Kristo was very satisfied with Xia Zuo's answer.

She smiled lightly and said, "I have fully encrypted this magic book and you can take it back and read it again."

"Now let's talk about something else." Kristo paused and asked:

"How long do you think it will take for you to be promoted to a high-level mage?"

Xia Zuo put away the spell books and thought for a while.

Among the several conditions for promotion to a high-level mage, except for the requirements of working hours and spiritual ocean, all others have been met.

Kristo promised to waive the working hours requirement for him.

Then only the requirements of the spiritual ocean remain.

Xia Zuo called up his character template and looked at it.


[Free Attribute Points] 41

A mental attribute value of 50 is sufficient to meet the requirements.

If Xia Zuo was a little more reckless, he could have raised [Spirit] to 50 on the spot and then immediately applied for promotion...

But this does not fit with the established character.

It would be safer to stick to the original plan.

"It will probably take about seven months." Xia Zuo said.

"Seven months..." Kristo pondered for a few seconds, "After seven months and one month later, it will be the actual combat competition of the combat puppet. Do you need to go to the scene to participate in the competition?"

"No need." Xia Zuo shook his head.

When signing a long-term licensing agreement with Lumington's Sea Castle, Hillenburg incidentally proposed a plan to recruit active commanders.

This plan has been approved by the chief of the castle.

In this way, Xia Zuo's position as the main stage commander will be replaced by professionals during actual competitions.

"Then when your work in Hillenberg Group is over, I will immediately arrange your promotion ceremony.

"At that time, I will bring materials to strengthen the elemental body. Once you are ready, it doesn't matter how long you want to stay in the frozen snowfield, but it should not exceed one month. This is the maximum period for the snowfield trial."

"Thank you, Your Excellency." Xia Zuo thanked him.

Kristo shook her hand, "I also have my own demands. The temple is in urgent need of a group of high-level mages to be stationed in the Western Continent."

"Is it related to the power of blood there?" Xia Zuo asked.

Kristo tapped her chin, "Yes. In the past few years, the phenomenon of bloodline awakening has become more and more frequent. There have been many cases in the Starry Night Kingdom. The manpower of Starry Night Academy is somewhat insufficient.

"After you are promoted to high-level mage, the temple plans to arrange for you to be on duty there as your job before being promoted to archmage."

It just saves you the trouble of sending hematin servants to the Western Continent.

Xia Zuo took the job without much hesitation.

"Okay, Your Excellency, I'm fine with that."

Kristo chatted with Xia Zuo about the details of the promotion ceremony, and then sent him back.

Late at night on the same day.

Xia Zuo finished working overtime at the Sea Castle, and while thinking about work, he flew to the teleportation room in the city.

He is currently focusing on bionic materials and bait for white ox tongue sponge.

This underwater monster that can passively absorb water energy needs to be processed before it can become the expected [water energy recharging device].

The team has three ideas for possible solutions for the recharging device.

The first is to directly transplant the white cow tongue sponge in all directions, and adapt the sponge's membrane, chamber, etc. intact to the combat puppet.

This solution is simple, crude, and fast. It is conservatively estimated that it only takes 1 to 2 months of high-intensity research to achieve it.

The shortcomings are relatively obvious.

The entire set of transplanted white ox tongue sponges has basically no protective capabilities and is easily destroyed by impact in battle.

Matching this solution is a device that can quickly replace the white cow tongue sponge, so that the damaged white cow tongue sponge can be temporarily replaced on the battlefield.

Option 2:

On the basis of the first solution, add a protective component to the white cow tongue sponge and bind it to the combat puppet permanently or semi-permanently.

The idea of ​​the third plan is completely different from the previous two.

Hillenberger's team wanted to truly understand the principle of passive energy absorption and then build a recharger.

This became a research task for each group member.

Xia Zuo has some ideas.

Wanting to recover energy is actually similar to preventing elements from dissipating.

The elemental body blocks the connection between the well-behaved elements and the natural world.

Then, just use some method to block the connection between the energy and the outside world, and then collect the energy back.

The white ox tongue sponge uses its porous characteristics to lock the dissipated energy in the tortuous body of the intestines.

Therefore, Xia Zuo's goal is to develop an energy pipeline with a very complex energy transmission route.

This is a very delicate job. First, a huge model must be made, and then the model must be scaled down.

Doing this is a bit like designing a circuit board.

In short, the workload of the third option is huge.

Xia Zuo is ready to work overtime for a long time.

Time flies, time flies.

Hillenberg's team finally gave in to the practical challenges of research.

They worked together to create a half-meter-high water energy recharger.

This kind of energy device is too large and very delicate. If it encounters a slight energy impact or a collision with a hard object, it will fall into a state of temporary failure.

Hillenberger's team wants to make it smaller so it can fit into a protective device.

But it's a pity.

It may be due to some unknown energy effect. When the volume of the recharger is further reduced and the internal pipelines become denser and thinner, the operating status of the recharger will be very unstable.

Hillenberg's team doesn't have much time to study this unknown energy effect.

They were forced to turn to a second set of research options.

More than six months have passed since the discovery of the white ox tongue sponge.

The research and development process of Hillenberg's team was completed, and the finalized combat puppet was handed over to the outer temple for review.

Xia Zuo takes a break from his busy R\u0026D life and is about to embark on a trip to the snowfield.

Temple teaching area, in Kristo's office.

Kristo summoned a long table and placed glass bottles and a metal box on the table.

"These potions are rejuvenation potions from entry level to expert level. According to our agreement, for every life essence you contribute, we will provide a reward.

"30 rejuvenation potions of different grades are a reward for your contribution of 5 life essences in the past few days."

After waiting for Xia Zuo to put away the glass bottle, Cristo patted the metal box and said:

"This is a prop to strengthen the universal elemental body. You can take it to the quiet room of the school and use it. The user manual is also in the box. If you have any questions, you can ask me directly."

"Okay, Your Excellency." Xia Zuo padded the weight of the box, which was much lighter than he expected.

"When you are ready, you can take the airship to Eternal Winter City in the north of the Silver Moon Federation at any time. From there, go to the Pillars of Creation."

Kristo took out an image orb and put it on the table.

"Use this to record the scene of the Pillar of Creation and bring the orb back to complete the trial. After that, I will hold a ceremony for you and teach you how to make silver sand and orbs, as well as the corresponding spells."

Xia Zuo picked up the orb, rubbed the smooth sphere, and then asked:

"After I complete the ceremony, will I become a member of the Tower Mage?"

"That's right." Kristo nodded and said:

"The good news is that the tower mage can know the knowledge learned by the shaman, but cannot use the spells of spirits and totems. After you officially become the tower mage, I will help you unblock part of your memory."

Xia Zuo rubbed the slightly stinging back of his head and said, "Well, Your Excellency, what about the history from the 1st Era to the 4th Era? Can I read the related books?"

"Okay." Kristo smiled with twinkling eyes:

"But you are not studying history here. You will know when you return to the Western Continent."

Xia Zuo was stunned.

Return to the Western Continent and study history again?

Are you going to become Beatrice's student again?

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