"Toxins mixed with return-to-zero toxin will not be affected by return-to-zero toxin. Its poisonous effect and function of transmitting nerve signals are normal."

Xia Zuo looked at Rexor who was deep in thought and said:

"In my opinion, Zero Toxin is a good secrecy tool, and it's worth delving into its formula and detoxification."

"Well... you should be responsible for researching the zero toxin." Rexor rubbed his chin and said:

"This is the rule of the Alchemy School, and it is also to reduce the number of people who know about this poison as much as possible."

He walked towards the closed console and pointed at the monster egg, "Then what do you think the use of this thing is? Why did it appear before the stronghold was attacked?"

"I'll have to do a few more experiments to find out."

Xia Zuo said, "Master, are there any spells or props that can record the explosion of the monster egg and watch it again and again? I mean, record the sensory information such as the sound and picture of the explosion."

Xia Zuo was sure that in this world where alchemy was highly developed, something similar to a video recorder must exist. However, he had never seen a "video recorder" since traveling through time, so he could only ask the bald head by describing its function.

"Of course there is. This is a spell that involves detection and illusion. It's called [Time and Space Imagery]. Use precise detection spells to record the process you want, and then use illusions to replay it."

Rexor took out a bag of sparkling powder from his alchemy pocket, "Are you sure you want to do this? Then I have to arrange the ceremony first to ensure that every detail is recorded."

"Thank you, Master." Xia Zuo nodded and walked to the side to make room for the bald head.

Rexall poured the powder onto the glass cover of the enclosed console, then applied a layer of sticky oil to hold the powder in place, and finally sprayed some kind of aerosol to make the powder less shiny.

After doing all this, there was an almost transparent film on the closed operating table. If you look closely, you can see that there are dots of luminous points inside the film, as well as dense spell lines.

"I'm ready." Rexor put his left hand on the membrane, a hazy spell light emerged on the console, and held a transparent glass bead in his right hand, "Let the monster egg explode, and I will record it. The complete process, even the details we haven’t noticed yet, will be sealed in the image orb.”

Xia Zuo fiddled with the closed operating table a few times, placed three strange eggs in separate areas, and then adjusted the air pressure in one of the areas.

"Bang! Poof!" The black mucus exploded instantly, staining the glass of the operating table. The toxins in the mucus were quickly dissipating.

Rexor put the explosion process of less than 1 second into the orb, and then input energy into the orb, reappearing the images and sounds at that time.

"Bang! Poof!" The explosion process was too short, and it was difficult to see the specific scene clearly.

"Master, can you slow down the replay?" Xia Zuo asked.

Rexor rubbed the orb.

"Bang bang bang~~Puff puff puff~~"

The speed of the reenactment this time was slow enough, only about one-third of the original one, and the explosion process of 1 second was extended to more than 3 seconds.

Xia Zuo felt his eyes blurred and still couldn't see the picture clearly.

But Rexor frowned, "I seem to have discovered something..."

Rexor rubbed the orb again, and the replay speed dropped to one-tenth of the initial speed. The 10-second explosion process allowed the two of them to clearly see every change in the monster egg when it exploded.

The screen freezes at 0.1 seconds after the monster egg cracks.

There is a small black particle located deep in the monster egg, smaller than a fingernail. The moment it comes into contact with the air, it turns into a plume of black smoke and disappears into the air.

Xia Zuo placed an intact strange egg on the sample holder of the observation seat and used a high-power lens to search the inside of the strange egg.

Because there was a lot of messy mucus inside the monster egg that blocked his view, Xia Zuo changed the angle dozens of times before he could see the full picture of the small black particles.

It was a bug, a bit like a tick that became swollen after being filled with blood.

"What is this?" Xia Zuo scratched his head, completely unaware of the small black bug on the lens image.

Rexall was also at a loss. He knew a lot about strange demons, but bugs... were not his area of ​​expertise.

"I'm going to call Hillenberg in. You wait here for a while." Rexall warned Xia Zuo and got out of the door of the temporary laboratory.

Xia Zuo understood and immediately dismissed his blood element servants.

