My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 214 Metal Repair Active Defense

The second step is stress testing.

It is divided into two steps: external pressure test and internal pressure test.

External pressure means using external force - a hydraulic metal clamp that can freely adjust the pressure area and pressure. It can compress the bionic lung from the outside to the inside by hitting, pressing, pressing hard, and continuously increasing the pressure.

There are many ways to resist external pressure.

Hillenberger's team used hexagonal honeycomb alveoli to disperse pressure, channeling the pressure from the focus point to the surrounding alveoli, so that the bionic lungs can be evenly stressed, and at the same time, the internal pressure of the small alveoli on the periphery of the lungs was increased. Hedging against external pressures.

Xia Zuo originally thought that the bionic lung with this structure would definitely win first place in the external pressure test.

but! The results of the external pressure test were somewhat unexpected.

The winner turned out to be the Burning Fire Salamander team.

Hillenburg was also a little surprised. He frowned and thought for a long time while looking at the anatomical diagram of the Burning Fire Salamander he had made. He couldn't figure out how the team did it for the time being.

Fire salamanders are commonly found on volcanoes.

The Burning Fire Salamander is a demonized fire salamander.

In addition to feeding on magma and being able to swim in magma to the depths of the earth's crust, the Fire Salamander also has many special functions such as immunity to fire damage and control, control of flames, and optical invisibility in volcanic environments.

Volcanoes themselves are the product of high pressure, and volcanic eruptions are a symptom of explosive pressure within the earth's crust.

In order to withstand high temperatures and high pressures, the fire salamander's lungs are structured like spring balls, which are extremely elastic and tough.

However, the inherent stability of this lung structure is not as good as the lungs of the killer whale.

Unless...the Fire Salamander team spared no expense and used tanning agents and biological materials with a toughness level of over 100?

Hillenberg could only think of this reason...

After hearing his guess, Xia Zuo secretly smacked his lips... Sure enough, when it comes to bidding, there will be no ceiling limit to the severity of the involution...

During the internal pressure test, two air pipes hang from the top of the culture tank and are connected to the bionic lungs, continuously injecting air into it.

This session will also test the vital capacity of the bionic lungs.

All four groups passed and entered the third link - the compatibility test.

Whether in the field of science or alchemy, air is a necessary condition for maintaining human survival.

For the bionic body, air is just one of the gases that must be inhaled into the body.

There are nearly a hundred alchemical bionic systems inside the bionic body, more than half of which require regular inhalation of specific oil mist to replenish the consumption of the bionic system or to maintain the bionic system.

The bionic lung must be able to store different oil aerosols individually and stably, and deliver specific aerosols to specific bionic systems according to the host's instructions.

Xia Zuo has developed dozens of baits for this purpose, which serve as signals for delivering specific oil aerosols.

At Hillenberg's request, he developed an equal amount of bait as a backup.

If Nyoksat installs a new alchemy bionic system on his bionic body, then the oil aerosol of the new bionic system can be used as a spare bait to transmit signals.

This is a pre-service service that fully considers the expansion of physical functions of customers, allowing the Hillenberg team to get more points in the compatibility test.

But they still couldn't get first place...

The first place in this section is the Metal Rubik's Cube team. Their small squares are designed to store oil aerosols in categories.

After being second in three consecutive sessions, Xia Zuo and Hillenberg saw hope of winning the trauma test session.

This session will only test bionic lungs with 0% energy transfer rate, because bionic lungs with 100% energy transfer rate are too expensive.

The trauma test was divided into more than a dozen small steps. Bruises, bumps, scratches and other trauma methods were tried one by one. When entering the final step to test the resistance to a fatal blow, each bionic lung was already scarred.

At this time, bionic lungs with self-repair capabilities came to the fore.

In Hillenberg's team's bionic lungs, large alveoli proliferate and new small alveoli replace damaged ones.

The bionic lungs of the Burning Fire Salamander team rotate the lung lobes, turning the spring ball-shaped lungs over, allowing the alveoli originally located on the inside to flip to the outside, so that the damaged alveoli can bear the fatal blow instead.

