A clear historical fact was quickly constructed in Xia Zuo's mind.

This planet was originally the same as the earth where Xia Zuo lived in his previous life. It was a planet where human civilization thrived and developed. There were no monsters or strange demons.

The malice coming from the stars has polluted the natural world of this planet.

Monsters and evil demons descend from the starry sky, destroying human homes and dividing human camps.

In the process, the planet's natural world strikes back, activating the elemental laws to fight against the stars - a bit like a spiritual resurgence, a mystical resurgence.

In short, when the threat from the starry sky breaks through common sense and is mixed with extraordinary power, the planet's counterattack will also bring the power of elements.

Calculated according to recorded historical eras, the confrontation between elements and strange demons has lasted for tens of thousands of years, and will continue to continue...

When will it end?

Xia Zuo fell into deep thought...

It is known that before the [Land of Rest] plane was closed, nature used the laws of elements to transform the souls of strange monsters and monsters into elements.

Now, the [Place of Rest] is closed, souls cannot sleep and reincarnate, and nature transforms the souls of deceased humans into elements

There seem to be many key points that are not yet clear.

"Your Excellency... after the [Land of Rest] is closed, where will the souls of the newly born humans come from?" Xia Zuo asked thoughtfully.

"Their souls are transformed from unruly elements." Kristo reminded, "You can understand this problem by connecting it with innate affinity."

For those who are innately friendly, after birth, there is a sleeping and obedient element in the spiritual ocean.

As far as Xia Zuo knows, there is a generally accepted view in the temple regarding the principle of the appearance of innate affinities:

[When a new life is about to be born, everyone actually has a clever element in their spiritual ocean. However, due to the mismatch between the clever element and the spiritual ocean, it dissipates, causing most people to become acquired sympathizers.

[Only a very small number of people are very lucky and happen to encounter a well-behaved element that matches their spiritual ocean, so they can maintain their status as innate affinities. 】

Now it seems that this view is correct.

Experiments carried out by the Inner Temple over the past few days provide an additional illustration of this idea:

[Every time a new life is born, nature uses the law of elements in reverse to transform the unruly elements into souls, and then transforms into spiritual bodies to attach to the target's body.

[At this time, if the target's spiritual ocean matches the unruly element, the unruly element will remain in the spirit body, transform into a well-behaved element, and fall asleep. 】

Xia Zuo thought about it and felt that this view was reasonable and should be very close to the truth.

He sat back on the chair and looked subconsciously at the window of the room.

The setting sun hangs in the sky, and the red sunset dyes the clouds and sky red.

A new question arises in my mind.

"Your Excellency, why are there unruly elements in the Western Continent?" Xia Zuo looked away from the window and asked.

"The Temple currently doesn't know where the unruly elements of the Western Continent come from. But there are three conjectures." Kristo had already prepared for this problem. Perhaps this was the reason why she came here in person.

Xia Zuo listened attentively.

"The first conjecture. When the elemental laws of nature transform the soul into elements, the unruly elements will be immediately released into nature. The appearance of unruly elements in the Western Continent is the result of random release."

Makes sense...

The Western Continent is also a part of nature. There is no forbidden magic field and the elemental laws can take effect normally.

"The second speculation has something to do with you and me." Kristo gently twisted the minibus and said after thinking, "To be precise, it has something to do with the power of blood."

"Bloodline..." Xia Zuo blinked, subconsciously thinking of the bloodline awakeners discovered by the Temple expedition team in the depths of the Western Continent...

“This theory believes that bloodline is more like a trial by the stars before a large-scale invasion of our nature.

"The external manifestation of bloodline will not make people associate the power of bloodline with the starry sky. It is very secretive. People will more likely attribute the awakening of bloodline to the evolution of species in nature."

Kristo paused and then said:

"Assume that the power of blood is also a kind of pollution from the starry sky. Nature will regard this pollution as a threat. After the owner of the blood dies, it will transform his soul into an unruly element and let the blood in his body quickly dissipate. , putting an end to the possibility of bloodline inheritance.”

Xia Zuo remembered what Rexor once said:

[Since this era, there have been no more new awakeners of bloodline power in the Eastern Continent. Xia Zuo was the first pure-blood mage to appear in the temple territory in thousands of years. 】

There are still many people like Xia Zuo who have awakened their bloodline power deep in the interior of the Western Continent, but most of them are people with relatively low bloodline levels.

Xia Zuo frowned and said:

"Your Excellency, if the temple's second speculation is correct, the emergence of bloodline awakeners in the Western Continent is a precursor to Starry Sky's upcoming massive invasion of the Western Continent, right?

"Next step, Xingkong will release monsters or strange demons in the Western Continent...

"According to this statement, the Strange Demon Church did not drive the Strange Demon Inspector to forcibly invade the Western Continent. Was it under the unified command of Xingkong?"

Xia Zuo covered his forehead, looking a little embarrassed.

As a client who was mistaken for a pure-blood mage, he felt that this second speculation was a bit ridiculous, "In other words...are we pure-blood mages all Xingkong's lackeys?"

"So this speculation is very controversial, Xia Zuo."

Kristo said:

"You are also a pure-blood mage, and you should be very aware of the fact that as pure-blood mage, we do not advocate killing, nor will we trample on the lives and dignity of ordinary people. This does not do us any good.

"In fact, because of our pure-blood mages..."

Kristo paused her words, frowned slightly, and asked:

"Have you come into contact with blood magic that helps others extend their lives?"

"Uh" Xia Zuo hesitated, "Yes."

Kristo was a little surprised and asked:

"Is the principle of the spell the blood mark or the essence of life?"

Are there two types of blood magic that can extend life? ..Xia Zuo was stunned and said:

"It's a blood mark. I gave a blood mark to my fiancée and... uh... a little girl named Janice. As for the life extension spell based on the essence of life, I have not awakened it."

Xia Zuo's heart was beating fast.

Revealing the existence of the blood mark was already close to his bottom line.

When giving Janice the blood mark, he used a blood servant.

If Cristo wanted to ask Xia Zuo, he really had no good excuse to explain the original intention of giving Janice the blood mark.

Fortunately, Kristo didn't expand on this topic too much. Rexor, who knew about the existence of the hemogen servants, was also tight-lipped and did not reveal this secret.

After staring at Xia Zuo for a few seconds, Cristo shook her head slightly, "I won't pursue why you gave Janice the blood mark, even though I know what happened to her..."

Kristo continued:

"I am also responsible for this matter. I should have come to guide you earlier. After I help you ban the spells of the spiritual body school and the totem school, I will teach you the blood magic that condenses the essence of life."

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