Xia Zuo showed off in front of the freshmen and walked quickly through the rows of toxin cabinets.

In the basic alchemy room, Kulov sat behind the desk, and four students filed in from the door.

Xia Zuo stood aside with his hands down, leaving the scene to his mentor.

"I am Kulov, Professor of Poison Alchemy. Your temporary mentor."

Kulov emphasized the word "temporary."

He stood up unhurriedly and walked over to the new students:

"The raw materials and products of poison alchemy are highly poisonous. The three of you are all excellent seedlings. I don't want to lose any of you due to an accident during the poison making."

Kulov pointed in the direction of Xia Zuo:

"At this time last year, including your teaching assistant, there were three freshmen in the Poison Alchemy School. Now he is the only one left."

These words made the expressions of Yolanda and the three of them change slightly.

Xia Zuo suppressed his smile with a sullen face, but he didn't expect his instructor to make a joke.

Kulov touched his beard and said solemnly:

"The other two made mistakes during the poison testing. I transferred them to the pharmacy and alchemy department before they made bigger mistakes.

“This is a rule unique to our poison alchemy.

"No one can make mistakes in the first four months after enrolling. Otherwise, I will force you to transfer to other subjects."

Yolanda and the other three nodded in agreement.

Kulov pointed to Xia Zuo again:

"In the past few months, Xia Zuo has never made a mistake in the process of refining poisons. His cautious and careful character is worth learning from you.

"There were more than 100 people in his class. Only nine people passed the final exam six months later. He was one of them.

"In the future, the three of you can ask him for advice, whether it is a general course on alchemy or a branch course on poison alchemy."

If Xia Zuo himself recounted his past achievements, he would inevitably be considered to be bragging.

But if these words were spoken by a mentor, the effect would be completely different. They can help young assistants establish the most basic authority.

The three freshmen looked at the assistant teacher with a warm smile, a look of respect flowing in their eyes.

Kulov controlled the course schedule and the copper pendant, and distributed them to the new students through the air, "Put these two things away."

He motioned to the assistant teacher on the side, "Xia Zuo, take them around the castle to get familiar with the environment here."

"Yes, Professor."

Xia Zuo led the freshmen around the poison alchemy area.

He introduced all the equipment and rooms inside and out, including the ventilation duct levers, the pool for cleaning, the basic alchemy table, the shelves for stacking toxin bottles, storage rooms, small classrooms, advanced alchemy rooms, etc.

Before leaving the poison alchemy area, he stood in front of the three people and warned:

"There is a soft sofa next to the desk, which is where the instructor meditates, next to your alchemy table.

“He chose to meditate next to your alchemy table so that he could lend a helping hand as soon as possible in the event of an accident.

"Normal classes and refining poisons will not interrupt his meditation. But we still have to keep our steps and words as gentle as possible to avoid disturbing him."

The three freshmen nodded in unison.

Xia Zuo pointed to the doorway not far away:

"I spend almost all day refining poisons in the advanced alchemy room. You can come to me there to ask questions when I am free."

"Senior." Yolanda subconsciously raised her right forearm and asked:

"Excuse me, is there anything we need to pay special attention to?"

Hotch nodded following her words, "Can you tell us what mistakes those two seniors who were transferred to the Pharmacy and Alchemy Department made?"

Xia Zuo held his chin and recalled the precautions set by his instructor. The loose-leaf book did not say that this matter should not be disclosed.

"There is a basic textbook for general education courses called "Encyclopedia of Poisons."

Xia Zuo drew the shape of a book in front of him:

"It is recorded above that there is a trainee-level poison that can cause hallucinations. In the future, you will learn how to make it, and you will have to test the poison frequently to fight against the hallucinations it causes."

"Visual hallucination effect..." Yolanda thought to herself.

"Everyone's vision is different."

Xia Zuo pointed to himself:

"What I saw were twisted lines. They had no unbearable effect other than making me dizzy.

"But two of my classmates were not so lucky. Their visions were terrifying, or..."

He couldn't find the right words for a moment.

What Mason saw were countless black dots, which would flash before his eyes, constantly enlarging and shrinking.

Brandon looked at everything as a banana... and made quite a joke.

Xia Zuo skipped this topic and looked at the brown-haired boy among the three freshmen who had been silent:

"Bisanger, have you thought of anything? Just ask, as long as I can tell you, I will definitely tell you."

The brown-haired boy has a somewhat reserved personality. He smiled shyly and said:

"Senior, the instructor just said that only 9 people in your class passed the final exam. What about those who failed?"

