An Ru'er leaned on her arms and raised her head, smiling broadly and saying:

"Have you been waiting for me for a long time? Well... Professor Zhuo Lang told me about the future class schedule, and get out of class ended ten minutes late."

Xia Zuo patted her on the back and said, "Stop hugging her. Dim might be watching."

"I can't control it," Anruer muttered, holding hands and walking to the restaurant, "After lunch later, let's go to the lake for a walk."

After learning that she had passed the final exam this morning, she had been in a state of excitement. At lunch, I happily ate two portions of delicious food, then waved my hands and said I couldn't eat any more.

Xia Zuo looked at her amusedly as she walked carefully from the steps of the restaurant to the grass with her bulging belly and her hands on the railing.

"I feel so full. I regret it. I shouldn't have eaten so much. What if I gain weight..."

An Ru'er glanced at the people next to her who were snickering, stretched out her hand to grab the other person's sleeve and shook it a few times, "You didn't even try to persuade me, tell me to eat less."

Xia Zuo couldn't help but laugh. He didn't expect that after living two lives, he would still receive similar blame. "I also eat a lot. I naturally eat more when I am in a good mood."

An Ru'er laughed playfully and came forward to hug her waist.

Xia Zuo hugged her and said, "I learned a new recipe today. What about you?"

Anruer blinked playfully and raised her chin proudly:

"I'm about to start earning silver coins and points from the Mage Guild. Unexpectedly, I can get jobs while still a mage servant."

"Did Professor Zhuo Lang arrange it?"

Anruer nodded her head, hugged the other party's waist tightly, and said in a clear voice:

"The professor said that he has been teaching us for the past few months and has not even had time to complete the orders from the Warrior Guild. There is a huge backlog on hand.

"I can just help him complete the simplest part of the order. When I receive the payment, I will take 60% and hand over the remaining 40% to Professor Zhuo Lang. After all, he provides the materials and space to complete the order. of."

This is quite good.

Not only can you practice your skills in blending oils, but you can also make some extra money. You can make alchemy and make money at the same time.

But, having said that, why hasn’t Professor Kulov announced the sharing plan? It seems that I have never seen him accept a reward order from outside, right?

Xia Zuo tilted his head suspiciously.

Could it be that his mentor is an invisible rich man? No need to worry about the cost of living and practicing meditation at all?

He shrugged.

Why worry about all this? Just learn the poison recipe.

"There's more~" Anru'er hugged her waist and twisted gently, attracting her little boyfriend's attention:

“Professor Zhuolang showed me the entry-level and advanced-level oil formulas and finished products.

"Wow~ It's really too much.

“At the entry level alone, there are 30 types of sword oils for different uses and more than a dozen other oils.

"You can't imagine the smell of a room full of bottles and cans, with hundreds of oils mixed together."

Anruer chirped and described the scene at that time, mentioning several times that she almost choked to tears due to the rich and complex smell. I also complained about the shortcomings of the oil. Even though the smell in the room was so bad, I still couldn't open the windows for ventilation, otherwise the oil would evaporate more violently.

Xia Zuo had a thought in his mind and used the detection technique on her.


[Wind Resistance] 3%+0.02%→3.02%

According to An Ru'er's experience, nine times out of ten, the master of oil alchemy will increase wind resistance.

It is still not completely certain what kind of resistance the master of potion alchemy adds. It is most likely water resistance.

Among the three branches of strange object alchemy, the giant creator plus fire resistance is certain, and Xiao Moben is the best example.

The resistance added by Kit Kat Object Studies and Elemental Embodiment Studies is unknown.

At present, it seems that among the four types of alchemy, the only one that can improve four types of resistance at once is poison alchemy.

Why is this?

Xia Zuo's thoughts drifted back to the days when he was stranded at the Rossak Checkpoint.

Mars once mentioned that the meditation method of poison alchemy is similar to the demon hunting school of the Eastern Continent. He used the example of eating pancakes to explain the style of the demon hunting school.

In short, the Demon Hunting School is a group of people who use their will and body to forcibly contain unruly elements.

No matter what kind of element it is, try to absorb it first after you find it.

If it works, then everything will be fine.

If it doesn't work, then rest for a while and wait until your body recovers or gets stronger before trying the next one.

If you think about it this way, all members of the Demon Hunting School should be able to increase the resistance of all four elements at the same time.

Poison Alchemy can provide four series of resistances at once, which makes sense.

"I'm not done yet."

Anruer paused for a while, took a few breaths, folded her arms and shook her head and said:

"Professor Zhuolang said that the kingdom has plans to expand its territory.

"Our mage servants can't help on the front line, but they can provide good logistics in the academy.

"Make more oils and potions and store them. When we really open up the territory in the future, we will sell them all to the army and warrior guilds..."

Xia Zuo nodded while listening, indicating that he was listening carefully, and followed the other person around the lake, his mind flying to other places.

The relationship between the two will be stable in the foreseeable next few years or even more than ten years.

Now that the bond has been established, we must help Anruer plan well.

He was very careful, holding a few free attribute points that served as blood bottles in his hand.

Unless you offend a big boss by seeking death, raise your hand and kill him in seconds. Otherwise, you can rely on [Immortal Body], [Emergency Moment], recovery potions and free attribute points to save yourself.

However, Anruer is just an ordinary person and does not have an [immortal body].

This means that before the body’s resistance is broken, it is the healthiest and most resistant time.

Once you are paralyzed in bed after being attacked by disease, poisoning, physical trauma, etc., it will inevitably leave behind the root cause of the disease, hidden diseases or hidden injuries.

In digital terms, every time an ordinary person enters a near-death state, a certain upper limit of blood volume and vitality will be permanently deducted.

But they were unable to replenish their lost maximum blood volume and vitality by adding points, and eventually became irreversibly weak.

Xia Zuo's experience in his previous life left him in this helpless situation.


Something must be done to prevent Anruer from falling into blindness.

All armors are available, and the resistance is huge!

These eight words instantly appeared in my mind.

If you find a way to improve vitality in the future, you must use it on her in time after you confirm that there are no side effects.

Xia Zuo looked at Anruer solemnly, and the concern in his eyes swept over her like a heat wave.

"What's wrong...why are you looking at me like that..." Two blushes appeared on Anruer's cheeks.

Xia Zuo hugged her hard for a few seconds, then let go of his arms and smiled:

"I thought of something. It's almost time. Let's go back and rest. We have classes later."

"Well" Anru'er touched her stomach and felt that the bloating had subsided a lot. She smashed it in her mouth a few times and said, "Let's try the seafood boiled set meal tonight. I haven't had it for a long time."

"Well, I can do whatever you want."

There is another chapter in 10 minutes.

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Thanks to Fatty Luan, Chuotou Chou Chou, Lan Qi, An O Tou, Love, Will Transfer, snail, Chinese character order does not affect reading, Yushan, Yulian_Ailian, Kazak is here, Book Friends 20191004231446817, Zhong Zhiqing, Who Am I?, Qingqingqingti, One by One | One, Godhead, Joy in Sorrow, Majin Emperor, Minako Isei and many other book friends' recommendations.

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