My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 212 Large-scale alchemical bionic body research and development project

After Hillenburg walked into the hall, he felt Xia Zuo's gaze. He nodded to him with a smile, then walked to the bench seat in the front row and sat down.

The order of seats in the hall is arranged according to alchemy qualifications.

Adanavados and other alchemy masters from the outer hall sat in the front row.

Hillenburg's seat is in the second row from the front, and his status is second only to the master of the outer hall.

Thanks to the special status of Toxin Alchemy, people like Xia Zuo who have just become master alchemists can also participate in the meeting.

He sat in the back row, surrounded by relatively young-looking poison alchemists.

Xia Zuo looked at the exquisite reliefs on the wall of the hall and cast the detection spell on his colleagues one by one. Their earth element resistance was outstanding, and the other three elements were relatively weak. The will and vitality attribute values ​​were second only to spirit, which was the standard. Poison Alchemist template.

When the last person entered the hall, the thick metal door slowly closed, and the sound of the door panel hitting the door frame resounded in the hall. The hum of communication suddenly stopped. All the alchemists consciously closed their mouths and turned their gazes. Go to the podium.

Adanawados walked onto the podium, his old face becoming more solemn under the illumination of crystal lamps.

"Everyone, not long ago, the Demon Hunting School rescued an important member of the Shaman Society who was in danger from the Strange Demon Church. This is a shaman master who has made outstanding contributions to the temple..."

Xia Zuo's expression became a little strange when he heard his mentor's praise for the master of the Shaman Society, but he quickly covered it up.

As a participant in the rescue operation, Xia Zuo knew more inside information than other alchemists. He knew that the shaman master mentioned by his mentor was the Neoxalt who was reborn from the flesh ball.

So is the reason why the alchemy school so solemnly summoned the masters of bioalchemy to create an alchemical bionic body for Neoxat?

Xia Zuo was thinking about the purpose of this meeting, and Adanavados on the stage just used the tragic experience of Neoxat to get to the point.

"This master shaman was ravaged and humiliated by strange monsters, and was forced to combine with a deep-sea monster...

"In order to help this master restore his original appearance, the Shaman Society seeks help from our Alchemy School."

Adanawados raised his hands, and a large piece of silver sand emerged a few meters above his head. The sand flowed rapidly in the air, eventually converging into a huge human model diagram with hundreds of legends and annotations.

"The Alchemy School has decided to refine an alchemical bionic body that embodies the essence of the school for this master of the Shaman Society."

Adanawados introduced this competitive research project in a calm tone, using the finger parts of a human model as an example.

The annotation corresponding to the finger part not only has specific size and material design requirements, but also a contribution expressed in the form of a percentage.

If the left index finger developed by a certain alchemist defeats the similar alchemical products of other alchemists, it will be selected by the alchemy school and used in Nyoxat's alchemical body.

Once selected, a certain contribution will be obtained, and the contribution of the left index finger is 0.31%.

After the entire alchemical body is produced and approved by Neoxat, the Shaman Society will pay a high reward to the Alchemy School.

Individual alchemists will receive corresponding proportions of remuneration based on their contribution to this research project.

So... how much is the Shaman Society prepared to spend to buy this alchemy body?

Xia Zuo's eyes scanned the notes, but he couldn't find the total amount of the project for the time being...

Most of the alchemists present had the same idea as him and wanted to know the size of this delicious big cake...

All eyes were focused on Adanawados.

The old host waved his right hand and controlled the silver sand to weave a line of numbers in the sky with Silver Moon Federation citizen points as the currency unit:


160 million?

Xia Zuo roughly calculated that 0.31% contribution can be divided into nearly 500,000 points, which is equivalent to receiving 55 annual wages!

Such a large amount of money!

Xia Zuo stared at the numbers in the sky with his eyes wide open for a while, then came back to his senses amidst the chaotic exchanges.

If you calm down and think about it carefully, you will find that it is very difficult to obtain this research reward.

First of all, all expenses in the research and development process must be borne by the alchemist himself.

