My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 328 Mutant Nutritional Cream

"Another essential prop when operating in the Forbidden Magic Field is this." Kristo picked up a dark yellow potion and introduced:

"Blood melting agent. A prop specially used to erase the blood pattern characteristics and destroy the blood magic puppet. After you disconnect the blood magic puppet, the life energy in it will still exist for a while before dissipating. Use this After using the blood melting agent, the blood magic puppet's body will instantly disintegrate and disappear, leaving no clues for the Strange Demon Church to follow."

Xia Zuo looked at the blood melting agent, then at the mixed blood mage's concentrated blood sample, and used the detection technique on both. The feedback results were consistent with what Kristo said.

But...he doesn't seem to have any use for these two things...

A long time ago, when his hemogen servants unexpectedly arrived in Stillwater Town, they cast blood magic many times, and they were successful every time, and they did not attract the attention of the Forbidden Magic Field or the Church of Strange Demons.

In other words, he can freely cast blood magic in the forbidden magic field without using a blood-patterned amulet made from concentrated blood samples.

The reason behind this, Xia Zuo can only temporarily attribute to the possible relationship between him and Black Flag. Just imagine, a strange devil who holds a high position in the strange devil church must have the authority to cast spells in the forbidden magic field. It is precisely because of this that Xia Zuo can use blood magic without hindrance.

As for the blood melting agent...

This thing is also superfluous to him.

Whether you manually disconnect the hemogen servant or dismiss the servant on the character template, the hemogen servant will disappear immediately without leaving any traces.

Judging from Kristo's solemn look, it is not difficult to infer that she is particularly concerned about the remaining life energy of the blood magic puppets... Could it be that the blood magic puppets of hers and other pure-blood mages are far less useful than the hemogen servants? Can't move freely?

It's possible that Xia Zuo nodded slowly and said:

"Thanks, Crystal. I'll remember it. Do you have any suggestions on making a blood magic puppet? I'm still at the stage where I can make it, change its size and appearance, and equip it with some elemental weapons. "

"Come with me, I'll show you." Kristo walked towards her quiet room carrying a tray with silver sand.

In the empty room, Kristo summoned furniture on the wooden floor, and then took out a portable alchemy table from her alchemy pocket.

She sorted the glass bottles on the tray into categories and placed them on the shelves of the alchemy table.

"Rexor and I have given you a rough description of your hemonic servants. It seems to me and other pureblood mages that your hemonic servants are very similar to Quamanda's."

Kristo said while tidying up the alchemy table:

"Quamanda is the ancestor of the Kua bloodline controlled by the Strange Demon Church. He was corrupted by the Strange Demon Church at the end of the 4th era. Before Quamanda's fall, he was in charge of a legion called the Bloody Dawn, and all its members were Quaman The hemogen servants built by Da and his descendants.

"Quamanda's method of condensing and arming hemonic servants has become a classic in the world of pure-blood mages. Although most people are unable to create blood magic puppets like hemonic servants, we have still found an approximate path. .”

Kristo reached out and pressed the ignition lever of the alchemy table, "What I want to demonstrate is a blood magic puppet that imitates the Blood Hound of the Blood Dawn Legion. From now on, please pay attention."

Xia Zuo stood next to the alchemy table, staring intently at Kristo's movements.

More than half of the raw materials brought by the other party were things Xia Zuo had never seen before.

The sharp beak of an adult golden phoenix, the tough shell of a mud stone monster, the strong sinews of a Kendus centaur... You can tell what the characteristics of these things are just by hearing their names. They are relatively easy to identify. Throw out the scrying skill. When the time comes, it can feed back accurate results - they are all mutant tissues of monsters.

But things like the moss bottom lip of a quagmire crawler, the bristle pads of a swamp moss crawler... these things not only sound weird, but also have a strange shape, and their purpose is even unclear. The feedback results of the scrying technique are mainly based on the predictions of Goldfinger. , did not give an accurate answer, and could only wait for Kristo to reveal it.

Kristo controls the alchemy table very quickly.

Light the fire, heat the crucible, evaporate the excess water, then pour in the thick potion and sprinkle the powder made from the monster's bone marrow. The robotic arm took over the work of stirring the crucible and continuously stirred the slurry inside clockwise and counterclockwise. Kristo then started processing other monster materials, crushing the bottom lip of moss and the thorny foot pads into slag, and then drying, breaking and grinding the sharp beak of the golden phoenix and other things.

Pour the processed monster materials into the crucible one by one, just like cooking a large pot of thick soup with rich ingredients. The color of the liquid in the crucible changed from yellowish brown to black, and it gave off a sour smell.

Cristo turned up the heat, poured in the mixed-blood mage's concentrated blood sample, and at the same time increased the speed of the mechanical arm's stirring of the crucible.

Finally, when the fire burned out all the water, a pot of black stuff like mud emerged freshly from the oven.

Cristo picked up the crucible with silver sand, turned it upside down on the alchemy table, and poured out a jelly-like translucent black thing.

"This is a mutant nutritional ointment, prepared for blood magic puppets. In the Blood Dawn Legion, it is also used as food for the blood servant soldiers."

Kristo took out a glass bottle from her alchemy pocket.

After uncorking the bottle, she quickly aligned the mouth of the bottle with the nutritional ointment and inserted it into it.

A fleshy fleshworm crawled out of the bottle, got into the nutritional paste, and then devoured the surrounding "jelly".

"This bug is a blood bug that I cultivated with my own vitality. It is a product of blood magic alchemy. It is gluttonous in nature and grows extremely fast. The most important thing is that it eats a nutritional paste made from mutant tissue. Afterwards, it will enter a state of continuous mutation and acquire part of the abilities of the mutated tissue."

Cristo's fingertips slid over the glass bottles containing the raw materials one by one, and introduced at the same time:

"If the mutation goes well, the sharp beak of the adult golden phoenix will give the bloodworm a set of fangs and sharp teeth, the tough shell of the mud monster will become its armor, and the strong sinews of the Kendus centaur will give it flexibility and legs. The explosive power…”

Xia Zuo took note of Cristo's words carefully and always paid attention to the blood worms in the nutritional ointment.

He discovered that the blood worms were rapidly growing in size, swelling and elongating visibly to the naked eye, from the original size of an index finger to half the size of a hand, almost growing as much as they ate.

Suddenly, the bloodworms curled up like they were eating a bad stomach, huddled into a ball and began to twitch.

Crystal stared at the blood worm and felt the state of her creation, "Well... it has begun to mutate. According to the designed mutation sequence, fangs should grow first."

As soon as she finished speaking, the blood worms that had formed into a ball straightened up with a bang. A round mouthpart covered with spikes appeared on the head of the bloodworm.

"吭哧吭哧吭哧..." The sound of bloodworms eating loudly sounded in the room, and they looked even more voracious than before.

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