"Gudong! Gudong!"

The strange demon monitor flying in the heavy rain made two muffled sounds similar to a heartbeat. The black hair on its appearance stirred with the wind, and the flesh suddenly expanded into a big meat ball that was about to burst.

"It seems that the master demon hunters are forcing a breakout." Hillenburg came to Xia Zuo and said. He was much calmer than him. After all, he had been in the industry for many years and had been to the Thunder Sea plane many times. He knew the temple guards here. What kind of strength do they have.

"Team leader, what is the protective spell that Master Rexor cast just now? It looks very unusual." Xia Zuo took the opportunity to inquire.

"Oh, that, that is the [Mindor-style Storm Armor] that must be learned before outdoor operations in the Thunder Sea Plane. Only mages who have served as plane guards can learn it. It is said that it needs to accommodate 3 large wind elements and 3 A large water element will do.”

Hillenburg pushed up his glasses and sighed:

“I have to say that in many cases, spells are more convenient than alchemy tools.

"Kit Kat Object Science has developed an alchemical costume similar to storm armor. Although it can withstand heavy rain and lightning, it is extremely heavy and requires the installation of an additional auxiliary power device or the use of high-power flying techniques.

"For this reason, plans to replace the Storm Armor with the Alchemy Garment have been shelved."

Xia Zuo nodded thoughtfully, pondered for a moment and asked:

"Team leader, there is no conflict between alchemy and magic, but why do I always feel that the alchemy school wants to replace the tower mage's position?"

"Because magic cannot be used in the territory of the Strange Demon Church and the surrounding areas." Hillenburg spread his hands and said:

"You may not know that deep in this continent, there is an area called the Desolate Land. There, it is impossible to cast spells, and the vast forbidden magic field covers every place corner.

“The Temple once organized an Eastern Expedition in an attempt to eradicate the foundation of the Strange Demonic Church. Unfortunately, due to the existence of the Forbidden Magic Field, the Eastern Expedition Legion lacked spell support and suffered heavy losses.

"Since then, the alchemy school's status has only steadily risen."

"Why is there such a magical place where you can't use spells..." Xia Zuo thought of Jingshui Town... Unfortunately, after finishing his training, he disbanded the original hemogen servants, and now he can no longer use the hemogen servants to spy on the forbidden area. The secret of the magic field.

"I don't know about that. In fact, these four places, the Eternal Storm, the Forbidden Magic Field, the Pillars of Creation, and the Frozen Snowfield, have always been the research objects of the temple..."

Hillenburg noticed that the bulge on the strange demon monitor was getting bigger and bigger, and several scarlet tear lines appeared on the stretched skin. Immediately, the medical cabin was ready to take over the treatment of Neoxat, and at the same time said:

"They're coming out and ready to respond."

Xia Zuo expertly put on the poison-refining leather robe. The next second, the strange demon monitor's bulge burst. Black blood spurted out filthy flesh and blood like a huge fountain. The strong wind blew the blood in all directions, and three figures appeared. It flew towards the face with raindrops and entered the shuttle straightly.

"Quick! Stop its injury." Rexor placed the black mass of flesh in his arms on the table of the medical cabin.

Another master demon hunter wearing black dragon scale armor said to the glass ball driving the shuttle:

"Immediately use the most powerful electric arc to attack the wounds of the strange demon monitor, interfere with its retreat, convey our position to the stronghold, and guide the heavy artillery bombardment."

This demon-hunting master, who was very unfamiliar to Xia Zuo, greeted the other two demon-hunting masters:

"Are you interested in tearing apart a high-level alien demon monitor? There are quite a lot of alien demons in that thing's belly..."

"I'll go with you, Oaks." Seritus walked toward the hatch.

Rexall said to Hillenberg, who was inspecting the meat ball, "It's up to you and Xia Zuo." Then, he followed his companions and left the shuttle again.

The first time Xia Zuo saw the meat ball, he activated his toxin sensor and entered working mode. He looked at the backs of the three master demon hunters and calmly cooperated with the team leader.