The bionic lungs of the Wind Cannon Demon Frog team are like balloons nested in layers. The outer alveoli fall off after injury, and the inner alveoli become larger and become new outer alveoli.

The Metal Rubik's Cube team's bionic lungs do not have an autonomous repair function, and manual replacement of damaged metal squares is not allowed at this stage. They can only use damaged Metal Rubik's Cube alveoli to participate in the test.

The culture tank changes from a vertical position to a horizontal position.

The elemental servant took an energy rifle, inserted the barrel into the base of the incubator of the Fire Salamander team, and aimed the muzzle at the bionic lungs.

In this assessment, [sharp] magic bullets with a power of 150 points will be used to shoot the bionic lungs. Three shots will be fired in a row, each shot aimed at the vital part of the bionic lungs.

The elemental servant began to charge the energy rifle. The khaki-colored energy poured into the magazine and converged into three yellow magic bullets.

"Puff puff!"

"Dang Dang Dang~"

The spring ball-shaped bionic lungs have poor internal stability and can easily be penetrated by magic bullets from the bottom of the ball. The bullet hit the top cover of the culture tank and made three crisp sounds. It stayed briefly for a few seconds and then dissipated after the energy was exhausted.

The Burning Fire Salamander team took on the damaged bionic lungs, sadly left the stage, and left the assessment hall.

Next up is the Wind Cannon Demon Frog team.

The balloon-nested bionic lungs, after the outer lung lobes explode, will generate outward wind pressure, which can offset part of the impact of the bullet, or even deflect the bullet.

Theoretically, with several layers of balloon-like lungs nested, there are only a few opportunities to deflect the bullet.

It is almost impossible for three magic bullets to completely penetrate the bionic lungs that are nested in at least 15 layers.







The Wind Cannon Demon Frog team was lucky. When all three bullets penetrated the outermost lung lobes, they were deflected by the airflow and hit the culture tank.

"Oh~~" Surprise cheers came from the Wind Cannon Demon Frog group, and the members high-fived each other in celebration.

But...their celebration was ended by the Metal Rubik's Cube team.

There are no so-called vital points in the metal Rubik's Cube-shaped lungs.

Each side of it has the same small grid.

The elemental servant randomly selected one side to shoot, and three bullets got stuck deep in the metal cube, failing to penetrate the bionic lungs.

It's the Hillenburg group's turn.

Xia Zuo was not nervous at all... He and Hillenberg had conducted tests before handing in the research results. Their bionic lungs could withstand magic bullets with 170 points of power.

The result was indeed smooth, and the Hillenberg team passed the test.

The only thing Xia Zuo didn't expect was that three groups would enter the fourth link at the same time - the additional function assessment.

Adana Navados, who was sitting in the examiner's seat, waved away the elemental servants and said to the three groups opposite:

"Everyone, congratulations on entering the fourth stage.

"Each group will have up to 30 minutes to demonstrate the additional functions of the bionic lung."

Adanawados looked at the Metal Rubik's Cube team and said, "It starts with you."

The male leader of the Metal Rubik's Cube team, wearing a straight alchemist robe, stood up from his chair and came to the center of the field carrying a metal box.

Xia Zuo knew the other person's name from his nameplate:

Leonardo Lister, member of the Wildhammer Alchemist Guild.

After Liszt took the stage, he first greeted the judges and other groups in a ceremonial manner, then opened the culture tank and turned the damaged side of the metal Rubik's Cube upward so that the people around him could clearly see the next scene.

"Everyone, the 'Cube Zero' bionic lung developed by our team has a unique battlefield repair function."

Lister took out a tube of silver "liquid" from the metal box and walked around the venue to show the judges what was in the glass tube. Inside were many tiny, silver-gray insects.

The scene of them drilling holes everywhere looks like sloshing silver liquid at first glance.

"The silver-eating insect is an insect-like monster produced in the Kingdom of Wildhammer, the territory of the mineral alchemist." Lister introduced:

"This bug feeds on metal objects, and the feces it excretes are also metal objects.

