My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 29 Classics Combination Part 2

Xia Zuo stood up from the bed, opened the closet, put on the schoolbag issued by the school, and then left the dormitory.

He planned to go to the library, explore all the books in the collection, and record all the [collection combinations].

Follow the order from simple to complex to reap the additional experience rewards of [Collection Combination].

Classics in the academic library can be borrowed at will.

Those books that are not suitable for the mage's servants to read are stored in the collection and the private study rooms of various professors.

Xia Zuo returned to the castle hall, found the correct street sign, walked a short distance under the orange light and arrived at the library.

There are more than 20 bookcases here, made of solid wood, with simple and elegant styles. They are spaced 3 to 5 meters apart, leaving walkways for students to pass.

On the ceiling more than ten meters high is a row of giant alchemy lamps.

Soft bright yellow light scatters from the transparent glass lampshade, illuminating every corner of the library.

There are glass bay windows on the wall, extending from the entrance to the reading area deep in the library.

Outside the window is a demure scene of lakes and green spaces.

Xia Zuo stepped on the dark red carpet with great sound-absorbing effect, went under the nearest bookcase, and looked up.

Each bookcase here has a height of five or six meters and is divided into more than a dozen rows of bookshelves from top to bottom.

The rows at the same height as people are used to store the books for trial reading, while the bookshelves higher up are used to store copies.

A mage servant with innate affinity can directly communicate with the elemental servant in the library, and then the other party can take the copy from the high bookshelf and take it away to read.

The mage servants who have become friendly later need to push the ladder to get the copy.

The climbing ladder against the wall and most of the copies on the bookshelves are brand new.

It is obviously specially prepared by the school for the large number of Acquired Affinity students.

Freshmen with 10 points of spirit know the benefits of reading.

There are already many figures wearing brand new school uniforms studying in the library.

They wandered among the bookshelves, looking for books that interested them.

Xia Zuo's movement of taking a step and stopping was not abrupt at all.

He started at the first bookcase in the first row.

The scrying technique followed his eyes and slowly scanned the classics wrapped in hard shells.

Occasionally, I pick up a book, open it and look at the catalog, nod my head pretending to be interested, and then put it back in line with the books next to it.

About an hour later, Xia Zuo randomly picked a copy of a classic and sat down in the corner of the reading area in the library where there were the fewest people.

He put his left arm on the table and supported his forehead with his left hand to block his blank eyes when checking the golden finger information. He turned the pages of the book aimlessly with his right hand.

When arranging libraries, universities classify classics according to subjects.

It reduces a lot of burden when reviewing the [Classic Collection] and eliminates trivial organization work.

Among the many [classic combinations], the ones with the largest number and the best experience are the character-type classics.

[Book name] Chronicles of Starry Night City Celebrities

[Classic level] Expert-level works

[Memory reward] 7 experience points, 0.05 spirit points

【Classics Combination 1】

Common knowledge reading on the cultural background of Starry Night City, 0/2, rewards 4 experience points.

【Classics Combination 2】

A must-read book for home travel in Starry Night City, 0/3, reward 6 experience points.

【Classics Combination 3】

Common knowledge reading about the cultural background of Starry Night Province, 0/3, reward 6 experience points.

【Classics Combination 4】

Starry Night Province Celebrity Chronicle series of classics, 0/2, rewards 4 experience points.

【Classics Combination 5】

Starry Night Kingdom Celebrity Chronicles series of books, 0/7, rewards 15 experience points.

(Omitted later)

Each book in the character classics has a lot of related combinations. The number of books required to be memorized in the combination is small, and the degree of overlap between the combinations is very high.

By memorizing one book, you can obtain the completion of several combinations at the same time.

Xia Zuo made a simple calculation and found that by reading the book "Celebrities of Starry Night City", he could gain the progress of more than a dozen [classic book combinations] at once.

If you follow the book list of [Book Combination 5] and memorize all the books in the Starry Night Kingdom Celebrity Chronicles series, you can complete 6 [Book Combinations] at the same time, and gain a total of more than 300 experience points.

Character-based classics are the undisputed king of value for money.

Ranking second in terms of cost performance are terrain classics.

Secondly, it is an ecological classic with a huge memory capacity and the lowest experience acquisition efficiency.

Xia Zuo held his chin and nodded slowly, making a decision in his heart.

Then start memorizing the most cost-effective character books.

As for terrain classics and ecological classics, these two types of books will be used in future classes and will be memorized later.

He put the random books back on the bookshelf and looked for "Celebrities of Starry Night City".

"Xia Zuo."

Mars' deliberately low voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

Xia Zuo was startled, broke away from the book, glanced at the other person's hair with dull eyes, and then looked sideways at the noon sunshine outside the bay window.

It turns out that more than two hours have passed, and reading time flies by so fast.

Since he discovered that reading can gain experience, he has become more and more skilled at memorizing knowledge points through reading, and he will swim in the ocean of knowledge intoxicatedly if he is not careful.

Even Mars, a senior student who grew up among books, admired this obsessive reading attitude.

He blew the hair on his forehead, opened his pocket watch to give the other party a look, and made gestures of eating.

No noise is allowed inside the museum.

The two communicated briefly in sign language, and then walked out of the library and came to the hall of the castle.

"I don't have to guess. You must be reading in the library. I'll see you as soon as lunch time comes."

Mars waved his arm toward the wall, and a fragrant doorway appeared on the wall.

The restaurant in Starry Night Castle is half open-air and half indoors.

On the circular dining table in the center, there are fruits, desserts and drinks waiting to be taken, and long seats and booths are scattered around it.

Mars took Xia Zuo to sit down at a square table, skillfully put a few hooks on the menu, and shook the copper bell to summon the elemental servants.

The menu was taken away by something invisible and floated in the air towards the kitchen. Behind the glass plate in that direction, there were many spatulas and condiment bottles flying...

Xia Zuo stared at the hot scene in the kitchen.

I fantasize about controlling elemental servants and making hundreds of dishes at once. If the experience bonus of civilian status was not weakened, how much experience would this gain...

Unfortunately, this loophole was plugged in advance by Goldfinger.

A moment later, two plates of sizzling steak and vegetable soup came from a distance and were placed on the dining table.

"Mars, who is controlling these elemental servants who serve as cooks and waiters?"

Xia Zuo asked as he cut a piece of beef hind shank and put it into his mouth. The meat was tender, fat and thin, and the heat was controlled at 7 when the heat was just turned on.

Mars took a sip of vegetable soup and wiped the water stains from the corner of his mouth with a napkin:

“No one controls them.

"These elemental servants are the product of elemental concrete disciplines, and they operate according to the preset plan during production.

"When you take the Elemental Embodiment class in the future, you will also have an elemental servant. If your talent is good, maybe Professor Bethel will give you a few more."

In the library of the mage's servant, there are no books related to the embodiment of the elements. It seems to be an extremely abstruse and difficult-to-understand subject.

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