At 1pm on the same day.

Xia Zuo returned to the poison alchemy area and came to the shelf where poisons were placed.

He took a bottle of refined White Palate Poison and sat on a chair, using the Detection Technique to carefully confirm the potency of the poison.

(In parentheses are the data after calculating willpower and resistance. This sentence will be omitted from now on.)

After drinking this bottle of White Palate Poison, you will get 2 layers of suffocation effect, deducting 30 (28) blood points every minute, the effect lasts for 1 (0.97) minutes, and deducting 30 (28) blood points in total.

White palate poison without refined powder has a poisonous effect of causing 1 layer of suffocation, deducting 20 blood points every minute for 3 minutes, totaling 60 blood points.

After adding refined powder, the intensity of the poison effect is increased, but the duration is shortened, and the total blood deduction is reduced by half.

As long as you refine another bottle of refined White Palate poison and use the two bottles together, the blood deduction amount will be the same as before refining. At the same time, the time it takes for the poison effect to fully take effect is reduced from 3 minutes to 2 minutes.

There is only a 1-minute difference between deducting 60 HP points in 3 minutes and 60 HP deducting points in 2 minutes, but it is a qualitative improvement. The speed at which the poison effect takes full effect is increased by 33%.

Xia Zuo took a look at his blood volume data.

【HP】50/50 (health)

[Basic blood return speed]

0.12 o'clock/minute (7 o'clock/hour)

Drinking a bottle of refined White Palate Poison will deduct 28 blood points, and the blood volume will drop to 22 points, slightly less than 50%, which is relatively safe.

Not taking into account the extra blood regeneration speed bonus brought by [Emergency Moment], you can drink a bottle of refined poison in about 4 hours.

What if the special effects of [Emergency Moment] were also taken into consideration?

Xia Zuo felt as if he was about to develop a sexy routine.

【Emergency moment】

When the blood volume is lower than 50% of the upper limit, the blood recovery speed bonus provided by vitality is increased by 50%. When the blood volume is lower than 25% of the upper limit, the effect of [Emergency Moment] is doubled!

Assume that the upper limit of blood volume is 60 points, and the basic blood recovery speed remains unchanged at 7 points/hour.

First drink a bottle of refined White Palate Poison, 28 points will be deducted, leaving 32 points.

Then drink another bottle and deduct 28 points, leaving 4 points.

Since the 4-point blood volume is less than 25% of the upper limit, double the [Emergency Moment] special effect is triggered, and the [Basic Blood Recovery Speed] is increased by 100%, reaching 14 points/hour.

When the blood volume is higher than 15 points, the additional blood recovery speed provided by [Emergency Moment] is reduced to 50%, and the [Basic Blood Recovery Speed] is reduced to 10.5 points/hour.

It only takes about 2.5 hours to recover from 4 health points to 32 health points.

Using this solution, the interval between drinking White Palate Poison can be compressed from 4 hours to 2.5 hours, a reduction of 37.5%.


The art of blood line control.

It is difficult to suppress others' blood pressure, but it is easy to suppress yourself.

Maybe, in the future, the upper limit of blood volume will be increased to hundreds of points, and you can rely on [Emergency Moment] to level up by pouring poison 24 hours a day.

Xia Zuo nodded while holding the poison bottle.

However, there is no need to do this now.

On the one hand, risking a low bloodline to try White Palate Poison is really not taking life seriously. On the other hand, there are not so many deadly poisons in stock.

Let’s keep this leveling plan that relies on [Emergency Moment] as a backup for now.


He raised his head and drank the refined White Palate poison, then skillfully kicked his legs up and leaned on the back of the chair.

Suffocation is uncomfortable.

But he didn't panic at all, and acted much calmer than the first time he drank White Palate Poison. Not dead anyway. Just take a nap and get through it.

1 minute later.

The sound of huffing and puffing breathing sounded in the basic alchemy room.

Xia Zuo gasped and slumped down on the chair, waiting patiently for his blood volume to recover.

A few more minutes passed. The dizziness in the head dissipates on its own as the blood line rises, and the brain returns to a awake and sharp state.

"Successfully consuming 1 bottle of White Palate Poison (self-made, 1 time refining) will reward you with an additional 40% experience bonus, gain 10.5 experience points, increase the will attribute by 0.0105 points, and increase the water, wind, and earth resistance by 0.0105%."

Well? How come there are 10.5 experience points? It is seven to eight points more than the refined black-eye poison.

Xia Zuo raised his head and rested his head on the back of the chair, staring blankly at the alchemy lamp on the ceiling, looking through the previous information in his mind.

Oh oh oh, by the way, I only drank one-third of the bottle each time before, but this time I drank the whole bottle.

One-third of the 10.5 experience points is 3.5 points, which is about 1 point more than before.

