head and looked down, his expression immediately became a little strange...

Rexall said he was on his way.

Isn't this a bit embarrassing? After all, the two of them had to meet again just a few days after saying goodbye...

It's like meeting an acquaintance at the intersection, saying hello, and then meeting him again on the next street corner...

"Team leader." Xia Zuo is now a reserve member of the marine research team, so he changed his title to Hillenberg. "Master Rexall said that the anomalies occurring here have attracted the attention of the Federal Emergency Response Department, and he I was temporarily transferred here to investigate the situation here, because the egg-shaped things in the tool box also appeared in the territory of the crystal remnants."

"The territory of the crystal remnants..." Hillenburg pondered for a moment, "I heard that there has been a lot of trouble there recently, and the strange demons have caused a lot of trouble there. If the weird eggs are really related to the strange demons, we must pay attention to it. Woke up."

"Team leader..." Xia Zuo hesitated for a moment, then asked, "Where is the territory of the Crystal Stone survivors?"

"Don't you know?" Hillenburg was stunned for a moment, as if the question he asked was common sense.

Xia Zuo put his hands in a pool, "There is no knowledge about that place in the book..."

"Oh, you really are just like Mars, you only focus on alchemy..." Hillenburg understood and explained:

"This is actually not a secret in the sea castle. Our castle manager is a crystal remnant. He is not only an alchemist master, a great mage, but also a representative sent by the crystal remnants to facilitate our communication with the crystal remnants. Senior management of Shi Yimin remained in contact.

“And their territory is on the east coast of the Mediterranean.

"If you stay here for a long time, you might even see the airship of the crystal remnants coming to transport high-purity resonance crystals."

Xia Zuo knew that resonance crystals were mentioned in the bait science textbooks.

This is a core material used in communication devices such as secret message rings, which can achieve the effect of remote synchronization.

To put it simply, if there is no interference from external forces, two crystals with the same vibration frequency, vibration mode, vibration period, and vibration path will change when the state of one party changes, and the other party will also change accordingly.

Even if the two are far apart, synchronization with delay can be achieved.

This is the effect of remote synchronization.

(Note: Remote synchronization is a name I coined after simplification, which corresponds to the quantum entanglement theory in reality.)

In Xia Zuo's previous life, there were many scientific practices related to remote synchronization in the world called Earth. The most widely used one was the use of electrical signals to transmit information between two modems.

This scientific communication method requires the erection of wires and cables to connect two modems and a stable supply of electricity, which is far less convenient than the alchemical communication method.

After the resonance crystal is encapsulated in the alchemy equipment of the Secret Message Ring, as long as the prop is not damaged, the resonance crystal can remain intact and be used permanently, requiring neither maintenance nor energy.

Such a good alchemical material, its origin and purification method have always been the top secrets of the alchemy school.

Not even Hillenburg had access to this level. Perhaps Shazo's mentor, Adanawados, would.

Xia Zuo held a book and leaned on the desk assigned to him to read about plane science, quietly waiting for Rexor's arrival.

"Master Rexor, we are here."

Mars led the bald man into the ocean observation room, blinked his right eye at Xia Zuo, who was looking at him, and asked him what happened with his eyes...

Xia Zuo shook his head slightly at Mars, then looked at the stern-faced Rexor, bowed and saluted:

"Master, we meet again."

Rexall forced a smile, nodded, and said to Hillenberg:

"I need to do a reconnaissance for everyone who came into contact with that kelp field platform."

Hillenburg has been engaged in underwater research for many years and is already familiar with the entire routine of a demon hunter. Before the other party arrived, he had already issued instructions to the team members working in the alchemy rooms on the first to third floors above ground to assemble.

Now, they are almost there.

Including Xia Zuo, a new member, there are 12 people in total.

Xia Zuo knew two of them, Mars, and Mars' father, Professor Allen.

Mars was assigned to the City of Lumington's Emergency Response Department and was assigned to work in the Marine Research Group, where he was responsible for maintaining infrastructure.

Professor Allen comes from a local university in Lumington, where he is the principal professor of Kit Kat Objects. Apart from teaching students, he spends the rest of his time in the sea castle.

A few years ago, when he first appeared in front of Xia Zuo, he put on some disguise and gave himself a Mediterranean look. In fact, he looked like a middle-aged version of Mars, with the same long light blond hair. , the same tough face shape.

Professor Allen walked into the ocean observation room a little later. He cast an admiring look at Xia Zuo and expressed his affirmation to his child's junior student.

For the rest of the team members, Xia Zuo has only remembered their names for the time being, and has not yet learned more about them. They are both male and female. They are all older than Xia Zuo and Mars. They have been working in the field of marine alchemy for many years and are Helen Bo. Ge's old partner.

It is worth noting that the members of this research team, except for Xia Zuo and Mars, are all high-level mages who have undergone loyalty rituals, and each of them has a complete elemental body.

However, the only one who can make bait is Xia Zuo, and the only one who is qualified to maintain giant creations is Mars.

It has to be said that the alchemy of poisons and the science of giant creation are indeed two alchemies that can be used anywhere.