Yolanda and Hodge had no reaction to this question. They had obviously learned about it through their own channels.

"They will study the 25 general courses with you again. In the school, this is called retaking." Xia Zuo walked towards the door of the poison alchemy area and said at the same time:

"The first class tomorrow morning is Alchemical Linguistics from the head of the school. She will introduce the final exam to you in detail. Now, I will take you to the dining hall and dormitory."

The message from Goldfinger came to my mind, indicating that I had gained some experience rewards. There wasn't much of it, so Xia Zuo simply read it once, then threw it aside and stopped paying attention to it.

It was around 5 o'clock that night.

Xia Zuo settled down with Yolanda and the three of them and came to the restaurant alone.

The area here is much larger.

The large round table with fruits, desserts and drinks in the center has been changed from one to three. Dining tables of various styles are placed around three large round tables, and two kitchens are located at both ends of the restaurant.

There is a welcome dinner tonight. Most of the people who appeared in the restaurant at this point were students from the previous year.

Xia Zuo didn't attend the dinner last year, and he wasn't going to join in the fun this year. According to Anru'er's description, it was a colorful light show starring elemental servants. Apart from the grandeur of the scene, there was nothing special about it.

It's better to finish dinner early and then go to the poison alchemy area to refine poison.

"I'm coming~"

Anruer hugged her neck from behind and rubbed her boyfriend's cheek against her face.

Xia Zuo patted the back of her hand, "How are you today? Are the new students easy to get along with?"

"Yeah~ It's all good. It's just that there are too many people. I'm a little overwhelmed."

Anruer sat down next to her, took out the menu and made a few strokes, then rang the bell to summon the elemental servants.

She propped her chin on the dining table, her beautiful eyes swept over the tables and chairs in the restaurant, and muttered a lot of words:

"110 plus 212, 322. There are now 322 acquired affinity students in the academy. There are nearly 70 freshmen in the oil alchemy area alone. When I brought them into the oil alchemy area today, oh my God, the whole ear There was a buzz of discussion all around. Fortunately, Professor Zhuo Lang had arranged the classroom in advance..."

The elemental servant brought the delicious food, set it down in front of the two of them, and then floated back to the kitchen. .

Anruer took a sip of cream of mushroom soup and muttered:

"This semester is quite busy. In the morning, the freshmen take general courses, and I learn entry-level oils from the tutor. In the afternoon, I have to take the freshmen to take the simplest branch courses. In the evening, I have to make oils. Professor Zhuo Lang also spends the whole day It goes on and on. The busy days last for several months.”

Xia Zuo listened to her thoughts, cut off a piece of beef and brought it to the other person's mouth.

Anruer chewed the meat, raised the corners of her mouth with satisfaction, and asked sweetly: "What about you? How is your place?"

Xia Zuo stuffed another piece of beef into the other person's mouth, causing her cheeks to bulge symmetrically:

"The number of poison alchemists is small, but there are no elemental servants to help teach. I also have to take the new students to class in the afternoon, and I also have to prevent them from having accidents when refining poisons and testing poisons."

He stretched out his hand and pinched the other person's bulging cheek, and smiled:

"Come on in the next few months. When my first month's salary is paid, I will leave it to you for safekeeping. When you have enough money saved, you can use it to buy skin care products."

"Yeah, yeah~" An Ruer narrowed her eyes and nodded with a smile.

The next day.

The afternoon class was about to start, and Xia Zuo came to the poison alchemy area 10 minutes early.

This is the first class he has taught since he became a teaching assistant. The instructor will watch from the soft sofa.

You can’t go wrong with this class.

You have to prepare the things you will use in class, and then confirm some details with the instructor. After each class, we should also squeeze out some time to summarize the teaching experience.

The time came to 1pm. Yolanda and the other three walked into the basic alchemy room.

After the three of them said hello to their instructor, they looked at the assistant teacher with slightly excited expressions.

Xia Zuo Leong recalled that the freshmen had an alchemy and linguistics class in the morning, and realized that the head of the college had made some fuss about his test results.

He leaned on the table and asked:

"You must have read some of the book "Separation of Toxins" before entering the school, right?"

This is actually a question about Bisange. Yolanda and Hodge must have started studying the basic textbooks of poison alchemy on their own a long time ago.

Seeing the positive responses from the three people, Xia Zuo picked up the tray on the table and walked to the basic alchemy table, putting on a mask on himself:

"I will refine a compound toxin next. It's up to you to identify it."

He also chose white palate toxin, which was the same as the first class taught by his instructor.

