The installation team found the exact location of the brain.

The tall team leader pulled out a light-proof metal tube from the suitcase, inserted the mouth of the tube into the infusion pipe on the console, and then twisted the metal tube. A sound of gear rotation came from the metal tube, and then The sound of rushing water.

The yellow-green potion was transported into the culture tank by the water pump inside the console. After more than ten seconds, the potion flooded the deep-sea turtle.

Xia Zuo took advantage of this time to take a good look at Neoxat's brain.

When Rexor brought him back, he looked like a dirty ball of flesh.

Hillenburg decided that he had entered a state of rebirth.

Xia Zuo was able to determine that the meat mass at that time, except for a few flesh and blood tissues, was mostly filled with thick juice.

The process of growing from sap to a deep-sea turtle cub is similar to the metamorphosis and development process of emerging from a cocoon and becoming a butterfly.

In other words, the Neoxat brain in front of you was developed from the alchemy product of the Church of Strange Demons... But why does it look no different from an ordinary human brain?

Xia Zuo could only temporarily attribute this strange phenomenon to the fact that Neoxat possesses some means of keeping his core parts from being tainted by the Church of Strange Demons...

The team leader's steady voice interrupted Xia Zuo's thoughts:

"Start dividing the brain, and no longer need any other organs."

The ordered elemental puppet held the operating lever of the main mechanical arm, inserted the sharp knife into the deep sea turtle's abdomen accurately, and peeled off the abdominal organs including the roots and thighs in a few clicks.

These elemental puppets that arrange culture tanks, iron chain seals, and control mechanical arms should be controlled by the alchemists in the outer hall.

The elemental puppets who guard the installation site and maintain order play the functions of overseers and guards. The controller is the existence of the inner temple.

The elemental puppet that Xia Zuo replaced could directly access the alchemy bionic organ. It should have a high status. It was probably supposed to be controlled by Kristo.

Obviously, Kristo and the leader of the control team were on the same front in the inner sanctum, and both advocated that when Neoxat appears abnormal, he should be eliminated directly.

Thinking about it this way, after installing Neoxat's body, the team leader will ask him to reveal Devantana's shrine.

If Neocost didn't give it to him, would the group leader just tear him into pieces?

Xia Zuo subconsciously believed that this possibility was possible. When the team leader pinched the neck of the deep-sea turtle, his attitude was already obvious. He believed that this conscious body calling itself Nyoksat was a scourge.

Well. Xia Zuo controlled the urge to nod and hummed in his heart. His eyes hidden behind the mask scanned the elemental puppets around him without leaving any trace.

If there is a camp that wants to eradicate Neoxat, then there will naturally be a camp that protects him.

The existence of the inner sanctum of the latter camp should also have sent an elemental puppet in. Which one could it be?

While Xia Zuo was thinking wildly, the brain in the belly of the deep-sea turtle had been divided. A layer of yellow-green film immediately wrapped the exposed cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and a section of the spinal cord that was fixed into a long soft strip.

The team leader turned around and gestured to an elemental puppet behind him.

The elemental puppet walked to the culture tank, took out the sand and potion, and used his right hand to outline Xia Zuo's familiar detection spell patterns.


This is the detection spell of the demon hunting school.

Rexor has used it many times, so this elemental puppet should be sent by the Demon Hunting School.

Xia Zuo thinks that his relationship with the Demon Hunting School is pretty good.

If something extremely bad happens and the team leader cannot take care of him, he plans to seek shelter from this elemental puppet as soon as possible.

"No problem found." The elemental puppet dispersed the detection spell, took back the sand and water, and walked back to the queue.

"Start installing the bionic body and proceed as planned." the team leader said.

The other body tissues of the deep-sea turtle have been cleaned. At this time, there is only the brain waiting to be integrated with the bionic body.

The elemental puppet next to the console used a robotic arm to pick up a metal box and place it in the groove of the console. The bionic brain in the box was wrapped in gentle airflow, passed through the pipe, and slowly sank into the culture tank.

There is also an extra layer of yellow-green film on the surface of the bionic braincase.

This membrane sticks to the membrane on the brain, holding the two together like glue holding the parts of a model together.

