8 a.m. that day.

Xia Zuo walked into the poison alchemy area.

Kulov put down the book in his hand, stood up from the soft sofa, yawned, reached for the teacup and took a sip of tea, and then asked:

"How do you read the five basic textbooks on Kit Kat object learning?"

"Professor, I've memorized it all."

Xia Zuo stood in front of the other party with his hands lowered with a serious look on his face.

Kulov laughed silently, as if this was indeed the case:

"Now that you've memorized everything, which alchemy do you want to learn first? Continue to learn the entry-level alchemy of poisons, or learn the science of Kit Kat objects that interests you?"

Can I also choose my own class content? ...Xia Zuo blinked and looked at his mentor with slight surprise.

"After you pass the final exam, you will be considered an official student of the school. You will be treated the same as a naturally friendly student.

“The academic philosophy of the Alchemy School puts interest first, followed by hard work.”

Kulov put his hands behind his back and said confidently:

"As long as it doesn't involve master-level content, I can teach you anything."

Xia Zuo wanted to learn Kit Kat Object Alchemy and see the magic of the Life Alchemy Stone as soon as possible, but the contents of the five textbooks made him give up this idea.

Kit Kats are a branch of the alchemy of strange objects.

There are very obvious differences between the alchemy of strange objects and the alchemy of potions, poisons, and oils.

Its alchemical operations, alchemical ideas, and raw materials used are completely different from the other three alchemy disciplines.

If you choose to learn Kit Kat Objects at this time, it is equivalent to learning a new alchemy from scratch.

From the perspective of the efficiency of gaining experience, this is very uneconomical.

Xia Zuo thought for a moment and came to a conclusion:

"Professor, I want to learn entry-level poison alchemy."

Kulov nodded with a smile, "Your level of poison alchemy is very good. In terms of proficiency in alchemical operations, it is already close to the level of a skilled alchemist. However, let's take the test according to the regulations of the school. "

He took out a glass ball for proctoring from his desk, reached out and pressed it on it, closing his eyes and meditating for a few seconds.

The glass ball broke away from his palm and floated in mid-air, emitting a white light.

Kulov turned to his students, pointed to the clock on the wall and said:

"The head of the college is responsible for invigilating the exam. If you refine five bottles of different trainee-level poisons within 2 hours, you will have completed the exam."

Xia Zuo thought to himself, isn’t this simple?

After saluting the glass ball, he put on a mask to prevent the venom from splashing, walked to the front of the toxin cabinet and picked up a dozen basic toxins.

The alchemy table was in full swing, the furnace spewed out blazing fire from time to time, the ventilation duct above the head kept whirring, and the peculiar smell from the crucible filled the alchemy room.

After two hours of busy work, Xia Zuo, whose face mask was covered with various water stains, put down 5 bottles of freshly baked poison on the desk in front of the glass ball.

Each bottle is 100% complete, without any flaws at all, achieving perfect quality.

In [Elemental Vision], you can see many dim light spots flowing in the poison through the glass bottle.

The glass ball circled around the five bottles of poison at close range, and then landed smoothly on the table. The white light inside dissipated instantly.

"You passed this test under the witness of me and the head of the academy."

Kulov walked up to him and said:

"From now on, you are an entry-level poison alchemist. Give me your pendant, and I will get you a new one."

Xia Zuo raised the corners of his mouth, took off the pendant from his robe and handed it over, while reading the messages from Goldfinger.

"A change in the host's [identity] has been detected, and the character template has been updated."

【Identity 2】Poison Alchemist

【【Identity Level】

Apprentice level→entry level

[[Promotion conditions]

By passing the poison-making trial of mentor Kulov, you can become a skilled poison alchemist.

(The rest remains unchanged)

"Professor, what should I learn next?" Xia Zuo rubbed his hands expectantly.

"It's an entry-level conventional poison. Just try to refine it yourself.

"I will focus on teaching you the more difficult part of this stage - enhancing the poison effect."

Kulov found a classic book from the desk, opened it to the introduction section, and asked Xia Zuo to come over and read it.

The book is called "The Increased Effect of Poison".

According to the book, there are two ways of thinking about enhancing the poisonous effect.

One is to increase the explosive power of the poison effect at the expense of reducing the duration, that is, to increase the intensity of the poison effect.