Secondly, if the alchemical product developed is not selected, the research and development costs will not be recovered for the time being. In serious cases, the individual alchemist may even fall into poverty and be forced to transfer part of his achievements.

Moreover, the research and development difficulty of this alchemical body is also higher than usual.

Each part is required to be made in duplicate, with one part having an energy transfer rate of 0% and the other part having an energy transfer rate of 100%.

The key material that affects the energy transmission rate is silver sand, which is the silver sand controlled by temple mages such as Adana Doss and Beatrice.

The more silver sand is incorporated into the alchemy bionic system, the higher the energy transmission rate will be.

The price of silver sand itself is also very high, and in this research and development project, it is also borne by the alchemist.

Moreover, only alchemical products that submit these two specifications at the same time will be eligible to bid.

Um? ...Xia Zuo narrowed his eyes and felt that something was a little strange...

Why does the Shaman Society require the development of two specifications of alchemical products at the same time?

In the hearts of many alchemists who participated in the meeting, the master of the Shaman Society who has never met is a person of sympathy, and the generosity of the Shaman Society is also worthy of praise...

But in Xia Zuo's eyes, there was almost no chance that Nyxat would still be treated as a guest after being rescued.

What awaits him is more likely to be judgment and punishment from the temple.

Since it is punishment...

He will be imprisoned and will be released after serving his sentence.


So this is ah…

The research and development requirements in duplicate are to prepare Neoxat to regain his spellcasting ability after he is released from prison.

No wonder an offer of 160 million was given.

Xia Zuo nodded thoughtfully.

After Adanawados introduced the general situation of the research project, he announced that everyone can use the next time to discuss team formation. Before the end of this meeting, the research intentions of each group will be tallied.

The Alchemy School has always advocated putting interests first, research later, and conducting research activities with personal interests as the leading factor.

This approach of not forcibly setting the direction of research stimulates the research enthusiasm of the alchemists to the greatest extent. As long as what they do does not violate the laws of the temple, they will not be hindered in any way.

The next second after the host announced the free formation of teams, Xia Zuo's colleagues stood up and walked towards their mentors or friends.

The originally orderly venue suddenly became lively. Alchemists gathered in small groups and walked to a deserted corner to discuss the group's research strategy against the huge human model in the sky.

Xia Zuo sat on his seat for a while, scratched his head, and walked in the direction of Adanawados, but was soon stopped by the overwhelming crowd...

Adanawados is so popular that there are more than twenty of his students alone. If you include other alchemists who came here because of his reputation, nearly one-fifth of the alchemists in the venue gathered around him. .

If Xia Zuo didn't show his identity as a pure-blood mage... In this venue full of alchemy masters, he wouldn't actually stand out that much...

He scratched his head again and looked at Hillenberg. There were many people around him, and they all looked excited, as if they were seeing an idol...



What is refined is not gold, but human nature.

Xia Zuo laughed at himself and applauded his withdrawn style.

He doesn't have to worry about no one coming up to talk to him. It's estimated that after half an hour or so, a group that lacks a poison alchemist will come to him to join the team.

After all, only a few people in the venue can do such things as developing bait.

Xia Zuo simply returned to his seat and sat down, bending his arms as pillows, lying back on the chair, staring at the mannequin in the sky, trying to memorize all the notes.

Anyway, if you are bored, you have to find something to do, right?

Xia Zuo's eyes started from the head of the mannequin, slowly moved down, and stopped at the top of the thigh...

When he saw the note requiring that a certain rod must enter an upright state within 10 seconds after receiving effective external stimulation, Xia Zuo couldn't help laughing.

What does Nyoksat want to do? Rediscover the feeling of being a man?

Xia Zuo looked at the next line of the comment and was stunned.

[The rod-shaped object must be able to inject the life breath of the body owner into the designated container at a specific time. 】

Etc., etc

Xia Zuo touched his forehead.

If I understand correctly, does Nyoksat want to have another child?

Because, if you just want to pursue the excitement of the moment, there is no need to launch specific objects, let alone [the life breath of the body owner].

