My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 207: People, Plants, Alchemical Products

The gastrointestinal tissue and gallbladder of the deep-sea turtle have chosen a light blue mutation, which enhances the ability to cast spells.

Based on the knowledge of bioalchemy, this makes sense.

Needless to say, gastrointestinal functions are related to digesting food and providing energy to the body.

The bile secreted by the liver will directly participate in digesting food and improve digestion efficiency if the gastrointestinal activity is relatively intense.

If there is not much food in the stomach for digestion, bile will be stored in the gallbladder.

In addition, bile has another function. It can neutralize part of the gastric acid and prevent many adverse reactions caused by excessive gastric acid.

The gastrointestinal tissue affected by the mutation also has an increased ability to secrete gastric acid.

It is understandable that the gallbladder, which can effectively assist digestion and balance gastric acid, should mutate.

After both are strengthened by mutations at the same time, their physical strength and energy will be more abundant, and accordingly, their spell-casting abilities will also be improved.

Hillenberger shared his research results with Rexall and Xia Zuo. He completed the dissection of gastrointestinal tissue while talking.

"Back to your previous question, Rexor."

Hillenberg used tweezers to pick up a slender black thing from the dissected gastrointestinal tissue. "What are the characteristics of this mutated gastrointestinal tract? I think the answer lies in this hair-like thing." superior."

"What is this?" Rexor's pupils shrank, "It does look like a length of hair. The deep-sea turtle...should not have hair, right?"

Hillenberg placed the "hair" on the sample rack, adjusted the button of the observation seat, and used a high-power lens to show the magnified view of the "hair".

Xia Zuo instantly discovered that there was a very tiny "hair follicle" at the root of the "hair". Overall, this slender black thing looked like an ordinary hair.

Xia Zuo quietly released his detection technique on it.

The feedback information shows that Goldfinger speculates that there is an 85% probability that this thing is a human hair, a 12% probability that it is the root of a certain plant, and a 3% probability that it is an artificial alchemical product.

Whether in the previous life or in this life, it is very difficult to use scientific or alchemical means to identify what an unknown thing is.

Often, after identifying what ingredients an unknown thing contains, what characteristics it has, what kind of physical reaction, energy reaction, etc., we use these identification results to find targets that match the characteristics among known things, and finally determine the unknown. The name, grade and quality of a thing.

This is a common practice in science and alchemy.

Within the territory of the Mage Temple, there is another method.

That is to rely on magic to identify props.

This spell is called [Identification Technique]. It is a high-level spell of the detection school. It is a special skill of tower scholars and is not disclosed to non-core personnel.

Many tower mages present all know this spell. In terms of success rate, the one with the highest success rate must be Master Lemon...

Hillenberg knew this, but if he wanted to ask Master Lemon to perform identification, he had to first seek the advice of the master of the alchemy school.

Hillenberg looked at Rexall who was deep in thought and warned Xia Zuo:

"I'm going to discuss this with Master Adanawados. You two will wait a moment. Xia Zuo, help me write a research report on the lungs and gastrointestinal tissues of turtle cubs."

"Okay, team leader." Xia Zuo nodded in response and watched the other party walk out of the privacy barrier.

He sat on the observation seat and began to write a standardized research report.

"Xia Zuo, I need you to do something." Rexall suddenly said, and then he set up several airtight anti-peeping barriers around the two of them. Together with Hillenberg's barrier Block external views.

"Uh" Xia Zuo paused while holding the pen, "Grand Master, do you want me to use blood..."

"Shhh" Rexor signaled to be silent, nodded, took out several bottles of potions from his alchemy pocket and sprinkled them around. There were many energy fluctuations of different types here.

"Let's start, move quickly."

"Okay..." Xia Zuo glanced nervously at the tower mages outside the barrier, calmed down, entered a shallow state of meditation, and skillfully made a hematin servant.

The moment Xia Zuo activated [Flesh Control] and forced the hemogen servants to accommodate the "hair", his body shook involuntarily, and his face was full of surprise, "Huh!!??"

"How is it? What's the result?" Rexor immediately held down the opponent's shoulders, staring at the blood mass in the air, guarding against possible changes.

Xia Zuo put the "hair" back and dispersed his hemogen servants with a wave of his hand. His mind was flooded with thoughts, and more than a dozen thoughts flashed through his mind in just a few seconds.

At that moment, a golden message came to my mind:

"It is detected that the host's No. 1 hemogen servant contains an unknown thing, which can drive the hemogen servant to forcibly digest the unknown thing. It is predicted that there is a 90% probability of getting 1 to 6 opportunities to cast the [telepathy] spell, and there is a 10 % probability of an unknown event occurring.”

This was the first time Xia Zuo encountered this situation. The effect of accommodating props was not simply to increase or decrease attributes, but to gain the opportunity to cast spells.

As far as he knew, the telepathy taught by the Mage Temple did not limit the number of times this spell could be cast per day. Telepathy was the same as other spells. As long as the caster's energy could keep up, he could cast it as many times as he wanted.

