After lunch, Mars returned to his dormitory to rest.

Xia Zuo came to the library and found a quiet corner to lie down and sleep.

He spent the entire afternoon and evening reading in the library.

I ate dinner alone and walked alone on the way back to the dormitory at night. Everyone seemed to be missing. He was the only one in the entire castle hall and restaurant...and the elemental servants who cleaned the floor and cooked food on their own.

He didn't feel very lonely, maybe because he stayed at home alone for a long time in his previous life.

Early the next morning.

When you return to the lobby and restaurant, it's a completely different scene.

The freshmen, wearing standard school uniforms, hurriedly walked into the dining hall, picked up their plates, put bread slices and jam plates on them, sat down at any seat and started eating.

Xia Zuo looked at their double eyelids, one shallow and one deep, looking completely sleepy. He guessed that the dinner performance last night was so exciting that the freshmen attending the dinner stayed up very late.

"Hi, Xia Zuo."

The black-haired girl An Ruer sat down opposite with a dinner plate. She couldn't paint in the carriage, but the scent of turpentine still lingered vaguely around her.

"Good morning, Anjou."

Xia Zuo responded with a smile and used his detection technique to see who the other party's mentor was:

"You were assigned to oil alchemy, and your instructor is Professor Zhuo Lang, right?"

Anruer had a mouthful of blueberry jam bread in her mouth.

She covered her mouth with her hands, nodded, and said vaguely:

"Yeah! Dim only said it once when he assigned a mentor yesterday, and you remembered it. You have such a good memory."

Xia Zuo lowered his head to drink the soup and raised the corners of his mouth again.

The incident with the three Rich brothers reminded him:

Not all mages are bound by secular moral concepts like the resident mages we met earlier.

There will always be some people who rely on their own abilities or other things to walk in the gray area and wander on the verge of breaking the law.

He had to prepare irrefutable explanations in advance for all the abnormalities in his body.

Use logical solutions to help people who discover these anomalies accept them smoothly.

Xia Zuo summarized it for himself. There are only two anomalies that will be exposed at present:

Super resilience and superior memory achieved by relying on [knowledge reserve].

The blame for resilience has been placed on the evil old man who has been dead for nearly two years.

Superior memory is an anomaly that needs to be concealed at the moment.

Xia Zuo's plan is simple.

He planned to subtly establish an image of a lover of reading and a good memory for those close to him, and let them export it to others, even their respective mentors.

In this case, in future exams, he can confidently and boldly use [Knowledge Reserve] to get high scores or even full marks.

Anruer mixed the corn soup and swallowed the food in her mouth. She couldn't imagine that the person across the table was thinking about so many things in just ten seconds.

She tilted her head slightly and asked in confusion:

"Which subject have you been assigned to? I don't have any impression."

"The alchemy of poisons, the instructor is Kulov." Xia Zuo stuffed a piece of sausage into his mouth.

At this time, Mars came over with a dinner plate and sat down next to Xia Zuo:

"Good morning, you two. The first day of school has begun."

He picked up the burger with slices of meat and brought it to his mouth. He felt two eyes falling on him, especially the eyes from the black-haired girl...

Male instinct made him realize that it would be dangerous to stay any longer..


Mars put down the bread and glanced around the restaurant:

"Little Moben seems to be late. I'll tell him to hurry up."

Before he left, he winked at Xia Zuo. He was easy-going and humorous, without any airs of a high school senior.

"Did you go to the dinner party last night?" Anruer took another big bite of bread.

"No. I'm reading in the library."

Xia Zuo slowed down his breakfast and drank the soup with a spoon instead of drinking it in tons.

He looked around and did not see the three Rich brothers, so he lowered his voice and said:

"Mars told me something girls need to pay attention to."

Anruer leaned forward and listened.

Xia Zuo whispered about people spying on girls, and at the end of his words he warned:

"Be more careful yourself."


Anruer smiled and nodded:

"Dim specially noted this on our girls' Castle Rules, and also stepped up patrols near the dormitory."

"That's good. It seems that Dim, the castle manager, is quite responsible."

Xia Zuo raised Dim's rating in his mind.

Anruer took the last bite of the sandwich bread and said, "What is your second class this morning?"

Xia Zuo handed over his class schedule.

