While Xia Zuo was controlling the elemental body and making energy bombs at the junction of the stars, the memory unsealing ceremony of the Tolerance Pool was taking place in a secret room in the temple.

This secret room is circular. There are circles of magic array patterns on the perfectly circular floor with a diameter of more than 20 meters.

There is an octahedral crystal suspended in the center of the room. It is completely white and shiny. The pure light it emits is like waves, surging in the room one after another, evenly spreading on the five people sitting around.

Rexor, Cerites, a female mage, the high-level codebreaker Kadum, and Adanawados sat cross-legged on the five magic circle nodes.

There was an inverted triangular potion bottle placed in front of them, and the liquid surface of the potion reflected a gleam of light in the crystal light.

"Everyone, everyone is here." Rexor said in a deep voice, "I will start drinking the secret medicine to release the sealed memory."

Under the gaze of everyone, Rexor picked up the potion bottle and drank it, then entered deep meditation.

After about three minutes, he opened his eyes suddenly, reached into his pocket, rummaged around, and took out a heavy intelligence collection.

He quickly turned the pages and came to page 25 of the book. He first read the text on it, then turned to the back and read the content on page 26.

"So that's how it is. No wonder when I read this before, I always felt like something was missing..." Rexall said to himself.

Cerites glanced sideways and found that the things on page 25 were related to the fall of the blood demon Qualuouch in the city of Poseidon, while page 26 recorded that the strange demon church team was in Poseidon. City burned and killed civilians and was annihilated by federal troops.

At first glance, there didn't seem to be anything unusual, but when he saw Rexor's appearance, Serrits felt that something was wrong.

Rexor came back to his senses and glanced around, "Everyone, I have recovered my memory. In this memory of mine, there is the code name information of the senior intelligence officer who holds a high position in the Strange Demon Church. His code name It's 'The Butte of Tambus', we can simply call him 'The Butte'."

Rexor collected the information and continued:

"In the unblocked memory, I have cooperated with him three times. I can personally prove his honor and loyalty. We will summarize the specific cooperation content together after everyone has unblocked the memory."

He looked at Seritus and nodded to him.

Seretes took the secret medicine and drank it in one gulp.

After he paused briefly in deep meditation, he opened his eyes and similarly took out his intelligence collection and read it, with the same look on his face.

“The memory I have sealed here is the original identity information of ‘Lone Peak’.” Cerites closed the intelligence collection and said:

"He was originally a researcher at the biological laboratory of Tambus State, with a formal mage level and a background in bio-alchemy. In the tragedy of Tambus State many years ago, his parents, brothers, sisters, wife and children all died at the hands of the Strange Demon Church. . During the process of rebuilding Tambus State, he came into contact with the strange demons who tried to destroy the reconstruction. After communicating with the temple, he decided to become the nail planted by the temple in the strange demon church and avenge his relatives. In the end, he , he became a hybrid mage as an intelligence agent."

Serete paused and patted the cover of the intelligence collection, "I have also cooperated with him three times, and I can prove his honor and loyalty."

Seretes looked at the female mage sitting at his side, "Serebolina, it's your turn."

Serepolina entered this secret room as Lady Starry Night. She was wearing a dark blue robe embellished with star patterns. The ends of her long black hair were dark purple, and her face was covered by a hazy spell mist, making it difficult to see clearly.

Serepolina picked up the secret potion and put it into her mouth with an elegant gesture. Her white neck shrugged slightly and she swallowed the potion in her mouth.

After a brief meditation, Serepolina said:

"The memory I unsealed is the identity information of the spy of 'Lone Peak'. His name in the Church of Strange Demons is Ufaris. He made a contract with Qualuowuqi, Iboyik and other blood demons to form a team. Only a high-level blood demon."

Serepolina thought for a few seconds, "He once led three religious groups to attack Poseidon and surrounding cities. The federal army repelled them. In my memory, only Ufaris left alive. He and a group of The high-level elemental puppets specially made by the temple teleported together and escaped the siege of the army with the support of the master of the dark room."

Serepolina looked at Kadum, who had octopus-shaped ears.

Kadum picked up the potion bottle and poured the potion into his arm.

A mouth full of triangular fangs split open on his arm and drank the entire potion.

Kadum closed his eyes and then opened them. His slender tongue passed across his lips and said:

"Hiss~ The memory I unsealed is the action instruction given by the temple to 'Lone Peak'. The high-level elemental puppet he brought into the Strange Demon Church was a specially made puppet with the blood of an artificial pure-blood mage.

“According to the request of ‘Lone Peak’ himself, this puppet was made using flesh and blood alchemy instead of elemental alchemy. It has human organs and flesh and blood tissue, and a certain degree of human consciousness.

"The blood of a man-made pure-blood mage gives him the ability to perform blood magic. If everything goes well for 'Lone Peak' in the Strange Demon Church, he can use this puppet to become a deacon's assistant second only to Nuk'alofa. And take on the job of cracking the puppet.”

Kadum pondered for a moment and added:

"I have never cooperated with him. But I have deciphered a lot of information about the Strange Demon Church related to him."

He pointed at his head, "The way I communicate with him here, as well as the communication records between many demon hunting schools and him."

Kadum looked at the last of the five.

After receiving the signal from his eyes, Adanawados drank the secret potion.

"The memory I unblocked is the spiritual talisman that helped him regain his humanity."

Adanawados said while stroking his beard:

"The Strange Demonic Church deprives humans of their humanity by [distorting their senses]. After we contact 'Lone Peak', we must immediately send him the spiritual talisman to relieve the Strange Demonic Church's control over him and help him find the Return to humanity. Otherwise...otherwise he will probably betray us."

Adanawados sighed, "But we have to know that once he regains his humanity, the scene within the Strange Demon Church will change dramatically in his eyes. By then... it will take him a long time to adapt. Come here. In the past, his level was not high, and his abnormal behavior after removing the sensory distortion would not attract much attention. But he may be the assistant to the deacon now... maybe he will face Nuk'alofa."

"We have to believe in him," Rexor said, "I believe that he can quickly adapt to the images seen with his normal senses."

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