After Hillenburg came in, he first glanced at the three drug identification reports on the table, and then was attracted by the imaging on the observation seat.

"This...is this a deep-sea turtle?" Hillenburg looked shocked. "This is the first time I have seen such a small deep-sea turtle."

He came closer to the lens and looked at the bug carefully, "This is a newly hatched deep-sea turtle cub. Normally it should be as big as a person's fist... Why is this one so small?"

"It's weird...interesting..." Hillenburg sat on the observation seat, adjusted the angle little by little, and could barely see the belly of the deep-sea turtle.

Xia Zuo and Rexor discovered that the so-called little bug was indeed a sea turtle, and the swollen body they saw before was actually its back.

"We have to get this deep-sea turtle out of its egg," Hillenburg said.

"I'm afraid it's difficult to do." Xia Zuo and Bald Head looked at each other and said:

"Master Rexor and I conducted an experiment to record the explosion of monster eggs using the space-time image spell.

"We found that this deep-sea turtle turns into black smoke and disappears the moment it comes into contact with the air.

"So, we must first find a way to prevent this deep-sea turtle from disappearing."

"On contact with the air...disappear..." Hillenberg pushed up his glasses, frowned and thought for a minute, and said in a solemn tone:

"I probably know the function of the strange eggs... This deep-sea turtle is probably not a product of nature, but a flesh and blood prop created using flesh and blood alchemy."

"Why do you say that?" Rexor also looked solemn. Anything related to the Church of Strange Demons would definitely be full of distortion and blasphemy.

Hillenburg rummaged through his alchemy pocket and found a locked diary.

"This records my exploration experience at the bottom of the box. You two have to keep it secret for me." Hillenberg said.

"Okay, team leader, I definitely won't tell anyone else." Xia Zuo nodded solemnly.

Rexor wordlessly put his index and middle fingers together and raised them upward, making an oath gesture.

Hillenburg unsealed the diary and turned to one of the pages, which showed an anatomy of a deep-sea turtle.

The content of this anatomical diagram is incomplete. The text description next to the picture reads, "The sample is incomplete and cannot be identified."

It seems that the maker of the anatomical diagrams did not deliberately conceal anything, but encountered irresistible objective factors, which led to the incomplete anatomical diagrams.

"The deep-sea turtle is a long-lived and timid monster.

"I have been working near the sea castle for more than ten years, and I have only seen one nest of deep-sea turtles. That was a year ago. There were seven deep-sea turtles in the nest, and I spent a lot of effort to catch them. they.

"Unfortunately, we did not capture any living deep-sea turtles, but only a few damaged turtle carcasses.

"My oldest colleagues, who have done this research with me, can vouch for what I'm saying."

Hillenberg's fingertips pointed at the position of the deep-sea turtle's abdomen on the anatomical diagram and said:

"According to our research, this kind of marine monster living in the aphotic zone has a special feature. They have a strong reproductive capacity and can give birth to 7 to 10 cubs in one litter, but the survival rate of the cubs is extremely low.

"Because deep-sea turtles don't give birth to young for reproduction, but use them to sound alarms."

"Alarm..." Rexor's pupils trembled.

If Rexor had hair, Xia Zuo could imagine how his hair would stand straight...

Hillenberger said in affirmative language:

“Yes, the role of the cub is to sound the alarm.

“According to my speculation, there is telepathy between the mother and the young of the deep-sea turtle.

"The young of the deep-sea turtle are fragile and sensitive, and will be frightened by small changes in the environment.

"They will be placed at the entrance of the nest. Once the water flow or light at the entrance of the hole changes, the cubs will be immediately disturbed. The mother, who has telepathy with it, will immediately feel the telepathy of the cubs falling into panic.

"The mother will immediately hide deep in the nest, or move the nest, completely ignoring her young. This has resulted in many turtle hatchlings becoming food for other underwater monsters."

Xia Zuo sighed, "It's so cruel. The Deep Sea Turtle would treat his own offspring like this."