Hillenburg picked up a faint blue rod-shaped lamp, observed the physiological structure and injuries inside the meat mass, and said quickly:

"Is this what Neoxat looks like? It's really unique... Okay, no kidding. If my judgment is correct, the deep-sea turtle that Neoxat snatched from the Demonic Church, Endowed with the property of rebirth by the alchemy of flesh and blood.

"After the trunk is destroyed, it can use the remaining flesh and blood tissue to condense this kind of meat mass like a giant polyp.

"As long as we provide it with enough nutrients and biological materials, it can be reborn."

Hillenberg handed the rod-shaped lamp to Xia Zuo, "You see what it needs, and I will do the activity monitoring and arrange the culture tanks."

"Okay, team leader."

The faint blue light has a perspective effect, allowing the experimenter to see the scene inside the body. After using it with the toxin sensor, Xia Zuo can see the general distribution of toxins in the body.

"Well, team leader, this thing does not lack the zeroing toxins, but it is missing 6 expert-level toxins. There is a cavity in the area covered by the lack of toxins, and there are also some symptoms of shrinkage."

"The cavity is more serious, let's solve this first." Hillenberg injected universal nutrient into the culture tank. This liquid may not be to Nioxat's appetite, but I guess the meatballs that are in urgent need of nutritional supplements will not be picky eaters.

"Received." Xia Zuo wrote down the observation results on a notepad, then moved to the alchemy table and started refining the toxin.

Hillenburg first put the meat ball into the culture tank, then injected a resuscitation potion into it, and combined with the blessing spell, helped the meat ball that was difficult to take the medicine absorb the potion.

About 10 minutes later, Xia Zuo used the inventory of semi-finished products to produce a bottle of high-quality toxin. This was the highest quality he could refine under the premise of pursuing speed.

After checking the compatibility between the toxin and the nutrient solution, Hillenburg used a syringe to arrange the cavity inside the meat mass and injected a tube full of toxin.

Highly poisonous things are fatal to ordinary flesh and blood.

But after being transformed by the alchemy of flesh and blood, the toxin has become necessary for the normal functioning of the body's mechanism.

The venom in the cavity is absorbed by the cavity wall, and the pink granulation protrudes from the cavity wall, growing and growing visibly to the naked eye, slowly filling the cavity.

"I have to admire the alchemy skills of those flesh and blood alchemists." Hillenberg shook his head, "I know it may not be right to say this, but it is undeniable that in the field of bio-alchemy, we are far worse than the Church of Strange Demons. For a long time, at least a recovery based on toxins like this is beyond our reach."

Xia Zuo glanced at the notepad and said, "Team leader, there are still 5 atrophic areas that need toxin..."

Before he finished speaking, the figures of Rexor and Seritus appeared in the shuttle.

"The explosion is coming! You two, are you ready to watch the fireworks show?" Rexor laughed loudly, lifted up his mask, and stood with his hands on his waist facing the bloody alien monitor of North Korea.

Seritus also had the same expression. He crossed his arms and looked towards the horizon, his eyes following a huge bright purple light group.

Xia Zuo and Hillenberg put down what they were doing and looked up at the gray sky. The bright purple light group was like a rainbow, illuminating the surrounding area, and everyone's face was reflected in a purple light.

As the purple light group fell, the shuttle quickly moved backwards.

At the moment when the light group met the high-level strange demon monitor, a violent shock wave spread in all directions. The rainwater that was originally floating randomly had a unified direction in an instant, and flew in a direction away from the explosion point.

The rainwater stirred up by the explosion slapped on the shuttle, briefly blocking everyone's sight. After a few seconds, the surroundings returned to their original appearance, the vision became clear, and there was only a broken floating mass in the air ahead that was being ravaged by countless electric blades. The object, lightning swam, the electric blade was sharp, lightning bolts shot out from the suspended object, sinking into the sea below with countless pieces of flesh.


The suspended object exploded again, which brought an end to this round of heavy artillery bombardment. In the sudden burst of purple lightning, it turned into dust and debris all over the sky, and disappeared in the baptism of the heavy rain.

