My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 39 Visions and Spots of Light

At 7:30 pm that day.

The alchemy room in the poison alchemy area.

Xia Zuo operated the blower in front of the alchemy table to maintain the temperature in the crucible. The green liquid densely covered with tiny bubbles rolled in the crucible, sending wisps of green smoke into the air.

After a few minutes, the water evaporated, and a crispy yellow-green shell condensed on the wall of the pot.

He used a sharpened spatula to scoop off the thin shells, then used a stone mortar to mash them into powder, then poured in the pre-made potion, and stirred the two to form the base potion.

Add three drops of ink-like salicin, and the yellow-green potion turns black.

Pull the rope ring of the blower, turn the low heat to medium heat, and the area around the crucible becomes hot.

To the right of the crucible are lockers for raw materials. On its side, a rectangular wooden box was nailed.

Xia Zuo pushed up the side cover of the wooden box, reached out and groped for the button in the box, and after pressing it gently, a self-stirring arm unfolded from it.

He inserted the handle of the long-handled spoon into the slot of the mixing arm, and then inserted a horizontal wooden tip into the round hole at the end of the handle to prevent the spoon from slipping off the mixing arm during the mixing process.

Just tap the joint of the mixing arm, and the mixing arm will start mixing automatically.

This cooking process takes a long time and is used to process another basic toxin.

Xia Zuo brought a cylindrical porcelain jar from the toxin cabinet, about the size of a person's head. The cylinder body was the same thickness from top to bottom, and the mouth of the jar was sealed with three layers of oilcloth.

When the oilcloth was uncovered, there was a pile of wet kelp pieces inside, emitting a strong fishy smell of the sea.

Xia Zuo used tweezers to take out a piece of kelp, spread it flat on an iron plate, and let the dark green kelp stick to the smooth surface of the plate. He spent some time and carefully smoothed out every wrinkle.

Under the light of the alchemy lamp, you can vaguely see several thin black threads like hair swimming in the kelp.

Xia Zuo sealed the porcelain jar and put it back in place, put the iron plate on another stove, pulled the rope ring of the blower, heated the iron plate over low heat, applied oil to the kelp like a barbecue, and turned them over with tweezers. , apply oil again.

Pull the rope loop twice in succession, and the small fire will turn into a large fire.

Large white mist evaporated from the iron plate, and the kelp shrank amidst the sizzling water splash. Those thin black threads swam violently like a struggle, but they could never get out of the kelp and could only spin back and forth inside.

Xia Zuo picked up one end of the kelp piece, let the other end slide over the hot iron plate, and then slid it in the opposite direction, so that both the front and back sides of the kelp piece were baptized by the high temperature.

In just over ten seconds, the edges of the kelp curled inward due to dehydration.

He pulled the loop a fourth time, closing the stove vent.

As the fire in the stove gradually decays, the small opening on the side of the stove delivers air to maintain the flame's momentum and prevent it from being completely extinguished.

The residual heat of the iron plate bakes the kelp slices into a thin yellow stick.

Xia Zuo held a pair of large iron pliers in each hand, clamped the hot iron plate and came to the edge of the crucible, puffed up his cheeks and blew gently, and the thin yellow rod floated into the crucible.

A layer of yellow-brown water bubbled up from the water, and black thin lines broke into pieces after emerging from the water.

Stir a few times with a spoon and the liquid turns green.

Xia Zuo looked back at his mentor who was lying on the soft sofa. He was still immersed in meditation.

The hot barbecue just now, no matter the sound or smell, did not disturb the other party. It seems that the meditative state is not easily interrupted by the outside world.

He returned his gaze to the crucible.

Basic toxins are mixed to form complex toxins.

Toxins can be prepared by mixing complex toxins with specific solvents.

He poured in the last ingredient - a large bowl of ginger water, which was the solvent for this poison making.

Next, it needs to be steamed for 10 to 20 minutes. Specifically, whether to stop the fire should be judged according to the color and consistency.

A peculiar smell spreads in the alchemy room, the concentration of toxins in the air is getting higher and higher, and the blood deduction speed is slowly increasing.

In the past few months, Xia Zuo discovered another wonderful use of detection.

Originally, he estimated the situation in the crucible based on the blood depletion speed, and managed to maintain the quality of the poison at an excellent level.

It wasn't until one day that he suddenly had a whim and threw the detecting technique at the unformed poison in the cauldron, and he realized how stupid he had been...


[Item Name] Green Bone Poison

[Prop type] Poison

[Item Level] Apprentice Level

[Prop quality] Current completion level is 72%

It is estimated that after 15 minutes, the completion rate will rise to 93%

It is expected that after 21 minutes, the completion level will drop from 93% to 75%

[Related Resistance 1] Water Resistance

[Related Resistance 2] Wind Resistance

[Related Resistance 3] Earth Resistance

It is expected that after the three series of resistances reach 0.5%, the impact of this prop on the host will be significantly reduced.