Using [Flesh and Blood Control] to digest the "hair" and achieve the effect with a 90% chance of success, doesn't it mean that Xia Zuo, a person who has never learned telepathy, can cast this spell?

Since the effect of "hair" can be effective on the hemogen servant, there is a high probability that it will also be effective on the deep sea turtle...

Doesn't this mean that the fluctuations of spiritual energy emitted by the deep-sea turtles are thought to have been created?

All kinds of speculations filled Xia Zuo's mind. He rubbed his brows and took a deep breath to free himself from the chaotic thoughts. Then he confided the information about "hair" and his own to Rexor who was standing aside. Speculation.

When describing the effect of "hair", Xia Zuo consciously used a language style that was closer to alchemy, without directly stating the information fed back by Golden Finger.

Compared to Xia Zuo who was greatly shocked, Rexor, as a master demon hunter, was much calmer.

After listening to the other party's narration, the bald man was silent for a few minutes, and suddenly a very strange look appeared on his face, as if he had thought of something secret.

At this time, a question came to Xia Zuo's mind:

Since "hair" can give living creatures the ability to exert telepathy, why does the Church of Strange Demons choose the deep-sea turtle as the carrier?

Why not choose a monster that is more subtle and difficult to detect?

Xia Zuo told Rexor his doubts.

Rexall put away the expression on his face, shook his hand and said, "Master Lemon is more authoritative than me on this issue. Later, when she successfully casts the identification operation, most of the truth will surface. Including your doubts. Why not, listen to what the professionals have to say."

Xia Zuo had no choice but to suppress his inner curiosity for the time being.

After Rexor checked the barrier and confirmed that there were no traces of matter or energy left by the hemogen servants, he lifted the privacy barrier he had set up and waited for the arrival of the master of the school with Xia Zuo.

Hillenburg had just finished discussing with Adanawados at this time, and the two were walking towards Master Lemon.

About 3 minutes later, the three of them walked into the privacy barrier together.

The first time Master Lemon saw the "hair", she showed a look of surprise. Although the brief abnormality was quickly suppressed by her, it was still noticed by Rexor beside her in time.

"Lemon, do you know this thing?" Rexall asked.

"I'm not sure." Lemon frowned slightly, stretched his fingers to the back of his head and drew a few circles, and tied his long hair with a cyan magic rope to avoid affecting the casting of spells. "This thing looks like a spirit body." Some spiritual materials from the school are somewhat similar, so I have to cast a high-power identification technique to confirm it."

"Everyone, the casting process may last for several minutes. During this period, I cannot be disturbed."

Lemon moved his hands and set up several magic barriers around him to isolate himself and "hair" from other people present. "Don't touch these barriers that isolate the flow of air, otherwise the identification may be biased."

As Xia Zuo watched, Master Lemon's fingers danced like plucking strings. Different spell energy lights bloomed from the ten fingertips, outlining a series of substantial energy threads.

These bright energy threads of different colors spiral down around the "hair" and weave into a colorful luminous ball, wrapping the "hair" in it.

At the moment when the luminous ball was formed, all the energy threads began to change their energy systems and types at an extremely fast speed. The number of colors on the ball gradually decreased, from the original ten to six. , 3 types, and finally there is only one left - golden white, the color of spiritual energy.

The evolution of this energy color is related to the magic principle of identification.

As the signature spell of the Tower Mage, when this school wrote the "Introduction to Spell Schools", it deliberately revealed part of the secrets of identification in order to increase the appeal of the school.

Different from conventional identification methods, identification technology is a spell that uses the energy reflection of spell energy on the identification target to identify props.

After learning the Spellweaver's language, spellcasters will discover that when different types of energy act on the same object in different forms and types, the results of energy reflection are different.

By recording the characteristics of these energy reflections in the language of those who know the law and writing them in a standardized format, a set of spell energy reflection codes that can accurately describe a certain prop can be obtained, referred to as reflection codes.

Each prop has a unique reflection code, and there are no two props with exactly the same reflection code.

What Master Lemon is doing at this time is to emit all types of energy to the "hair", collect the reflection code of the "hair", and then match the code with known props to find exactly the same prop.

This is the magic principle of appraisal.

Simple to understand, but difficult to operate.

If you want to successfully use the identification technique, you must be able to weave spell energy and have a huge theoretical knowledge of reflection encoding. The Tower Mage School did not disclose the information about these two in the "Introduction to Spell Schools", which is a question for everyone who is interested in the identification technique. The appetite of a curious mage.

Xia Zuo, who thought he had a golden finger, was more interested in the knowledge about reflection coding. If he could store this knowledge in his mind, he might be able to easily obtain the same skills as identification by using the detection technique that comes with the golden finger. Identification results.

Just as Xia Zuo was staring at the golden-white ball in trance, the ball's light quickly dimmed, and the energy threads that made up the ball turned into dots of light and dissipated into the air.

