Kristo clicked several times on the surface of the smoke and marked each location with numbered flags.

She said solemnly:

"What I am going to tell you next is the top secret of the temple. Only the inner temple mages know it, and the outer temple masters such as Adanawados and Rexor have no way of knowing this secret. You have to promise me to keep it secret."

Xia Zuo nodded and said in a deep voice, "Okay, Your Excellency. I will keep the secret tightly and will never break my promise."

Kristo summoned several strands of silver sand, condensed them into sand models of different shapes, and placed them on the numbered flags.

"The Inner Temple is not ignorant of the origin of starry sky pollution." Kristo pointed to the No. 1 flag directly above the Pillar of Creation:

“The pollution in the starry sky that invaded us is an army of alien demons called the [Wasaksat Vanguard Army]. The inner palace calls it the alien demon vanguard army for short.

“The base camp of this legion is a circular nest with a spherical appearance and tentacles growing on its surface, which has always stayed above the Pillar of Creation.

"If the nest of the alien demon vanguard hadn't suppressed the height of the Pillar of Creation, the smoke layer protecting the natural world could have continued to expand outwards."

The alien demon vanguard...the spherical lair...the tentacles...Xia Zuo frowned slightly, staring at the spherical model above the No. 1 flag and lost in thought.

It can be imagined that if the Pillar of Creation is compared to an upward jet of water, then the spherical lair of the Demonic Vanguard Army is a plug. When the water column hits the plug, it turns into an umbrella-shaped splash. In other words, if the spherical nest comes to the ground and completely blocks the crater, the Pillar of Creation will disappear...

"Except for the No. 1 flag, the other flags refer to a team of starry sky monsters."

Kristo used upward convex arcs to connect the No. 1 flag to the other flags.

"These starry sky demon teams all come out of the spherical lair. Whenever a starry sky demon team is attrited, a new starry sky demon team will fly out from the lair to fill the vacancy in that team.

"The temple speculates that either this spherical nest itself is a huge strange demon hatchery, or there are several portals in the nest.

"No matter what the speculation is, assembling an army of eternal mages to counterattack the base camp of the strange demon vanguard and destroying the spherical nest in one fell swoop is the main way to end the pollution of the starry sky."

Xia Zuo looked deeply at the flag over the Western Continent.

There are not many flags there, only 3.

It may be because the Western Continent is far away from the Pillar of Creation and is not at the center of this starry sky invasion war.

It may also be because there is a huge storm between the Western Continent and the Eastern Continent. After the alien demon vanguard army occupied the Western Continent, it was difficult to exert influence on the Eastern Continent.

In short, the defense pressure over the Western Continent is far lighter than that of the Eastern Continent.

The strange demon models above the three flags are:

A mass of flesh covered with pustules and festering sores;

A bipedal monster with a ferocious face and jagged barbs on its elbows;

A short sword that looks like an octopus. The hilt is a purple tentacle with a ring-shaped suction cup, and the blade is an arrow-shaped octopus head.

Xia Zuo searched the memories in his mind and confirmed that he had not seen any strange monsters or monsters that looked similar to these three strange monster models.

In other words, these three kinds of starry sky demons have not yet broken through the blockade of the Pillar of Creation and the Eternal Mage and descended to the ground.

Or...they've fallen to the ground, but are well hidden?

Xia Zuo scratched his head, came back to his senses and looked at Kristo.

Kristo tilted her head slightly, met the other person's gaze and asked, "Do you feel unwell?"

"Not feeling well?" Xia Zuo was stunned and looked down at his robe, "No, everything is normal. Why do you ask?"

"Hmm~ It seems that Rexor's judgment is correct. You are the kind of person who is naturally immune to the pollution of the starry sky. What's even more valuable is that you are also a pure-blood mage." Kristo smiled brightly.

"Immune to starry sky pollution..." Xia Zuo murmured to himself, looking at the strange demon model, and what Selina said in the outpost flashed through his mind:

"Oh, I seem to understand. Selena Pavilion once told me that if a human being sees a starry sky demon with flesh and blood, the flesh and blood will immediately disintegrate and reorganize into the shape of the alien demon. Is this the starry sky pollution you mentioned? ?”

"Yes." Kristo tapped her chin. She reached out and drew a circle on the illusion image in front of her. "I am now sure that you are immune to starry sky pollution. This is something worth celebrating. You can face everything with your body. The alien demon vanguard, engage them in close combat. But I still don’t recommend that you participate in the battle with your body.”

Xia Zuo thought for a moment and came to his senses, "Are you saying that not all inner temple mages are immune to starry sky pollution? When they face some starry sky monsters with their flesh and blood bodies, they will uncontrollably produce the same effects as ordinary people. reaction?"

"That's right. The reality is more difficult than you think." Kristo leaned back and leaned on the back of the chair. It seemed that after confirming that Xia Zuo was immune to the pollution of the starry sky, her heart relaxed a little.

Kristo supported her left hand on the armrest and supported her chin with the back of her hand. She pointed at herself and then at Xia Zuo with her right hand, "Like me and you, as well as many people with the power of blood in the inner temple, none of them Exceptionally, they are immune to starry sky pollution. Inner temple mages who are not protected by the power of blood will have a strong reaction to certain starry sky demons. Their bodies will grow dense sprouts and are always on the verge of collapse. The elemental shell that protects the body , there are also signs of disintegration.”

After hearing this, Xia Zuo suddenly became confused...

Only he knew that he had no bloodline power.

To become a pure-blood mage, you must obtain this status with the help of Gold Finger after meeting the requirements for employment.

From beginning to end, there was no so-called power of blood emerging...

How is he immune to starry sky pollution?

Relying on the golden finger hidden in the spiritual thread?

It's really strange..I can't understand. I can't understand.

Xia Zuo scratched his head, threw the question aside, and glanced at the four metal boxes on the table, "So, Your Excellency, what is the relationship between the strange demon vanguard army and my elemental body?"

Kristo turned her fingers, summoning a large area of ​​silver sand, condensing three paragraphs of text, and using three silver threads to connect each paragraph of text to the corresponding strange demon model.

"The Inner Palace has been dealing with these starry sky monsters since its establishment. The two sides fought no less than ten thousand times. The inner hall compiled the information collected and compiled the files of the starry sky monsters.

"The three kinds of starry sky monsters in the sky above the Western Continent have three different habits, structures, strengths and weaknesses. These contents are all written in the text composed of silver sand.

"If you want to stick to the sky above the Western Continent in the future, you will often come into contact with these three kinds of strange demons. When designing your own elemental body, you must take into account the strengths and weaknesses of these three kinds of strange demons to better deal with it in the future. battle."

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