The second is to extend the duration of the poisonous effect.

The alchemical processing method corresponding to the former is called poison refining.

The latter is called poison delay, and usually just increasing the dose can extend the duration of the poison effect.

If you want to increase the intensity and duration of the poison effect at the same time, you have to alternate poison refining and delay processing until the poison effect reaches the desired level.

The book also mentioned that depending on how the poison is applied, the speed at which the poison takes effect will be different.

The fastest way to administer a poison is by injection.

Apply the poison on a sharp weapon, pierce it into the target's body, and inject the poison into the body. The poison effect will take effect almost instantly.

There is something very embarrassing about this way of applying medicine.

Under normal circumstances, if you can pierce the target's protective gear and skin, then why bother applying poison? Just stab it continuously or bleed it and it will be over.

Moreover, you may injure yourself by applying poison to sharp objects.

Therefore, special effect sword oil is generally used instead of poison during combat.

The second fastest way for a poison to take effect is to take it.

Poisons have a smell that ordinary people can smell, let alone mages. Even mages' servants can see the dim light spots in the poison.

Although the execution conditions for this poisoning method are somewhat harsh, mixing poison into strong-flavored dishes is a common poisoning method.

The rest of the poisoning methods are not very good, and the effect is very slow, such as skin application, inhalation of smell, etc.

The target has enough time to withdraw from the poison's influence after detecting an abnormality.

When learning to enhance the poison effect, if there is no special instructions, taking it will be used as the method of poisoning.

The book "Intensification of Poison Effect" is very thin, only a dozen pages.

It took Xia Zuo less than 20 minutes to add this book to the [Knowledge Reserve].

There is a word that is mentioned repeatedly - poison refined powder, but no detailed explanation is seen.

Xia Zuo scratched his head:

"Professor, what is the poison refined powder mentioned in the book..."

Kulov took out another book from the table, held it in his hand and shook it:

"Old rule, if you don't make any mistakes for four consecutive months, I will hand over this "Guide to Preparing Poison Refined Powder" to you."

Xia Zuo's eyes shone and he nodded repeatedly, eager to try a more potent poison.

A stronger poison effect means more experience and will attribute rewards.

As long as the poison does not kill him, he can always recover with his [Immortal Body] and high blood recovery.

Seeing the student's high energy, Kulov showed an appreciative smile on his face.

He asked the other party to stand by the alchemy table and wait while he walked to the toxin cabinet and fetched a plate of glass bottles.

"The real refined poison powder is a very complex compound toxin."

"It is the product of master-level poison alchemy. At the entry-level stage, you only need to learn its simplified formula."

Kulov counted the glass bottles in front of him, "There are 16 basic toxins here."

He separated four bottles from them and placed them on another tray. "These four basic toxins are all related to the fire element and are auxiliary materials for poison refining powder."

Then, he divided the remaining 12 bottles of basic toxins into three equal parts and placed them on three trays.

"There are 4 basic toxins on each of these 4 trays. Each tray corresponds to 1 element type.

"The four basic toxins on the tray each correspond to one characteristic of the element."

The properties of elements.

Xia Zuo keenly captured the key information.

This new name has never appeared in the books I have read.

According to the instructor, if there are 4 basic toxins on a tray, then one element will have 4 qualities, and 4 elements will have 16 different qualities.

What will be their characteristics?

Xia Zuo suppressed his thoughts and continued to listen to the instructor's lecture.

Kulov spread his arms and drew a large circle in front of him, enclosing the four trays:

"If you can understand the relationship between these 16 poisons and elemental characteristics, you can become a skilled poison alchemist.

"You have good memory and understanding. You can memorize these 16 poisons first, and while refining the simplified poison powder, you can understand the relationship between toxins and elements."

Kulov watched Xia Zuo memorize these toxins attentively, and felt his love for poison alchemy.

He patted Xia Zuo on the shoulder:

“Promotion in any alchemy is inseparable from the accumulation of talent and experience.

“The products of poison alchemy are extremely poisonous.

“Accumulating experience in this branch is equivalent to accumulating toxins in the body that are difficult to remove.

"So in the Alchemy School, there have always been very few people in our branch. Those who can reach the expert level and master level all rely on their outstanding alchemical talents."

