My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 286 Giving the Power of Bloodline

"I seem to have no reason to refuse." Audrey raised her head, with a thoughtful look in her eyes, "But why don't you take back the power of my blood? Why do you give me extra preferential treatment? This is nothing compared to It is much more valuable to enter a school to study, or to repair deep-seated wounds."

Audrey stared at Xia Zuo again, feeling for the first time that there was a deep and elusive side hidden under his slightly immature appearance.

Xia Zuo listened to Audrey's words and smiled appreciatively, "I need a cautious, rational and reliable person to help me do something. Sister, you just meet my requirements."

"Can you tell me what's going on?" Audrey said with a genuine expression.

Xia Zuo rubbed his palms gently and said calmly:

"In the near future, a major event will happen in the Storm Mountains where Starry Night Academy is located that will shock the whole country. At the same time, something will also happen in the mountains to the west of the kingdom's western border. When the two events merge together, the entire country will be shaken. The kingdom fell into prolonged turmoil.

“Unrest will inevitably breed darkness.

"I need you to stand up against the unstable factors at the appropriate time and occupy a place among the bloodline awakeners."

Audrey's chest visibly heaved, "You want me to become the 'Circus of the Starry Night Province', right? The original performance program of Audrey's Circus was modeled after the circus of the Starry Night Province. The Starry Night Province The circus is the benchmark for the whole country. You want me to be the leader of the bloodline awakeners, and let me guide the bloodline awakeners to spontaneously move closer to the goal of the school. Can I understand it this way? "

Xia Zuo applauded, "That's what I mean. I will not restrict your actions, nor will I let you violate any kingdom laws. I will create opportunities for you to stand out from the many bloodline awakeners, and let you stand at the appropriate time." You become one of the backbone of the bloodline awakeners. Your age may be a drag, but in my opinion, this is a rare ZZ resource. A richer life experience than ordinary students can make the proud bloodline more proud. The awakened ones are convinced.”

"I really can't understand you, Xia Zuo." Audrey looked at the other party in confusion, "Are you just a high-level mage in the academy? I heard that the professors in the academy are all high-level mages, but they I definitely can’t do the things you said.”

Xia Zuo touched his nose and said, "Well, you will know my identity after you become a bloodline awakener."

He took a sip of tea and said, "Think about it carefully."

Audrey held the tea cup with both hands and stroked the edge of the cup with her fingers. "I accept your arrangement, Xia Zuo. My dream is to become a mage. It has always been."

"I know. Snake told me back then that you are the most likely person in the entire circus to become a mage's servant." Xia Zuo said.

"Yes, that's right." Audrey nodded, "There is an expensive breathing method in the Warriors Guild, which can slowly grow the spiritual ocean. I bought this breathing method with the money you gave me, but because I am too old , it is already difficult to operate this breathing method completely...Thank you, Xia Zuo. Thank you for helping me realize my dream."

"You're welcome, eldest sister. I'm very happy to be able to help you." Xia Zuo smiled, "Then I'll help you awaken the power of your bloodline now."

"Do I need to sign a contract?" Audrey asked.

"Of course. The contract protects the interests of both of us. It will make you feel more at ease when controlling the power of blood, and you don't have to worry about being exploited by me." Xia Zuo took out the prepared parchment from his alchemy pocket. .

This contract was drafted and proofread by Beatrice and will be kept for record in the temple.

Audrey opened the parchment and read it. The contents were consistent with what Xia Zuo said, but she did not reveal any more information about the major event.

Audrey did not pay too much attention to what the big event was. After carefully confirming that there were no illegal or criminal items in her contract responsibilities or any violation of public order and morals, she signed her name and pressed her fingerprints at the signature place.

Xia Zuo checked the signature, then put away the parchment, "I will keep this contract first. When you enter the school, you will receive a copy."

He waved his hand to set up a privacy barrier in the small bungalow, and made a silent gesture to Audrey.

Under Audrey's gaze, Xia Zuo summoned a human-height hematin guard.

The energy field armor on the Hematin Guard has been processed by Xia Zuo's magic, and even people who don't meet the spiritual ocean standards can see it.

Audrey covered her open mouth with her hands, her eyes full of shock. Anyone who watched the hematin guard appear from scratch would be more or less surprised.

The hematin guard took off the glove on his right hand and extended his bright red palm to Audrey.

"Just hold its hand. Soon you will awaken the power of blood."

Xia Zuo wanted to replace himself with a blood element guard, plant a blood mark on Audrey, and share some attributes with her.

After all, they are all getting married, and they still need to maintain a certain distance from women other than their wives. In addition, before this trip, Xia Zuo and An Ru'er discussed transforming Audrey into a blood relative and obtained each other's consent.

Audrey hesitated for a moment, then stretched out her slightly trembling right hand and held it with the bright red hand of the hematin guard.

A series of bright red lights flashed in her eyes, and her body tensed up like an electric shock.

A few seconds later, the news that the blood mark was successfully planted came to Xia Zuo's mind.

He brought up the interface of blood relatives, shared 30 points of vitality with Audrey, then dismissed the hematin guard, and summoned a mirror to float in front of Audrey.

"Look, your appearance has changed." Xia Zuo pointed to the mirror.

Audrey moved her eyes dully, looking at the mirror facing her, and raised her hands to touch the corners of her eyes and cheeks.

Wrinkles are gone, saggy skin has become delicate and elastic again, and multi-layered eyelids have become double eyelids with clear lines.

For women, there is nothing more shocking than returning to youth.

Audrey stared at her young and beautiful self in the mirror, two tears falling from the corners of her eyes.

Xia Zuo sat on the chair and waited quietly.

After about 1 minute.

Audrey wiped her eyes twice with the back of her hand, turned around and looked at Xia Zuo, with an inexplicable smile on her lips, "I know, Xia Zuo. I know. In fact, you have been in the circus for a long time. When someone was living in the group, he awakened the power of blood. Your ability is to strengthen the body's activity, right?"

"That's right." Xia Zuo nodded calmly, "Let me tell you about the subsequent arrangements."

Audrey sat down, took a sip of tea, relaxed her mood, and smiled knowingly when she saw the face reflected in the water.

"Okay, I've calmed down." Audrey put down the tea cup, "Tell me what you need me to do."

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