Master Lemon dispersed the barrier around him, his face very solemn.

"Everyone, I know what this is.

"It gives the bearer the ability to cast psychic spells.

"If the user himself does not have the basic conditions to cast psychic spells, then the ability granted by this item will be limited in number of times or time.

"But if the user has a special function similar to telepathy, then as long as he keeps carrying this item, he can permanently have the ability to cast psychic spells. I think this is the case with the Deep Sea Turtle.

"The name of this prop is..." Lemon paused and revealed a somewhat awkward word:

"The Tentacles of Nyoxat."

The ones who reacted the most were Adana Navados and Hillenburg. The former involuntarily pinched his beard with his fingers, while the latter subconsciously pushed up the frame of his glasses.

The two said almost at the same time:

"Spiritual material from a deceased shamanic master?"

"Isn't he already dead?"

Rexor had already thought of part of the inside story, and now he looked like it was indeed the case.

"Obviously, the reality is more complicated than what we know." Lemon crossed her fingers in front of her body, and her rising and falling chest hinted that she was also shocked, "We have to have a good talk with the Shaman Society, and we have to Prepare for the worst.”

After all, Xia Zuo and his team leader Hillenberg were very different in qualifications from the three masters of the school. The conversation made them confused, and they could only roughly speculate that something terrible had happened.

Rexor crossed his arms and said:

"Those guys from the Shaman Society are as stubborn as rocks. Even if we come to them with evidence, they may not have any positive reaction. They will only talk about 'all things have their own balance' and 'equilibrium'. A gaffe leads to a conflict. I can't wait to punch them in the face..."

"Things are different this time, Rexor."

Lemon spoke to comfort the master demon hunter, who was always known for his boldness. She had no doubt that he might take action.

"Neoxat's sacrifice was recognized by the temple and recorded in the chronicles.

"Now that his spiritual material has appeared, it means that Neoxat is still alive in the world in some way that we don't know.

“This is contrary to the historical facts recorded in the temple.

"If the Shaman Society does not want to incur a thorough investigation by the temple - a thorough investigation led by the Demon Hunting School, then they will definitely take the initiative to reveal the truth, although it may not be complete."

"I agree with Lemon's point of view." Adanawados stroked his beard slowly, "The top priority is to report to the inner temple. As for our research work..."

Adanawados looked outside the barrier. The alchemists had almost completed their research tasks and were writing research reports.

The work of the alchemist can prove the uniqueness of the deep sea turtle and provide evidence for the tentacles that fit Neoxat.

The tower mage is tracking the direction of telepathy. This will take some time, but it will definitely produce accurate results.

Once the two are combined, it will be easy to target Neoxat himself or others who use Neoxat's tentacles to oppose the temple.

Once again the two schools collaborated in competition.

Adanawados continued:

“Our research results can be used as a trump card in discussions with the Shaman Society.

"I will first dismiss my students and let them swear an oath on the element of light before leaving.

"Then, we invited the master shaman who is stationed in the outer hall of the Shaman Society to come in and ask him about Nyoksat together. If he was vague and avoided talking about it...

Adanawados emphasized, "Then let's go to the crater!"

"That's it." Lemon nodded, untied the hair on the back of his head, walked out of the privacy barrier, and went down to track the direction of the spiritual energy in person.

Rexall walked to the corner alone and used the secret message ring to contact the people in the inner temple.

Adanawados looked at the only marine alchemist at the scene and said, "Hillenberg, you have done a good job. I will truthfully state your research results at the school's monthly meeting."

"Thank you, Master Adanawados." Hillenburg bowed and saluted, "This is what I should do, for the sake of the Alchemy School, and for the sake of the budding ocean alchemy."

"Later, after you and Xia Zuo finish their oaths, please leave together. Things will be very troublesome later," Adanawados warned.

Hillenberg and Xia Zuo both consider themselves to be very pure alchemists, and they will definitely deal with any matters related to ZZ, not to mention that the following school talks will involve several schools at the same time...

The two of them had no intention of staying and listening.

After listening to a few words of advice from his mentor, Xia Zuo followed the team leader and swore to the light element in his spiritual ocean, and then was sent out of this special area where time was frozen by a teleportation beam.

When we returned to Lumington, it was only 7:30 pm.

Xia Zuo said goodbye to Hillenburg and returned to Poseidon City through the teleportation room.

On the way to fly home using the wind technique, he had been summarizing the information he had obtained tonight.

While trying to make a totem pole, Xia Zuo led a spiritual material called Gelsanda's Tentacles from Yingrui Academy.

Just now, he learned the name of Neoxat's tentacles and the naming method of this material - the name of the shaman master + the words tentacles.

So here comes the question…

Why use “tentacles” to describe spiritual materials?

Aren’t master shamans human beings?

Thanks to book friend 20200403124752798 for the 100 points.

Thank you all for your monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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