The second benefit of mastering the Sands of Time is to speed up the flow of time to a limited extent.

Xia Zuo can control his Sands of Time to pass through an object and speed up the time flow of that object.

There is an important term in the law of time and space, [space-time coding].

The writing format of a single space-time code is:

[24-bit space address + 18-bit object reference time + 12-bit object spell code + 6-bit Sands of Time code], a total of 60 bits.

Most of this long list of time and space codes are written in a language that Xia Zuo has never learned. Except for a small part of the object's spell code that can be understood, the rest of the content is completely blind.


It doesn't matter if you don't understand.

After mastering the Sands of Time, you can understand the meaning of time and space coding.

Moreover, the language barrier does not prevent Xia Zuo from using Sands of Time's second skill [Tampering with Time].

When Xia Zuo speeds up the time flow of an object, the object's reference time on the object's space-time code will be different from other surrounding objects.

When Xia Zuo stops accelerating the flow of time, the sand of time in the environment will actively reduce the frequency of passing through the object, correct the object's base time, and finally make the object's base time consistent with other surrounding objects.

This method of tampering with time will only change the reference time and will not affect the target's spatial coordinates.

But the third skill of Sands of Time is different.

It's called [Time Bubble].

Xia Zuo can inject non-attributed energy into his Sands of Time to expand it into a bubble-shaped time container.

Objects located outside the time container will be affected by the laws of space and time normally.

Objects located inside the time container will temporarily be in a state of time anomaly. Their base time flow rate will change according to the settings of the time container, and the spatial coordinates will become a string of garbled codes with unknown meaning.

When Xia Zuo takes back the time container, the objects originally inside the container will be immediately affected by the laws of nature's time and space, and the reference time on them will accelerate or decelerate until it is consistent with the reference time in the surrounding environment.

Kristo once demonstrated this kind of time and space spell that can modify time on a large scale when the alchemist in the outer temple was studying the cubs of deep sea turtles.

At that time, Xia Zuo mistakenly believed that the time he spent in the time container would deduct additional time from his lifespan. It seems that this is not the case now.

The calculation of life span is based on the unified reference time in nature.

Within a time container, the flow of baseline time can slow down significantly. It is equivalent to exchanging attributeless energy for life span.

There are two prices to pay for this disguised method of extending lifespan.

One is a large amount of attributeless energy, which will occupy many, many elements.

The other is the lifespan of the time container master.

After Xia Zuo possesses the Sands of Time, he can no longer enter any time vessel, including his own.

If he releases a time container to help others handle a large number of affairs in a short period of time, he will still be affected by the laws of time and space, and his base time will not be suspended.

In addition to changing the flow rate of time, time containers have another effect.

Xia Zuo can use the Time Container to capture the Sands of Time in the environment.

Every sand of time is a time-space encoded recorder.

Whenever a sand of time passes through an object, the sand of time will record the space-time code of the object.

Put the Sand of Time into the time container and you can view the time and space code recorded by the Sand of Time.

Through changes in space-time encoding, we can roughly restore what happened in a certain object or in a certain space.

For example, if Xia Zuo wanted to see what happened in the underground alchemy room when he traveled through time.

He first needs to read the space address of the underground alchemy room through [Time Horizon], then search for the space-time code with the same address based on the space address, and finally find the Sand of Time that records these space-time codes and put it into the time container. Restore what happened in the underground alchemy room at that time.

In the whole process, the two most difficult steps are to find the space-time codes with the same spatial address, and the Sands of Time that store these space-time codes.


It’s okay if you can’t find everything

It's just that the event process restored in the time container will be incomplete, just like playing a damaged video file.

Suddenly mastering a small part of the laws of time and space, Xia Zuo sat at the desk for a long time before coming back to his senses.

He held out his right hand, palm up.

The sand of time hidden under the skin emerged in the palm of the hand, flying to a height of about ten centimeters from the palm.

Xia Zuo focused his thoughts on the Sand of Time and sent attributeless energy to it.

The Sand of Time in the palm of my hand slowly expanded and turned into a hollow bubble inside.

In [Time Horizon], Xia Zuo clearly saw that the Sand of Time in the environment was blocked by the bubbles and could not pass through the bubbles.

It was obvious that Xia Zuo had personally created a small area of ​​time anomaly.

He continued to put energy into the bubble, and finally stretched the bubble to the size of a chair.

This is Xia Zuo's current limit. If the bubble is larger, the non-attribute power will not be enough, and more elements will have to be accommodated.

Xia Zuo calculated it and found that 150 points of non-attribute power can build a time-stop space of nearly two cubic meters.

When Kristo demonstrated the time and space spell, he accommodated a comprehensive alchemy room covering an area of ​​more than 200 square meters. How many points of non-attribute power was needed?

At least 15,000 or more.

Thinking about it this way, the time-stop space in the temple specifically used to deal with emergency matters was probably created by several inner temple mages who mastered the laws of time and space.

Otherwise, it would be too exaggerated for just one person to master 15,000 non-attribute powers...

Xia Zuo looked at the clock on the wall. It was 4:30 pm.

He put his pocket watch into the time container and observed the flow of time inside and outside the container.

Half an hour later, when the wall clock on the wall pointed to 5 p.m., Xia Zuo stopped outputting energy, took back the time container, and picked up his pocket watch to check the time.

The time on the pocket watch pointed to 6:30 pm.

The time outside the time container is from 4:30 pm to 5:00 pm, and 0.5 hours have passed.

Inside the time container, the hands of the pocket watch moved from 4:30 pm to 6 pm, which took 1.5 hours.

The pocket watch goes one hour longer than the wall clock.

When Xia Zuo came out of the time container in the temple, he would manually adjust the time on his pocket watch to the local time in Poseidon City.

Now, he knows he doesn't have to do that.

In [Time Sand Vision], the frequency of natural Sands of Time passing through the pocket watch has been reduced. The second hand on the pocket watch has weakly slowed down its sliding speed. The number of Sands of Time passing through the pocket watch per second has dropped from 1,000. There are more than 900.

The pocket watch's space-time code is being repaired.

After a little calculation, it is not difficult to conclude that even if Xia Zuo does not manually adjust the pocket watch, the time on the dial will be synchronized with the wall clock at 10 hours.

"It's really interesting..." Xia Zuo looked at his pocket watch and shook his head, "Are these laws of time and space made by man, or are they inherent in nature? Or is even nature designed and created by man?"

Xia Zuo laughed at himself, "No wonder many scientists end up becoming theologians."

He put away his pocket watch, took out his secret message ring, dialed a secret message for Cristo, and then began his daily meditation.

With the Sands of Time, the investigation of Vels cannot be rushed.

Because it was too laborious to collect space-time codes with specific spatial coordinates, Xia Zuo planned to wait until he had an elemental body and his physical body could lie flat before slowly investigating.

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