"Entrusted by the Kingdom of Wildhammer, the Wildhammer Alchemy Chamber Association has spent decades developing methods to control silver-eating insects. They can be used to devour designated metal objects, or...

“Repair broken metal objects according to the controller’s intent.

"The Wildhammer Alchemy Chamber Association named this technology of autonomous repair of metal props the silver-eating insect repair method, like this"

Liszt uncorked the glass tube and introduced the silver "liquid" into the hole in the metal Rubik's Cube.

The sound of rolling metal particles sounded from inside the Rubik's Cube, as if someone was violently shaking the metal box containing the steel balls.

Liszt held up the metal Rubik's Cube with both hands and brought it to the judges to show the silver-eating insect repairing the Rubik's Cube.

Adanawados stroked his beard with great interest, "Hoho, I didn't expect that Wild Hammer was successfully developed. I didn't receive any news at all."

He whispered to the masters in the outer hall around him, and everyone's expressions contained excitement.

Lister came to Hillenberg's group holding a metal Rubik's Cube.

Xia Zuo saw the scene inside the Rubik's Cube. Countless silver-eating insects were spitting out silver threads, weaving small metal squares like spider webs, as well as the tracheas, air pumps and air bags inside the squares...

As a poison alchemist, Xia Zuo saw another meaning...

The Wildhammer Alchemist Association funded the Liszt Group and participated in this bidding. It was not just as simple as revealing the No. 0 Rubik's Cube bionic lungs.

They would like to take this opportunity to announce that starting from today, in addition to enchanted light energy repair, there is also the silver-eating insect repair method developed by the Wildhammer Alchemist Association.

The bionic lung trauma test session and the live demonstration of the additional function introduction session will become the best promotional materials and spread throughout the alchemy school through the mouth of the outer hall master!

Xia Zuo and Hillenberg looked at each other and saw the solemn look in each other's eyes.

The Liszt team solved the biggest flaw of the metal Rubik's Cube bionic lungs and became the team most likely to qualify among the three teams.

It took Silver Eater 22 minutes to repair the metal Rubik's Cube.

Liszt put the repaired metal Rubik's Cube back into the culture tank, bowed around and saluted, and returned to his seat with the metal box with a smile on his face, as if he was sure of victory.

The demonstration of the additional functions of the Wind Cannon Demon Frog team was far less shocking than that of the Lister team.

Just like its name, the Wind Cannon Demon Frog can spit out cannonball-like wind balls to attack the enemy.

After a few seconds of accumulation, the balloon-shaped bionic lungs will use a multi-layered nested structure to superimpose pressure layer by layer, causing a wind mass with a power of up to 110 points to accumulate in the centermost lung lobe.

This is an additional function, a special function that can cast wind masses without wind spells.

To be honest, according to Xia Zuo's understanding, this additional function may actually become a points deduction for the Wind Cannon Demon Frog team.

The Alchemy School specifically requested the development of bionic lungs with an energy transmission rate of 0%, just to prevent Nyoksat from becoming aggressive...

The Wind Cannon Demon Frog team, on the other hand, directly installed an attack method on the bionic lungs that has no energy fluctuations and is difficult to detect, which goes against the original intention of the Alchemy School.

In contrast, the additional functions Hillenberg designed for the bionic lung are much more useful.

"I'm honored to show you the additional functions of the Magic Whale Zero bionic lungs." Hillenberg walked to the center of the long hall. He was polite at first, and then said:

“The alchemy bionic system made from biological materials as raw materials will have a strong self-healing function as long as it is not directly related to the alchemy nervous system.

"The Magic Whale Zero bionic lung jointly developed by Xia Zuo and I can multiply up to 13,000 small alveoli without serious damage to the large alveoli."

Standing next to the culture tank, Hillenburg reached out and drew a circle on the damaged area of ​​the bionic lung.

"The previous three magic bullets penetrated six layers of small alveoli, and were still about 4 centimeters away from touching the first layer of large alveoli.