"It's over. It's rare to see such a scene." Rexor was in a good mood.

The bald head lifted the elemental body and looked at Hillenburg, "How is the situation? Can our master shaman be saved? If this clone is gone, he will not be able to escape the control of the Strange Demon Church."

"Thanks to you for sending it in time. Xia Zuo and I just treated his cavity." Hillenberg took the notepad from Xia Zuo and showed the test results to Rexall and the other two. "It will take some time to repair it." All damage. Should we continue treating him here, or should we return to the castle first?"

Rexor and Seretes looked at each other and said, "Cure him first, and then go back."

Seritus took over, "We have to first confirm what this clone remembers, what it can do, and what it wants to do, and then we can know how to treat him. Let me tell you, the possibility of him remaining rational is not high. And he was unconscious. This guy saw us coming and actually wanted to escape in the chaos."

Rexor stretched out his hand to hold his companion's shoulder, "Maybe he thought it would be the Shaman Society coming to save him, but he didn't expect it was us who came, haha."

"Okay, you two, let's continue working. Cerites and I will go to the shuttle next door to meet up with our long-lost companions. When your work is over, we will be back." Rexor and the two left. The shuttle.

Two hours later, several tentacles grew on the meat mass in the culture tank.

These tails have suction cup tentacles that are adsorbed on the inner wall of the culture tank to fix the meat mass.

Inside the meat ball, there is a young deep-sea turtle that is baring its teeth and claws, trying to break the skin of the meat ball.

Xia Zuo illuminated the turtle cub with a faint blue alchemy lamp. The turtle twitched suddenly as if frightened, and retracted into the depths of the flesh.

"Team leader, I seem to see something like roots." Xia Zuo put down the lamp and asked:

"Are we going to pierce the mass of flesh and release Neoxat's clone?"

Hillenburg fiddled with the secret message ring a few times, "Let the master demon hunter decide. The church of strange demons has many cunning methods. If the thing in the meat ball is a trap, it will be troublesome... Of course, I It’s not that the master demon hunter has found the wrong target, it’s just out of caution. After all, we are both amateurs when it comes to dealing with strange demons.”

When Hillenburg put away the ring, two figures broke through the heavy rain and entered the shuttle.

Rexall opened his mask, drank a potion that enhanced his perception, walked closer to the culture tank and observed it for a few minutes, and then said to the two support staff:

"Both of you, please stay away for a moment. Make room for us. If you hear any noise later, don't come in. That's a normal inquiry process."

"Okay, okay." Hillenberg pulled Xia Zuo out of the medical cabin.

The hatch was locked from the inside by the Demon Hunter Master, and the glass window on the door was also covered with a metal plate, making it difficult for people to see what was going on inside.

For the first two minutes, there was silence in the medical cabin.

Starting from the 3rd minute, there was a hoarse neighing sound, full of anger, followed by two punches. The hoarse voice suddenly became more honest, mumbling the difficult shamanic language.

Yes, Xia Zuoneng is definitely a shamanic language.

Thanks to the decoding function of Goldfinger, this language that only a few people in the temple can understand is not so unfamiliar to Xia Zuo.

He vaguely understood dozens of words, and the general idea was that there were some deviations when Neoxat guided the spirit body to attach to the deep-sea turtle.

Neoxat originally wanted to attach himself to the male Deep Sea Turtle, but due to the continuous use of Devanat's shrine in a short period of time, the condition of the shrine was unstable. In the end, he mistakenly attached himself to the female Deep Sea Turtle. Integrated into one…

When Xia Zuo heard this, he turned his head away while admiring the scenery of the heavy rain, and looked up at the lightning above his head to cover up his suppressed laughter.

If you weren’t eavesdropping, you wouldn’t have realized it. Neoxat’s second clone was a female deep-sea turtle. This can be considered as experiencing the pain of female childbirth...