[Props Description] Produced by Xia Zuo

[Props Effect]

After drinking the entire bottle, you will gain 1 layer of vulnerability effect, and the damage taken by the body will be increased by 10%. The effect will last for 10 seconds.

Xia Zuo waited patiently for a moment, turned off the stove in advance at 14 minutes and 30 seconds, wiped the spoon and stirring arm, and put the latter back into the square box.

The crucible is about half full of green liquid, which can fill 5 teacup-sized glass bottles.

This was the second dose of poison tonight. Before this, he had already produced more than twenty tubes of black-eye poison.

In addition to these, there are more than a dozen bottles of white palate poison made several months ago on the shelf dedicated to storing finished poisons.

As long as the poison is stored properly, the shelf life is at least 3 years. You don't have to worry about expiration and deterioration, but you have to always pay attention to whether there are signs of leakage.

Xia Zuo arranged all the poisons he made neatly on the locker, walked into the small classroom and called Anruer.

"So much poison!"

As soon as Anruer arrived in the alchemy room, she let out a low cry, immediately covered her mouth, and timidly looked at Kulov on the soft sofa.

Xia Zuo made a "silence" hand gesture.

Kulov was only very serious when he was making poison, and he always behaved very easy-going, but this could not be a reason to disrespect him.

He once asked Kulov why he meditated in the alchemical chamber instead of opening a special quiet room.

Kulov only said one sentence:

"Making poisons exposes people to toxins, and toxins can kill people."

In the two hundred years since Starry Night Academy was founded, no one has ever died due to toxins.

First of all, this is due to Kulov’s academic rigor and sense of responsibility for the safety of students’ lives.

Secondly, it is the role of spiritual attributes.

If the mental attribute value exceeds 9 points, elemental light can be seen.

The higher the number, the clearer and brighter the light.

Xia Zuo pulled An Ruer to the locker and used the detection technique on her.


Anru'er's mental value has increased by 4 points since she entered school, and she is still 1 point away from reaching the minimum threshold to become a mage apprentice.

How could it improve so quickly?

A string of questions flashed through Xia Zuo's heart.

I don’t understand that maybe everyone’s situation is different, and some people are naturally suited to improve their spirits through reading.

Xia Zuo felt that his body might be just the opposite and not suitable for improving his spirit. With the help of Golden Finger, he could barely catch up with the progress of the students in the academy.

Otherwise, how to explain that the initial mental attribute value is only 1 point...

He suppressed his thoughts and handed An Ru'er a poison bottle the size of a little finger, "Can you observe what's inside?"

Anruer raised the poison bottle above her head and looked at the slender body of the bottle and the viscous black liquid in the bottle at the alchemy lamp on the ceiling.

"There is no trace of cyan light swimming around, which seems to be traces of wind elements, and there are also small brown light spots, which should be traces of earth elements."

Anruer held the cork at the mouth of the bottle, "Can I open it and smell it?"

Xia Zuo nodded, "Okay. However, this bottle of poison has no taste..."

"Bo" the bottle cork was pulled out.

Anruer flapped her nose, inhaling the smell of some poison, closed her eyes and frowned, saying:

"It really has no taste. Well, let me think about it, I seem to have seen this kind of poison in the "Encyclopedia of Poisons"."

"Want to try it? You'll know what kind of poison it is after you try it."

Xia Zuo grinned, a little curious about the other party's reaction to trying the medicine.


Anruer nodded her head and poured the poison into her mouth the next second.

Xia Zuo didn't expect her to move so neatly, without even a little hesitation, and quickly dragged her to the chair and sat down, "Hurry and lie down on the table."

Anruer looked at him and blinked, drawing a few circles with her fingers on her ears.

This is where the poison's deafening effect comes into play.

Xia Zuo gestured to her to close his eyes and lie down on the table, but found that the other party had no response and just looked at him with confused eyes.

Anru'er's pupils dilated and her eyeballs gradually turned black, looking a little weird.

During the hallucination effect, everything in the field of vision will appear distorted.

At the same time, after the pupil is dilated, the sensitivity to light will be significantly increased.

Xia Zuo had experienced the visual hallucination effect, so he did not dare to act rashly, fearing that his actions would scare the other party.

"Cyan, red, brown, aqua... wow~ you have so many lights like little stars on your body. It's strange, you can't see them normally, but you can see them after drinking this poison."

Anruer narrowed her eyes and raised the corners of her mouth, as if she was facing something beautiful and charming.

This time it was Xia Zuomeng's turn.