Next to him, Rexor was no stranger to the practice of using heirs as tools. He glanced at the strange Xia Zuo and said:

"Most of the monsters with low intelligence have no sense of morality, and there is no parent-child relationship in our common sense within the group. I have seen a lot of monsters similar to the deep sea turtles."

Hillenberg agreed, “Yes, in fact, according to my research results, every underwater monster that can survive in a complex environment for a long time will use its own offspring as tools to a greater or lesser extent. "

Hillenburg clapped his hands and said, "Let's get back to the point."

He pointed to the image on the observation seat and said:

"If my guess is correct, the Strange Demon Church should have caught a pair of deep-sea turtles with strong vitality and in the strong stage. The Strange Demon Church transformed them and refined these tiny, powerful turtles in large quantities. Turtle cub with alarm function.”

Hillenburg pointed to the strange egg on the closed operating table.

"Based on the living conditions of deep-sea turtle cubs, the Strange Demon Church has refined egg-shaped objects with stable internal structures and very sensitive to environmental changes to seal the turtle cubs.

“There are many benefits to doing this.

"First of all, turtle cubs originally only responded to changes in light and water flow.

“But after being put into the strange eggs, the baby turtles will always be in an environment with stable light and water flow.

"At this time, only when the strange eggs rupture will the baby turtles die.

"The preconditions for the monster egg to burst can be set by the flesh and blood alchemist of the Strange Demon Church, such as changes in pressure, vibrations in the surroundings, or the induction of spell energy, etc.

"So, the first benefit is that it expands the types of alarms that the turtle cubs can send out."

Hillenburg picked up Xia Zuo's drug identification report, carefully read the underlined handwriting, cast an appreciative look at Xia Zuo, and said:

"The second benefit is that it has excellent confidentiality. This master-level toxin called Gui-Zero Toxin ensures that the operating principle of the monster eggs will not be mastered by our Mage Temple, which greatly increases the difficulty of cracking it.

"The last benefit, I think Master Rexor should have thought of it a long time ago."

Rexor rubbed his swollen brow and spoke in a low voice:

"If the mother and her cubs are connected telepathically, it would be very difficult to detect telepathy by detecting energy fluctuations.

“We need to use a high-power detection array to detect traces of energy fluctuations.

“But it’s obvious that patrols and stronghold guards cannot carry the detection array on their backs all the time.

"So, this way of sending an alarm through the young turtles is very covert."

After a brief pause, Rexor asked:

"So, Hillenburg, do you have any good ideas? We want to know how the strange eggs appeared and who sent their alarm?"

Hillenberger took off his glasses and wiped them while thinking, and said:

“Guys, I have a few ideas.

"It is assumed that the communication between the mother and the offspring of the deep-sea turtle does rely on telepathy.

"Theoretically, as long as we can find experts in telepathy, we can track where the psychic alarm sent by the turtle cubs went when the monster eggs exploded."

Rexor took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "Those guys may not be willing to help... They are cowardly turtles - forgive me for saying this about the temple's allies, but that's the fact. Count on them to take action. It is better to leave it to the tower mage to decipher the telepathy of the deep sea turtle."

Xia Zuo was stunned for a moment and asked, "Master, do you mean the Shaman Society by the shrinking turtle you are talking about?"

Rexor nodded, "They are a group of guys who joined the temple but still want to remain neutral. Apart from taking out a few totem and spiritual body school books, they have made almost no contribution."

"Ahem..." Hillenburg changed the subject and said:

"Seeking help from the Shaman Society is not the only way out. They are unwilling to take action, but we can still find ways to solve the problem.

"Now, we have two complete monster eggs in our hands. These should be the only monster eggs controlled by the temple, right, Rexor?"

The bald head nodded dullly, "Yes, the other monster eggs exploded within half a minute after they were discovered."

Hillenburg clapped his hands and said:

“We have to be careful here.

"I suggest that the poison alchemist first research the formula of the toxin, prepare the antidote, and remove the zeroing toxin and 21 other expert-level toxins.