Bionic face, nose, mouth. Each piece of alchemy product is put into the culture tank.

Soon we arrived at the bionic lungs that Xia Zuo had manipulated.

His heartbeat sped up uncontrollably, and it did not slow down until the entire bionic body was assembled.

There shouldn't be any problems, right?

The team leader placed the elemental bottle upside down on the infusion pipe and allowed the high-level elemental servant inside to swim to the designated joint on its own.

The complete alchemical nervous system has a total of 15 nerve nodes, which are directly connected to the bionic lungs. The nerve node is the one on the neck. Xia Zuo stared at it firmly...

After the high-level elemental servant got into the bionic body, the body began to shake violently. The team leader increased the power of the coagulation ray and barely controlled the shaking. The liquid in the culture tank was still swaying back and forth.

After about 30 minutes, everything calmed down.

There is a magnanimous bionic human body in the culture tank. All the people present are professionals, and no one will mind whether it is magnanimous or not.

After about 2 hours of injecting the powerful anesthetic, Neoxat's work of integrating the bionic human body was completed.

If it were placed in Xia Zuo's previous life... just peeling off Neoxat's brain intact would be a world-class problem, but in the world of alchemy, the unknown yellow-green oil can solve it. All questions.

Xia Zuo couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

"How long will the anesthesia last?" the team leader's cold voice sounded.

The elemental puppet next to him made a series of hand gestures - there are still 20 minutes at most.

"Replace the nutrient solution, remove the bionic body fusion oil, rinse it with clean water, keep the coagulation ray, and then wake him up," the team leader said.

The elemental puppet in front of the console pressed several buttons.

The liquid in the culture tank was drained away by the drain port of the base. The transparent water washed every corner of the bionic human body. A warm orange light lit up, and the water traces on the bionic human body turned into white mist and evaporated.

A needle protruded from the top of the tank, aimed at the back of the bionic human body and released a slightly powerful current.

"Crack." The electric spark disappeared fleetingly.

The bionic human body twitched, coughed a few times, and opened its eyes.

His limbs were fixed by the coagulation rays. After struggling for a few times, he couldn't move. He could only lower his head and look at his crotch and thighs, "Hahaha~cough cough...haha~"

The bionic human body coughed and laughed, and muttered some obscure shamanic language, to the effect that he was thanking nature for allowing him to return to human form...

Xia Zuo's lips twitched when he heard this... Please, it's obviously the work of the Temple and the Alchemy School, okay?

The team leader may have understood the words of the bionic human body. He hummed lowly and pressed his finger on the control table. The discharge needle in the culture tank released another current with a crackling sound.

The bionic human body's head trembled, and his eyes focused on the installation team outside the culture tank.

"Oh, I almost forgot that you are still here. I'm so sorry." The bionic body said in a steady tone, "Can you put me down?"

"Hand over the shrine." The team leader looked at the bionic human body.

"Tsk tsk, of course, I will do that. Difantana's shrine, what a wonderful natural creation, can expel other people's souls, control other people's bodies, and blaspheme other people's will. I think you have listed it as a taboo Is it something?"

The tone of the bionic human body sounds a little glib. Maybe Nyoksat has such a personality...

He paused for a moment, opened his mouth slightly, and a stream of golden-white air floated out from the gap in his mouth.

The airflow gathered in the culture tank and condensed into a small niche made of golden tiles and white wood. On the soft cushion in the center of the niche, a half-burned white candle was burning quietly, blooming with a hazy golden-white light. .

Xia Zuo unleashed his detection technique on Xianghe's shrine.

[Item name] Devantana's shrine

[Type of props] Spiritual props

[Item Level] Unknown

[Item life] 50%, the remaining number of uses is less than 6 times

[Related Resistance] Four lines of resistance

[Props description]

After meeting certain conditions, you can bind it to the shrine and obtain the correct usage of the shrine.

One of the specific conditions is predicted to be that the resistances of the four lines are completely equal.

[Props Effect]

Users can use this spiritual prop to try to invade the spiritual ocean, physical and spiritual bodies of other living beings.

Factors affecting the success rate of encroachment are unknown.

Uh... Why do I feel that the effect of using this thing is similar to that of seizing the body...