The former has discouraged many people due to its toxicity, while the latter has discouraged most people due to the shortcomings of the [Incinerator] meditation method.

Rexall knew that the possibility of a traitor in this group was extremely low, almost non-existent, but he still carefully checked everyone. After ensuring that everything was correct, he discussed with Hillenburg and said:

"I need your help. We have to carefully search all the experimental fields to find the hidden strange eggs. If possible, after discovering the strange eggs, try to ensure that the strange eggs are intact."

"Okay, Master. Then we have to move the location of the ocean observation room to make it easier to search. I will make arrangements." Hillenburg glanced at his team members and said:

“Guys, let’s divide the work.

"Alan, take Mars and Xia Zuo with you and be responsible for searching the experimental fields A to E in the upper layers of the ocean. Go directly to the back of the metal foundation and use shock wave magic to search."

"Okay." Professor Allen put his hands on the shoulders of his son and Xia Zuo, "I will take good care of them."

Hillenburg nodded and looked to the other side:

"Hubron, you go to the No. F and No. G experimental fields in the middle of the ocean. Stay alert. You may need to stay until late at night."

"Roger that, team leader." A man with a resolute face said. His temperament was more like a federal soldier, a battle-hardened soldier, or something similar.

"Danielle, Laurie, you two stay in the ocean observation room to control the elemental puppet and the diving room."

Hillenburg did not send out the only two female members of the team. This is not because he discriminates against women, but because they are both elemental representation masters. Together they created the elemental puppets in the ocean observation room, and they controlled the appearance of the jellyfish. The elemental puppet couldn't be more suitable.

"Others, follow me to the No. H experimental field in the aphotic zone. We will set up the search facilities first, and then conduct in-depth investigations."

Hillenburg left the most dangerous jobs to himself and the three other senior members.

"I'll go to the aphotic zone with you." Rexor said thoughtfully, "My intuition tells me that there will be some trouble there."

Hillenburg took out a secret message ring from his pocket, "I'm here to apply for permission to cast spells, just in case something unexpected happens."

The team members took action, each heading towards their posts or alchemy diving suits.

"Follow me, go this way." Professor Allen kindly asked Xia Zuo and Mars to follow him. He walked slightly sideways and said to Xia Zuo:

"Xia Zuo, long time no see. Time flies so fast. You are more mature than when you were assessed by the inspection team."

"Professor Allen, I didn't expect that we had met a long time ago. When Mars told me, I was shocked." Xia Zuo said in a brisk tone. Although the other party is also a senior alchemy master, he is after all The father of good senior Mars can be less serious when communicating with each other.

Of course, proper etiquette is still required.

"Thank you very much and everyone on the inspection team for giving me the opportunity to immigrate to the Eastern Continent." Xia Zuo said sincerely.

"You deserve that, Xia Zuo."

Xia Zuo's humble and calm appearance made Allen's impression of him even better.

Allen led the two of them to the corner of the ocean observation room, where they found a brand new alchemy diving suit that had not yet been spray-painted with a number.

"I knew you were coming, so I specially customized an alchemy diving suit for you. It is somewhat different from the general-purpose diving suit you tried before. Let me introduce it to you."

Allen is a student of Master Kolas, an excellent Kit Kat item maker, who has trained several times in the temple, and all the diving suits used in the ocean observation room are made by him.

Allen greeted his tall son, "Mars, you go put on your diving suit first, and take the giant creation tool box with you, you may need it."

"Okay, Dad." Mars smiled at Xia Zuo and walked towards the diving suit next to him that was marked three or four times more than the normal diving suit.

Allen patted his new diving suit, "Have you ever tried to use [Toxin Sense] underwater?"

"I tried it, Professor Allen, and the effect was very bad. I couldn't even find the strange eggs hidden under the tools." Xia Zuo said helplessly.

"As expected." Allen stretched out his hand and made a circle on the circular mask of the diving suit. "Here, there is a magic circle that improves the effect of detection spells, specifically used to detect targets underwater. You will wait for a while You can try it.”

He pointed to a square bulge on the left arm of the diving suit, "This is a tool armband with a storage space enchantment. You can put your hand in it and grab the alchemy tool you want. I put it inside You will like a set of special tools suitable for use in high-pressure and dark environments. In addition, you don’t have to worry about seawater pouring in. I took this into consideration and there is a corresponding array on the tool armband to solve this problem."

Allen moved his fingers to the two thighs of the diving suit, "There is also a launcher here and here that can launch a hook spear. You can shoot the hook spear by hitting the bulge hard. This will You fix it on a rock or metal base, and with another beat, you retract the hooked spear."

"Come on, put it on and try it on." Allen walked towards the console.

Xia Zuo put on the diving suit with the help of the other party.

Mars next to him is much easier.

He is very strong.

The information fed back by the detection technique showed that this blond man who resisted the desire for muscles had up to 17 points of strength, which was higher than an ordinary warrior.

Mars was able to put the heavy diving suit on with just his hands. Unless the suit was dirty when he returned from the ocean, he didn't need help when taking it off.

"Xia Zuo, try the hook spear." Allen pressed the button.

A 5 cm thick metal plate appeared in front of Xia Zuo.