"According to our team's calculations, this 4-centimeter thickness can withstand 3 to 5 magic bullets with 150 power points, or one magic bullet with 170 power points.

“This level of defense is enough to resist most attacks.

"But I don't think it's enough!"

Hillenburg emphasized, "Magic Whale Zero has only demonstrated its passive defense capabilities. Everyone, now I will demonstrate the powerful active defense capabilities of Magic Whale Zero."

Hillenburg bowed slightly to the judging table and said, "Please allow me to use a culture tank to inject air into Magic Whale Zero."

Adanawados nodded and waved his finger to summon an elemental servant to help Hillenburg control the culture tank.

"Hiss~~~" Air continued to pour into the gas pipe, and the Magic Whale Zero gradually swelled.

"Air is a natural material that is extremely easy to obtain." Hillenberg used a speech to replace the inflation process.

“The host of Magic Whale Zero can continue to inhale air when moving on the ground, filling its lungs and making the small outer alveoli hard and flexible.

"After inhaling enough air, Magic Whale Zero will be able to withstand a magic bullet with a power of 220 points."

220 points, this number moved everyone present.

The Wild Hammer Alchemists of Liszt's group were even whispering.

Hillenburg bowed slightly to the judging table again and applied to fire a magic bullet with 300 power points.

The elemental servant brought an elemental rifle that was as tall as an adult and pulled the trigger at the Demonic Whale Zero in the culture tank.



The khaki-colored bullet penetrated into the bionic lung, carved out a huge cavity, and stopped 1 centimeter away from the large alveoli inside.

"It's incredible." Liszt stared at Magic Whale Zero in trance and murmured to himself, "An alchemical bionic organ constructed from biological materials can only have a protective power comparable to that of metal creations."

"I believe you have discovered that the protection method of Magic Whale Zero is closely related to the layout, structure and material of the small alveoli."

Hillenburg took out a bulletproof vest from his alchemy pocket. This was the protective gear he and Xia Zuo prepared for the amphibious combat puppet.

"The interlayer of this vest is filled with alchemical materials similar to the small alveoli of Demon Whale Zero."

Hillenburg pulled the vest on and placed his hands on the waist and abdomen of the vest.

"We can use wind energy to charge the internal pumping array, fill the vest with air, or use wind spells."

Green light leaked from Hillenburg's fingers and penetrated into the vest. The black vest bulged, making Hillenburg gain weight.

"Limited by the appearance of the bulletproof vest, the restarted vest can only withstand blunt or sharp weapon attacks with less than 100 power points."

Hillenburg bowed to the judging table for the third time and begged Master Adanawados to let the elemental puppets attack him.

Adanawados stroked his beard and thought for a second, and finally approved the other party's request.

The elemental puppet took an energy pistol, charged it briefly and fired a shot.

"Bang." The magic bullet hit the vest and made an obvious dent. The bullet bounced off the ground and rolled down twice before disappearing.

Hillenburg was pushed back a few steps by the impact, stood on his heels and said, "Come again."

“Bang, bang, bang, bang”

The elemental puppet fired several shots.

"Boom, poof!"

On the sixth shot, the vest exploded like a balloon, leaving a big hole.

The elemental puppet retracted its energy pistol and stopped shooting.

Hillenberg panted and rubbed his chest several times, took off his rotten bulletproof vest, held the vest high, looked around and said:

"Six rounds of magic bullets with 100 power points are the current endurance limit of this Magic Whale bulletproof vest.

"Due to the special material and structure, this bulletproof vest cannot be repaired for the time being. We can only select materials with recycling value and reuse them to weave them into a new Magic Whale bulletproof vest."

"The demonstration of the additional functions of the Magic Whale Zero bionic lung has been completed. Thank you all." Hillenberg folded his vest, bowed to the surroundings and thanked everyone, and then sat on the chair for a while.

The results of the evaluation were announced on the spot, but before that, Adanawados had to discuss it with the master of the outer hall around him.

He cast a privacy barrier to temporarily block the bidding team's eyes and ears.

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