Xia Zuo thought of himself. At the first moment when he traveled through time, he appeared directly in the body of the boy with the same name... Looking back now, it was really similar to using a tomb!

But where did the golden finger come from?

Xia Zuo subconsciously wanted to scratch his head, but was immediately restrained by him.

There was new movement at the console.

The leader of the installation team asked the elemental puppets of the Demon Hunting School to come forward to check the authenticity of the shrine.

The energy of the detection spell passed through the glass of the culture jar and was projected onto the shrine. It was softly pushed back by the candlelight cast by the candle, and fell back onto the magic circle outlined by the elemental puppet.

"I'm sorry, this spell caster, you are not recognized by the shrine. It politely rejected you." The bionic human body chuckled and said to the tall team leader:

"Perhaps you should find someone else to appraise the shrine, someone recognized by the shrine."

Be recognized?

Xia Zuo called up the prop template of the shrine, and Goldfinger predicted that only people with completely equal resistance in the four systems could communicate with the shrine.

This should be the condition for obtaining recognition.

Xia Zuo glanced at a circle of elemental puppets. Due to environmental changes and slight material differences in the production process, the four-series resistance of no elemental puppet is completely equal...

In the entire scene, the only people who met this condition were Xia Zuo himself and the bionic human body in the culture tank - the four-series resistance was 0%.

Xia Zuo has always been stubborn and would never take the initiative to help...

So the scene fell into silence briefly...

There was no instruction from Kristo in the secret message earrings hanging on Xia Zuo's ears.

It is estimated that this veteran pure-blood mage was temporarily unable to accurately judge the conditions for obtaining the recognition of the shrine, so he did not let Xia Zuo take action.

"Hand over the niche." The team leader repeated coldly.

"Tsk, how inhumane, I probably guessed who you are." The bionic human body shook its head, "Okay, here you go, why am I a prisoner now? But you have to put me down first, and then Prepare a container to seal spiritual props. The shrine needs to be nourished by the spiritual ocean, otherwise it will lose its spirituality very quickly."

The team leader took out an empty box from the metal box and placed it on the console, letting the elemental puppet release the solidification ray.

The bionic human body fell on the base of the culture tank and stood up shakily. It took some time to get used to its arms and legs.

He sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, and seemed to have entered a state of meditation. The shrine suspended in the air became more and more real, the light of the candle became brighter, and the flame was affected by his breath and swayed slightly.

"Hey~" The bionic human body opened its eyes and sighed silently, held the shrine in both hands, took a deep breath, and blew out the candle with force.

The light dissipated, and the originally peaceful and tranquil shrine instantly became dilapidated, with mottled marks appearing on the surface.

The robotic arm snatched the shrine from the bionic human body and placed it in the metal box on the operating table.

The elemental puppet of the Demon Hunting School once again cast a detection spell, and this time the light of the spell was not resisted by the shrine.

The elemental puppet casting the spell nodded towards the team leader, "Yes, it is indeed Difantana's shrine."

The team leader said to the elemental puppet next to the console:

"Take care of this place and finally let him out."

The worst scene didn't happen, and Neoksat didn't find the backdoor on the bionic human body. Xia Zuo's inner tension eased.

He stood with the elemental puppets from the inner temple, supervising the other puppets to clean up the house.

The bionic human body in the culture tank was resting on the glass tank, "If you don't mind, I want to put on clothes. Also, I remember I have a pair of legs made of ivy roots, where are they? Although I can't I don’t want to use them anymore, but I think you won’t refuse me to collect them, right? After all, they follow me through life and death..."

The team leader came to the front of the culture tank and said, "Neoksat, you have to understand your situation. Except for the things we allow, you are not allowed to have contact with any unauthorized people or things, including your roots and legs."

A set of plain cloth robes was thrown into the culture tank.

Neoxat covered himself with clothes, tightened the belt of his robe, and bowed to the team leader and saluted, "Okay then, Your Excellency, I will stay here honestly as you wish. Until my The brain withers and rots.”

Speaking of the brain...Xia Zuo fell into deep thought and discovered a place that he had ignored.

