My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 308 High-Level Codebreaker Kadum

Rexor's expression changed as usual when he heard the sound in the room.

He walked lightly, walked around the stone screen behind the door, and turned into the office behind the screen.

There is a hooded man here, holding the shadow core with both hands, kneeling on the ground piously and humbly, expressing his "loyalty" to the shadow core like a prayer.

The hooded man repeats the same words over and over again, "chattering" in an unknown language and shadow core of unknown meaning.

Rexor leaned against the wall with his arms folded and waited quietly.

Maybe the hooded man showed enough "loyalty", or maybe the shadow demon was tired of his nagging, and a hazy black mist began to emit from the shadow core. The mist penetrated from the hooded man's wrists into the cuffs, clung to the hooded man's inner lining, traveled to the collar, and then spread to the hooded man's nose.

"Suck~~" The hooded man took a deep breath, greedily sucking the black mist into his body, and an intoxicated low moan floated out of his throat, "Hmm~~Wonderful memory~"

The next second, the black mist shrank back as if frightened, and hid back in the shadow core in the blink of an eye.

"Haha, you were fooled again, Shadow Demon." The hooded man looked at the shadow core in his hand and smiled contemptuously, "Will there be a next time? I don't think it will be possible hahaha..."

The hooded man stood up and casually threw the shadow core on the desk, completely losing his previous piety.

He lifted up his hood, revealing tentacle-like braids on his head and a pair of octopus-shaped ears. His eyes are inverted triangular shapes with amber pupils. When his eyes blink, the left and right eyelids close and close. He has no nose bridge, and the nose is two small black holes for air intake and exhaust. The mouth had no lips, only a horizontal slit on the ashen chin.

This strange-looking, even evil-looking man has the badge of a temple member on his chest:

[Decipher Hall, high-level decryptor Kadum. 】

"I've been waiting for a long time, Rexor." As Kadum spoke, he stretched out his scarlet snake tongue and licked it around his mouth, making a sticky and wet sound, "This shadow demon's The value has been drained. Chi Liu~ I don’t think it is necessary to exist anymore. You can take it and destroy it.”

"Beatrice said that this shadow demon has mastered the psychic ability of [fictitious memory]." Rexall looked at the shadow core on the desk, "Have you been affected?"

Kadum stretched out his hand to lift the sleeve on his left arm, and a ferocious centipede-shaped pattern covered his forearm. The lines twitched like a heart, "Pfft~", a small hole opened in the lines, and a cloud of purple-black smoke was released into the air.

"Its [fictitious memory] has no effect on me, Rexor." Kadum smiled slightly sinisterly, "The dream-eating monster has had a good and fulfilling two days. It has not eaten so much in a long time. Delicious false memories.”

Kadum walked to the table, picked up the kettle, stuck out his long tongue, took a sip of strong tea with the tip of his tongue, and then said:

"Besides, you also know that the shadow core is like a black box. After the shadow demon lost its body, it was locked in the shadow core. This is its last refuge and its cemetery. The shadow demon is in the shadow core. It cannot sense the external environment, let alone know who is resurrecting it..."

Kadum put down the kettle and smiled, "Every time I use Shadow Demon's resurrection spell on it, it is very careful and cautious, and will not accept resurrection easily. After repeatedly confirming that my tone and wording are accurate, Only then will it try to accept my resurrection technique. At this moment, its consciousness, thinking, and memory will be completely open to me, allowing me to read and request it."

Kadum patted a few parchment rolls on the table, "These are the real memories I selected."

Rexor came over to check.

He quickly flipped through the first two parchments and found that the information on them was similar to what he had previously intercepted from other strange demons.

Every strange demon who sets out from the church to search for the black flag in the temple territory will receive a teaching order from his superiors. The fatwa will only provide the scope and time limit of the investigation, and will not reveal more information about Black Flag.

After reading these contents that he had known for a long time, Rexor couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He sighed silently and said, "Are they all the same contents as before? Is there any new information?"

Kadum pulled out a parchment, unfolded it on the table and said, "Look here, this passage. This sentence was said by Nuk'alofa, the deacon of the Strange Demon Church, to this shadow demon in person. He said, ' I need you to investigate the Western Continent again.'"

"Nuk'alofa said it himself?" Rexor asked solemnly.

"That's right." Kadum nodded, the pigtails on his head swaying in all directions, "The Church of Strange Demons has a strict hierarchy. Lower levels can only accept instructions corresponding to their superiors. Obviously, a shadow demon should obey the orders of a high-level shadow demon, and cannot Accepting cross-level instructions from the deacon, not to mention that Nuk'alofa is in charge of the Split Arms and Blood Demon, and will not easily interfere with the shadow demon's affairs. This is against the rules. But this shadow demon not only saw Nuk'alofa, It also appeared in the Western Continent... What this means, you should have thought more about it than me..."

Rexor crossed his arms, closed his eyes, and concentrated on recalling all the memories related to Black Flag.

The first strange demon discovered searching for Black Flag was a blood demon named Qualuowuqi. Before Qualuuqi, other strange demons may have infiltrated into the temple territory to search for Black Flag. They may be blood demons, shadow demons or other strange demons.

After becoming aware of the plan of the Church of Strange Demons, the Temple subsequently launched a search related to the Black Flag and captured more than a hundred strange demons lurking in the Temple's territory. More than 80 of them were mixed-race mages. The highest level is the high-level blood demon.

Rexall initially believed that the reason why so many mixed-blood mages joined in the search for Black Flag was purely because this type of monster had good camouflage capabilities, and its ability to penetrate the temple territory was far greater than that of other monsters. .

But when Rexall learned that there was a shadow demon directly ordered by Nuk'alofa, he knew that his previous speculation was wrong.

Half-blood mages have become the main force in searching for Black Flag, not because their hybrid magic can disguise themselves as normal people, but because searching for Black Flag is the job of half-blood mages and Nuk'alofa. Furthermore, Black Flag is related to half-blood mages.

Nuk'alofa directly assigned Shadow Demon to come to the Western Continent. This was a distrustful approach toward his subordinates. He may have felt that there was a traitor among the mixed-blood mage...

This is indeed useful... because the Temple has indeed placed a spy in the Strange Demon Church. It is through this spy that the Temple can control the final direction of certain major events. But for things like finding the Black Flag, which is difficult to define as urgent, the Temple will not let spies help.

In other words, regarding the search for Black Flag, the temple has not obtained any information from spies except for hunting down the strange demons that have infiltrated the territory. The spies lurking in the church have never done anything to search for Black Flag. Too damaging.

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