"A mage who has awakened the power of blood?" Rexor stared at the sleeping Ellin after completing the oath, and said in a deep voice, "This land is so strange. I bet that this news would be revealed in the temple. It was announced at the regular meeting that many people will want to stay here for a while to see if they can awaken the power of blood."

Seritus' gaze penetrated the wall of the room and pointed to the construction base located in the mountain. There were nearly a hundred giant creators working hard there. Each of them had the strength of a formal mage or above. "I think , the most troublesome should be the alchemists sent by the temple to build subdimensional passages and teleportation halls. If they accidentally awaken the power of blood and return to the Eastern Continent, they may not be targeted by the Strange Demon Church. superior."

That makes sense. Xia Zuo looked at the cold-faced man, and what he said reminded him that there were not only mages from the academy on the land of the Western Continent at this time, but also many alchemists sent by the outer palace. So if we really want to do blood tests for the mages, we have to include the mages sent from the outer palace.

Thinking about it... Xia Zuo also realized the influence of the fact that "mages can awaken the power of blood".

"I have already reported it to the outer palace. They will arrange for someone to come to the Western Continent to test the blood concentration of the giant creator." Beatrice took out the shadow core, "This is the shadow core of the shadow demon. I will leave it to you. It’s a business deal.”

Rexor took the shadow core and said, "Then let's say goodbye first. Maybe we will meet again soon."

He stuffed the shadow core into his pocket and left here with Seritus.

"Teacher, what should I do with Ellin?" Xia Zuo looked at the female mage lying on the magic circle, "I thought Master Rexor was here to take Ellin to the trial court for trial. Why did he take it? Shadow Core just left?"

"He took the Shadow Core to investigate the strange demon named Black Flag." Beatrice explained without going into too much detail. "As for Ellin, before I characterize her matter, the Inquisition still has hands. There is no way to reach the Western Continent.”

Beatrice stood next to Ellin, gently brushing away the broken hair from her forehead with her fingers, "Do you want to see Ellin's memory? Witness how she planted the darkroom mark in the temptation of Shadow Demon. of."

"No, teacher." Xia Zuo shook his head, "I always believe that... you can't impose on others what you don't want. Please tell me orally."

Beatrice didn't force it. She started with the shadow anomaly that appeared in Pisco Castle about a month ago.

Just as Xia Zuo expected, when Ellin was responsible for investigating the shadow anomaly, she regarded Shadow Demon as a bloodline awakener who had awakened the shadow warlock bloodline, but was not discovered by the academy and was brought into the academy for further study.

This "shadow warlock" who has never met before likes to use his shadow power to tease ordinary people and create so-called supernatural events.

Ellin believed that he had no subjective evil intention of harming others, so she adopted an easy-going and tolerant attitude strategically, guiding the other party to take the initiative to go to the school's testing station to test his bloodline, and then enter the school to study.

This innocent and simple character, as well as the shallow garrison experience shown by Ellin, made Shadow Demon realize that this was a garrison mage that could be used by it.

Shadow Demon pretended to be what Ellin wanted, communicated with her as a friend, and guided her to take over the task of escorting the monster cub.

Erin's awakening of the power of her bloodline happened on the first night when she escorted the monster cub. The whole process was abrupt and ended quickly. Like other people who awakened the power of blood for the first time, within almost an hour or two, Ellin mastered the power of her blood and could understand the language of beasts and monsters.

At this time, the shadow demon lurking beside her entered the scene. The Shadow Demon tampered with the memories of the monster cubs, changing their desire for flesh and blood into a yearning for a free life, and painting it into a scene that Ellin liked.

Later, Shadow Demon induced Ellin to rescue the monster cub and receive the mark of the darkroom to resist the investigation of the school.

If it were not Xia Zuo who went to Pisco City to investigate on the ground, but Dim was responsible for it, then Ellin's corruption would not have been discovered, let alone interrupted, and the Shadow Demon would not have been caught, unmasked, and stripped of its shadow. nuclear.

"Your important position in this matter is irrefutable, Xia Zuo." Beatrice pressed Xia Zuo's shoulder, "I value your opinion. Now tell me, how do you think it would be better to deal with Ellin? Some?"

"Teacher, will Master Rexor tell others what happened to Ellin?" Xia Zuo asked thoughtfully.

"No. As I said before, they are only here to take away the shadow core and investigate Black Flag. They will not interfere in Ellin's affairs," Beatrice said.

"In that case..." Xia Zuo paused, "I think we can give Ellin another chance. When she wakes up, tell her the truth of the matter and remind her to be extremely vigilant against any abnormal phenomena. "

Xia Zuo continued:

"In addition, because her bloodline ability can communicate with monsters, we have to use alchemy tools to limit this ability to prevent the monsters' bloodthirsty and murderous thoughts from affecting her. Regarding the fact that she first became a mage and then awakened the power of bloodline, It can be disclosed appropriately. Because in the foreseeable future, there will definitely be more and more similar things. We have to give the mages a warning first."

"Give her another chance...let her return to Pisco City to continue serving as the resident mage?" Beatrice asked.

"Yes, teacher" Xia Zuo nodded, "or change her place. At the same time, there must be necessary punishment."

Beatrice pondered, "Well, Xia Zuo, have you ever considered the possibility that the shadow demon who planted the darkroom mark on Ellin has reported Ellin's existence to the Strange Demon Church through the darkroom. If The Church of Strange Demons has sent the next strange devil to the Western Continent, and it will first find Ellin who is still alive in the world, able to move freely, and has some power."

Beatrice's words made Xia Zuo stunned for a moment, "Teacher, are you saying that even if you erase the darkroom mark on Ellin, she will still become the target of the strange demon, right?"

"Yes." Beatrice nodded.

"Then after this experience, it should be easier for her to identify strange demons, right? I don't think it is very likely that she will fall again." Xia Zuo said.

Beatrice sighed softly, "Oh, Xia Zuo, that's it. Our differences lie here. This is the underlying reason why you advocated that surrender is acceptable.

"What?" Xia Zuo was stunned again, not quite understanding what the "disagreement" the other party meant was.

"Xia Zuo, let me tell you. There is a rule in the temple: as long as anyone has fallen once, even if he is saved, he will fall the next time he faces the temptation of strange demons, and he will fall faster. , more serious. This law has become a law and is called the [Law of Corruption]." Beatrice said.

"Why is this happening?" Xia Zuo was dumbfounded.

There was a famous saying in the previous life: Every time you take a step, you gain wisdom. Once you make a mistake, you are less likely to make the same mistake next time.

Why is it that in this world, the opposite is true? Once you make a mistake, you will get worse the next time you make the same mistake.

This is unreasonable.

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