When the universal elemental body is activated on the body, the eight-dimensional attributes on the character template change.

The eight attributes were increased by 5 to 15 points respectively.

[Vitality] has been improved the least, only 5 points.

[Spirit] has been improved the most, reaching 15 points.

[Will] is the second highest, at 12 points.

For the rest of the attributes, the improvement range is around 10 points.

In the [Clever Element] column, there is an additional [Immune to Escape] special effect.

【Immune dissipation】

When you activate any elemental body, the elements in the spiritual ocean will not dissipate.

The physical quality is greatly enhanced, and it can prevent the elements from dissipating. The elemental body is truly the greatest alchemical product of the Fourth Age.

Xia Zuo was very satisfied.

So...if [Blood Sacrifice Casting] is activated and life force is used instead of energy consumption, what will happen?

Xia Zuo glanced at the empty quiet room to confirm that there were no surveillance guards.

He lay down on the soft sofa and entered a meditative state.

The body wears a universal elemental shell, which is used to deal with emergencies in the material world.

The spirit body is an elemental body dedicated to oil alchemy. When necessary, Xia Zuo can manually replace the two sets of elemental bodies, or use the switch button on the character template to quickly switch.

Oil Alchemy's special elemental body is loaded with the special oil of the Demon Hunting School.

Can they be used in soul clairvoyance?

Xia Zuo's spirit body opened its eyes, ignored the surrounding darkness, and reached into the folded pocket on the elemental body.

Huh? The folding pocket can be used normally, but the contents cannot be taken out, nor can they be removed by space transfer.

Xia Zuo lowered his head, opened his folded pocket and looked inside. There was a mist inside.

The bottles and cans in the folded pocket were covered with a hazy mist, and when my fingers stretched out, they passed directly through the glass bottles, as if they were touching something illusory.

The fact that the folding pocket can be opened is probably due to the coupling installation method. It has a direct connection with the spiritual ocean and has a certain spirituality.

Thinking about it this way, the alchemical arms and mage robes should also be able to be used in the soul-seeing species.

Xia Zuo called up the character template and clicked the [Switch Elemental Body] button with his mind.

The surface of his spirit body was blurry for a few seconds, then became clear again, and a universal elemental body appeared on his body.

Xia Zuo stood up, activated [Blood Sacrifice Casting], and then poured elemental energy into the energy nodes of the elemental body.

[Real-time blood recovery speed] instantly drops to approximately -260 points/hour.

After 10 seconds, the elemental shell is successfully activated, the energy input requirement is reduced, and the real-time blood return speed is increased to -20 points/hour.

By deducting 20 blood points every hour, the elemental body can be maintained in an activated state.

It's such a bargain, you don't even need a blood pack, just drink a small bottle of resuscitation potion to make up for the lost blood volume.


Xia Zuo chuckled.

He quit his meditation, took out the secret message ring, and sent a secret message to Cristo.

While waiting for a reply, he and Hillenburg chatted.

Hillenberg had finished counting the inventory of bait left by Xia Zuo, and he had only one sigh:

Xia Zuo is very responsible!

The safe was filled to the brim with glass bottles and documents. There were more than 60 different grades of spare baits to choose from, which could at least ensure the stable operation of the scientific research team for more than a month.

If Xia Zuo moves fast enough in the crater, he can even come back and continue developing amphibious combat puppets.

"Click, click, click..." Kristo's secret message ring rang.

Xia Zuo glanced at the words on the jade ring, said goodbye to Hillenberg, got up and left the quiet room.

The crater is located on an island south of the Eastern Continent. The climate there reminds Xia Zuo of the South Island in his previous life.

Both are located in tropical areas, with temperatures above 20 degrees all year round. The mountains are undulating and the vertical drop is large, making them a natural treasure land for biological reproduction.

The terrain of the crater is more extreme, and it is a very standard round mountain range.

Xia Zuo walked out of the stone house on a certain mountain peak and took in the magnificent view of the crater in a clear and cloudless weather.

