Xia Zuo knelt down and pulled out the spiritual carving knife from the spirit body.

He returned to the tent along the same route, and after confirming that no one was around, he used the detection technique on the spiritual carving knife.

[Prop name] Unknown (tentative name: Spiritual Carving Knife)

[Prop Type] Shaman Society Spiritual Props

[Item Level] Unknown

[Props Quality] Completeness 100%, perfect

[props characteristics]

Full of spirituality: can be put into the spiritual ocean.

Destroy spirit bodies: It can effectively kill and injure spirit creatures or destroy spiritual props.

Remaining properties are unknown.

Can this thing be put into the spiritual ocean?

Xia Zuo was shocked.

Being able to be placed in the spiritual ocean means that it can be used in the material world.

Xia Zuo originally thought that this was just a special prop that could be used in a soul-seeing state.

Xia Zuo held the carving knife and used totem language to outline the lines for storing spiritual props.

The spiritual carving knife turned into scattered light spots and disappeared without a trace.

Xia Zuo exited the state of meditation, woke up in the tent in the material world, and summoned the spiritual carving knife.

Under the sunlight, the appearance of the spiritual carving knife became increasingly clear.

The touch of the body told Xia Zuo that it looked like a bone knife.

The blade was thicker than expected and could not cut through the skin of the body.

It is only the size of a quill pen and is very light, making people suspect that it is hollow inside.

Xia Zuo turned the tip of the knife upward and saw a tiny round hole at the very top of the tip.

Hmm...the true face of this thing, is it a bone syringe?

Can't figure it out.

Xia Zuo scratched his head, opened the tent curtain, and walked towards Kristo.

"Sir, I discovered something."

Xia Zuo handed over the spiritual carving knife, "In the soul perspective just now, this guy was using this tool to cut the candle in the shrine, trying to use the powder of the candle to transfer the elemental shell on the body to the spirit body."

Xia Zuo looked at the unconscious tribe member and pointed at his back, "I used this tool like a carving knife to stab his back, cut off a fragment of his spirit body, and then removed his spirit body. He just lay on the ground and didn’t move.”

Kristo looked at the spiritual carving knife with interest, her eyes filled with curiosity.

She cast the identification technique, and the feedback made her more curious.

"Interesting props have never been included by Tower Scholars."

A faint bloody light appeared in Christi's eyes, and he looked at the backs of the tribe members, "The damage caused by this item to the spirit body will be transmitted to the body. This guy has lost a lot of vitality. If you stab him At the back of the heart, he might be killed immediately."

"Huh?" Xia Zuo was stunned for a moment and cast a detection technique on the tribe members.

The opponent's elemental body was incomplete, and the blood volume data was accurately detected.

[HP] 60/110 (severe coma, spiritual body injured)

Severe coma: Complete loss of consciousness, unable to respond to external stimuli, lasting 2 days and 14 hours.

The spirit body is injured: The spirit body is seriously injured, and the upper limit of blood volume is reduced by 50%, which lasts until the spirit body recovers.

It turns out that the attack launched with the spiritual carving knife has such great power.

Xia Zuo looked at the spiritual carving knife with a little more fear.

Fortunately, his attack was effective and he had an elemental body to protect his spirit body...

Kristo padded the spiritual carving knife and said, "It seems that it is necessary for the important members of the temple to put on elemental bodies for their spiritual bodies."

She put the carving knife away and looked at the temple guard aside, "Insert a drainage tube into this guy and pour double doses of the secret medicine directly into his stomach. I want to read more memories and take a look at this carving knife. How did it come about?"

Xia Zuo retreated to the sidelines and handed over his position in the field to Cristo and the temple guards.

After a little preparation, Kristo began to read the memory.

This time the casting time was much longer.

About 5 minutes later, Kristo finished casting the spell.

Her expression was extremely complicated, and she was a little confused in her understanding.

Kristo rubbed his brow and called Xia Zuo over.

"Take this spiritual carving knife and go and catch the fleeing deputy leader."

Cristo put the carving knife into Xia Zuo's hand and said in a solemn tone:

“The deputy leader tore into pieces the spirit body of a tribesman named Crowile and took over his body.

"I want you and the temple guards to work together to subdue him. You use the spiritual carving knife to prevent him from escaping again. If anything unusual happens, use this carving knife to cut open the deputy leader's spirit body and Cloleli's body. The spiritual thread will completely eliminate him."

"Okay, Your Excellency." Xia Zuo put the carving knife into the spiritual ocean.

Kristo summoned two temple guards over.

She cast a concealing spell, making everyone completely invisible, and then used a group flight spell to lead the team to the other side of the crater.

The process of subduing Crolieri was easier than Xiazo and Cristo expected.

After one person's spirit body takes over another person's body, it takes a long time for the two to get along.

When the temple guards cast spell chains on Crowley and constructed a spell prison, Crowley was stunned for three seconds before he thought of escaping.

He first forcibly cast an offensive spell, hoping to destroy the spell prison.

However, the power of the spell was unsightly and had little effect.

The next second, he entered a meditative state and tried to escape with his spirit body.

Xia Zuo, who was waiting in the soul clairvoyance field of view, immediately rushed forward waving his spiritual carving knife.

He stabbed the opponent's spirit body in the chest for the first time.

Just when he was about to pursue and strike again, Xia Zuo remembered what Cristo had said before, and temporarily changed his attention, withdrew the carving knife, and instead greeted the opponent with his fist.

After beating the opponent until he was unconscious, Xia Zuo stopped and exited the meditative state.

Since then, all nine shrines controlled by the Shaman Society have been acquired by the temple.

The Temple's mission on the roundabout is complete.

It will still be home to the Shamanic Society, but it will be home to hundreds of elderly alchemists and witcher relatives.

The roundabout will gradually be transformed into a retirement home for the elderly of the temple...

Xia Zuo cooperated with the temple team in the cleanup work, and returned to the temple with Kristo and others a few days later.

As he was about to leave, Cristo stopped him.

"Xia Zuo, you can't leave just yet." Kristo looked at Reina beside her, "Same for you, Reina. You two need to stay a little longer."

Xia Zuo nodded, "Okay, Sir, do you have any orders?"

"The temple is going to permanently ban the spiritual body sect and the totem sect." Kristo said shockingly.

"What?" Xia Zuo was briefly distracted.

Reina, who was wearing a hood, also shook her head in surprise, obviously just knowing the news.

Kristo shook the spiritual carving knife in his hand, "When I read the memory of the original owner of this carving knife, I learned a secret about the soul. I know why I can't see the resentful spirit anymore."

Cristo put away the carving knife and continued:

"I gave this information to the Inner Palace. They did some experiments and confirmed that the information was correct.

"The temple is convening all the mages who have learned the spirit school and totem school spells. When everyone is here, they will explain the reasons in a unified manner.

"At that time, you will know why these two schools are banned."

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