Yanni and other four resident mages cast spells and left the top floor.

Ellin was left alone by Xia Zuo and immediately seemed particularly uneasy.

"Relax, let's sit down and talk." Xia Zuo used silver sand to weave a magic sofa and asked the other party to sit down.

Although the character template provided by the detection technique did not indicate that Ellin had an identity related to the Church of Strange Demons, Xia Zuo still kept a few extra thoughts in mind.

The silver sand sofa the two of them were sitting on could be used as an enhanced spell cage. If Ellin showed hostility, Xia Zuo would use the silver sand sofa to tie her up.

Secondly, after Xia Zuo sat down, he put his hands in front of him, covered the secret message ring on his palm with his sleeves, and dialed a secret message to Beatrice.

The fact that the Temple Mage can also awaken the power of bloodline must be reported immediately, both for safety reasons and for the overall situation, so as not to cause trouble in the plan to build a subdimensional passage.

But Xia Zuo couldn't say clearly that he discovered Ellin's secret.

Because the identification technique cannot detect the type of bloodline power, it can only be used with the blood pattern language to detect signs of bloodline awakening, such as abnormal body data, residual non-elemental energy fluctuations, etc., so Xia Zuo's secret message changed the rhetoric.

After he sent the secret message, he was silent for a while, creating a certain amount of pressure on Ellin.

When Ellin's legs crossed uneasily for the third time, Xia Zuo said:

"Yanni has arranged for you the task of escorting the monster cub, right?"

"Yes, sir." Ellin lowered her head and nodded.

"Tell me the detailed story. Who did you meet and what did you do? It's best to tell me the exact name and time. This will be more convincing." Xia Zuo said.

Ellin raised her head and quickly glanced at the other party's smoky hood. Unable to distinguish Xia Zuo's mood and attitude, she lowered her head again and said:

"About 11 days ago, Captain Yani told me that the defenders of Pisco City captured a group of monster cubs and needed me to escort them. The destination is Masnuo City."

Later, Ellin recounted her experience. After Xia Zuo reminded her, she stopped many times to add time points and names.

After listening for more than 20 minutes, Xia Zuo couldn't help but lament how dangerous alchemy, magic knowledge, and the power of blood would be if they were not used on the right path.

It can be said that the researchers involved in the case in Masno City suffered an unreasonable disaster.

He built a complete security system for his monster cultivation room, including various emergency arrays to respond to various emergencies.

And, a magical door that requires dynamic passwords and gestures to unlock.

Only the researcher knows the passwords and gestures...

But don’t forget the existence of monsters.

Many monsters have an IQ comparable to that of an 8-year-old human child, especially the monsters who are qualified to be raised in the monster breeding room. Each of them can remember the actions and words of the researcher.

Although Ellin did not explain clearly how she obtained the access key to the monster breeding room, it was not difficult for Xia Zuo to use her awakened bloodline power - the beast whisperer - to figure out the course of the incident.

To put it simply, this lucky person who first became a mage and then awakened the power of blood may have been out of pity, or she may have been bewitched by the monster cubs. She learned about it from the monsters in the monster breeding room. After entering and exiting the room and opening the culture jar, he told the monster cub how to do it. Then, she used magic and some special ability of the beast whisperer to remotely guide the monster cubs to leave the kingdom and escape into the mountains west of the border.

There are many details worthy of consideration in this period of brainstorming.

For example, why didn't Ellin release the other monsters in the monster breeding room? After Ellin releases the monster cubs back into the mountains, what does she plan to do with these monsters in the future?

Xia Zuo didn't intend to delve into issues like this.

Now, he just wants to find out one thing - whether Ellin has any contact with the Church of Strange Demons.

"Ellin." Xia Zuo said in a low voice, "You have to know that in this incident, you are the person I suspect the most."

Ellin raised her head and looked at the other party anxiously.

Xia Zuo continued:

"I have dealt with similar incidents before, and I know that many things can be achieved without the personal experience of the resident mage. Ordinary people will volunteer to serve him.

"I also know that any resident mage is not a fool. No matter whether his actions lead to serious consequences, he will think of countermeasures, erase the clues, and design a flawless self-report in advance."

Xia Zuo looked directly at Ellin, his gaze penetrated her fearful eyes and struck directly into her soul.

"Your self-report is irrefutable. If you are the one who planned the escape of the monster cubs, then you will need some people to help you guide the monster cubs to leave the kingdom. No matter how careful they are, they will still leave some flaws. .And I am good at finding flaws."

A calm look flashed across Ellin's eyes, which was accurately captured by Xia Zuo.

Sure enough, the bloodline power of the Beast Whisperer has the means to communicate with animals and monsters remotely. Erin can guide the monster cubs through the blockade without the support of others.

Xia Zuo looked at Ellin who suddenly became confident, and asked with a low smile, "Do you want to know how I can catch my flaw?"

"Your Excellency, do you want to cast a large-scale detection spell?" Irene had a faint smile on her lips.

"No, that's too much trouble." Xia Zuo rubbed his hands and showed an impatient attitude, "I will directly read your memory. This is more convenient, isn't it? Hehehe..."

"No! I won't accept it!" Ellin yelled, her face filled with panic. "What you did violated the rules of the school. This case does not meet the standards for memory reading!"

"Ha." Xia Zuo laughed again, "It's not up to you to decide whether the case meets the standards for reading memories. Preferential treatment only belongs to mages who are willing to cooperate with me, and you tut tut, my intuition tells me that you Your words are full of deception and self-righteous cleverness. You have concealed a lot of things from me. And you are cautious enough, and you may have erased the traces of your accomplices. For a mage like you who is unwilling to cooperate, I prefer to read it directly memory."

"I want to tell the instructor! You violated the rules of the school! Now I even doubt your true identity!" Ellin took out a secret message ring and quickly dialed a secret message.

Xia Zuo remained sitting, completely unmoved.

Irene's violent reaction was within Xia Zuo's expectation.

The reason why Chief Beatrice plans to read the memory is because this case may affect the overall situation of releasing monsters.

Ellin said that reading memories violated the school's regulations because she, as well as all the resident mages and researchers on the Western Continent, did not have access to plans such as releasing monsters, subdimensional passages, and counterattacks on the starry sky monster lairs.

Naturally, Ellin would not be aware of the negative impact of the case of the escaped monster cub, which was enough for the school to use the method of reading memories.

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