"Well~ We only have the second class every Saturday morning that is different." Anru'er's cheeks were slightly red when she smiled.

Xia Zuo had a clear view of the other party's expression and felt a little inexplicable in his heart.

At 6:50 a.m., the alchemy language class is about to begin.

Xia Zuo and Anruer sat in the restaurant for a while. When they arrived at the semicircular lecture theater, only the seats in the back row were empty.

The two of them sat down opposite the podium.

The school has set a six-month course for alchemical linguistics.

From Monday to Saturday from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., the total teaching time exceeds 300 hours.

There will be a test after 6 months.

Once you pass the grade, you can learn new alchemy branch courses.

If you fail, you will have a chance to make up the exam.

If you fail the make-up test again, you must retake it for 6 months before taking the third test.

I didn’t pass the retake exam either…

Then we can only reread it with the freshmen in the coming year. The same goes for other courses.

Xia Zuo spread out his "Alchemical Linguistics" and casually flipped through the pages full of marks and underlines.

Bringing this book with you, which has been included in the [Knowledge Reserve] for a long time, is just for show.

There is another book to read during class.

However, it is not a character-type tome.

Such books are classified as extracurricular readings in schools, or readings for entertainment and entertainment, and are not suitable for use in the classroom.

Xia Zuo followed the course on the class schedule and chose an ecological classic: "Basics of Herbal Medicine: An Illustrated Book of Magic Grasses".

According to the content of the "Examination Outline" in Appendix 1 of the curriculum, Herbology is the highlight of the alchemy general course, and the test is extremely difficult, even better than Alchemy Linguistics.

The main test points of herbal medicine focus on the "Illustration of Magic Grasses".

Xia Zuo planned to use the old method to forcefully memorize this book.

Anru'er, who was sitting next to her, reached out and flipped through Xia Zuo's "Alchemical Linguistics".

There are notes on every page from beginning to end, and even the whiteboard on the back cover is filled with difficult-to-remember alchemical formulas.

She lowered her voice and asked, "Have you finished studying on your own?"

"Well, I learned it by myself during the month I stayed at the testing station."

Anruer's little mouth opened and closed, and then said with admiration:

"You have the best memory of anyone I've ever met."

Xia Zuo smiled modestly and glanced at the other person's reading progress.

She had just read more than 700 pages, and she probably started reading the chapters that had just entered the tense after boarding the carriage.

The more than 100 freshmen in the classroom are basically at this pace.

They knew the importance of this course from the senior students who took care of it, so they naturally studied on their own in the carriage in advance.

"Geez, if I had known I wouldn't have spent time painting for regular customers."

Anruer tapped the book with her pen, her tone full of regret.

Xia Zuo turned his head to look at the other person's hair, tutted his lips and said with a smile:

"You'd better ask the senior seniors for hair care tips. The content in the second part of this book is much more complicated than the first part."

The two of them were sitting in their seats and bickering. The situation was similar in other places in the classroom, with classmates chatting and playing among themselves.

The continuous noise suddenly stopped when a figure walked into the classroom.

Almost at the same time, the freshmen collectively set their sights on Beatrice, the head of the academy.

Even robes and long white ponchos cannot hide her curvy figure, which even adds to the unique charm of a mature woman.

When walking around, the graceful curves outlined by the robe are even more irresistible to many boys.

Xia Zuo looked at the other party's long light orange hair and beautiful face, and his eyes changed from appreciation to weirdness.

Mars once said that the Starry Night Kingdom was established two hundred years ago.

At that time, there was Starry Night Academy, and the head of the academy has always been Beatrice.

In other words, the beautiful young woman with delicate skin in front of her is at least 220 years old, several generations older than the freshmen here.

Xia Zuo put away the strange look in his eyes and silently released the detection technique.

【Character Name】Beatrice

[Identity] Head of Starry Night Academy, mage of unknown class

【HP】? ? ? (healthy)

【Resistance】? ? ?







【Spirit】? ?


[Character Specialties]

[Meditation method (unknown level)]

(Failed to obtain more information due to insufficient perception and knowledge reserves)

Ha, good guy, 15 points of charm.

Xia Zuo glanced at the classmates around him with a narrow smile.

