Xia Zuo's understanding of the Temple Tribunal is limited to "this is a very strict Temple institution" and "specializes in investigating cases and trying criminals". Overall, it is relatively superficial and only at the level of knowing such an organization.

Now that Beatrice mentioned it, Xia Zuo took advantage of the situation and asked, "Teacher, can you tell me in detail?"

Beatrice stopped the hand of Yinsha who was writing the words, "Then let me give you an example using the current situation."

She thought for a while and said:

"First of all, we need to reach a consensus: this group of monsters passed through the four lines of defense without hindrance, which represents a certain degree of intelligence leakage. Regardless of whether the leaker is intentional or unintentional, he has caused a comparison. Serious consequences. Do you agree with this statement?"

"Agree." Xia Zuo nodded.

"That's good." Beatrice paused, "Then do you think this level of intelligence leakage will affect the overall plan to release the monsters?"

"I think it will, but the impact is controllable. And the possibility of the situation deteriorating further is very small. If things go to the worst direction, for example, if strange monsters are mixed into this group of monsters, then the operation of releasing the monsters will be stopped. "Xia Zuo responded.

"Yes, you are right." Beatrice said, "Just imagine what would happen if this happened in the Silver Moon Federation. Let me tell you the answer. The Tribunal will directly intervene in this incident. The Category 3 Disaster Response Department takes away the investigation power of the case and the power of personnel disposal, and uses the tribunal to investigate the case in its own way.”

Beatrice rubbed her brows and said, "You have to know that the investigation methods of the guys in the Tribunal are rough and barbaric. In their eyes, it is efficient, but from the perspective of outsiders, it is full of force and tyranny. For example. The people in the trial court will investigate everything that everyone involved in the case did from birth to the time of the crime, and convict them of things that have nothing to do with the case. Any behavior that violates the law will be investigated in the trial. surface and be punished, even if these behaviors are deeply hidden and secretive.”

"Do you mean to settle old scores? The trial court will review the lives of those involved in the case by reading their memories, and add culpability to those insignificant violations of the law, right?" Xia Zuo said.

"That's true. But the Inquisition does not use the mild and inefficient method of reading memories."

Beatrice pointed to the blank space on the table and used illusion magic to construct a strange-looking thorn plant.

The plant was planted in a pot as wide as a fountain. The dark green thorns are covered with scarlet barbs, which makes people shudder.

"This is [The Thorn of Sin], a magical plant preserved from the beginning of the first era."

Beatrice introduced:

"The Tribunal has cultivated a thorn of judgment that is as big as a room, and is used to judge the depth of sins of guilty people.

"After the person being judged comes into contact with the thorns of judgment, his thoughts, memories, consciousness, etc., will quickly blend with the thorns of judgment. The thorns of judgment will react to the sins in the person's life, and use these barbs to The person being judged will be bound with thorns of thorns. The deeper the sin, the more thorns will be tied to the body. If a person has committed a sin that deserves death, he will be torn to pieces by the thorns on the spot."

"Use plants to convict..." Xia Zuo frowned... He thought the trial court would use more advanced enchantment spells to make the judged voluntarily reveal their past deeds...

Beatrice waved her hand and scattered the illusion models on the table, "Of course, the Tribunal will not let the Thorns of Sin interfere with the 'glorious' matter of executing criminals. They will kill the criminals when they are about to die. Take him out of the thorn of condemnation and convict him according to the normal process of trial.”

"Teacher, you are right...compared to this method of trial, reading memories is indeed very gentle." Xia Zuo pressed his forehead and asked immediately, "Did you just use them to refer to the trial court?"

"Yes." A trace of vague sarcasm flashed across Beatrice's face, "A group of sterile women followed the right people and established the Tribunal, keen on sending people into the greenhouse of sinful thorns to become nutrients. , even the leaders they once followed became fertilizer under the thorns of judgment, so heartless, isn’t it?”

"You don't seem to get along with them?" Xia Zuo asked.

"Oh, it's not just me, most of the people in the temple can't stand them. If they hadn't never found an unjust, false or wrong case, and there was an outer temple council to restrict them, many people would have wanted them to do the same. A taste of what it feels like to be entangled in thorns.”

Beatrice shook her hand, "Let's not talk about the Tribunal. Let's get back to the topic."

She pointed to the hand-drawn map in Xia Zuo's hand, "I need you to do one thing. You should secretly investigate this team of academy mages. It is best to find out the possible traitor among them and try to persuade him to surrender. If not If there is a traitor, we will turn to investigating the source of the intelligence leak.”

"No problem, teacher." Xia Zuo rubbed his chin and nodded. He knew in his heart that this was Beatrice testing whether [reducing the sentence as appropriate after surrendering] would be attractive to criminals.

"I'll give you 5 days, is that enough?" Beatrice said, "Once the five days are up, I will formally send a letter asking them to return to the school and accept memory access."

"That's enough, I'll leave now." Xia Zuo said after putting away the map.

"I'm waiting for your good news." Beatrice smiled, "Why did you come to see me today?"

"My tower has been built, and I would like to apply for promotion to Archmage." Xia Zuo shook the map in his hand, "The promotion matter can be delayed for a while. I will go and investigate the mage of the academy first."

"Well, okay." Beatrice picked up the pen and wrote a few lines on the notepad at hand, "I will report your promotion ceremony to the outer palace. I guess I will receive a reply when you come back from the west of the kingdom. .”

In the next 10 minutes, Xia Zuo and Beatrice chatted about the identity and background of the investigation target, and then left the room.

He used the secret message ring to send a message to Anruer, telling the other party that he had received a mission and needed to go out.

After receiving the reply, Xia Zuo made some preparations in the dormitory and used wind movement to fly out of the school.

He went up the mountain road, braved the violent mountain wind, climbed over the Storm Mountains, and arrived at the western part of the kingdom to the west of the mountains.

There are many stone houses and lively streets in the eastern part of the kingdom.

The western part of the kingdom is a different story. It is dominated by wooden houses, most of which are low sheds. It seems to be more than a step behind the eastern part of the kingdom, but there is large-scale construction everywhere and dust is flying.

After the monster attack, the Kingdom Council mobilized troops and craftsmen to build infrastructure in the west of the kingdom. Countless ordinary people followed suit and came here to take root, bringing wealth, materials and manpower.

Building roads, building houses, cultivating farmland, taming horses, and building plantations... The Kingdom Parliament formulated a series of construction plans in the western part of the kingdom, instigating a large amount of money to pour into the area.

The originally desolate western part of the kingdom turned into a treasure land full of gold overnight.

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