"I am Dim Kal, the order manager of Starry Night Castle."

Dim crossed his arms, and the two sleeves outlined his strong arms. His face, covered with thick hair, was expressionless.

His voice was exceptionally loud, and his words echoed in the empty hall and accurately reached everyone's ears.

"The upperclassmen called me 'that guy,' 'the bearded guy,' 'the meddler.'"

Mars lowered his head and smiled awkwardly.

Dim seemed not to see the expressions on the faces of the advanced students, and continued in a calm tone:

"My elemental servants are spread throughout the castle. If anyone doesn't behave, I will appear behind him."

He took out a manual, raised it high above his head, paced back and forth slowly in front of the new students, and solemnly warned in a heavy tone:

“This is the Castle Code that I wrote.

“It’s on your bedside table.

"Before I became a mage, I was just a rough man playing with swords.

“There are no gorgeous modifiers in the Castle Manual, only the simplest and most popular regulations.

"Every new student must memorize this before they walk out of the dorms tomorrow morning!"

The freshmen were shocked by Dim's serious expression and nodded in response.

"Now start assigning your instructor, who will arrange your courses."

Dim returned to stand in front of the team, resumed his arms-crossing posture, and read out the names of the new students present just from memory:

"Little Merburn, Bridge... your mentor is Professor Bolton of the Giant Creation Subject of Strange Object Alchemy."

"Green Finn, Gray Finn, Lucas...your tutor is Barry, the professor of Kit Kat Objects."

"Fern, your instructor is Bethel, the professor of elemental concrete subjects."

Dim stretched out his right arm and pushed the wall pointed by his palm to both sides. A corridor illuminated by an alchemy lamp appeared on the wall.

He looked at the tall and thin student on the far left of the team and said:

"Paul, go in with the person whose name I just read. My elemental servants have already taken their luggage to the dormitory."

Paul's fingers were long and even more noticeable when he raised his arms.

He said loudly: "Little Merburn, Bridge... you follow me."

Little Moben nodded slightly to Mars and Xia Zuo and left from the back of the team.

After Paul brought the freshmen of the Department of Strange Objects and Alchemy into the corridor, the opposite walls closed back to their original state.

Groups of new students followed the higher-level students into corridors in different directions.

Xia Zuo pretended to be curious and looked around, taking the opportunity to use his detection technique to detect everyone who left the hall.

I don’t have time to check them one by one at the moment, so I can only record them first, and then call them out from the [Knowledge Reserve] when they need to be used in the future.

Among the four alchemy departments, the Pharmacy Alchemy Department has the largest number of people, with more than 60 people.

It has two branches.

The professor of Tonics and Traumatology was Mrs. Morton, who seemed to be a member of Mars' family and became Corrie Muller's mentor.

The professor of functional pharmacy is Beatrice, the dean of the academy.

At the same time, she is also a professor of alchemical languages. All students take her alchemical language course.

Oil alchemy ranks second in terms of number of people. There is no subdivided subject branch, only Zhuo Lang, the only professor. The painter Anruer became his student.

Ten minutes later, the originally crowded freshman team soon had only a few people left.

Even Mars left here with a group of new students.

Xia Zuo threw the detection spell at the remaining people.

Their Will attribute is all 7 points.

The mental attribute is also 7 points, which just reaches the minimum threshold for generating elemental resistance.

Xia Zuo looked at his character template.




Use vitality to make up for the lack of willpower.

In terms of spirit, based on my reading experience in the past two months, there will be no qualitative change until it reaches 9 o'clock, and the light in the element bottle will also not be visible.

Overall, the likelihood of being found to have substandard attributes is relatively small.

"Mason, Brandon, Xia Zuo."

Dim waved his hand and walked towards the doorway that appeared deep in the hall and said:

“You three follow me.

"Kulov, the professor of poison alchemy, is your mentor."

Xia Zuo used the detection technique on Dim's back, wrote down the feedback information, and checked it when he was free.

Mason and Brandon are two ordinary-looking boys.

He looks about the same age as Xia Zuo and has a similar body shape.

The three people followed Dim into the corridor, walked about 20 meters under the orange light, and came to a room with an iron wardrobe and a shower room.

Dim took out a key from his pocket, took three keys from it and distributed them to the three boys.

"Put your keys away. You are Kulov's students. I will pay close attention to you."

Dim stood in front of the three boys and said in a deep voice:

“The poison alchemy area is completely independent from other areas of the castle.

“This is the only way in and out.

"Do you know why?"

Xia Zuo, Ma Sen, and Brandon looked at each other, and the three nodded to Dim.

Mars once said at the testing station in Rosak City that the products of poison alchemy are highly toxic.

Starry Night Castle has arranged the poison alchemy area separately to prevent highly toxic substances from spreading to other areas.

"Very good, no need for me to explain."

Dim pointed to the closet and shower room and said:

"Remember, every time you come out of the poison alchemy area, you must shower here for 5 minutes and change clothes. Now go and put on the robes, gloves and shoes in the closet."

Xia Zuo found the wardrobe with his name on it, opened it with the key he just got, picked up the basket with clothes inside and walked to the shower room.

A few minutes later.

He put on a black leather robe and came out.

The cuffs and collar are tied with strings, the hood wraps the hair and ears, the hands are a pair of leather gloves that extend to the forearms, the trousers are stuffed into the boots and tied with ropes.

Only the face of the whole person is exposed.

Dim nodded vaguely, as if he was satisfied with Xia Zuo's performance.

His gaze went over Xia Zuo's shoulder and looked in the direction of the shower room, suddenly becoming sharp.

"You two!"

A low growling voice sounded in the room, startling Xia Zuo.

Mason and Brandon faced Dim's wide eyes, and the fierceness in his eyes made them tremble unexpectedly.

Dim pointed at Xia Zuo and said calmly:

"Wrap yourself up just like him. Don't let me see a hair hanging out!"

"Yes, Your Excellency."

Mason and Brandon replied in unison, their eyes trembling slightly, but they quickly recovered from the shock.

Xia Zuo raised his arms half-way towards them so that they could adjust their clothes accordingly.

About five minutes later.

After checking the clothes of the three boys, Dim led them to a closed metal door.

The smooth door panel is made of a single piece of unknown alloy.

The words "Poison Alchemy Area" are engraved on the door, with no other decorative patterns.

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