It is temporarily unknown whether the information fed back by the scrying technique is the real data of the head of the hospital. Maybe, like Thales Meso, she has unknown skills and hides her true strength.

But 15 points of charm is definitely very attractive.

Even Anruer was staring at Beatrice's figure. Not to mention the boys.

It can really be said that it is suitable for both men and women.

Of course, for girls who are also women, Beatrice's attraction comes from the care and care she takes for herself.

How to maintain beauty and figure is always the focus of women's attention.

Beatrice walked to the front of the podium, leaned lazily on the edge of the table, held up the waves with her arms, and said with a leisurely smile:

"I am Beatrice, the dean of Starry Night Academy and your alchemical linguistics teacher. Now, let me check your self-study progress."

In the clear words, the "Alchemical Linguistics" placed in front of the students turned by itself.

The sound of turning books was dense and short.

Two seconds later, more than a hundred classics in the classroom were neatly closed.

"Some students are progressing very quickly. You can study other classics on your own, as long as you don't disturb other students.

"The rest of the students are at about the same pace, so let's learn tenses directly."

Beatrice snapped her fingers.

The wall behind the podium sank quickly, and a grand alchemy room with complete instruments and clusters of display cabinets appeared in front of him.

"I'll use the simplest alchemical potion to demonstrate to you the function of tenses."

Several bundles of medicinal herbs and several potion bottles floated from the display cabinet, suspended in mid-air behind the podium.

"Saturation Gel, the first functional potion you will learn when taking the potion alchemy course. These are its raw materials."

Behind Beatrice, a piece of silvery sand condensed invisibly, forming several lines of text in the air, showing the effects of the satiety potion, as well as the names of the raw materials and the required amounts.

Xia Zuo had seen satiety gel in a pharmacy.

In the book "Alchemical Linguistics", this potion is also used to explain tense grammar with examples.

This is a medicine that requires relatively few processes and raw materials, but the raw materials are not easy to obtain.

Each standard dose of satiety gel provides 7 days of satiety. In layman's terms, after eating a piece of satiety gel, you can go without eating for 7 days, but you need to drink water as usual.

The eating experience reward it provides is several times that of ordinary meals, and it can provide eating experience continuously within 7 days.

The principle of satiety gel is not complicated.

It slowly releases nutrients in the body, keeping the stomach ready for food digestion.

The alchemical operation of refining nutrients is very simple. Entry-level pharmaceutical alchemists can complete it independently if they have the corresponding tools.

However, how to keep nutrients in the stomach acid for a long time without causing stomach discomfort or being excreted early is the biggest difficulty encountered in the process of developing satiety medicines.

This requires the use of caged food flowers in the digestive cavity mucosa.

Cage flowers attract insects, flies, and even small birds through their bright petals and strange floral fragrance.

The moment the prey comes into contact with the flower, it will open its mouthparts disguised as stamens, swallow the prey whole, and transport it into the digestive cavity buried in the soil.

The prey will struggle in the cavity, but will eventually die of suffocation and be slowly decomposed.

Alchemists grow caged flowers, harvest them every five years, and process their mucous membranes into a gelatinous coat that encapsulates nutrients, which perfectly solves the problem of making satiety potions.

Refining the nutrients and making the gelatinous coating must occur simultaneously.

The material of alchemical tools, the temperature and humidity of the alchemical environment, etc. will affect the appearance characteristics of products in different processes and stages.

Therefore, one cannot simply use a timeline to guide alchemists when to do what.

The tense grammar of alchemical language comes in handy.

While Beatrice was giving lectures, she controlled the alchemy equipment behind her to demonstrate. Make lifeless written knowledge become alive and vivid.

But the content is similar to the book.

Xia Zuo listened for a while, then lowered his head to read the "Illustration of Magic Grasses", no longer looking at the fluttering potion bottles and the silver sand weaving the text instructions.

After the first class, he greeted An Ruer and moved to a seat in the corner of the last row alone to avoid disturbing others by turning books and taking notes.

Beatrice was so powerful that she could check everyone's classics at the same time. No matter how much she pretended, it would be in vain. She might as well just put the hat of "top student" on her head and devote herself to self-study.

Rote memorization, this ancient skill inherited from the previous life, has officially shown its light in Xingye Academy.

Today’s single update is 4,000 words.

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