Kulov met the students' twinkling eyes and said solemnly:

“Courses that help you conceive of elemental qualities will be placed at the end of the introductory course.

"If you can understand all the elemental characteristics by yourself before I formally teach this course.

"I will grant you the entry-level meditation method in advance after you become a skilled poison alchemist."

"Really!?" Xia Zuo whispered excitedly.

Kulov nodded, "Of course it's true."


Xia Zuo felt that an extremely spacious and smooth promotion path appeared in front of him.

According to the normal process, you must become a skilled alchemist in all four alchemies at the same time before you can obtain the entry-level meditation method from your instructor.

Kulov's promise undoubtedly provided a shortcut, saving many years of long work.

Xia Zuo took a deep breath to calm down the agitation in his heart, and said slowly:

"Professor, just take a look. I will definitely be able to understand the characteristics of elements, and maybe I can become an expert poison alchemist in the future."

When Kulov heard this, he chuckled:

“It’s not as easy as you think to conceive of all the elemental qualities.

"The higher the level of your spiritual ocean, the easier it is to detect the characteristics of elements. It's just that you don't take it seriously.

"Like water...cough."

He almost spilled the beans, coughed lightly and continued:

"In short, whether you can understand the characteristics of elements without taking classes depends on whether you have paid attention to the details around you before.

"Don't be discouraged if you don't figure it out on your own. Most formal mages learn about them by taking classes."

That being said, timing is everything.

Since there is a shortcut and it doesn't delay your normal study, you have to give it a try.

Xia Zuo clenched his fists tightly...These 16 elemental qualities must be understood by oneself!

Kulov reached out and picked up a toxin bottle, paused for a moment, and then put the toxin bottle back.

"Your temperament, character, and alchemy talent are all very good. It always reminds me of myself back then..."

He touched his beard, his eyes flickered, and a look of memories appeared on his face:

“My mentor is the head of the college.

"About 50 years ago, after I became an entry-level poison alchemist, I spent 2 months comprehending all the elemental qualities.

"The instructor taught me the entry-level meditation method. She said it was the result of the spiritual ocean.

"Humans, the older you grow, the more burdens you have. Only when you are young can you play freely.

"If you had a good spiritual ocean in your childhood, then the elemental characteristics have already been engraved in your mind.

“What you have to do now is to summarize them and write them into specific words.

"I was lucky. When I was born, my spiritual ocean was close to the level of transformation. After joining the academy, everything went smoothly...

"Only later..."

Kurov's voice trailed off, silently immersed in memories.

The wall clock on the wall was ticking, and the sound of the beating gears of the second hand became the only sound here.

After about 1 minute.

He came back to his senses and asked in a low voice:

"Since you aspire to become an expert poison alchemist, I can give you some help in understanding the elements."

Kulov left the alchemy table, walked towards a wall of the alchemy room, reached out to open a certain stone brick, and pulled the lever of the mechanism inside.

The stone bricks on the wall move to the left, and a lighted passage appears in front of you.

Xia Zuo caught up with his mentor and walked in. After turning a right-angled corner, he came to another alchemy room.

The layout here is more compact than the alchemy room outside.

The main reason is that the alchemy platform in the center is more professional and complex than the alchemy platforms outside.

Its floor space has more than tripled, and the toxin cabinet has been squeezed into the wall to stand close to it.

The alchemy platform outside has a crucible in the middle and shelves on the left and right sides. The structure is relatively simple.

The alchemy platform here has four shelves, which are arranged in the four corners of the alchemy platform.

In the middle of the alchemy platform, in addition to the crucible and stove for heating, there is also a condensation stove, an oven for baking, and a pool of flowing water.

These four alchemical instruments surround the central circular storage platform.

The four shelves in the four corners were empty, with nothing on them.

Kulov told the only student present to bring in the tray outside and put it on the designated shelf.

When Xia Zuo was carrying the toxin bottle, his eyes were unconsciously attracted to the lines under his feet.

On the stone floor of this alchemy table, rectangular notches are used to frame the placement points of the four alchemy instruments, and circles are used to circle the positions of the storage shelves and the storage table, with straight line segments connecting the two.

The empty spaces on the floor are filled with patterns of stars and moons.

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