Neoxat's desire to have a child was not the point.

The point is, he is a person who has gone through many rounds of body transformation and finally became a female deep-sea turtle. Where can Nyoksat go to find his own breath of life?

Xia Zuo frowned and fell into deep thought, suddenly realizing that he seemed to have discovered part of the world's secrets.

This secret is hidden so deeply that if you don't have a certain status in alchemy, you would have no way of knowing it.

As a person who has received nine years of compulsory education, Xia Zuo knows clearly that heredity is related to genes.

According to the logic of the previous life.

If Nyoxat wants to use his alchemical body to obtain a child of his own through normal human reproduction methods, then he must ensure that the essence in the designated container only contains his own genes.


Genes are bound to the body.

Neoxat was originally a human being, but later, in order to extend his life, he combined himself with a tree-shaped monster and became a half-human, half-tree monster. At this time, he only had half of human genes in his body at most.

Later, he died. To be more precise, the half-human, half-tree monster body died because it could not resist the passage of time.

Before that, he used Devantana's shrine to make a clone.

This clone obviously cannot be completely in human form.

Because Neoxat's second clone was made from the first clone.

The second clone is a female deep-sea turtle with tree-shaped roots and legs, rather than a deep-sea turtle with human limbs. From this, we can deduce that the first clone of Nyoxat must have been made of The material of the tree-shaped monster.

All things considered, after Neoxat returned to the temple, except for his consciousness which was still a human consciousness, there would be almost no human genes in his entire body.

In this case, how can Neoxat reproduce?

There are only two explanations.

The first explanation is that shamans have some way of preserving their own human genes. This way is highly confidential and has never been leaked.

The second explanation.

[The bond for people in this world to reproduce is not genes. 】

Xia Zuo lowered his arms behind his head, let his hands fall on both sides of the chair, took a deep breath, and let it out slowly.

If you want to completely understand what the reproductive bond of this world is, you must first know what [breath of life] is.

These four words have appeared many times in bioalchemy, but they have not been introduced in detail. Xia Zuo always thought it was the alchemical term for the word "gene".

Now it seems that the breath of life means something else.

"Xia Zuo." The speaker patted Xia Zuo on the shoulder.

"Huh? Oh, team leader." Xia Zuo came to his senses and stood up.

"I need your help, are you willing to join me?" Hillenberg knew that the other party had a close relationship with Adana Navados, and then said:

"The masters of the Outer Palace have just spoken. Due to the huge amount of remuneration this time, it would be unfair for them to personally participate in the research and development. Therefore, they will not lead the research and development team, but will participate in the research and development of each group as consultants, charging A certain percentage of the consulting fee.

"So, come and join me. I just need a reliable poison alchemist."

"Uh" Xia Zuo glanced in the direction of his mentor.

There really weren't many people around Adanawanados and the other masters of the outer temple. It seemed that Hillenburg was right.

It's just that Xia Zuo was so absorbed in his daze just now that he didn't hear the words of the outer hall master.

"Team leader, are there only two of us in our team?" Xia Zuo asked.

"That's right, I rejected other people's requests." Hillenberg seemed to sigh. He paused and then said:

“The research and development rewards this time are amazing. If we can win one or two bids, it will be enough to cover the cost of researching marine alchemy.

“But I plan to bring out some items from the bottom of the box so that I can win the bid.”

Xia Zuo nodded, understanding the deeper meaning of the other person's words, "Okay, team leader, count me in. This is my honor."

Hillenburg sat down on the chair next to Xia Zuo, "What do you think of us studying bionic lungs?"

Xia Zuo sat on the chair and quickly glanced at the requirements of the bionic lung.

When the energy transfer rate is 0%, the bionic lung must be able to store about 1.5 times the air of a normal person's lung capacity, and the pumping efficiency is also higher than that of a normal person. It must be able to pump in enough air within 3 seconds, and be able to achieve Close tightly to prevent air from escaping.