Can we only drink a third of the bottle?

The amount of blood deducted for one-third of the bottles is about 9 points.

Press the blood line below 50%, and the blood return speed is 10.5 points/hour, which is exactly the same as the blood deduction amount. You can drink one-third of a bottle per hour and drink one bottle every three hours at a poison testing speed.

Xia Zuo walked to the shelf and prepared another bottle of refined White Palate poison.

He brought a measuring cup, poured out one-third of it, then took a sip from the measuring cup.

Perhaps it was due to the increase in willpower and resistance. Apart from a little itchiness in the throat and nose, and some twitching in the body, there were no other poisonous effects.

The dose is not enough, and the poisonous effect of suffocation cannot be exerted.

This trial was judged as a failure by Golden Finger and there was no reward.

Xia Zuo pouted and poured the remaining two-thirds into his mouth.


The itching in the throat worsened, and the limbs shook uncontrollably. Even if I inhale and exhale hard, pushing and pulling my chest like a blower, I can still manage to breathe.

These discomforts lessen over time.

My mind is still blank, there is no information about Goldfinger.

It seems that opportunism will not work anymore. You must meet the conditions set by the golden finger to gain experience. Otherwise, don't expect to get any rewards.

Xia Zuo put down the empty bottle with a helpless expression.

He calculated the time for the next medicine test against the clock on the wall, and then walked into the advanced alchemy room to refine the refined powder.

Late in the evening, before dinner.

There are 3 more bottles of refined powder of black eye poison and 1 bottle of refined powder of white palate poison on the shelf.

This is the result of today’s refining.

With the goal of maximizing the efficiency of experience acquisition, by refining at full power for a whole day from morning to night, you can obtain 9 bottles of refined powder of black eye poison and 2 bottles of refined powder of white palate poison.

Drink 1 bottle of refined white palate poison in the morning and afternoon, and use refined black eye poison as filler at the rest of the time.

If you make a full calculation, you can get about 50 experience points in a day, which is 1500 points in a month. The upgrade speed is close to level 1 per month.

Judging from my experience over the past two years, upgrading one level per month is definitely a very fast upgrade speed.

While Xia Zuo was calculating these data, he cleaned the glass bottles that he drank today.

After everything was packed up, he left the poison alchemy area.

During dinner, the lake view is beautiful at night, which is the most leisurely and comfortable time of the day.

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

Xia Zuo always felt that Anruer's behavior seemed to have become more intimate.

In the past, they always sat facing each other, but tonight she changed the place and came to sit next to her. Take the initiative to scoop up a bowl of delicious food for the person next to you, and also bring him a cup of his or her favorite drink.

Tsk tsk tsk~

Is the little gift I gave you yesterday so powerful?

Xia Zuo enjoyed the delicious seafood with a smile, and took a sip of the drink happily from time to time.

He also didn't forget to pick up the spoon, fill Anruer's favorite bowl of squid tentacles, and then refill her empty cup with juice.

The dinner, which was supposed to be settled in ten minutes, was delayed until after 6pm in the evening due to the romantic atmosphere between you and me.

Xia Zuo sent An Ru'er into the corridor of the dormitory, and he hurried into the poison alchemy area, pressing the whistle and rushing to the instructor before the usual evening classes began.

"Professor, I'm here."

As soon as he entered the basic alchemy room, he saw more than a dozen wooden baskets placed on the ground, leaving only a narrow aisle for people to walk.

Kulov sat behind the desk and pointed to the wooden chair opposite, "You just need to correct the two boxes of test papers next to the chair, and leave the rest to me. The correct answers are in the manual beside the table."


Xia Zuo moved slowly, came to the desk and sat down. He bent down and picked up the wooden box for the examination from the wooden frame.

A pen filled with red ink floated to hand under the control of the instructor.

He held the pen, pulled off the cap, found the lock on the wooden box and opened the cover.

Xia Zuo glanced at the name on the cover of the test paper and immediately found the corresponding character template in the [Knowledge Reserve].

This is a very strange classmate. The two have never spoken to each other in the past few months. He comes from the functional pharmacy discipline.

The handwriting on the test paper was quite neat, and the accuracy of the multiple-choice questions was very high, with only 15 points deducted. I put a lot of effort into the memory test points.

Unfortunately, I lost a lot of points on the application questions, with a total deduction of more than 200 points, all due to lack of practical experience.

Xia Zuo scratched his cheek suspiciously.

Could it be that the preparation materials recording the operation experience of poisonous alchemy have not been leaked?

Before the final exam last semester, he prepared an exam preparation material for each of An Ruer, Keli and Xiao Moben.

Needless to say, Anru'er, this girl obeyed her words and must have protected the preparation materials and the textbooks with test points marked to death.