The refining process of this kind of toxin is the simplest, and it is very suitable for trainee poison alchemists to learn the various operations of refining poisons.

About five minutes later, three perfect-grade complex toxins appeared on the desk.

Xia Zuo asked the freshmen to identify poisons by themselves according to the instructions in the book.

He put on a mask before refining the poison. Under this correct demonstration, the first reaction of the three freshmen was to pick up the masks on the shelf and put them on.

The freshmen were immersed in playing with the compound toxins. Xia Zuo stood on the side with his hands behind his hands, correcting their wrong actions from time to time, and then demonstrating the correct ones.

Kulov sat back on the soft sofa, stroking his beard and paying attention for a while. He seemed to be quite satisfied with the assistant's performance, and picked up the book in his hand to meditate.

4:40 p.m.

Xia Zuo finished correcting the freshmen's appraisal reports, explained a few areas that needed correction, and then announced that get out of class was over.

While cleaning up the basic alchemy room, he checked the news about Goldfinger in his mind.

The three freshmen were given 5, 5 and 3 experience points respectively. It's not much, but it's easy.

It's just that the work of cleaning up after class is quite troublesome.

I don’t know when Yolanda and the others will take the initiative to help clean the alchemy table, clean the floor of the alchemy room, clean the measuring cups and glass rods...

One day a month later.

After dinner, Xia Zuo and Anruer went to the alchemy area respectively.

This new class of freshmen generally makes rapid progress in self-study of alchemical linguistics. I finished this basic course about one month earlier than the previous class of students.

Tonight, in the poison alchemy area, three freshmen will try drinking the black-eyed poison.

They must first make their own poison on a basic alchemy table and then drink it before 8pm.

The production process of black eye poison is not complicated, and the difficulty is limited to the operation of evaporating the water. Anyone who tries a few times will always succeed.

Kulov found a teaching assistant before class and stipulated that each new student only had three opportunities to refine poison.

If you cannot make black-eye poison of acceptable quality within three times, you will be transferred to the pharmaceutical alchemy department.

Xia Zuo placed three empty trays on the desk, sat on the chair and waited for Yolanda and the others.

To be honest, he had been a little disappointed in the past month.

The Black Eyed Poison is the first trial of Poison Alchemy, and this news has spread throughout the school.

The person who spread the news was not punished by Dim, which shows that the content of the news is true.

Now any freshman knows that only those who have withstood the test of the black-eye poison can be considered a student of poison alchemy.

Kulov did not deny this.

This directly led to the fact that 14 days had passed, and no new student thought of helping clean up the basic alchemy room. All three of them slapped their butts and left as soon as get out of class was over.

Is the gap between people so big?

Anyway, Xia Zuo himself started helping his instructor clean up the basic alchemy room after the first evening class.

As the first acquired affinity student, how could he know so many twists and turns when he entered school? Mars was given a silence order by his mentor and never mentioned it to him.


The three freshmen appeared in the basic alchemy room at the right time.

Xia Zuo put down the book in his hand and looked at the three of them. His eyes lingered on Yolanda and Huo Qi, and he always felt that something was wrong. The expressions of these two people were too calm.

"Detection Technique"

【Character Name】Yolanda

[Identity] Servant of Starry Night Academy mage

(Omit irrelevant data)

[Will] 7+3 (Unknown potion is in effect, Will +3)

Hodge's situation is the same as Yolanda's, and her will attribute is temporarily increased by 3 points.

"..." Xia Zuo looked at his mentor speechlessly.

The other person sat on the soft sofa and raised his chin expressionlessly, signaling that class would continue as usual.

The "Castle Rules" do not say that you cannot bring potions into the academy. Kulov also stipulates that you cannot take medicine to add BUFF before class.

But in order to pass the trial of black-eye poison, isn't it a bit too...too luxurious to spend money on functional potions?

"Tonight, I will teach you how to make black eye poison."

Xia Zuo took out three pieces of paper from the desk:

"This is the formula for three parts of black-eye poison. You will try to refine it according to the formula later. It will use two basic toxins, cumin and curcumin..."

While explaining, Xia Zuo took two glass bottles and put them on his tray, then moved to the alchemy table dedicated for teaching.

Pull the rope ring of the blower, pour one-fifth of the water, and do it step by step as slowly as possible to allow the new students to see more clearly.

Thanks to Dust in the Sky, Three Bowls for Lunch, Shuai Qi Ah, Chen Ling 2, and Lamb in the World for your monthly votes.

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes, thank you very much!

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