The visual hallucination effect of Ganqing's black-eyed poison is also affected by the mental attributes.

It's okay that the elemental light treats people like him who are unqualified in mental attributes differently.

How come even the poison I made myself is like this...

I'm really shocked...

Xia Zuo resisted the urge to cover his face and slap his forehead, and still remained standing.

The poisonous effect of 1 minute passes quickly.

Anru'er's body trembled slightly, her pupils instantly returned to their original state, she stared at the person in front of her and smiled:

"It's great. This poison can help me see the light of more elements. Is this really a poison? Well... it should be the black-eye poison, right?"

"Ahem, it's the black-eyed poison." Xia Zuo said, holding his forehead, and with a thought, he used the detection technique on the opponent again.


[[Wind Resistance] 3%

[[Water Resistance] 2%

[[Earth Resistance] 0→0.007%

After Anruer drank the black-eye poison, her soil resistance increased by 0.007%. The remaining two resistances did not change because they exceeded 0.5%.

While he was dazed, Anruer walked to the locker, picked up the second black eye poison, drank it, and then sat back on the chair.

Isn't this a bit too reckless...

Xia Zuo was shocked by the other party's actions and immediately recalled the scene of his first anatomy class.

Anruer dissected a white mouse at his instigation, and then strongly requested another one...

This girl seems to have a hidden wildness that will be released with a little guidance.

Be more careful in the future...

He froze again and allowed the other person's fingers to tap lightly on his body.

"1...2...3...well, they got in and I can't see them anymore."

Anruer retracted her fingers in disappointment, paused for a few seconds and then smiled happily:

"Yeah~ It's out again. Let me count again. 1, 2, 3"

Listening to her laughter, Xia Zuo's heart gradually became heavy.

If these small light spots of different colors represent elemental resistance...

After Anruer drank the black-eye poison, she could clearly see the resistance status on his body.

Then...can professors who haven't drank the black eye poison see it?

There is almost a 100% chance that the improvement in my resistance during this period has not escaped the observation of the professors.

Xia Zuo looked up his character template in his mind.




[[Fire Resistance] 2%

[[Water Resistance] 0+0.5%→0.5%

[[Earth Resistance] 0+0.5%→0.5%

[[Wind Resistance] 0+0.5%→0.5%





[Free attribute points] 0+1+2→3

(The rest of the attributes have not changed, so they are omitted in full)

For the past four months, he drank homemade poison like water.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't take it outside the poison refining area, he would have wanted to carry a large bag of poison and drink it while reading or attending class.

The resistances of water, earth, and wind have all reached the peak of trainee-level alchemists.

Now after drinking the apprentice-level poison, you can only gain the most basic experience and extremely weak will attribute rewards.

His gains in poisons dropped sharply, so he focused on reading.

The 25 general course textbooks for the 7 alchemy general courses were all put into the [Knowledge Reserve] library, giving a total of 4.8 points of spirit, and the remaining 0.4 points came from extracurricular readings.

Under the current situation, he believed that it would not be a problem to directly take the general course examination.

He was still hesitating about what rank to take and how to disguise himself. Little did he know that his change in resistance might always be exposed to the eyes of the professors...

Xia Zuo glanced at the direction of the soft sofa with complex eyes, but he didn't have much worry in his heart.

In the second month after school started, Mason and Brandon made mistakes one after another and were forced to transfer to the pharmacy and alchemy discipline.

From then to this moment, he and Kulov had been alone for two months, and he could feel that the other person's kindness and easy-going were not disguised, but his nature.

"Hey, let's take a step at a time."

Xia Zuo sighed silently, put away the loneliness on his face, squeezed out a smile, picked up the poison bottle the size of a teacup and said:

"Want to try this? Green Bone Poison, the poison has a very short effect, only 10 seconds."

Anru'er noticed that the mood of the person in front of her was a little low, lowered her head and whispered, "Did I do something wrong?"

In the entire school, the person who knows me best is Kulov, and the second one is you... Xia Zuo reached out and touched the bun on her head:

"No, I just thought that my spiritual ocean is still not developed enough..."

Anruer took Xia Zuo's hand and shook it a few times, raised her head and said with a smile:

"It's okay, I will wait for you. We will become a mage apprentice together."

Xia Zuo patted her on the head and said, "Stop holding her back, the professor is still behind."


Anruer picked up the poison bottle the size of a teacup and looked at the clock on the wall. "It's 8 o'clock in the evening. Do we want to go back?"

“It’s already so late”

Xia Zuo pondered for a few seconds and then said, "Then let's go back to the dormitory. If you don't have class tomorrow night, I will teach you how to make black eye poison."


Anruer nodded her head, her eyes full of expectation.

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