"It's really a circle... This is too standard. How could there be such a terrain?"

Xia Zuo raised his hand, held it in a circle, and gestured towards the mountains.

Kristo, wearing a hood, came to him, looked at the other person's fuss, and said with a smile:

"Okay, let's get down to business first. After the things here are completed, the temple plans to divide the crater into the Demon Hunting School and the Alchemy School. By then, you will have enough opportunities to study the natural ecology here."

Xia Zuo smiled slightly awkwardly. He had indeed lost his composure just now.

"Okay, Your Excellency. At your disposal."

"You use the wind technique to follow me, and we'll talk as we walk." A blue cyclone appeared on Kristo's body, flying smoothly towards the foot of the mountain.

This is the most common flying technique. It can hover in the air for a long time without changing its own form. Moreover, the cyclone has a built-in protective effect, which can deflect obstacles or block sudden changes in airflow.

In contrast, Xia Zuo's Fengxing Technique has quite a few drawbacks. He has to wait until he becomes a high-level mage before he can officially learn the flying technique.

Xia Zuo turned into a ball of air and flew out following Kristo.

"There are a total of 28 shaman tribes of different sizes in the crater. The temple has already investigated 22 of them, and the remaining 6 tribes will be investigated within 5 days."

Kristo pointed to the northwest, where more than a dozen lines of smoke rose.

"Those people who were found to have abnormalities during the investigation were concentrated near the spring platform of the crater. Your job is to cooperate with Reina and check these people with abnormalities one by one. If you find that someone is holding a shrine, you must be the first to do so. Time controls his spirit body and doesn’t give him the chance to destroy the shrine.”

Xia Zuo's air ball body shook in response.

On the way here, he had already told the other party the results of his experience with the elemental body.

When Xia Zuo examines an abnormality, he will wear an elemental body dedicated to oil alchemy on his body, and a general-purpose elemental body on his spirit body.

If the opponent has a shrine, Xia Zuo will immediately activate the elemental body on the spirit body, and use the amplification effect brought by the elemental body to forcefully control the opponent.

If the situation worsens, the opponent summons a shrine in the material world and attempts to escape, or uses his own spirit body to hold the shrine and escape in a soul-seeing state.

Then Xia Zuo returned to the material world, used the special oil of the demon hunting school to track the opponent's spirit, and then cooperated with Reina to subdue him.

No matter what, we must take down the shrine, even if we use violent means.

"The most difficult thing is the deputy leader who has lost his elemental body." Kristo showed some worry.

"Based on the experiments we have done in the past few days, I have reason to infer that the deputy leader has long discovered the secret between the candle in the shrine and the elemental body.

"While we were not paying attention, he used some method to transfer some of the candles from the shrine to his elemental body, and then transferred the elemental body to his own spirit body, and let his spirit body wear the elemental body and leave. Our vision.”

Kristo paused, her chest rising and falling slightly, as if she was sighing secretly.

"We currently don't have the extra manpower to track the whereabouts of his spirit body. The first goal is to search the shrine. There is only the ocean around the ringed island, and his spirit body has nowhere to escape. It must be hiding in a corner of the ringed mountain."

As Kristo spoke, he led Xia Zuo to the spring platform.

Here is a trimmed rock platform, with a mountain spring river flowing through the center of the platform, and primitive forest-style wooden houses built on both sides of the river.

Next to these wooden houses is a barrack-like alchemy tent.

Temple guards wearing medieval armor patrolled the aisles between the alchemy tents, entering the tents from time to time to check before continuing to patrol.

"That's where a small tribe lives." Kristo pointed at the wooden house, "It's vacant now."

She looked at the alchemy tent, "All the anomalies are detained in the camp, and each person has an alchemy tent. You and Reina will start from the first alchemy tent. You don't need to go in with your body, just use your spirit body to check That’s good.”

"Okay, Your Excellency."

Xia Zuo transformed into a human form and followed the opponent towards Reina who was guarding the gate of the camp.

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