He moved his legs forward, aimed in the right direction, and then slapped both sides of his thighs with a snap.



Two hooked spears with three-clawed hooks were instantly embedded in the metal plate. Obviously, these hooked spears were not extraordinary, but also products of enchantment, with an armor-piercing enchantment effect.

Xia Zuo pulled hard, and it was very strong. The rope of the hook spear could fully bear the weight of the diving suit.

"Great, Professor Allen." Xia Zuo smiled in the diving mask. He patted his thigh again. The hook of the hook immediately straightened and then he retracted it.

Seeing that Xia Zuo was almost familiar with it, Allen used the Hand of Wind to put on a diving suit for himself...

You must know that the maximum weight that the wind hand can move is one-half of the spell's power.

The heaviest part of the diving suit is the hood, which weighs about 20 kilograms. This means that Allen's wind hand power is more than 40 points, and the corresponding number of wind elements is at least 40.

As worthy of being a high-level mage, he has strong magical power.

Xia Zuo couldn't help but feel a little envious, but it was just envy... As long as he could survive, he would have everything.


A low roar sounded in the ocean observation room.

Xia Zuo found that a faint white light appeared on the surrounding transparent glass walls, and the magic circle in the glass wall was activated.

"Danielle is diving in the ocean control observation room." Allen said while checking the tools he carried:

"We need to dive to a depth close to the aphotic zone in order to get close to the team leader and Master Rexor. Later, the three of us will come up in the diving room and inspect the upper platforms of the ocean one by one."

The blue sunlight was fading, and after a while, Xia Zuo saw Platform A where he had been...

Only then did he remember that he wanted to report to Anruer... He quickly activated the [Blood Sensing], exchanged a few words with his beloved wife who was far away in Poseidon, and continued to dive with some worries from her.

The light is very dim.

There was darkness all around, a darkness that was so thick that it couldn't be broken down and surrounded the ocean observation room.

"Let's take action, everyone, stay in touch." Hillenberg's calm voice sounded in everyone's diving suit.

Xia Zuo followed Alan and Mars into the diving room with heavy steps and moved upward.

"Xia Zuo, there are two buttons on your two ankles that need to be pressed together to take effect." Allen pointed to the opponent's feet and said:

"That's the activation button for inversion mode. Once activated, your feet will have magnetic force and can be adsorbed to the back of the metal base. With your head facing down and your feet on top, you don't have to worry about brain congestion."

The dive chamber is about to reach its first platform, this time resting beneath a metal base with the ceiling level with the base plane of the base.

Xia Zuo activated the handstand mode, walked upside down under the metal base, and at the same time activated the [Toxin Sense], trying his best to search for traces of toxins.

There is no fluff-like ocean moss here, and the elemental puppets will regularly maintain the metal base and repair damage. The three of them walked on it as if they were walking on flat ground.

"The spellcasting permission is in hand." Hillenburg's voice sounded in the diving suit. "You can use the large-scale detection spell. It will be valid until noon tomorrow."


Professor Allen responded, and then waved his hand, summoning a piece of sand that shimmered with silver light in the black sea water.

The dots of light gradually grew larger, and each grain of silver sand emitted a light comparable to that of a searchlight. The silver sand spread out in all directions and evenly distributed in the space around the three people, illuminating the nearby sea area.

Xia Zuo received Goldfinger's message in his mind:

"Affected by the detection amplification spell, when within the range of this spell, any detection spell you cast will be enhanced, the detection range will be increased by 300%, and the detection accuracy will be increased by 100%."

It's amazing, the efficiency is doubled all of a sudden.

Xia Zuo suddenly discovered that the toxin-induced vision was as clear as if a layer of ultra-high-resolution sharpening filter had been added to it.

Mars pulled out his vine staff from his back - this staff was of extraordinary quality and could still be used normally in high-pressure environments.

He raised his staff and knocked the heavy tip against the metal base.

"Boom~~~Buzz~~" The crisp impact sound evolved into a repeated roar that echoed in the ears.

"Preliminary detection shows that there are no abnormal things in fields 1 to 5 of Experimental Field E." Mars said to his companions.

Xia Zuo glanced around, "There are no toxins, everything is normal."

Professor Allen opened his hands, controlled the silver sand suspended in the surrounding space, and walked forward slowly, "Let's go to fields No. 6 to No. 10. Keep detecting on the way and don't stop."

Every time Mars takes a few steps, he will knock on the metal base to send out shock waves, and the echo will last forever.

Xia Zuo's job was much easier, he just had to keep his eyes open and look around.

It took the three of them less than an hour to visit the experimental fields A to E. Everything was normal.

Just when they returned to the ocean observation room, Hillenberg sent instructions:

"Three strange eggs were found in Field 19 of Experimental Field H. Danielle, bring down the ocean observation room. Laurie, prepare the pressurized container and let the elemental puppets set up a temporary high-pressure experimental chamber."

"Copy that, team leader." Danielle and Laurie replied at the same time.

Hillenburg continued:

"Xia Zuo, get ready. Later you will enter the experimental cabin and use the observation seat to observe the strange eggs. We have to record all their details."

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