The bionic lungs must be able to withstand heavy pressure and blunt blows, and still maintain the respiratory function of the alchemical body after being punctured.

After meeting a series of material performance requirements, the assessment criteria for the bionic lung will involve both the degree of damage and the integrity of the respiratory function.

In the case of severe damage, the more complete the respiratory function, the higher the assessment score.

If several research projects have the same score during the assessment, compare the additional functions of these projects and select the most practical one.

After winning the bid for the bionic lung, the research and development team will receive a 2.25% contribution, totaling 3.6 million federal citizen points.

Xia Zuo thought for a minute and said:

"Team leader, we have great advantages in developing bionic lungs. The aphotic zone environment is a natural experimental place, which can save unnecessary expenditure on magic arrays.

"And the creatures in the aphotic zone have special lung structures and can be used as our reference objects."

Xia Zuo glanced at the human model in the sky again. If he really wanted to develop bionic organs or body parts based on the physiological structure of aphotic zone creatures, he and Hillenberger could research many projects.

For example, the bionic spine contributes as much as 3.8%.

As the most important bone in the human body, the bionic spine also has requirements for resistance to pressure and impact.

In the alchemy bionic body, the backbone of the alchemy nervous system must be arranged inside the bionic spine, which will involve the development of the backbone of the alchemy system, increasing the workload and increasing the risk of failure in research and development...

Similar disadvantages exist in other parts.

Overall, only the bionic lungs are relatively independent and will not involve too many other parts.

Xia Zuo showed a look of enlightenment, "Team leader, it seems you have reached a conclusion. I thought about it, bionic lungs should be the most suitable research project for us. I have no objection."

Hillenburg patted the other party on the shoulder, smiled in a good mood and said:

"I'm very satisfied with your reaction, Xia Zuo. You can figure it out on your own without any further explanation from me. I have to say that this is the basis for establishing a tacit understanding of cooperation."

Xia Zuo scratched the back of his head sheepishly and asked:

"Team leader, there are only two of us. Will there be shortage of manpower? I am only proficient in poison alchemy and biological materials. I am also familiar with the biological alchemy of making alchemy bionic systems, as well as the alchemy of oils, potions, and strange objects. Slightly insufficient…”

Hillenburg shook his hand, "Don't worry, Xia Zuo. The two of us will be responsible for the design and experiment, and the production will be outsourced to other members of the marine research team."

"Outsourcing..." Xia Zuo pondered for a moment.

Since it is outsourcing, there must be a commission

"Team leader, what percentage of R\u0026D expenses am I responsible for?"

"Well..." Hillenburg crossed his arms and said while thinking:

"I have two options for joining, you can decide which one you like.

"You can join us as a labor force, and I will hire you to develop and refine the raw materials for the bait and alchemy bionic system. I will pay you a commission higher than the market price to buy out the bait and raw materials you have developed.

“I will bear all your expenses during this process.

"If our research results win the bid, 10% of the research remuneration will be your bonus."

Xia Zuo rubbed his chin and nodded.

Hillenburg continued:

"The second option is that you join the company with the actual investment amount, and I do the same. After winning the bid, we will divide the research remuneration according to the proportion of investment.

"I made a simple prediction. To fully develop the envisioned bionic lung, I would need to advance R\u0026D expenses of approximately 120,000 points.

"This does not include the marine alchemy knowledge, samples and other experimental materials I contributed. These things are provided by me free of charge."


Xia Zuo resisted the urge to twitch the corners of his mouth, "Team leader, I'd better choose the first option. My expenses have been a bit high recently and I don't have much savings."

"A wise decision." Hillenburg extended his right hand.

Xia Zuo shook hands with the other party and felt emotional in his heart.

The world has changed, and so have the bonds of reproduction.

The only thing that hasn't changed is capital and leverage, risk and return.

Thanks to Handsome Mantis for the 100 points reward.

Thank you for the 500 points for the reward for eating vegetarian dishes.

Thanks to 俿love Red Star for the 100 points reward.

Thank you all for your monthly votes and recommendation votes.

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