Moreover, monsters also pay attention to a complete process for reproducing offspring... If there are only hens, the eggs cannot give away the chicks...

in other words…


Xia Zuo raised his head higher and rubbed his face a few times before suppressing his smile.

He thought for a while, and simply took a book from his alchemy pocket, and used reading to force himself not to listen to the conversation in the medical cabin, and to avoid revealing that he knew the shamanic language...

Hillenburg looked at his team members and saw how outstanding they were. He was seizing every minute and every second to improve himself.

He took out his notepad and began to write a summary of his experience in treating Neoxat...

Rexor didn't let Xia Zuo wait too long.

After he used a special metal container to seal Nyexat's clone, Seritus unlocked the door of the medical cabin.

Rexor said to the support staff outside the door:

"You two, the causes and consequences of the entire incident have finally emerged. Due to the laws of the temple, I cannot explain the details to you. I hope you can understand.

"But I have good news - the sea castle in Lumington will not be attacked any time soon."

"That couldn't be better," Hillenburg laughed.

"Let's go back." Rexall walked towards the glass ball driving the shuttle.

Seretes tapped the metal container with his knuckles, listened to the movement inside, and crossed his arms as if he was gloating.

Perhaps at this moment, his resentment towards the Shaman Society has been resolved a lot...

Lumington City, Sea Castle, Marine Observation Room.

Since Rexor was unwilling to disclose the details of the incident, Xia Zuo did not deliberately inquire about it.

Xia Zuo knew the bald head's temperament, abided by the laws, and was strict with himself. If he wanted to know the secret from him, it would be better to ask Cristo directly. But for such a trivial matter, he bothered an old pure-blood mage. Obviously, It's not worth it.

It’s business to build yourself into an octagonal warrior and maximize the benefits of each upgrade.

After Xia Zuo returned to the ocean observation room, he immediately applied to the team leader for an underwater mission, eager to go to the experimental field and tangle with the enchanting seaweed.

"Seeing your high morale, I really feel like I've found the right person." Hillenberg pushed up his glasses and said with a smile:

"I originally wanted you to rest for half a day and start working officially again tomorrow. But since you are so motivated, let me give you a job."

He flipped through his work schedule and said, "Let's do this, Xia Zuo. I'll leave the maintenance of platform A to you. Once you are fully familiar with the process, you can follow other team members to maintain the aphotic belt platform."

Hillenberg took out a thick manual from the desk drawer and put it in front of Xia Zuo. "This is a maintenance platform, a reference book for maintaining seaweed. It is made of special materials and can be read underwater. Take it."

"Okay, team leader." Xia Zuo nodded with a smile. Platform A was the platform where I was looking for tool boxes before. As long as I could deal with seaweed, there was no reason to refuse.

"By the way, you should also bring the algae-repelling spray. It will make the algae retract into the culture tank and clear a way for you to move forward." Hillenberg said.

Xia Zuo was stunned, "What?"

Hillenburg spread his hands and said, "When you first entered the water, I wanted to test your mental and physical qualities, so I didn't let you use the spray. Now, you are a regular employee, so naturally you don't have to deal with being sticky. Slippery tangle of seaweed.”

"But..." Xia Zuo thought quickly for a few seconds, "Do I have to use spray, team leader?"

The other party's calm and rapid walking posture appeared in Hillenburg's mind, and he rubbed his chin and said:

"Well...it's not necessary.

"In fact, that kind of spray has unavoidable side effects. It will exist in the experimental field for a long time before being completely diluted by seawater. For at least 3 hours, the seaweed will not come out of the culture tank, which will delay the growth and development of the seaweed. .

"You don't have to use spray if you can make sure you don't get tangled in algae."

"So that's it, then I'll try not to use it." Xia Zuo nodded and said, trying to keep his expression as normal, "Then I'll go to work, team leader."

"Go." Hillenberg waved his hand, "Danielle will use the orb to keep an eye on the safety of underwater workers. If you run into trouble, contact her through the communication device built into the diving suit."

"Okay, team leader." Xia Zuo opened the curtain and walked towards the diving suit to welcome the new physical training journey.

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