Neoxat was probably in a dying state when he used the shrine to make his first clone, and his brain would inevitably suffer from brain atrophy and other adverse conditions.

But the brain that was just integrated with the bionic human body was very young and showed no symptoms of atrophy.

Could it be the function of the shrine?

Transfer the holder's consciousness and soul to a designated brain?

Or is it waiting for the holder's brain to be protected from the erosion of time and remain pure after contact with the Church of Strange Demons?

It's very possible. This shrine is really magical.

While Xia Zuo was thinking, the puppets in the outer hall cleaned the house.

The team leader asked them to go out and wait, then he crossed his arms and looked at the culture tank and said:

"If you are willing to hand over the method of using the shrine, we will give you a rejuvenation potion. You must know the function of this potion. It can nourish the only human organ in your body and extend your life."

After Neoxat heard this, he touched his bald head, walked around the culture tank a few times, and finally sighed and said:

"Well, it doesn't hurt to tell you. Tower scholars will crack it one day."

The team leader signaled to the elemental puppet behind him, and the other party immediately took out the Image Orb and started recording what Neoxat said.

"Devantana was my father's teacher. He was born beside a stream."

"Dang Dang." The team leader bent his fingers and tapped the glass jar, interrupting the other party's ramblings. "Speak directly to the key points in common language, without any nonsense."

Neoxat spread his hands and said helplessly:

“Okay, it’s up to you.

“First of all, it must be recognized and favored by the four elemental spirits at the same time... Well, I mean, the elemental spirits must be completely consistent. This is what the tower scholars say.

"In the words of your alchemy school, the elemental resistances are equal."

The team leader did not refute the temptation in the other party's words, and nodded, "Continue."

"The second condition is that you have never undergone body modification, you cannot take breathing secrets, mutation potions, you cannot have alchemy equipment or mechanical prostheses, every inch of your body must be a gift from nature... Well, it must be a mother given.”

Nyoksat raised a finger, "The third condition is the most stringent and blocks almost everyone. You must have completed the shamanic training before you have a chance to obtain recognition from the shrine."

Neoxat held up his hands and looked up in front of him with piety in his eyes. "The way of shamanism is balance. Fire, wind, water, earth, heart, lungs, gallbladder and stomach."

"Bang bang." The team leader knocked on the culture tank again.

"Ahem" Neoxat paused and then said:

"In short, only by achieving a balanced body can we carry Devantana's shrine. If you have learned soul clairvoyance, you are more likely to be recognized."

"Is there any more?" the team leader asked.

Neoxat shook his head.

"Tell us, what are the uses of the shrine?" The team leader emphasized, "I must remind you that the tower scholars have enough patience to dig out all the secrets of the shrine, and don't try to hide anything from us."

"Can these reduce my sentence?" Neoxat asked.

"It depends on your performance." The team leader said calmly.

Neoxat laughed to himself, "I hope so."

He raised his hands in front of him, raised his left hand, and said:

"Suppose this is my spirit body and my right hand is the body of another creature.

"After entering the meditative state, let your spirit body carry the shrine towards the body of another creature. The light of the shrine will illuminate the other person's spirit body, provided that he or it has a spirit body..."

"You mean, the holder of the shrine can see other people's spirits in a meditative state?" the team leader asked.

"Yes." Nyoksat nodded, "But the distance is very limited. Personally, it is the limit for the spirit body to carry the shrine for more than ten meters. It is for this reason that I have to fight with A female deep-sea turtle..."

"Bang bang." The team leader knocked on the culture tank, "Don't change the subject, what next?"

Neoxat held back his words, "If the other party does not have a spirit body, then you can let your spirit body hold the shrine and sit in the other party's body. After enduring the pain, you will control the other party's consciousness and Body. If the opponent has a spirit body, then you have to use a shrine to smash his spirit body to make the body lose the spirit body, and then control it."

"What about the soul? Where did the soul of the person who was invaded go? Have you ever seen the soul of the other party?" the team leader asked repeatedly.

"The other party's soul is gone. Although I have never seen the specific appearance of the soul, I can confirm that after his spirit body was smashed by the shrine, no soul ran out. Maybe he disappeared directly." Neo Kesat shook his hand.

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