Xia Zuo signed a contract with the temple that day.

He promised to bring the essence of life within 3 days.

Returning to his home in Poseidon City, Xia Zuo locked himself in his study and began to make the essence of life.

Xia Zuo prefers to call the essence of life as vitality essence, because its raw material is vitality attribute points.

1 Life Essence consumes 2 points of vitality. 20 pieces equals 40 points of vitality.

Slaughtering a frost dragon has a 10% chance of recovering 50 to 100 points of vitality. Killing hundreds of stone jaw monsters can recover about 20 points of vitality.

From now on, Xia Zuo will find time to fight monsters every year, so that he can make up for the cost of making life essence.

At noon two days later, Xia Zuo walked out of the study and went to the temple to meet with Kristo.

Half a day later, he returned to Poseidon City. Instead of going home, he went directly to the academy to rent a spell training room as spacious as a warehouse.

Xia Zuo took out 10 metal boxes from his alchemy pocket and lined them up on the ground, checking the contents one by one.

"The coolant of the energy circuit, the node kit of the master control energy hub, the injection overload device and fuse, the stress-type energy storage device, the U-shaped, Y-shaped, and T-shaped energy pipelines that can be quickly replaced..."

Every time Xia Zuo checked a box, he checked it off on the list he made.

These energy-related alchemical devices all come from the temple and are part of this year's 1 billion quota, with a total value of approximately 200 million citizen points.

Xia Zuo will use them to build a tower system based on [Energy Shield].

According to Xia Zuo's estimate, at least 90% of the components on his tower are magical creations made using beam energy fields and shaping techniques.

This is a very, very exaggerated figure.

You know, any tower mage will use stone bricks, wooden boards or alloy boards as the tower floor, but Xia Zuo uses energy floors.

Xia Zuo also planned to use magic to create furniture such as beds, sofas, chandeliers and so on in the tower. Even for the toilet and the excrement disposal device that goes with the toilet, he will not use physical props. Instead, he will use magic creations woven with earth energy to dispose of the excrement harmlessly.

It can be said that the only things that exist in physical form on the entire high tower are the operation desk, the energy pipeline system and food.

The operating platform and energy pipeline system must be alchemy props for safety reasons.

The former is more reliable due to its own mechanical structure.

The latter helped Xia Zuodai manage some mechanized energy operations, such as refilling the toilet tank, dynamically adjusting the temperature and humidity in the tower, etc.

The energy pipeline system can also put the tower into overload and silent states, effectively managing the energy leakage of the beam capability field. In an emergency, the energy stored in this system will become the backup energy source of the beam capability field.

Not to mention food, at least until Xia Zuo condensed his elemental body, he had to eat to fill his stomach.

After having an elemental body, he can let the elemental body take energy blocks, and the elemental body provides vitality to the physical body to resist the negative effects of hunger. If he learns the illusion spell that castrates hunger, he can completely ignore physical hunger.

According to Kristo, there are not a few people in the inner temple who use this method to achieve inedia.

And because illusion spells can change the information received by the senses and stimulate the recipient to feel pleasure from eating food, many people in the inner temple have completely given up eating food with their bodies.

For this type, as long as an illusion is applied to the elemental body, and at the same time, one can relax one's mind and guard so that the illusion can take effect normally, one can experience various pleasures that can only be felt by the physical body.

This is an ethically and morally controversial practice.

A gentleman should be careful in his independence.

The more hidden a person is in a place where no one can see him, the more strict he must be on himself and be consistent on the inside and outside.

The tower is the mage's private place, and the elemental body can help the mage get rid of the constraints of conventional laws. Under the combination of various factors, the binding force of the temple on the inner temple mage will be greatly reduced.

From this, there was a second loyalty ceremony and a set of self-discipline orders for the inner temple mages. These two regulations are specially designed for inner temple mages who have mastered a large amount of resources and have extremely high magical attainments.

When Xia Zuo signed a long-term contract with the Temple today, the negotiation representative sent by the Temple side offered to help Xia Zuo conduct a second loyalty ceremony.

There are two reasons.

One is that Xia Zuo will be stationed in the Western Continent, and traveling back and forth is inconvenient. Performing the second loyalty ceremony in advance will save Xia Zuo another trip.

Another reason has to do with the annual quota of 1 billion.

In the Eastern Continent, this amount of money is roughly equivalent to the expenses of a conventional mage army for more than half a year. It is also the average level of funding for a research project led by the alchemist master of the Outer Palace.

In the Eastern Continent, 1 billion is not a very large capital scale.

But if it were placed in the Western Continent...well...Xia Zuo could use this money every year to build two branches of Starry Night Academy, which would be fully functional and equipped branches with cafeterias and single student dormitories.

Out of careful consideration and to ensure the smooth progress of the Temple's plans in the Western Continent, Temple representatives requested that Xia Zuo accept a second loyalty ceremony.

Agreed, no problem. Xia Zuo replied like this.

Being a human being for two lifetimes gave him a deeper understanding of the evils of human nature.

To put it bluntly, Xia Zuo feels that if the evil of human nature is compared to a shallow stream, then the goodness of human nature is like the stones in the stream. The stones will protrude from the water, but they will eventually be washed away by the stream.

Only by always reminding yourself of the dark side of human corruption can you achieve self-examination and self-discipline. This is Xia Zuo's code.

Accepting the second loyalty ceremony is nothing more than putting a safety lock on his own moral code, and there is no reason to refuse.

In this way, Xia Zuo reached a contract with the temple, brought back a lot of materials, and was able to realize his tower concept.

As for the second loyalty ceremony, the temple arranged it to be held in more than a month with the next batch of newly promoted high-level mages.

Anruer is among this group of mages. Like other mages, she will first undergo a loyalty ceremony before embarking on a journey to meet the Pillar of Creation.

After settling the chores at home, Xia Zuo devoted himself to the work of building the tower beam ability field.

Xia Zuo's goal is to build a beam field with a shield value of 36 million points.

But in the early days of this job, he planned to be cautious and give himself some room for correction.

After careful calculation and repeated weighing of the trade-offs between free attribute points and mental attributes, Xia Zuo decided to first build a beam ability field with a shield value of 3.6 million points. When the mental slots are sufficient in the future, he can further expand the beam ability. field.

Xia Zuo spent time in the training room of the academy day after day, meditating and casting spells at the desk where he had drafted the pavement blueprint. He carefully crafted every detail of the beam field, striving to complete it in one go without reworking or starting over.

After more than a month of tinkering, a tower beam field with a height of more than 8 meters appeared on the flat ground in the center of the training room.

Countless blue lines depict the walls, floor tiles, furniture, internal pipelines, energy circuits, energy hubs, and numerous sophisticated alchemical devices in the tower's power field.

The next step is to fill the beam energy field with energy of the corresponding type and install the alchemy device at the designated location.

The next step is to check the operation status of each module to see if there is any conflict between the modules.

The next step is the exciting trial operation. Xia Zuo wanted to find an inaccessible place and test the whole process of summoning the tower, controlling the tower, and dismantling the tower.

Before that, Xia Zuo had to stop the construction of the tower and go to the temple with Anruer to perform the loyalty ceremony.

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