Xiao Mo is not sociable, rather dull, and is naturally the type of person who will not take the initiative to reveal secrets.

Keli rarely met, and exam preparation materials were delivered through An Ruer.

Who is most likely to disclose test preparation materials to others?

Xia Zuo subconsciously thought that she was the one with the least contact with Keli Mueller.

This was groundless speculation and he would not mention it to anyone. What's more, there was no leakage.

However, having said that, why do we have to set questions that require practical experience to answer in the application questions?

Xia Zuo looked up at his mentor, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally asked the question.

Kulov crossed his arms and controlled three pens to mark the book. After hearing the students' questions, he thought for a while and said:

"The meditation method, just like its name, is a method of meditation. The difficulty of entering a meditative state is no less than imagining alchemical operations. You will understand when you get the entry-level meditation method."

Well... the instructor's implication is to use application questions to screen out students who are not suitable for practicing meditation.

Xia Zuo nodded clearly, put the test paper aside, bent down and picked up the next wooden box.

About 1 hour later.

A stack of corrected test papers was stacked on the left hand side, and there were several wooden boxes in the wooden frame at his feet.

Xia Zuo put down the pen, twisted his wrist to rest, and then opened the wooden box in front of him.

A familiar name appeared on the cover of the test paper:

Corrie Mueller, Functional Pharmacy.

Xia Zuo stared at the roll and blinked.

I really met it.

Having just graded a dozen test papers from students in the same subject, he had a hunch that he would encounter one from an acquaintance.

Keli's handwriting is as graceful as Anru'er's, with a shorter stroke and looks more capable.

I did a great job on the multiple-choice questions. I only got 1 wrong question and deducted 2 points.

As for application questions…

Xia Zuo was a little embarrassed.

This test paper tests the book "Separation of Toxins", which will involve a lot of separation methods of basic toxins and the sources of basic toxins.

Most base toxins come from different sources. The same basic toxin will generally appear in several similar things.

For example, cumin.

It is one of the two main ingredients of black eye toxin. Comes from dried old rattan. There are seven types of rattan available.

There are seven kinds of rattan, each of which must be written in the answer to get points.

They have their own scientific names and common names.

I should have written the scientific name during the exam.

But Keli probably got dizzy while answering the question, so she used a common name to refer to one of the rattans.

According to common sense, her paper will be deducted by 1 point.

The embarrassing thing is that she was just one point short of passing the exam.

When taking make-up exams, the number of subjects each student has to take is different. Therefore, passing is determined based on the score of each exam, rather than the total score of all make-up subjects.

If Xia Zuo is judged to be deducted 1 point, then Keli will have to retake "Separation of Toxins".

"Professor, will I be deducted if I use common names to refer to raw materials when answering application questions?"

Xia Zuo raised his head and asked, and then added:

"Kelly Muller is just one point short of passing the passing mark."

"Well..." Kulov pondered for a moment, "Let her score. However, it is only in her case."

"Yes." Xia Zuo nodded in response, feeling relieved.

He wrote the score on Keli's paper and put it on the right side.

The next few exam papers are also from the functional pharmacy discipline. There were 20 papers in total, and only Keli passed.

It's not that Xia Zuo doesn't want to give in, it's that there is really no room for points on the other people's papers.

9 pm.

The teachers and students at the desk put down their pens at the same time.

Kulov flipped through the test papers that Xia Zuo had corrected and put them on the corner of the table:

"Very good, nothing wrong. Go back and rest. We will mark the next test paper tomorrow night."

"See you tomorrow morning, Professor."

Xia Zuo walked towards the door, and Goldfinger's message came to his mind:

"Successfully corrected 20 test papers with 100% accuracy and gained 20 experience points.

"[Level] LV.12

"[Experience] 1132+20→1152/1600 points"

The number of marks tomorrow and the day after tomorrow should also be 20, totaling 60 points in three days, which is worth trying five or six bottles of refined white palate poison.

The temporary teaching assistant status gives you less experience, but the advantage is that you can get a monthly salary of 20 silver dollars. It may be better to accept the experience reward as a free gift of a generous salary.

In the next two days, Xia Zuo refined the poison and refined the powder during the day, took time to test the poison and get rewards, and spent the evening in the basic alchemy room, correcting test papers with his instructor.

On the night when the three exams on poison alchemy ended, both teachers and students breathed a sigh of relief.

One is looking forward to returning to the soft sofa to meditate soon, while the other is looking forward to soaking in the high-end alchemy room and refining poisons day and night...

Thanks 100 points for not thinking of a name before I give it a reward.

Thanks to Yongta’s Rikka, Green Plum of Heaven and Earth, Water of Canglang 66, Kaichou, Book Friends in Shuhuang, Book Friends 20180908222248488, and Zoulu Rabbit for your monthly votes.

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes!

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