For half a month, Xia Zuo spent a lot of time brushing up on experience.

At noon that day, when the students of the school were dining in the restaurant, Xia Zuo received a message from Beatrice.

He came to the study room on the top floor of the tower, opened the door and walked in, where he saw Beatrice reading a parchment.

"Teacher, I'm here."

"The Temple has approved your plan, Xia Zuo. I can accept your bloodline mark, but there are some prerequisites." Beatrice put the parchment across the desk, "This is a contract, you have to read it first Right. The temple has listed some requirements above. Make sure you accept it before signing."

Xia Zuo sat down at the desk and read the contents of the parchment.

Generally speaking, the temple's restrictions on him focus on three aspects.

Article 1: Xia Zuo cannot use the blood mark as a threat to let Beatrice do anything other than her job, or let her take advantage of her position to drive others to do certain things. Including but not limited to, misappropriating Starry Night Kingdom's assets to build Xia Zuo's tower, or delivering alchemy materials to Xia Zuo, etc.

This is to prevent Xia Zuo from abusing the binding force of the blood mark. For Xia Zuo, he is completely acceptable. He had no intention of using the blood mark for personal gain.

The second item is that Xia Zuo needs to provide Kristo with a list of all the people who already hold his blood mark. Only Beatrice, Cristo and Xia Zuo know this list. From now on, whether Xia Zuo himself gives a blood mark to others, or the person holding his blood mark gives a third party a blood mark, Xia Zuo must report it to Beatrice.

This article is not for monitoring Xia Zuo.

The parchment scroll specifically stated that this list was established to prevent accidental injuries.

Bloodline marks are essentially blood magic and will change a person's blood pattern characteristics. Regular detection spells cannot detect it, but the detection spells of the Demon Hunting School can. If a master demon hunter discovers that someone has a bloodline mark of unknown origin, it will be troublesome and will involve a lot of things.

Article 3: Xia Zuo will receive another light element during the ceremony to be promoted to Archmage.

This item is the one that will really restrict Xia Zuo.

He must swear an oath on the newly acquired light element before this contract will officially take effect and Beatrice can have his blood mark.

Xia Zuo finished reading the contract, picked up the pen and signed his name, and then asked:

"Teacher, when will I be promoted to Archmage?"

"On the morning of the day after tomorrow." Beatrice took the parchment, rolled it up and put it in the drawer. "At that time, you can go directly to the teleportation hall and return to the Eastern Continent through the teleportation room. Remember to check the tower. It is required for the promotion test. You pilot the tower.”

"Okay, teacher."

Xia Zuo left the study, spoke to An Ru'er using his blood connection, and then went to the tower test platform.

It was early morning two days later.

Xia Zuo used the wind technique to fly out of the dormitory, followed the guidance of the school pendant, and came to a certain mountain in the Storm Mountains.

There is a large illusion magic circle on this mountain, covering the excavated mountain with a lush forest scene.

Xia Zuo used the pendant to pass the interrogation of the magic circle guards and stepped inside the magic circle.

The scene here can be described as bustling and busy.

Everyone who comes and goes has the identity of a giant creator.

They will wear special alchemical armor on their bodies - an exoskeleton armor with an auxiliary power module and four robotic arms.

Giant builders will use robotic arms to carry heavy objects, and use suction cups at the end of the robotic arms to climb smooth metal walls. Their own hands will be used to handle delicate tasks that do not require strength but require finesse.

Xia Zuo carefully avoided the giant builders and the building materials in their hands, and followed the directions on the road signs to the teleportation room.

After the teleportation light lasted for one minute, he arrived at the Creation Hall of the Eastern Continent.

The Creation Hall is very quiet today, and no official mage comes here to receive the loyalty ceremony.

A beam of light fell from the sky and landed directly in front of the Creation Crystal.

Xia Zuo walked into the light pillar and learned the content of this promotion test.

He would start from here, drive the tower into the sky, fly over the highest clouds, and stop at the glass house he had visited twice before.

Originally, he had skipped this step - before setting off for the Western Continent, he accepted the second light element in advance.

But because of the contract... this link was added to obtain the third light element.

Xia Zuo made some preparations in the Creation Hall and summoned his own tower. After carefully checking the alchemy device above, he slowly drove the tower into the sky, passed the Creation Crystal, passed through the skylight, and entered the vast world. Sky.

There was no trouble on the way up.

Thanks to the test flight of the tower on the Storm Mountains, Xia Zuo had already adapted to the changes in airflow at high altitudes.

Passing through three layers of clouds, arriving above the sea of ​​clouds, we found the spherical glass house in the bright sunshine. Stop the tower, go into the glass room, take the light element, and then drive the tower back the way you came.

When we returned to the Creation Hall, there was an additional figure here.

Kristo is already waiting here.

She came here for the Sands of Time in Xia Zuo's hands.

When Xia Zuo walked out of the tower, Kristo stepped forward and asked, "What kind of time and space ability do you have?"

What kind? ...Xia Zuo blinked in confusion.

Could it be said that using the Sands of Time to understand the laws of time and space should only be able to comprehend one kind of time and space ability?

Kristo knew that Xia Zuocai had only just been exposed to the laws of time and space, and his understanding of it was not yet deep, so he took the initiative to explain:

"You should know that there are 8 people in the temple who have mastered the laws of time and space, and I am one of them. When each of us first comprehended the Sands of Time, we realized different abilities of time and space. Some people Can see the Sands of Time within half a meter of the surrounding area, and some people can adjust the time flow rate of the target object. The first law of time and space I mastered is to create a small area of ​​time distortion.

"The eight of us exchanged our experiences with each other, continued to understand the Sands of Time, perfected the laws of time and space we mastered, and finally learned the time and space abilities mastered by others. If the time and space abilities you have learned are completely new, we can use our summarized experience and You exchange.”

"So that's it." Xia Zuo nodded thoughtfully and said after a brief thought, "The time and space ability I have learned is to observe the Sands of Time in the surrounding environment."

"How big is the observation range?" Kristo asked.

"Well, let me see..." Xia Zuo entered a shallow state of meditation and activated [Time and Sand Vision] according to the conventional casting method.

From where he was standing to the stone door of the teleportation room not far away, countless Sands of Time were dancing wildly in the Sands of Time's horizon. A conservative estimate was that the range within which he could observe the Sands of Time definitely exceeded a radius of 50 meters...

Wouldn’t it be a bit too amazing to just say that I can have a panoramic view of the Sands of Time in the entire Creation Hall?

Xia Zuo thought for a moment, closed Shisha Vision and said, "The radius is about 10 meters."

"10 meters?!" Kristo was stunned.

"Uh, is it a lot?" Xia Zuo wasn't sure if he was overpaying.

"Too many! When I first realized this ability, I could only see the Sands of Time within 1 meter." Kristo covered her mouth and whispered.

"Ah, that's it." Xia Zuo smiled awkwardly.

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