"Then, give one of the non-poisonous monster eggs to the tower wizard, and let them use magic to immobilize the turtle cubs that are about to dissipate at the moment the monster egg explodes.

"As long as we can ensure that the spiritual connection between the turtle cubs and their mother is not broken, we can always trace the mother's whereabouts by spending some time."

Hillenburg paused and then said:

"The other non-toxic monster egg will be handed over to the biological alchemist. As long as we can reversely decipher the refining process of the monster egg and understand the principle of its operation, we can create a data card for the monster egg and copy it, or It’s the arranger and refiner who tracks it.”

Rexor looked at Xia Zuo and asked, "How long will it take you to crack the formula of 22 toxins? Do you need to find someone else to help?"

Xia Zuo rubbed his chin and calculated for a few seconds, "If I crack it alone, I can deduce the formulas of all the toxins in about 30 hours."

"30 hours... may not be enough time for us. The temple guards stationed at the Crystal Stone Remnant have calculated that within 48 hours after the monster egg explodes, the stronghold will be attacked by the Strange Demon Church."

Rexor knocked on the table and said, "Well, since the matter is so important, I will apply to the outer palace to use some unconventional means."

Rexor took out a metal box from his alchemy pocket, carefully put the monster eggs in, and said at the same time:

"Hillenberg, you are a master of biological alchemy, and you have read the information about zeroing poison, so you and Xia Zuo must go to the outer hall with me."

"No problem." Hillenburg was a little excited and said with the corners of his mouth raised:

"I have long wanted to find out what the deep-sea turtle's telepathy is all about. Whether this wonderful ability to transcend space limitations comes from the special function of the mutated organ, or whether it is an innate spell of the deep-sea turtle. "

Xia Zuo was thinking about another thing...his experience bar was about to be overwhelmed...

A few days ago, he completed the trial of hunting poisonous spiders and gave him a wave of experience...

When I identified the toxin just now, I was given another wave of experience.

We will have to decipher the formula and make the detox later, so there will definitely be a lot of experience...

So, the question before him now is whether to upgrade?

Xia Zuo followed Rexall and Hillenberg back to the ocean observation room and kept thinking about this issue while flying from the sea castle to the teleportation room.

After taking the adaptation potion in the formal mage stage, there are limited ways to improve strength, agility and endurance in a short period of time. The recently discovered rewards for underwater work also require accumulation over a long period of time to be effective.

There are various signs that if you suppress the level at this time, the benefits will no longer be as good as before.

Moreover, the number of existing free attribute points is too small, which makes Xia Zuo feel a little constrained and not as calm as before.

Overall, it may be a good choice to let the experience bar fill up and level up naturally.

Well, it's settled... Having made up his mind, Xia Zuo looked at Rexor, who was fiddling with the secret message ring next to him. The other party had been busy communicating with people from all parties after boarding Hillenberg's flying carpet.

The three of them flew over the sleeping city and accurately landed on the rooftop platform of the Lumington Building.

"You two, I have already arranged the follow-up matters. The Alchemy School has set aside a separate closed area in the teaching area of ​​the outer temple for us to study the strange eggs and the deep-sea turtle cubs refined by the Strange Demon Church."

Rexor glanced at Xia Zuo without leaving any trace, and said:

“Someone in the inner temple has modified the time and space rules in that area.

"We can stay in there for up to 24 hours. From the time we are teleported there until the end when we leave there, the natural time will only pass 1 to 2 hours."

"A powerful spell..." There was a hint of pity in Hillenburg's words, "But it cannot be used for regular alchemical research work. Because the life span we consume will not be affected if we stay in an area where the rules of time and space have been modified. How long will it take, how much life will be consumed..."

Xia Zuo, who had long understood the magic of time and space, nodded silently. Rexor's hint couldn't be more obvious. It was the veteran pure-blood mage Kristo who arranged the area.

The three of them stepped into the teleportation room, and the teleportation crystal that had already been activated glowed and swallowed their figures.

Thanks to Holmium Uranium Telluride and Gray Cast Iron for the 100 points.

Thanks to Tian Mima for the 100 points.

Thank you all for your monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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